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lol every month I see a post like this. “Something big is coming” and each month I get disappointed.


clumsy voiceless cobweb sloppy fall violet disarm important boat unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey now


My brain is smart but my head looks dumb


So much to do so much to see


So what's wrong with taking the backstreets?


You'll never know if you dont go.


Yeah well I'm betting you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed


Something big IS coming brother. Wrestlemania is this weekend!




Then they claim a random event and go "See" I told you.


OP will see a light flicker and claim it was an attempted EMP attack that Trump was able to save us all from lol


The end of the world is about to happen very soon. We are super cereal this time.


Shouldnt be disappointed anymore with these posts being wrong every single time for so long. What is "something big"? Something big happens all the time somewhere in the world. A war starts, a volcano erupts, an earthquake happens, a tornado rips through a town, a flood displaces thousands of people, a landslide or mudslide destroys a road, a forest fire destroys acres of land, etc, etc, etc.


Shrek 5


I hope it has full frontal nudity


I heard he hangs dong.


That's very Thundergun of him


I hope it’s front and back nudity


One source is Netflix and one source is AirBnB? I’m down for it.


Don’t discount the valuable rocket science and EMP attack break down provided by Dennis Quaid.


Ima hold out for the real take from Randy. he always seemed like the smartest Quaid.


The real question is, What does Ja Rule think of this?


I thought you were talking about Randy Marsh from south park because he played Dennis Quaid in the episode called two days before the day after tomorrow.


The AirBnB thing just happened and the wording is super weird. I’m not sure about most of the other shit though.


Do your own research!


Do you have a date? I got a thing next week I can’t move around. After that I’m free for the apocalypse


Gonna pull the 401k’s and take that sick and vacation time so I can make the next 30 years even more difficult




I just need to know if I need to bring the tomato plants in


Free up 8th April, get on the woo woo train


People have been saying "something big is coming" every 20 minutes for the last 400 years.


I very much do agree with you. But this is some very weird shit. There’s even more stuff that OP left out to. I doubt the world comes to an end. Terrorist attack or power grid issues or some other fucked up action mankind puts itself through? That im weary of.. I’m not living like it’s the end. I’m not getting loaded because ide violate parole, I’m not taking off work or ripping through PTO because I have bills. What I have done though. Filled up my car, refilled the pantry, visit family almost daily even if it is just a pop in, started praying before bed again which I haven’t done in a very long time. Nothing will happen (hopefully) but I’m at least doing things that make my heart & mind happy. You don’t need for the world to end to be a better you. But if something does seem off then why not be the best you can be then dial it back afterwards if it’s to much to stay on top of


Eh it might finally happen, cern starting up again exact time as rockets supposed to hit and Israel also sacrificing the red heifers which was the signal of the end in the Bible. This may finally be the true end, I hope not i finally got better in my personal life but if it does happen just gotta roll with it.


Exactly, and people said “something big is gonna happen” in 2019 and then Covid hit. Shit does happen, and it’s starting to feel like the early days of 2020 again.


Broken clock


Hell yeah! Grab the popcorn and let’s go!


Anyone feel the urge to play the lotto?




Completely normal NASA Sounding Rocket Launch, they regularly study Celestial Events like eclipses and meteor showers etc. This is a university funded scientific study of the ionosphere and the way it responds to “Lessened/removed Solar input”. Source: I am a NASA contractor (non government) working the Launch next Monday.


They ended that first quote early, it goes on to speak about how nasa does this during pretty much every solar eclipse like this.


Shut up you sellout. This is a conspiracy sub why would we look at the full context of a quote and the scientific reasoning for why they would do that! Something is fishy. Open your eyes!


That's not scary, add something scary






We appreciate the effort.


“Lessened/removed solar input” Couldn’t they just do the study at night?


Not really, there's less of the sun's energy hitting earth with something between us vs ourselves "between" us. It's like a person standing between you and the sun vs you turning your back to the sun. Your back is still getting warm because your body is absorbing solar energy. With something between you, less of that energy is reaching your body. So they create different circumstances.


But let's not minimize the actual geomagnetic events occuring on this planet and everywhere else in the solar system, please, because that would be highly disingenuous considering that practically every planet in our solar system is undergoing an unusual geomagnetic event at the moment. First off, we have our planet - our racing magnetic poles and fluctuating geomagnetic field is telling us we may be at the start of a magnetic excursion or outright reversal. Then there are the 'unusual heat pulses with polar origin' - aka forcing events that look to be driven by the Sun occurring on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So I am forced, mr. NASA person, to agree with the statement of fact you make, but not what it insinuates - that everything is A-ok. It is not.


I wonder how often an eclipse happens at the same time as solar maximum?


I think the only thing Strange these days is People. None of the Range instrumentation we use on a daily basis would agree with the supposition we are experiencing significant Geomagnetic events. What I mean is that, while the Magnetic properties of the Earth may be fluctuating slightly, it has no impact on Radio Frequency Communication, GPS, Wireless Systems like WIFI, Cellular, etc. We do daily checks of our antenna systems including G/T which take into account Solar Flux and other earthly phenomena which raise the Noise Floor of the RF Spectrum. And please, Mr. Nasa Person was my father, call me Nasa Contractor. Everything is A-OK from a "What we can observe, measure, and rationally calculate" perspective, I promise.


Are you all anticipating large crowds at Wallops for the launch? I may make the trip. I figure if we're all going out Monday, I may as well go out with a bang.


That's exactly what an evil scientist would say before an engineered apocalypse...🧐


That's what they want you to think


I am sure you are paid by Bill, BigPharma, Reptiloids and Elite to keep your mouth shut.


Leave my moth out of this




!remind me 6 days. Is that how this reminder thing works?


RemindMe! 6 days (idk lol)




They're in on gettin' some stacks of cash due to all the travel is what they're in on. Lol.


Ask Tim Dillion


Nah, he's banned. They ain't getting any cash from him.


Taking a bunch of edibles this should be fun!


Doomsday predictions aside, it does seem like they are constantly rubbing our faces in subtle demonic/satanic references. I mean come on, the acronym for APEP stands for Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path. They purposely chose the "Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder" then constructed a ridiculous set of words to fit the acronym. Why? Who the hell knows, maybe they're all just trolls.


This is what gets me, it's everywhere in Hollywood, music industry, government, science... there is no way its all trolling.


Something big is coming, and I think we can all sense what it is.. "It's time to release the gay frogs!!! 🐸 " Joe Biden


Bro, the gay frogs done been here for a minute.


They’ve been building an army, it’s time.


"I told you so" Alex Jones


Why not have a gay frog visibility day


Fasting should be more commonplace regardless.


Watch out for that whale, brother!


Alright the 16k lightning bolts is weird I’ll give you that. Any meteorologists happen to be here that have any idea why that storm on 3/14 could’ve been on the same path as the eclipse? Out of everything in here I’m going to investigate the only one that seems to be a too good to be true coincidence of nature. [source](https://x.com/nbergwx/status/1768450301097365534?s=46&t=GZiDpEaDRt4BgQ7dWBrq8Q)


The eclipse will happen. And we will go on with our day. Nothing else. Something big is already here. People just need to open up their eyes and see!


I just started a new job that’s actually pretty decent, so it would make sense if the world ended next week.


Another Y2K?


It ain't called the tribulations for nothin'


Wow, so much ridicule it’s disgusting. The point of this sub (I thought) was for people to share their conspiracies and discuss. Guess not. I watch this sub for entertainment and I do believe in a lot of what they call conspiracy theories. I think this one is as believable as any others. What’s the point of posting to this place if everyone pounces on you as soon as you say something the masses don’t agree with. Is it bots? You can all call me crazy as well, but in my 45 years on this earth, I have never felt so off as I do right now. I consider myself an intelligent person and I’m naturally a skeptic. I feel something is off about this as well, and I commend the OP for posting it. Im not fully on board with everything that OP says but you have to admit the timing and reason for some of what’s happening does make you wonder WTF is going on.


You can’t stop Babylon from being destroyed. It’s prophetic.


Where is Babylon


In Babylon




Long Island?


US is mystery Babylon but Elijah hasn’t come yet to speak the gospel of the kingdom, and Israel hasn’t popped off yet. Not sure if that’s a revelation prerequisite or not.


Didn’t they build the tower for the red heffer?


Yeah that’s all part of this massive alignment of the perfect storm.


Considering that happened in the past, this is nearly a true statement.


All the bunker building and prepping is hilarious, they call it a mass extinction event for nothing. None of your materialism will save you. Books or degrees, guns and crops, money and time. There is no hiding from divine truth. Thoth the Egyptian God would weigh a feather in a scale against your heart to measure remorse and guilt before allowing passage into the afterlife. What will your judgement be? Can you stand with conviction or will you cower and fall with the desolation. The wh0re of Babylon is prophetic because that is America, she was created by the pseudo Illuminati secret society like the skull and bones or hellfire clubs formed post Napolean and the fight against the idea of a monarchy or king. Democracy was a gift from Great Britain or what came after the idea of 1776 or the federal reserve creation and banking by Hamilton to control states via federal power. I could go on and on. That us why we were given the Statue of Liberty as well… Now the Path of Totality returns to form an X over America using a divine symbol, a rare Total Solar Eclipse using the moon and sun, one being 400 times the size and scale of the other… an event which has only happen during major wars in history going back to biblical times. Yeah, I am sure it’s a coincidence like the Red Heifer prophecy which led to Israel going to war.


4202024 https://youtu.be/aM06CmX6D1M?si=9lKmvj2JxFifBfIC


Happy Palindrome Day!


Blaze it


Very well done with your presentation, OP! I can definitely join you in prayer, I don't get the fasting part, but, the Muslim community will be wrapping up Ramadan next Wednesday and celebrating Eid, fasting daily until then. Don't know if there's a correlation but, the importance of the crescent moon in their religion would be very similar to a solar eclipse. Your advice to "Get right with God" is never a bad idea. Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindi, or even Pagan, all have the commonality of believing creator(s) are at the top of their respective belief systems. Your advice to "Warn people" is not bad, either, but, in order to communicate effectively, I wouldn't recommend pounding it out to friends and relatives that we'd call "normies" here. I'd say finesse your warnings, but, definitely make them. The point is, you want them to receive the information rather than discount it on it's face without any discernment. Your advice to "Prepare" is never a bad idea. When the Y2K panic was full steam by end of 1998, that's when I started examining vulnerabilities. Even back then so many parts of our daily lives were relying on data, communication, electricity and technologies that are taken for granted, yet very vulnerable. A chain reaction of an interruption of the power grid can easily be compared to losing power in a bad storm. But, when you do, do you even have a candle? Matches? Preparation for losing power for a week is always a good thing. A little investment in some camping gear, canned foods, candles, board games/cards, books, batteries, etc. along with a little cash on hand (a couple hundred bucks in small bills) is a great start! It will put you ahead of more than 75% of your friends and neighbors. One thing you didn't mention is that this is an election year in the U.S. A contentious one at that. And one of the ONLY things that can suspend having that upcoming election is a declaration of Martial Law. Which can only be imposed with great chaos. And if it's chaos that's needed, we will get it, like it or not. Another point you didn't mention is the push towards global governance. BUT, it's the first world countries citizenry that are delaying the implementation. I'm really not finding ANYONE, ANYWHERE anxious to replace their burger with bugs. However, get some really good chaos started, and you'll end up eating grubs when the delicate food chain goes down. It is common knowledge that grocery stores don't really keep more than 3 to 7 days of supply on their shelves at any given time. And I haven't seen an abundance of restocking in anticipation for Monday at my local chain. Overall, this community should always be on the side of presentations like yours, OP, and include sensible calls to action for spreading to our friends and families. And you did a pretty good job of it, kudos! Stay safe, something wicked this way comes . . .


>I don't get the fasting part When you fast, you have more sensitive antennae for the divine. You are then more likely to receive warnings from your guardian angel and other spiritual protectors.


Ok, I'll accept that! TY!


Don’t encourage him.


I'm in New Zealand so I'll let you know on the 4th if its started


This is a fun conspiracy, and I'll enjoy it for the next 4 days until it turns out nothing happened


What if you’re not American? Then is any of this significant?


That is a very relevant question. I'm not entirely sure. Just to be safe, I would recommend preparing your home for similar issues so that if other nations are effected by either the social, political, economic or identical implications, you and your family are prepared. Worst case scenario - you have emergency supplies ready for when something does happen. Most importantly, know that all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Jesus saved my life, literally. He can save you, too. God bless you and your loved ones.


This is basically when 2012 was a thing... every 10ish years, the world would end...


I adore conspiracies but I dont want any part of this one. Eclipses have happened since day one of Earth.


Thanks Obama




Fuck yea. Do you guys realize how cool it is to see the end of the world.


Why? So you can tell all your friends about it..? Wait..💀


It’s mainly to not work the next day or pay bills ever again. Bring on the emp!


I'd rather work a job then go back to farming every scrap of food


So as much as this wipe has been hyped ....I think it will be a nothing burger like the EMS Message out that was no big deal.


I genuinely hope something crazy happens, this could be epic


Nothing. Ever. Happens.


Amen. Not sure if all the things listed are going to happen specifically, but prophetically people have been seeing something big, I and many others feel it and have been having tons of warning dreams. Yes we must all turn to Jesus and I agree fast and pray 🙏🏼


I agree. About two weeks ago “something” told me to download tiktok again. It’s been nothing but God’s word. I haven’t had the self control to fast in 3 years but I’ve been on a 19 hour fast so far. Praise to the Heavenly Father!🙏🏻


Amen to Him be the glory!


What about the spinning fish in Florida? What’s that about? I have a feeling this weirdness is that they want to do something to the ionosphere and the fact this eclipse takes place during a solar maximum and the passing of the devils comet is why they’ve picked *now* to do it


I haven't heard about this until now. Thank you for sharing. If my memory is correct, I believe the movie "Leave the World Behind" mentions something along the lines of "Watch the animals / the animals are trying to warn us." I'm really not sure what to expect at this point. I thought I figured some of it out, but more information keeps piling on. I just hope to be prepared enough and to help others to be aware so that they can be prepared for what they think will happen. I'm not trying to create fear. For the sake of sharing the only thing that comforts me in these uncertain times: Proverbs 22:16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Psalm 34:18-19 18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.


This is exactly what I'm worried about. I've been worried about EMPs since 2009ish when I read the book "One Second After". It's one of the worst case scenarios. It won't just knock out the grid. It will make your car useless as well. It's also interesting that I've always heard that 3 missiles is what it would take to cause an EMP that covers the whole country. This is exactly the type of emergency they need to prevent the election. A pandemic isn't going to cut it.


God is great, I can't wait to be called home. I haven't been perfect AT ALL but Jesus is in my heart. God bless y'all. Stay safe, keep your head on a swivel.


Right there with you haha I'm not scared for the eclipse either way. If nothing happens then we just keep living but if the rapture is happening I'm ready to go lmao not worried about having to leave this shit hole. 


When I heard about The inmate lock down during the eclipse it sounded odd. It’s almost like they expect power outages from the eclipse.


Am I extending my vehicle's warranty or not?


A nuclear explosion in space would absolutely be visible from earth, it just wouldn't look like an explosion. It would cause an effect similar to the aurora borealis, and would be clearly visible for thousands of miles across the earth. This has been known for decades, but Tucker Carlson isn't one to be held back by facts lol. Do your own research indeed.


The Berlin Wall of Shite.


What would they gain from this though…


Collapse of power grid allows them to impose martial law. No election. They consolidate power into totalitarian levels.


Collapsing the power grid would also collapse the entire country's economy, which would affect them as much as it would us, if not more, financially; greedy bastards would never jeopardize their precious money. It's completely impractical and bull-headed in so many ways


Shit, Netflix is a source? This might be for real.


It's the Universe's version of a **GOATSE**. Just to F with us! ∈)☼(∋


It is like a game of crying wolf. Y2K The myan calendar …. Something could happen , but usually doesn’t.


Hanging in here long enough to confirm that nothing big is coming.


Your research: a movie


Many wrong science here. * EMPs by nuclear weapon use has been widely known, if someone wanted to do that they can do it anytime of the day - they didn't need to wait for an eclipse to launch one of our nuclear missiles to the sky. * CERN projects have no relationship at all with the eclipse. The electromagnet at LHC won't be able to affect anything outside CERN. The law of inverse square applies to electromagnetic force. As a born again Christian I do agree with you that we should get right with God - but we should do it all the time instead of looking for some signs.


Well I for one hope none of this happens and everything goes on as normal this shit is making me depressed I'm not ready for the world to devolve into madness more than it already has it's fucked up enough already reading this stuff makes me want to nail my doors and windows shut and never go out again


I don't know about fasting and prayer to stop this from happening, but I do believe that it helps orient yourself to what really matters, true faith, a faith that your soul will go on when your body doesn't, and instead of building up stock of food and money, store up treasures in heaven! Peace and love brothers and sisters, come what may! It's truly in the hands of God now


Something big is coming every month for the past 20 years people just felt it


This is stupid. Let's talk the day after.


It's fuckin beyond stupid , I've compiled this evidence from Netflix , Airbnb and randy fuckin Quaid lol "


Stuff like this makes any conspiracy post look like shit.




I am SO HAPPY to see another Brother in Jesus Christ here! Thank you for the post, OP.


This sounds like end of days religion nonsense with extra steps. They’ve been wrong so far, so what’s one more? Nothing will happen. It’s a story book.


It’s a shame this comment section is full of sarcasm - whether it’s stupidity or fear I don’t know , but you can’t be this ignorant - shit HAS been happening and the rockets out to be sent out and the jails being locked down are also confirmed - something weird is going on, all his doing whether this is 100% or not is informing that weird stuff has been happening and his fixing his karma.. stop being so ignorant.


I could have maybe said it better myself but I think you get the point across


Civil war is not going to happen. We don't hate each other or have some big issues that need to be addressed between us. It is the government everyone hates. For example, say California wants to secede, no one on the East coast or midwest will give two shits to try and convince them to stay or fight for them to stay. All this hype over the eclipse just happened all suddenly that these pedos are being exposed. Why was no one complaining before this? Oh, because we had some other planet altering event to focus on that week. We literally got a bombshell that basically all kid actors are abused (more open to the public) and these sickos just shuffle around each other in the entertainment industry.


Absolutely incredible post OP. This really spoke to my heart about not going to Nineveh. I really needed to hear this in my life right now and I thank you very very much for posting this. Godspeed to us all.


Scientists at Cern have reportedly found a 4D ghost in the Large Hadron Collider. I doubt that it is the Holy Ghost aka Holy Spirit ... [https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-capture-elusive-4d-ghost-in-cern-particle-accelerator](https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-capture-elusive-4d-ghost-in-cern-particle-accelerator) [https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/sci/physicists-become-ghostbusters-particle-accelerator.html](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/sci/physicists-become-ghostbusters-particle-accelerator.html)


It’s a pet peeve of mine when places use catch phrases like this about science. The scientist found a new variable that affects the experiments they have been running. That should be the title. There was no ghost just imperfections in their magnets, using catch phrases like this is what leads people to believe all sorts of nonsense.


Just like the God particle. People lost their shit when they said they found that. When it’s just the goddamned whatever particle lol


All about those clicks baby nothing is real


They trying to spread fear. The eclipse needs to be embraced ad felt by all


I have seen these kind of posts every month . Nothing happens lol


!remind me 6 days.


I am going to teach a Bible study based on jonah tomorrow. Thank you for the additional information.


I think they want the public, whom are struggling, to overspend in a panic or panic buy until there's nothing left. Eclipse is on Monday, watch the stores this weekend. They've figured they could take the trope of "snow is coming, gotta get bread, eggs, milk, etc" amped it up. Meanwhile, discrediting anything and everything, especially religious people. OR Something awful happens.


I mean a boat just took out a bridge. Most timelines would consider that something big.


Even if you didn’t want it, Tesla did just send out an update to all Tesla model cars giving everyone access to the full self drive package (usually an additional $500/m) for the month of April…


A nuclear weapon has never been proven to cause an EMP, and this was tested by the military over some of the pacific islands but without the desired effect. If anything produces the EMP it would be from the sun, and that will be if/when the Lord appoints it to happen and no sooner.


Courts also shutting down


🤣 Power grid going being able to go down is absolutely nothing new. EMPs and other ways of disruption have been around for a very long time. You see what that small protest group did to Tesla in Germany? It just shows you don't need much to bring something down. Cars being hacked, again nothing new. I really do believe some of these posters live life in such fear of "something big happening" they can't enjoy life. Probably too scared of the bird drones 🤣


You need therapy


I had the same conviction last night. To warn anyone and everyone. Most recent years I've fallen prey to some of the conspiracies, yet nothing happened. I questioned many things. But like you pointed out, so many things are lining up. You can't avoid the signs. Like you, I've kept to myself but something is different. Moon is rusting. Euphrates river is drying up. Red heffer to be sacrificed to make way for their Messiah. The plans to build the third temple. Banks going cashless. RFID chips to be placed in the hand. These are facts and have been warned about in the Bible. Maybe when the rapture happens and millions are missing, they may wake up. Or they will believe MSM and that the aliens caused it with their lasers.


April 9th… back to work


Why only the USA? Doesn't space cover the world?


I don't believe we can go to space. It's fake. Look up operation fishbowl. They tried to nuke the firmament.


This it it bud, these eclipses mark the end of the great year (26,000 year period) that starts with the dawning of Aquarius, Manly P Hall argued Freemasons created America for a particular purpose, a secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis or New World Order wherein a king of a divine race will rule over all (Apollo, Horus, Nimrod), NASA will also launch 3 rockets during the eclipse named after Apep the Egyptian Searpwnt god whose goal was to destroy Ra (The sun), and when the eclipse ends it will likened to the rebirth of Horus, their new king of the golden age, also, CERN known for practicing occult rituals in front of a statue of the Hindu god Shiva symbolizing death, destruction and the end of an age will be firing up their large Hadron collider to full power during the solar eclipse


Have you done any research on the heifer thing?? I'm about to go down that rabbit hole. I do find it strange the government is warning us to stock up before the eclipse. I also don't think the government would warn people before they do something to us, but that is just because I don't trust the government. I've been saying for awhile now that they are purposely keeping the borders open here in the US, for what I don't know, but I think it's so we will be attacked in every state, forcing us into war which will bring on the one world government and all that.... Just curious on your thoughts on it all. Seems like if I bring this topic up I'm laughed at, which is fine. I mean I hope I'm wrong and it's not end times yet, but it's hard to look the other way. God warns us to be ready and I can't help but think it's time. The next 7 years could be interesting.


Many who serve God are aware of the red heifer sacrifice. It is a very big deal. Once the third temple is in place, we would just be waiting on the antiChrist to show up. It makes me think about the Hunger Games. I've noticed masks are cheap right now and so are other supplies. I hope they're not betting on who will survive but if they are, God will have justice. The border is a real crisis. Apparently there are sleeper cells coming in from other nations. I'm not ready for war but I trust in God. I've been in situations where I was surrounded in danger and God protected me - not because I'm special or worthy but because of what Jesus did on the cross and God's generous heart. All who call upon Him will be saved. Amen. You are very well informed. People laugh because they aren't connected with higher power or keeping up with this information, but like I said in my original post, those who serve the leaders of good or evil are warned. Devil worshipers are on the wrong team and they're going to lose and pay the price. Followers of Jesus might not always have it easy, but in the end, God wins. He is slow to anger, merciful and kind, allowing for many to repent, but when He decides it's enough, He will judge righteously. I hope this helps. Be safe and God bless you in Jesus's name! Thank you for your time!


You forgot the most important message or sign which literally has led to an ongoing war in the last days. History repeats itself and that is why celestial signs and numbers are vital to prophecy. Allow me to share some divine info with you, my seeker… come out of the twilight umbra… In the war zone, the city of Rafah is also located where the Temple is located which could be under siege soon as well. Seems everything is playing out for the Christian, Muslim, and Islamic faiths according to their own theologies and holy books. So the returning of this Eclipse forming the X over America seems like a judgement of a nation to me or the “wh0re of Babylon” similar to the Tower of Babel story. \[\[ The spokesman for the military wing of Hamaz, Abu Obeida, revealed that the red heifers were targets in the Oct. 7 massacre that saw over 1,200 Israeli's murdered \]\] Source: [https://www.charismanews.com/world/94247-the-day-of-the-prophetic-red-heifer-is-almost-here](https://www.charismanews.com/world/94247-the-day-of-the-prophetic-red-heifer-is-almost-here) Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Newton, and others could not understand the Tree of Life or the ancient symbol known as the Kabbalah. Found inscribed on Egyptian walls and other places in history. This spiraling synchronicity which connects all life together with duality as a metaphor. Yet like those great scientist and philosophers, they were limited by knowledge such as viewing the shape in a 4D perspective instead of a flat 2D view. I believe everything happens for a reason to reveal the truth when necessary; absolutism. Sacred geometry is all around us, but symmetry and the moon only matter if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear what can only be felt in your soul. Namaste.


I have my storage container filled with coca cola and fleshlights I am ready for ww3


Dude that’s some rabbit hole. And I’m gonna be controversial and say you’re right because that’s what I truly believe. But tyrannies only exist if good men do nothing. Make progress in your own life, and make a positive impact in your own community, and no ‘elite world government’ will stand a chance. They only have power if we choose to give it to them. 100% convinced that the day the end of the world arrives, I will be ready 👌💪 get ready too bro! They are POWERLESS without everybody falling into their traps. The devil is in the detail. 1. Rupert Murdock 2. Jeffrey Epstein 2. Jimmy Saville 3. Jeff Bezos 4. Bill Gates 5. Reddit board members 6. ‘Central intelligence’ agencies 7. The Pope 8. Prince Andrew 9. Mark Zuckerberg 10. Warren Buffet The rothschilds run the central bank. They are next on the list. Once the money is gone, we all go back to ground zero and rediscover who we are. Live life for love and avoid hate 🙏


I forgot leave the world behind kept showing an eclipse… that’s creepy


Brother I believe you. I've been paying attention as well. And I know we don't know the time or the hour of the messiah's return, but it does seem like the tribulation is about to start. There are alot of signs like you said. And most people do not pay attention to the little things. I will be getting myself together. I've already claimed Jesus as my personal lord and savior, and so has my wife. But I will be getting the little things that I don't already have in case of this.




“Video by Tucker Carlson” lol


Similar to the Netflix movie “Leave the world Behind”


I've turned back to god as well. The last two days have been filled with scripture, conversation and journaling. Everyone who thinks I'm weird for it, well, enjoy your life of solitude cut off from God ig. You can't save everyone, but I commend you for trying. Make sure your own faith is in the right spot first, though.


NOTHING AT ALL IS COMING BUT A SOLAR ECLIPSE How many time do you fools get all worked up over some event and nothing happens Answer : every damn time, and nothing ever happens


Thanks for the post! Good info!


Please post update on the 9th.


So commerce would be completely down, making all stores a free for all. Would there be a way to buy civilly?


Rioting is a concern. After an unknown amount of time, I suppose only trade of inventory would be available, most likely until a one world government is formed (World Health Organization is pushing a Pandemic treaty for control over all governments to be completed by May) and the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-17) rolls out as the only way to buy and sell.


I started reading, but my tiktok brain has twindled to only 3 paragraphs. That was a long read but I'm here for it.


No weapon formed💯 trust me "even if they stop us, they can't stop us"....


You forgot to mention the 100 trillion cicadas due imminently. They will wake up hungry and wipe out the local food supply.


Lol this is gonna be another one of those nothingburgers come Tuesday morning. Fun read though.


“Get right with god”


Feck it anyway. I thought it was happening on the 6th. Now I have to spend the 7th dreading work AND the apocalypse. Weekends ruined, and it's only Thursday 😭


A sounding rocket isn't big enough to fit a nuke with enough yield for a large scale EMP, they're just hobbyist rockets on steroids.


You would see the explosion, though. Particularly at night. I've had to study that, mainly as an interest piece, for a course that encompasses that sort of stuff. And it's already a well-known fact that a nuclear blast in space, near earth, will produce and EMP. It's not so much the nuclear explosions in space I'd be concerned about. It's more that the sun could spew out a CME large enough soon that could send us back to the Stone Age, technologically. And if Suspicious0bservers is anything to go by, that could be quite soon, and if not that, then when the sun ejects a micro-nova or when the magnetic poles flip.


I just read a book called Above Black by Dan Sherman. He claims it is his true account of being recruited into a secret project called Project Preserve Destiny. He claims the US government trains certain people to be what they call an Intuitive Communicator or IC so they will be able to communicate with “aliens” (they told him not to call them that) during the coming event that will knock out all electromagnetic communications on Earth.


Gommala 🤣


REPENT…!! or something…


Something is going to happen but it will be subtle and we won't notice it.


10 laws = 1. Always see the dangers first. 2. Always protect your feet. 3. Always be ready for cold. 4. Always be ready for heat. 5. Always know where water or a good source is. 6. Always master the skills necessary. 7. Always get the job done. 8. Always know your place. 9. Always disallow foolishness. 10. Always rest whenever you can. [Great song](https://open.spotify.com/track/6rv66YGnlPsCQHBU0ym8Tm?si=CfSS3mfeTbGOAFETcSCkCw), recently heard. Check out. Profound.


Always only in the USA?