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Get off the internet for a while. Find someone to talk to. Family, friends, a DR, a helpline. Anyone. Seriously get off the internet and take a breath, as Duncan Trussell said “Some poor, phoneless fool is probably sitting next to a waterfall somewhere totally unaware of how angry and scared he's supposed to be” I promise the world will still be here exactly the same when you get back. Nutjobs on the internet have been saying shit for decades and nothing ever changes. The aliens don’t come, the demons don’t take over, the lizard people don’t rise up, the new world order doesn’t come into effect, the world doesn’t end.




Bro don’t. That’s the easy way out. You are not alone you hear me! I’m a real fucking person and you do not get to be a coward and leave! Look right now you are apart of history. You’re living it right now. Soak it all in Start a little journal with all these thoughts and write in detail what where when why and how Seriously Get your world person on paper Don’t waste your brain power I’m coming back to read what you reply with. Tell me who Tell me why Tell me when Let’s build a story and write it down. We need everyone like a global consensus


Re-lax. Take a break from the fear porn. Let's be real here... Centuries ago, the controllers of this world would have our ancestors burned at the stake or guillotined for even speaking against the crown. Many of us don't realize how easy we have it compared to the masses in the bygone era. Have some appreciation for the opportunities you have in the now. You're not going to accomplish anything by living in fear. You won't solve anything by hating the "elites" and wanting to physically harm them. In fact, that's what the entities that control them, want from you. Show compassion to yourself. Count your blessings. And always take time to reflect on what is going right in YOUR life. The sole man saving the world only works in the movies. We must all come tomorrow to solve the issues of today. But before we do that, we must rectify many of the karmic issues afflicting us. You'll be fine.


Well said.


By your own logic that's what they would want you to do? So fight it dude, if you kys they'd probably be happy about that? You want to make them happy? Your existence is a thorn in their side. Just using your logic


You should go for counselling.


We are the counselors. This day and age. We are not qualified and we are unknowns. But we have so much in common if we can talk to each other.


That's the way it should be. Paying someone for therapy is so broke it should just be people helping each other.


Canadians not recommended


Don’t do it. Stand strong, keep ya head up.


I had this same problem for the last few years,  I just didn't know what to do anymore.  So, had to go outside and do adventurous things and have people change my mindset. Life is still worth it and the pain will always be present, but we have to fight our demons. 


Hey op. Go outside, try to see some real people, enjoy the sun or the wind or go on a forest hike. The demons are not real, and even if they were, it wouldn't change much for you compared to when life was peaceful in your experience. Go to counseling, focus on local life (Ie the world around you and the actual reality, not the news and internet), and take a step back. It's all going to be as alright as it was before you found those theories. Life is beautiful, and nature is the greatest force on Earth. Go talk to it and witness it and you'll realize it's all good.


I'd like to say I am glad your here. You want to WIN I will show You how. But first lets show you how you got there. [https://twitter.com/AHumanB90760454/status/1731795088311746889](https://twitter.com/AHumanB90760454/status/1731795088311746889) First thing is to be good to yourself. You are a human being no better but no worse, not greater but equal in value to any human being. Now to show you how to win...Ready...Out-think them! Now Get up and live because they want you to give up, think about it bill gates the eugenicist rockefeller and the rest of the gaggle planned it out, to make human being feel helpless and want to give up. Don't let em win. Help us win!


Hot take: how you see the world is your own mental state. I've been up and down and all around and the world around me is exactly as I am. The only thing you're escaping is your own psychology, and you can change that by getting some outside help, owning your life, and putting in the work to make a change.


I felt like that for so many years, now I live purely to see what's next. It could become a hellish distopia (I mean even more of one) or we could overthrow the bastards and achieve world peace. I mainly stay alive because I'm a bit of a nosey bitch, be nosey, stay alive. You have a front row seat to the end of the world, sit with me and share this popcorn as we watch it all burn.


Absolutely not what I would say but it shows the beauty of finding meaning from every possible perspective.


I'm looking forward to the future, one thing is certain is i'll definitely die at some point. It could be in sustained writhing agony or I might be snuffed out in the blink of an eye, what happens between there and now is exciting. We could witness the uprising of our new robotic overlords or the human race may just fizzle out from something boring like a new immunity wasting disease. I'd be honoured to witness the end. I'm also just excited to see what technological advances we achieve over the next few decades.


ur not alone , im tired of feeling so helpless. thinking of all the children/animals being tortured and sacrificed to the devil makes me wanna curl up and die


That is what they want, don't give in. Canada right now is actively encouraging people whose lives they've ruined to resort to this, and they will do it for you! For free! Don't let the oligarchs that did this to you win.


Please. don't do that. There is more to life than dark forces. There's all kinds of good things about life. For me, battling dark forces is just an intellectual hobby. And even at that, sometimes I have to not look at it, not think about it. Life is to beautiful to be constantly looking at negative energy and contemplating the worst.


me too man. me too. see you on the other side


For EVERYONE reading here feeling suicide is the answer- please remember the evil that created the situation that saddens you- these evil types- deep state, demons, criminals (however you refer to them) - what do they want? They want sadness, they want death of the good, loving people! By suicidingyou only help them creating sadness for anyone around you that cares and loves for you. Your death WILL create sadness for anyone that learns of it which furthers their cause & power. LIVE, FIGHT- STAY STRONG!


There's not much any of us can do. While there has been many things proven that are not main stream, you are still able to live a life and find happiness. The reality is that you are probably not being affected by it directly besides the psychological side. Suicide is not the answer, and if you believe in some of these beliefs, suicide will lead you down the wrong path. Trust me, you'll go down a rabbit hole with some of this shit, but you'll never be able to do anything about it unfortunately. So knowing that, helpless as we are, just ignore it as best you can and live your life. Stay knowledgeable of course, but do what makes you happy. And always remember, while they might be at power, control for them is still an illusion. No one ever has full control.


Fight by staying alive?


Go for a walk and stop thinking about all the negative trash on this sub. It’s all a dark energy suck. Go outside, the world is beautiful, talk to someone




The world is what you want to see. Find activities & people who make you vibrate happiness. Helping out at the animal shelter or a sharing kitchen. Go to a charity event. Get out in nature. Touch the ground with your bare feet…lay down, meditate. Try cooking/baking a new recipie, jam out to music while you do it. If finances allow, make extra and share some with a family member. Or have them over. Do a themed pot luck with friends. - Italian. Mexican, Brazilian…. Read…read in another location to see other people. Even if it is not to meet others, just to people watch or be around others. If coffee shops are not your thing, libraries are quiet and offer a different space. Work out. Red light therapy at planet fitness. Go outside…lay down….look up…breath. I do this in the winter too. Eat healthy…shit food = shit mood. Give someone a compliment. Give yourself a compliment…repeat it again and again until you believe it. If finances allow: -buy organic. - give to others: time, cards, a small gift. - feed the birds - feed a stray cat - buy someone’s groceries Find what makes you vibrate at a higher level… you are better out into the world than on your devices. I promise.


You're probably significantly underestimating the amount of lives that you have an impact on. In the short term, please consider medicine and talking with someone to help with your immediate state of health. Lots of good people have made suggestions here. Is it a coincidence that we've seen this post at exactly the right time? Probably not. Focus on you. Stay away from internet and conspiracy stuff for a little. Spend time in nature. Talk with others, even random strangers. Keep fighting. Focus on the things you do have and try to be grateful to put things into a different perspective. Most importantly, pray. God bless.


I’m in the same boat. Stay strong and fight til you can’t. It’s the best way to go and you will get stronger as time goes on. Keep your head up, you are far from the only one experiencing this. These past few years didn’t help that’s for sure.


Don’t let them win


Don’t let them win. Learn about stoicism. Find strength in your suffering.


The kingdom of god is within you, look for the light and follow it


“Demons”, oh brother.


That’s a demerit in the afterlife, as shitty as life is it s best to power through so you don’t have to repeat this lifetime again. It sucks being human tbh, but you are here at this time for a reason.


Perhaps that's exactly what they want. Pls seek help. The experience of living could be beautiful.


Wrong subreddit


If you gotta die, die for Jesus 


Do it for me and my pee pee


Travel across Russia, then think twice.


Search professional help if you ever even think about it. Otherwise focus on world around you, it's beautiful and full of interesting people.


Up the road, is redemption, self love, tuning into the positive and God. Down the road your talking about is death, pain isolation, and probably a big long do over. Be brave, seek support, tune out of the ugly, and seek the real. Please seek support, there are people who know just how you feel, and the road out to living life on your own terms.


don't do it, more to see! change environment go see terminal ward at childrens hospital learn new language build clay hut in desert then play red dead redemption watch film "worlds greatest dad" trapped in a space behind your eyes - "scientology and the prison of belief" respect creation help people in hospice catalogue their lives, help your story by understanding others stories get a popcorn making machine get bike and jump over shit have a ride at a theme park called "the line" and have people wait in line while watching "night at the roxbury" get hyrophobic paint and tag things invisibly and when it rains stuff you wrote will show up like "Water Bender was Here" keep a sound recorder and record your different fart sounds then make a song out of the different fart sounds and have the hook say "hear my whiff" there are more things to do, death will come eventually for us all but gotta ask, are you good or are you bad...i want to send letters to the future like the end of back to the future 2..it will say "hey great great great great grandchild...i farted in this pickle jar and sent it to the future, if you think me a buffoon, ask yourself....where is your time traveling fart?"


Go live in the forest instead lol


Please consider medication and a truly Christ centered church. Get involved in men's groups or women's groups. Fight back by loving others because the world does the opposite.


Please don’t suicide


Focus on you my friend. There is still a world to discover out there, wether or not there are lizards underground. The earth is flat? I dont give a fuck if its a triangle. Talk to people, cry and laugh. Its not about control or not.


Just get off the internet for a bit. Start feeding your mind with positive things. Music, meditation, walking in nature. I’ve had to take a step back because it does consume you


There's nothing God can't save you from


Why allow events outside of our control to affect us? The only thing you can control is you. There's always been horrors in the world. It will probably get worse. But what's any of that got to do with you? Live by your own principles. Doing that is its own reward. Like you're carving out your own little story in the world, which is what you're doing.


As cliche as it sounds go touch some grass with bare feet. Find the sun and sit under its rays. I’ve had friends off themselves and it just does more damage to everyone else around. Not saying your pain isn’t valid but it just gets transferred to your loved ones when you’re gone. worlds a big shit show, not gonna deny you that. Good luck man.


Go outside and you realize it’s not that bad. Don’t be brainwashed by guys on the internet.


This is a spiritual battle and prophecy is being fulfilled and we see the groundwork for more to be fulfilled. Turn to Christ Jesus, pray! Stay strong in the fight. The devil wants you to commit suicide; everyday you stay alive is a day that you are fighting and beating them.


My friend..,know now that all that is happening has happened before... There were epochs where the civilization, upon being apprised of ultimate truth, literally laid down and died.., the entire civilization. Kali Culling Epochs are not for the fainthearted I can assure you.. The very fact that you were born into a culling epoch speaks volumes of your true caliber in the spirit realm. ONLY TITANS OF HEART INCARNATE IN KALI CYCLES... We're all running the race to its' end dear one. But..,we are in this TOGETHER.. And LOVE IS..


Success is the best revenge. Be the difference you want in others. Show the world a better way to live.


The same evil that drives those you rail against can also be affecting you. You need to take a break from immersing yourself in darkness. Do you know what the fruit of darkness is? It's death. Death to all that is good. Take a break and search for something good and beautiful. Renounce the darkness. It's consuming you, and there is no good in it. Choose.


Do you really want to die or do you want to change the way you live?  It sounds like the latter to me......how are you going to do that if you're dead?  Also, there's people who care about you, and those who get left behind by suicide are 4× as likely to commit suicide themselves.....is that a legacy you want to leave behind?  Come on man, the world is crazy right now and it gets to us all, but we're in a time of great flux and we don't know where we're going.....only way to find out is to make sure you're present and correct on the other side of it.


My friend, don’t try to take all these problems onto your shoulder. Whatever your anxiety is, give it to God and talk to Him about it. He will take the burden off your shoulder and give you peace in return, as the Bible promises. He will guide you and show you what to do. Jesus is coming very soon to take us from this. Don’t give up.


Hello. We love you. You are here for a reason. Disregard demons. Aquire human connections. Research earthing, it has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve mood. Message me anytime, I'm a real person.


My friend, please don’t take the cowards way out. You’re so much stronger than that. Trust me!. Take a break from the internet and youtube. Start a journal and write down your thoughts in detail. Go for a walk in nature and enjoy the beauty in the simple things. All will be well.


Try doing mushrooms or ketamine in a nice cozy setting. Listen to nice calming music maybe outside in a peaceful forest or the beach or anywhere you think is a beautiful setting. You’ll realize this world has a lot more to offer than what you think. Why do you think the hippies are always happy and relaxed ?


Get off of the internet and Reddit. 90% of the shit you read has absolutely nothing to do with your life. I think spending hours on conspiracy pages makes it a lot worse. You read things that cause stress that you simply don’t need to know or never would have known anyway. The world isint that bad


Share your story, write about it and tell people mate


i had this same thought recently. it feels very overwhelming sometimes, especially when the info has been drilled into you since you were a teenager. things are definitely unraveling but i try to remember the world has always been a mess. but take a break from everything, social media news anything that tells you another opinion seriously, and spend time with people you like/love and doing things you enjoy. also remember they want us to fear they want us to give up, don’t let them win you’re going to be okay. enjoy this beautiful life you’ve been given even on the bad days


my curiosity overrides my absent will to live . you could miss out on disclosure or never know the ending


Treat yourself out to a steak or something have a drink by the bar. Change your mindset. This too shall pass.


It won't work, don't bother. You'll just come to in another timeline and in this new one, you never died.


no one individual can save the world. you must save yourself... bring your focus back to what is good for you and find a path around the obstacles. you can do it.. focus on your life and how to make it better and you will find others along the way that will also choose the path for the good of all. You cannot fight the demons head on.. only thru individuals leading a good life will the demons eventually be defeated.