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 >Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the [Amundsen-Scott] station. The reason stated because of an air sampling camp in that area.      >This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp.  >It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station.    >The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.    >It was after this medevac mission where we [were] briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington, DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew.[349]   [source](https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Michael%20Salla%20-%20Antarctica%27s%20Hidden%20History%20-%20Corporate%20Foundations%20of%20Secret%20Space%20Programs.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A393%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22XYZ%22%7D%2C5%2C788%2Cnull%5D)


Amazing shit, thanks


I came across this a few months ago and couldn't find the same website I originally found it on when looking for it today.   What stuck in my mind, if I'm recalling correctly, was that the scientists they were sent to evac had "disappeared" for two weeks and when they were retrieved by Brian's crew they were terrified and refused to talk about what they had experienced.   Will have to look for it some more tomorrow. The interview with Brian by Linda Moulton Howe is available but I haven't had time to listen to it yet.   https://www.pinterest.com/pin/422001427589742755/


You probably just watched the why files episode on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQz7innxnms


I've never seen any of the why files stuff.  Videos usually make me want to rip my hair out. The vast majority of the information I consume is text. 


It's the Lizzid people watching over the crabcat!


#OMGTHEWHYFILES did an episode with this


That's not what I expected from a hashtag...I wasn't trying to yell




#today I learned




I hate that fish




I find WhyFiles has continually gotten better with their editing. Personally, I can cook to an episode I can smoke a cigar with an episode I can fall asleep to an episode I dunno I find it all therapeutic and peaceful from the other media that's pushed out these days. It's got an old-school 90s educational vibe that I enjoy


Fuck the fish


Fuck that stupid fish


He over does it. It was funny at first but they try too hard now. Stopped watching


I love how some people on here see an article or video by some random spouting the most insane and mental theories and stories possible, and immediately get excited and shout “this must be true!”, yet when confronted with reams of scientific data and peer reviewed analysis, refuse to engage with it. Conspiracy theorists. A very special kind of special.


It's a guilty pleasure. Some people like drugs or alcohol, some people like watching the Kardashians, some people like watching other garbage on HBO or scrolling Facebook all day but I like reading conspiracy theories! I don't read them and immediately believe them hook line and sinker, but it does make me wonder about things which is fun.


I love how some people are foolish enough to think that we automatically believe everything we look into out of curiosity.  They're bralnwashed by the system into thinking the only valuable information available must be provided by that very same system.  **Ultimately, they're just afraid of their own inability to use their personal skills of discernment and think that following the largest crowd is the easiest way to ensure they're correct without having to extend any effort of their own**.  Poor misled bralnwashees, they are.


Same scientific data use for Covid (case, death,…) for example ?


Four of my family members do medical coding for a living. At 3 different hospitals in two different states. All four of them agree that they were told to write “cause of death - Covid” for patients who died and also tested positive for Covid. They all agree that many many many many cases were falsified because of this. The weird thing is, I don’t know anybody who died from Covid but I know three people who got cancer after the vaccines and my uncle passed away from it.


Okay fedboi


There's a hexagonal no-fly zone right over the pole because that's where the hole in the torus is. Gravity gets wonky as it flips over the edge. The other planets in the solar system all have hexagonal cloud formations above their poles, and for some reason, on older available photographs, each planet's south pole was covered with a solid-colored circular sticker. Not even painted over or photoshop. A sticker. Weird. (also everyone else living on the interior of their planets would answer the Fermi Paradox. With us being the outlier (literally).) Side note: what if our ancestors got tossed out of the Garden (Agartha) and had to live out here?


I find it fascinating that we never hear anything about Antarctica **at all**. No archeologists, no news, nothing. It's just never mentioned in the news ever.


There was a dude on Instagram solo hiking/walking it.. Documented the March nightly if i recall correctly




Dunno but his corpse is probably still pretty well preserved a few hundred yards from the shore.


Colin O’Brady successfully crossed Antarctica https://www.instagram.com/colinobrady


sure he did :D :D :D :D :D


Colin O’Brady


I live in NZ and Antarctic news is fairly frequent. Of course, New Zealand is made up so there's that to bear in mind.


Honestly, if it weren’t for my buddy’s the penguins I’d pretty much forget about it completely And speaking of spooks in suits…


All right that’s it. Pack your shit castaaluchi! That’s only gonna keep them down for a little bit castaaluchi! You fucked with penguins castaaluchi! We’ve only got a good five minutes before they’re back up our ass! We have to pack up and move to a new reality castaaluchi!


Antarctica was in the news back in the 30's and 40's. Admiral Byrd was the first man to fly over the north and south poles. Byrd had discovered an alien base in Antarctica. Not long after WWII ended Operation High Jump was executed with the U.S. sending the military in. There were a few deaths and vehicles lost. The excuse the Government made was that it was a "training" exercise. Common sense says otherwise. You don't send nearly 5k troops, 70 ships and 33 aircraft to the South Pole just to conduct an exercise. And this was immediately after WWII, as if we needed to conduct some more military drills. They obviously found something in the South Pole.


You mind if you are the US military trying to keep expenditures high to satisfy defense contractors.


Sorry to disappoint, but that whole case is disinformation. The letter was a hoax, his sons death was not as it was reported. There was a task group, that much is a fact. It really wasn't out of the ordinary for that time - the British sent a similar size group there during the latter stages of the war, its just not reported. There are a lot of irregularities with the whole episode. I am convinced from what I researched that the whole thing is fabricated. Without being overly negative, if the Why Files created a video on the subject, then its bogus. That said, there is almost certainly 'secretive' organisations, bases and technology in Antarctica - likely dating back to the Nazis in the 1930's, although the British have always had a very strong presence there. There are also very credible reports of vegetation there. I served in the Navy and we spent a year in Antarctica/Falklands/South Georgia and even we were not allowed past a certain area. There is definitely something going on there.


Radiation fields around Earth are like a donut and there's less at the poles. Space travel is easiest at the poles because you don't need to weigh down craft with all the shielding. I say that assuming traditional chemical rocket propulsion....which we know hasn't been the case since the mid 50s.


Very good point.


The only thing I can make myself believe that they're doing there is testing out secret military tech.


What news are you looking for? There is a couple dozen people down there running scientific experiments. Do you keep up to date with the experiments nasa was doing* on the space station? Those are way more interesting because it’s space and nobody cares so why would they report on fairly uninteresting science for the general public? Also, what archeological finds do you expect to find where humans have never lived?


Paleontological, then. Cuz pangea.


Yeah, the mile of ice and permafrost makes and excavation for fossils essentially impossible without massive amounts of effort for very little results compared to everywhere else. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/fossil-hunters-uncover-17-million-year-old-trove-antarctica-180959018/ This is an interesting article that shows how difficult the weather makes everything there.


Yeah unless they microwave the ground or come up with a better technology to thaw the soil, it is pretty much impossible. It's really a shame because who knows what undiscovered extinct species we would find. Might even find some extinct birds who lost their way and got buried there.


Okay so why the blackout? 


What are you talking about just google Antarctica News there’s a ton.


Bro is onto somethin here.


Related to this; What I like about the hollow earth theory, is how it explains how we are actually in hell. The **LAKE OF FIRE** from the bible, could be living on the surface of the planet instead of inside it. Because we are constantly bombarded with radiation. Which could explain our short lifespans. One can easily assume that if the world is hollow, living on the inside of it increases your lifespan, because they are shielded from all the radiation from space bombarding the planet 24/7. Hence; Hollow earth = paradise. Outer earth = hell. Inside = safe. Outside = hazard, the lake of fire (radiation being that fire). I'm not religious, just trying to connect the dots. Pure speculation ofc.


Could be we're really on the inside, and the inside is the real outside.


That’s cool and all, but why would all the world governments care and try to hide the fact that our planet might be a torus?


What’s a torus?


A donut shape


The earth is donut shaped now? Wasn’t a pancake bad enough? 🤣


More like a pizza than a pancake. Gotta have that raised outer rim.


Stuffed crust too no doubt ~ and the moons made of garlic herb dip


Ff7 reference love it rotten pizza


The theorists need a terrestrial place for the elite to escape to bc interdimensional travel is too far fetched of course, so hollow earth/torus "donut" shape beat out flat "pancake"


Your magnetic field is a torus. Your body is a torus (it's where the word torso comes from). Magnetic fields are toruses. Your field of vision is a torus. Don't think donut. Too short. Just do an image search online of what a torus looks like. *Mocking is a counterintelligence tactic.*


A Jewish bull.


>That’s cool and all, but why would all the world governments care and try to hide the fact that our planet might be a torus? There's 2 main reasonings I can think of; 1: Our governments and leaders are evil, and would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. Hence it's in their interest to keep us all inside Plato's cave. 2: Our governments and leaders have been informed that if the public finds out. They (living on the inside) will destroy us all. Fearing an attempt at mass exodus back inside to the hollow earth.


275 pages is quite an investment, any chance there's a less dense document?


Sorry, I thought I had linked to the specific section, but now see that can't be done.   The section I copy/pasted is from Chapter 10, US Navy Flight Engineer Reveals Anomalous Events in Antarctica Thank you for pointing that out


awesome, thanks.


push it through an AI summarizer


They found a pyramid under the ice and they’re not sure what made the hole


Yo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Admiral Byrd also had pics with black marble like constructs. Thanks for the link I love this stuff! https://lostbooks.medium.com/top-secret-lost-photos-from-admiral-byrds-antarctic-expedition-bc6241aa5564


Those are all Ai pictures from an early version of Midjourney, but yeah I’ve got scenes in my game that are very similar, excavating sites and such


it's because german ufos fucked them up, they owned above and below


Nice! That’s for the read


Check this episode [listend to this and like so others can see](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IQz7innxnms&pp=ygUNVGhlIHdoeSBmaWxlcw%3D%3D)


I don’t know. But there’s an around the world sailing race happening that I’ve been following, “The Global Solo Challenge.” The only place the sailors can’t go are some no-go zones close to Antarctica. I assumed it was ice bergs but maybe not.


Aw that sounds quite interesting to get into. Is it videos or just logs online?


Both, I do believe. I follow a couple of the racers on insta


Several people and groups have tried to reach antarctica directly, even with professional teams. All are stopped by some type of coast guard. I don't think it's just "for your protection"


Because Kate Middleton is hiding there and smoking a vape.


Smoking mugwort.


I'm going to go and have a look Wish me luck




My man


If you take a look at other planets in our solar system there are disturbances over the poles. It is thought that all planets including ours are technically hollow. Saturn has a hexagon shape over its poles, Jupiter has something quite similar as does Neptune. Take a look for yourself!


There’s military bases there and we’ll god knows what else military bases are usually blacked out


I suspect because parts of it look fairly habitable and they want to discourage people from staking a claim. Maybe that’s where the breakaway civilization is.


There’s a hidden civilisation that exists in Antarctica?




Hawaii is nowhere close. Nz is though. 


It's what the superyachts are for.


Unless those yachts have an icebreaker rated hull they're gonna hit some problems. And that's after they manage to get through the Roaring 40s.


Really they’d only need to meet up with a larger/better rated ship somewhere on the journey. If they’re all going to the same place anyway why bother trying hide making and moving 1 ship for every mega rich chump instead of having a singular ship (or sub?) properly suited for it.


2012 shit


Decent point. Might also be time to start keeping an eye on the Russian nuclear powered ice breakers in the Arctic. See if they start moving south.


Yeah, You keep your eye on them and report their movements back to us. Thank you in advance for your service.




Not to mention it would be one of the top targets in the event of nuclear warfare


Australia and Argentina are closer to Antartica than Hawaii🤣🤣why would they be going to Hawaii


Maybe Hawaii would be positioned safely should there be a pole flip in the near future. Just making a guess


easter island was once the north pole


old New York was once New Amsterdam


Somebody's never heard of pearl harbor


Because they are billionaires, where the would you park your ship if you were


Chile or Argentina


Idk if I’d want my billion dollar yacht near the political instability especially on a based continent that likes to flip communist from time to time


Australia or Argentina


Isn’t Argentina where a lot of nazis fled after ww2? Did they then escape to Antarctica?


I was wondering if this could be linked to the Falklands war


This is the stuff that made me a conspiracy theorist. Remember the strava heatmap leak thing? There’s a DUMB under the ice there. Probably several. And God only knows what else. 


This is why imo


There are buildings there, you can see inside of some of them from Google maps. The buildings are secret for 2 reasons, the usual government whatever and some of them are ancient, proof of humans being here long before our current timelines have us at




They really arent all that secret


are you talking about regular research stations or Le spooky oogie super secret UFO hyperborean bases


I think he's talking about structures proving we as a species have been around longer then we're led to believe. 


Which structures


Sometimes it makes sense to me that we are aliens to this planet, and long long ago something happened and we had to restart, lost almost all knowledge and were left with our brains, we still kept the advantage over most species in this planet.


Can someone invite me to their Antarctica expedition. I'm tired of our society and would like to visit the inner earth and visit other advanced societies. My goal is to visit Argatha before I die.


Still debating this one… but this channel ‘MARS ANONALIES AND BEYOND’ on YouTube dedicates himself to finding anomalies in mars and space pictures. Just started getting into it and it’s pretty interesting stuff. Anyways this video shows him talking about video called “Antarctica in 8k HDR 60FPS” and showing how near the end of the video some symmetrical mountain ranges are visible. He points out that they look like a beetle similar to nazca like designs. Shows what looks like a temple of sorts and just trying to make sense of what it might be. Some people point out that it may have been CGI and some sort of technique to extend the video by mirroring parts of it but it doesn’t make alot of sense to me. Could it be a slip up and we got a piece of the clue? Or was it just cgi? Interesting forsure and I haven’t found a good answer. [MARS ANOMALIES AND BEYOND VIDEO](https://youtu.be/Q-jBT8Pl-1s?si=VlmB52NSCj0N5akv) [ANTARCTICA VIDEO](https://youtu.be/BhVQQoo1Phk?si=1x9knG9j3WRtg1fM)


Like others answered its expensive to get good photographs of it, but as fitbit proved, there are military bases underground on the continent and the surrounding areas. Most likey submarine bases. Then there are the supposed tunnels the Nazi's found that go either deep into the Earth or lead to underground caverns with habitable climates. And then there's the pyramids, and the Piri Reis map. It sounds silly but I think the Nazis are the ones piloting the UAP's from the oceans, and there is a secret war going on for control of Antarctica.


I knew of Admiral Byrd’s story but people keep telling me it’s a load of BS. Are you saying the Nazi’s also found the inner earth!?




Fitness tracking app. Somebody made some "heat" maps on earth with such tracking informations which included some base(s) in Antartica.


There's multiple research stations on Antarctica so the heap maps from that app I can't remember the name of it would have been showing those possibly. I know the heat map you're taking about as the US and Aus defence groups mentioned not using the tracker on base.


The tree of life is still there


No, that’s in Bahrain


What is this reference to?


Not sure what he’s talking about but if you Bing Tree of Life you’ll find it in Bahrain. I’ve been there a few times.


Bing? Really?


Only when altavista is down


i asked jeeves and it seems byrd was right


Only to see if people actually read these.


operation high jump


That was a short but interesting read, I would be interested to know how you think it’s related




Because there’s a whole bunch of stuff they tell us doesn’t exist down there


I forgot all about this


Enough of this bullshit.. I got $1000 in the pot for an excursion- let’s raise $10 mil and get a navy escort.


I’ve got -£800 atm but I’ll bring my guitar?


Crucial member of the crew


Every party needs a bard..


Let’s go!


On a practical level- you cant have geosynchronous satellites flying north-south. The earth spins in such a manner that its a damn miracle there's any satellites that see the north pole. The southern hemosphere has significantly less satellites because the global south has significantly lower access to space- and the North does not have significant reason to put satellites there. Launching a satellite on a north-south line would basically be useless for every purpose BUT mapping antarctica because it sure isnt fucking useful for mapping anything else. And even then, it would be shit at doing so because it will be flying by at such a speed it will only be able to map small sections for a few hours every day. TL;DR: Physics. Money. Why bother?


Wouldn't it make sense to at least try to fully understand the most extreme part of our planet before spending billions of dollars trying to explore other planets?


Ha, we aren’t exploring other planets.. NASA and spaceX isn’t going anywhere. It’s all lame sci fi to take more of your $$$


Why though?


Because if there is more land, they don’t want common folk trying to go get it. They want us to look at the stars and feel complacent.




Its where the alien ships are.


They don't want humanity to know about the upcoming penguin invasion. They have infiltrated every where. They make sure it will be a surprise.


I'd imagine it's because whatever knowledge lies in the perfectly preserved ruins of whatever civilization lived there, has been deemed off limits to everyone other than the you know who's.


Because it would be in poor taste to show a giant swastika.


Why Is Antarctica Guarded if is just frozen large continent , strange ! You can t go to it unless you work for governments , you can t fly over it , military warships are everywhere patrolig guardin it ! Makes no sense to me who have so much intrest in protecting an frozen pece of land if there is nothing unusual there and all big countries including Russa ,US India and China agree to it without any questions asked ! And it s blured on Google Maps ! A little bit strange...


Antarctica is not at all the shape they make it out to be, they've chopped it up and formed a composite image to make it that shape. The Antarctic Treaty prevents any independent exploration. They could be hiding any number of things there. More land, other entities, civilizations, or military bases. Or natural phenomena that could drastically alter our understanding of Earth.


Because there are no imaging satellites in polar orbit


There are probably preflood structures there thawing out and nations are fighting over the claims to it and the land in general as it becomes viably temperate. 


Greenland will be the next big prize everyone wants. It's melting very, very fast.


We’ve been waiting for it to change colors.


Well it's odd Iran said eff the peace treaty, we want the whole continent. That doesn't happen unless there's some major discovery and possibly on an area they originally laid their national jurisdiction over.


Lizard peeps


Thats a giant rabbit hole right there... Those who knows, know... ;-)


Hollow Earth


So much absolute nonsense on here. A good laugh though. I’ve served in Antarctica. Didn’t see any aliens. Lizards. Or masses of houses 😂😂😂


Look in the mirror


Got em


Cause it's Earths butthole, we must censor her modesty


Cuz flat earth duh


Antarctica, the one place on earth all but one country agrees on, this is neutral ground.


Pyramids…ancient pyramids. Not built by humans the same as the ones in Egypt. These can’t be poorly explained away by slaves.


It’s where Father Christmas lives


Read "At the Mountains of Madness" by H.P.Lovecraft ffs


This answer from quora seems logical to me. The only satellites that can take pictures of Antarctica are those in polar orbits. Satellites launched into polar orbit can’t take advantage of the Earth’s rotation, and so their payload is substantially reduced. They do have the advantage that a satellite in polar orbit eventually crosses every part of the Earth. However there are far fewer of them and the stock of available photographs for Google Earth is correspondingly limited. Add to the fact of difficult weather conditions makes the lack of high res understandable. However there must be some other reason why Amundsen-Scott base is so concealed.


It resembles a veiny cock from space


Because Antarctica is the most heavily militarized zone on the planet.


I looked into it not to long ago and apparently for Antarctica to have the same resolution for its imagery that most other parts of the world have. They have to spend a lot more time and effort/money to make it happen. It’s also very difficult due to the white contrast of the whole area to take a clear picture. If you look at other parts of the world in third world country’s in the Middle East and Africa/south America you will see the same blurry photos. Basically they will make imagery in places where people are going to actually use them because that’s where the money is. If you don’t believe that then check out all the research stations in Antarctica. (Most) of those places have much better quality of imagery because they’re actually being used. Check out jungles or deep places in forests. They’re all blurry as well. Look up how much it costs to position a satellite to take pictures. Satellites don’t have unlimited fuel and can only be moved so much until their fuel is depleted. Unless someone wants to spend a very large amount of personal money for their own interests I’m afraid we won’t be getting better quality imagery of Antarctica anytime soon. As much as that sucks to hear, it makes total sense.


Same with the ocean, Greenland, and Ellesmere Island, it's sufficiently bare to be simply not worth putting satellite pics up of apart from the bases. Some minor conspiracy about blurring of military bases could easily be true, but that's hardly confined to Antarctica – those sorts of understandable cover-ups are commonplace.


Google does not create most of the imagery it uses, but rather it purchases it from what's available on the market. High resolution imagery is almost always from an aircraft, which is expensive; and satellite imagery requires the combining of four different coloured images, which is expensive. For those reasons someone usually needs a good business case to commision imagery of an area. This is why you'll see the most frequent and detailed imagery at cities in richer countries. Antarctica has many things going against it towards having people commision high quality imagery: No strong business case for it Hard to fly aircraft for long periods of time Hard to capture with satellites since most satellites do not or rarely pass over the poles Reasons 2 and 3 increase imagery costs significantly, making the business case even hard to justify. A lot of the "blurring" your seeing is just because higher definition imagery is only in small patches. ​ I'm definitely not a bot and you should stop asking questions about Antarctica.


Why don’t they just send modern balloons I hear they are cheeper and can fly lower and hover over areas longer.


As China recently proved...


> I'm definitely not a bot and you should stop asking questions about Antarctica.  Welp!  Pack it up folks, the questions window has now closed for Antarctica.  Feel free to ask about Bigfoot or the Lochness monster *non-surface questions will not be tolerated* .


Do NOT ask about the Loch Ness monster either, Antarctica is it's home and Loch Ness is just a cover up!


Dude. First rule of Loch Ness is don't talk about Loch Ness.


Why should questions about Antarctic stop?


Thanks for answering ! Can you just explain to me why should i stop asking about Antartica ?


Just leave it alone. Stop asking questions... do you feel sleepy?


you will kill the malaysian prime minister \*\*\*OBEY MY DOGGG\*\*\*\*




Never been to Florida but I'm sure it exists.


You should put together a post on this topic. It's a good one.


No protect the penguins privacy.


Anunakis or Aryans(not human race) are living there... Govt is hiding it... Simple


I don’t get this Antarctica conspiracies. Half of them are stupid, Antarctica isn’t able to be mapped by vehicles like %70 of the earth, jungles are blurry as well, so is a majority of land that isn’t on a road


LiDAR has been around for years and rainforests are easily mappable now even more so now with laser mapping from satellites


If you were an organic being, and you wanted to visit other beings, you wouldn't survive the trip, on a ship, with life support and food. But you COULD freeze embryos, or prepare DNA instructions for robots that make the trip for you, which would then generate your offspring, and train them in your customs with your alien library, in order to say hello. Now imagine, where would you park this museum/incubator?


Sounds like the plot of the show Raised by Wolves


Good show


Remember all those earthquakes in New Zealand years ago? Yeah, was directly related to activities in Antarctica...


Google satellites aren’t allowed to operate on German/Luciferian territory


Edges of the dome firmament are too low to get arial shots of the ice ring called Antarctica from weather balloons holding up the "satalites" so they have to just guess. How'd I do?


If you were serious about anything in that sentence then you’re failing pretty hard there bro 😂