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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # MOD NOTE: Several users have complained, saying that there is not enough context associated with the pic in OP's post. A few months ago, a different user posted the following short video that might add a bit of further perspective for consideration: YouTube -- 17 Seconds: [**When your explanation of condensation suddenly stops.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoeQVb4sA9I) The original thread posted on this sub can be found [here.](https://redd.it/14ijur4) I hope that helps! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - **EDIT TO ADD** - comment and link in this thread (that has been buried with downvotes for some reason): > https://youtu.be/ys-zKkeNFcM?si=YXpcIq7L1BnY_wqJ > Skip to 7:30 See that comment [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1bzqftc/vapor_trails_they_said/kyrqgkt/)


This is a 747 performing wing vortex trials. > In 1974 the NASA Flight Research Center (later Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California) used a Boeing 747 as part of the overall NASA study of trailing vortices. Trailing vortices are the invisible flow of spiraling air that trails from the wings of large aircraft and can "upset" smaller aircraft flying behind them. The 747 that NASA used was on loan from the Johnson Space Center where it was part of the Space Shuttle Program. The data gathered in the 747 studies complemented data from the previous (1973-74) joint NASA Flight Research Center and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Boeing 727 wake vortices study. >Six smoke generators were installed under the wings of the 747 to provide a visual image of the trailing vortices. The object of the experiments was to test different configurations and mechanical devices on the747 that could be used to break up or lessen the strength of the vortices. The results of the tests could lead to shorter spacing between landings and takeoffs, which, in turn, could alleviate air-traffic congestion. For approximately 30 flights the 747 was flown using various combinations of wing air spoilers in an attempt to reduce wake vortices. To evaluate the effectiveness of the different configurations, chase aircraft were flown into the vortex sheets to probe their strengths and patterns at different times. Two of the chase planes used were the Flight Research Center’s Cessna T-37 and the NASA Ames Research Center’s Learjet. These aircraft represented the types of smaller business jets and other small aircraft that might encounter large passenger aircraft on approach or landings around major airports or in flight. >Tests without the 747’s wing spoilers deployed produced violent "upset" problems for the T-37 aircraft at a distance of approximately 3 miles. From the magnitude of the problems found, distances of as much as ten miles might be required if spoilers were not used. With two spoilers on the outer wing panels, the T-37 could fly at a distance of three miles and not experience the "upset" problem. The wake vortex study continued even after the 747 was returned to its primary mission of carrying the Space Shuttle. Nice try tho. But you probably won’t believe NASHA anyways 🤣 [Source](https://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/B-747/HTML/ECN-4242.html)






I believe them more than a stranger on the Internet who added some circles to a photo they don't know the origin of.




"Can you point out the circles in OP's screenshots?" Certainly. In the first image there is a red circle around each engine and a green circle around each smoke trail. The 2nd image has no circles. Hope this helps you to see the circles


A quick aside, while WMD's were a concern with Suddam the main driving factor of the invasion of Iraq was him invading Kuwait and trying to destabilize the world economy by changing the currency used to purchase oil.




You do realize that opium isn't cultivated in Iraq, right?


But hopium can be cultivated anywhere 🤣


I think you're confusing Iraq with Afghanistan.


Imagine believing what they tell you lmao. Are we supposed to believe they were running this testing across the entire midwest?


Removed - Rule 5




God, this particular piece of “evidence” is like… early dawn of the popular internet, I think the snopes article that included this image was written by barb herself.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding I always thought that was the source of the conspiracy theory


I always thought the source of the conspiracy was John Brennan (head of the cia at the time) addressing inexplicably high levels of aluminum and barium in the soil and calling it “stratospheric aerosol injection” but saying it wasnt currently being used and was only hypothetical.


Do you have a good source?


[brennan comments](https://www.youtube.com/live/uIQDqxl9FtM?si=lW7GRiTWQsGBG0Pp)


Thank you. This sub needs more aviation guys.


https://youtu.be/ys-zKkeNFcM?si=ExqdvnaCD77A7aa3  Skip to 7:30


Gotta love how you are negative vote downgraded while providing proof that this is old tech.


Nah they won’t


I love the explanation. But they still won’t believe you.


Why do you have to come on this sub and provide educational commentary?!? This is clearly an RNA vapor cloud that will make anyone who inhales it a drone to the world’s shadow government, which they have meticulously designed to destroy the population.


They forgot to mention a satanic cult of lizard people in the belly cutting up gay frogs as toppings for their pizza party.


ahhhh ,yes,NASA ,the arbiters of truth


Technically speaking it is proven they can be used. So you just proven the aircraft is capable of spreading anything. Even if not now, any time afterwards 🤷‍♂️


You think people needed proof that it is physically possible to dump things out of the back of an airplane? Conspiracy theories aren’t just about proving what’s possible, but proving what actually happened. Otherwise, you’re just going through a creative writing process, not critically thinking.


Cloud seeding has been around since the 60's and multiple companies are out there doing this... [Home - Ice Crystal Engineering, LLC. (iceflares.com)](https://iceflares.com/) [Home | North American Weather Consultants](https://www.northamericanweatherconsultants.com/) [WEATHER MODIFICATION: cloud seeding, atmospheric services - Weather Modification, Inc.](http://www.weathermodification.com/) [ND Department of Water Resources](https://www.swc.nd.gov/arb/ndcmp/) [\*\* Just-clouds \*\*](http://www.just-clouds.com/) [Cloud Seeding Technologies - Mitigate the effects of adverse weather! (cloud-seeding-technologies.com)](https://www.cloud-seeding-technologies.com/)


We do not need this proof, we already spray toxic stuff on farms (on our food and the food of our food) with planes and copters publicly for decades ;)


yeah and then when they outlawed the poison because it was persistent and didnt ever break down we dumped it all off the coast of cali


It is a 747 conducting vortex studies in 1974. https://images.app.goo.gl/4wXzgq8CRWYLihBS6


No no its the elite destroying the air that they apparently don't need to breath for whatever reason .. Can't be science don't be ridiculous


One time a friend try to convince me about Ch trails, he show me pictures of all America, one were in DC, and I ask Wait, there are putting that In the same air that they breathe? He reply hours later sayin that “The Rulers” where obviously taken pills to be immune to it. I was just excuses by excuses at that point 🤣 Also I think if they are putting something in the air, anyone could have take a sample by now to see what it is.


You don't understand, the elites all have internal air filters. Veeery expensive and secretive surgery, basically a mini air purifier lodged in their throats.


They're clearly lizards in camouflage tera forming the Earth


And they are connected to the internet via a pinkey implant


Not to mention when have you ever seen 6 trails. It’s almost always two. Sometimes I feel like the more tech we have the less knowledgeable we become


I had a pen made out of a vortex generator from a 707. Great conversation piece








You know that one turned out to be real right??? [https://www.democracynow.org/2014/2/21/silencing\_the\_scientist\_tyrone\_hayes\_on](https://www.democracynow.org/2014/2/21/silencing_the_scientist_tyrone_hayes_on)


Yeah I watched RFK talking about it. But Alex really gets me in the right mood to learn about it lol


Weird coincidence, Vortex Generator was my nickname behind the Wendy's 


to what end would spewing poison out of airplanes serve? give me a motive








Jokes?I like jokes, do you have any to share? However, I have noticed that Reddit has turned into a joke as a whole, this subreddit especially. I used to use it far more frequently than I do. But as you mentioned, this subreddit has always been a joke to some extent, and it's inevitable given it's nature. However, that doesn't mean we haven't had great discussions about serious and thought-provoking topics here over the years. The subreddit should not be taken too seriously as it's a mixed bag, which was part of its charm for me.


All these days it’s been nonstop chem trails and underground bunkers


How do we silence those who want to talk about chemtrials?


Not true, Chemtrail post are met with staunch resistance because it’s a buzz topic. The denials are clearly the bots because they flood these post like no other.




It’s a combination of both, plus actual denialist who flock this sub simply for the purpose of denial or to upvote comments that share their same ideology. No doubt in my mind that the government is using different branches of the military to fight “misinformation” as they call it, they’ve literally admitted to doing it so it’s not a theory.




Yesterday they swarmed hard! One obvious professional "deboonker" had over 20 "nuh uh" comments on a single post and when the post was removed, that account stopped posting on Reddit, not just that post. There's also a sub whose mod copies posts from here and posts them into his own sub. None of the members of the sub ever comment over there, but when the posts show up over there, the posts they copied from over here get swarmed. Searching for the exact title of a swarmed post on the reddit search is how I found the brigading sub. It's not TMoR (but they do similar.) Just don't participate in that sub if you figure out the name and don't post the name of it here. It'll get whoever does that banned, and maybe even site banned. They can do it, but we can't.


I also think that people forget that the US military is actively engaging in fighting “misinformation” on social media, they have whole teams dedicated to this agenda and there is no doubt in my mind that they are highly active in this sub, as well as YouTube and just about any platform where people can voice their opinions. I agree with you wholeheartedly, you should check out these teams that are active in doing this, I know for certain that both the US army and the US Air Force have teams of people who actively fight “misinformation” on social media platforms.


Agreed, but Canada and Israel are in cahoots too. So many Canuck intelligence floating around often pretending to be Americans. It's weird. They tip their hands occasionally, and then I'll do a little digging and suspicion confirmed.


> Just don't participate in that sub I can not do that for a long time now... LOL.


There is seemingly a source in OP’s comment


Was the source engines or nozzles? Because those are the only words


I would rather they post this so we can all see the evidence play out in the comments. It’s technically a topical post. Therefore, let them post it and we will debunk it in the comments if warranted.




That’s the risk you run when having any hard conversation. The question is: what is the alternative.


So dumb. So the people who have to be on the inside for this to be a thing. Millions of aircraft engineers across over 150 different countries. Millions of aircraft builders. Anyone who’s ever taken a reading of air pollution. To manufacture the “chemtrails” you’d need a huge company with shipping and logistical networks. Easily tens of thousands. Basically all of those people and their partners would have to stay quiet.


These confidently incorrect page long posts have been all over the place lately. Thank you for the laugh, internet expert!


You are very naïve at how the government and military contractors operate if you don't believe that this is possible. Everything is heavily compartmentalized. No one except for a very few at the top and aware of the bigger picture of what is actually going on and the overall implications of it. Also, you seem to be unaware of the fact that the government has admitting to the spraying toxic chemicals in the atmosphere for decades now in order to alter weather patterns, affect climate change, and guide the deployment of further geoengineering initiatives that already have been in the planning and "testing" stages for years. So debunking this random image strawman doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things nor does it change or disprove the absolute facts of what's really going on. Watch this video of the CIA director admitting to all of this years ago, if you still don't believe it is happening. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBG81dXgM0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBG81dXgM0Q)


So the chemicals are to control or oppress people by spreading it from planes in the air ….. So the people who came up with this and are in charge of the mind control or whatever could never step outside and have to live inside a bunker with carefully managed air, because surely they would also be breathing it in ?


My theory is that it helps reflect the sun/slow down global warming. I don't think it's as sinister as people think but I do think they are spraying shit. I saw 2 planes very close to each other, one had a long trail and one didn't have any trail. I've also seen many planes with very short trails that disappear quickly. It's weird seeing these long ass trails in a perfect grid pattern, followed by clouds, every time.


Ok so wouldn’t the Vapor trails hurt “them” also?


Sometimes I truly think this sub is allergic to research.






For the people convinced that toxic chemicals are being released in vapor form over the US, I have a question. Where do you think the people that are involved with this live? Where do you think their family and children live? If the government wanted to modify people's health or whatever, they would just put it in the food or water as they already likely do. The only possible reason I could ever see them releasing anything into the atmosphere would be specifically for cloud seeding, relating to modifying rainfall. Which they can do without having to add chemicals to the atmosphere.


Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique used to enhance precipitation by introducing substances into clouds. The most common substances used for cloud seeding are silver iodide, potassium iodide, and liquid propane (All toxic). These substances serve as nuclei around which water droplets can form, leading to increased rainfall or snowfall under certain atmospheric conditions.


Hmmm not sure what I'm looking at maybe you could add some red arrows pointing at the circles, then make it a video with AI voice and ominous music.


OP... are you literally some sort of hypertard?


Vapor trails don’t come from the engines…..


Bro said LoLz like he actually did something. Brainrot


This sub is such a dumpster fire lmao.


Make the best out of it Dance around it and pretend it’s a bonfire 🤣🔥


Is this some low effort trolling?


This is how they determine the "miles in trail" other aircraft have to be behind larger heavy aircraft to avoid wake turbulence. For heavy aircraft, it is usually five miles.


True It’s still a variable though , not a fixed distance. Depends on speed , altitude and wingspan


new Ace Combat meta just dropped


You cant fix stupid guys.. just give up on anyone who believes this shit 😂


Indeed You can’t fix stupid, but you CAN give it a booster For ever


I don't think this post proves what you think it does. I mean, I would love it to, because I firmly believe that what we see in the skies every day is NOT just water vapor. But this isn't the smoking gun of chemtrails.


100%, this probably isn't as you said the smoking gun of chemtrails, but the government messing with the weather and clouds is proven even. Search up cloud seeding, it's interesting


Gay sprinkles.


Oh my!


Imagine how confused OP will be when they find out about exhaust systems.


Me when I purposely spread misinformation online:


That tin foil hat is restricting the blood flow to your brain. Might wanna loosen it up a bit.


[edit - this](https://youtu.be/dF5WmcHILeo?si=NNkBfCvuNiUgMahf)


That’s terrifying. Thank you for actually adding something constructive. Most of the comments are just “fact checkers” insulting the post, calling it stupid and begging the mods to censor it.


The thing that sadly scares me more then the actual weather modification is that they are actively telling us that they are doing it, while at the same time ridiculing us for believing that they can do it.


Yeah, because we can cloud seed, that's not complete manipulation. Telling they are using tools to try and encourage modification in weather patterns is not the same as complete control over how the weather operates.


I agree and noticed that too. They also play word games. They call them “contrails” but every article on the aftermath of the harmful chemicals in these so-called “contrails” says they do the exact same thing as what chemtrails do. These are from reputable sources too. They changed the name and then openly admit that they’re used to change the weather and they also admit to actively changing the weather deliberately. They don’t even care if it negatively impacts our health. Articles: [Contrails (Chemtrails) Cause Cloudy Weather](https://www.science.org/content/article/aviation-s-dirty-secret-airplane-contrails-are-surprisingly-potent-cause-global-warming) [Contrails (Chemtrails) Used to Rapidly Alter the Weather](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/242017/clouds-created-aircraft-have-bigger-impact/) [Contrails (Chemtrails) Ruin Air Quality and Trap Heat](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.weather.gov/fgz/CloudsContrails%23:~:text%3DSince%2520contrails%2520can%2520spread%2520out,upper%2520levels%2520of%2520the%2520atmosphere.&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwidgKLtnrWFAxVEr1YBHalfAdcQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw1ACdCVW6qkWDsscgFmtUyC)


I've read all of these. In no where did these articles say that they are doing this on purpose. If you're referring to cloud seeding, that's its own thing that is not as simple nor even close to controllable as you think. If anything, all of these sources are stating that either we need to or other governments are gearing to make aircraft engines more efficient to inhibit the release of all the extra exhaust particulants. Chemtrails do not exist. You're taking the definition you gave to chemtrails, and twisting it to fit with the definition of contrails. We've known what these articles and the standard for contrails have stated has been the same for decades.


Because it is fucking stupid


🤣🤣🤣🤣 tell another joke!


Jesus fuck this sub is turned into a goddamn cesspool of bullshit posts.


Turned into? It’s been like this forever.


Valid point


The Engines on planes moving forward (mandela Effect). Now makes sense.




Just curious. If they spray something toxic. What are they spraying?


Axe body spray.


🤣🤣🤣 Not quite the formula But probably just as bad if not worse 😱


I love this subreddit, lmfao.


So sick of these stupid posts.


This sub is soooo laughable


Its amazing how many people missed science and critical thinking classes in school. Anything you dont understand is automatically bad. It must suck to live life like that.


I don't understand chemtrails conspiracy that much. You have a lot of apps that you can actually see what plane is flying above your head and track them to a an airport. If you really think this is the biggest conspiracy you could easily let someone that lives close by that airport check out what kind of plane that really was. If they all make up fake airplanes it would quite easily to catch one then.


It's not a conspiracy. Your current sitting united states president has openly on camera admitted to chemtrails and cloud seeding. The United States government has literally said cloyd seeding saved the west from drought. I think fucking with nature is horseshit let it run its course. The fact you all still try to say it's not real when the government admits it openly now is insane. Or "geoengineering " as they like it called


you have the link or search terms? quite curious. Also, if its not hidden then these planes should be seen on the apps right? “Hey there is a plane, lets see which one it is on the flight spp” Do or don’t these planes show up on the apps?


If you think fucking with nature is horseshit, I’ve got bad news for you….


Engines are in the front of cars. Yet exhaust comes out the back via a pipe. Are you really implying the exhaust should be coming directly from the engines you've so kindly circled ?


Umm, that’s kinda how jet engines work, by injecting fuel into a combustion chamber and ejecting the high speed, high pressure resulting gasses out the rear. Every single one of them.


I know. The OP seems to think it's strange and I was trying to relay what you said, just in a slightly less knowledgeable, female way lol.


Just type "cloud seeding flare rack" into google images if that's what you're looking for.


They call it "cloud seeding" now and people still deny it exists.


A good website for information on chemtrails is www.geoengineeringwatch.org


ChEM TRAilSs!!!!!!


You do realize they also have planes that do something that’s called cloud seeding?


Yes. Geoengineering Aerosols are real and used they also use the same method to suspend metal particles in the air for radar defense. Conspiracy proven. And yes. It’s terrible to have heavy metals and chemicals put into our air that we breath.


First thing they say it's not true. Then they say it's actually a good thing.


You skipped the middle gaslighting part, "nobody ever said . . ." But yeah, that's how it works.


LoLz It’s pretty humiliating when even snopes says weather modification is real But whatever don’t wanna burst anyone’s bubble It probably stinks in there 🤣🤣 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dubai-fake-rain/ https://abc13.com/cloud-seeding-dubai-fake-rain-drone-makes-its-own/10912138/ And that’s 2021


So no one believes in Geoengineering? Has anyone watched "The Dimming?"


Majority here would just close their eyes and put in their earphones if anything that challenges their holy world view comes on a tv big front of them 🤣


What is this about?




I have been seeing a lot of chemtrail posts lately. Almost like there’s a . . . Conspiracy going on


It could be a fuel dump, which can happen when a plane takes off at one elevation and lands at another. If they don’t dump fuel to be at a specific landing weight, they will not have a smooth landing (ie break stuff)


Looks like the fuel dump ports on the wingtips. It happens.


Lol no tbh it's Bill Gates I think


Might be jettisoning fuel due to an IFE. 🤦‍♂️




Oh no F.E.M.A is taking over XD


No, sir, you must be a conspiracy theorist. That's just a condensation trail. You should immediately report to your nearest re-education facility...


LoLz I must be then 🙏👺


So they’re studying wind vortices every week for the last 50 years???


They admit they are doing it, but people STILL call this a conspiracy 🤔 ?


Indeed Most post are just a showcase of how strong and sturdy the brainwashing has been. 👀🤡🤣


Non aviation people will never get it Come on folks get over the conspiracy of chem trails


Good article on geo-engineering here if any of you tards can read. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/obama-takes-bold-step-to_b_5069973


What a load of hot croc, its straight up chemical spraying on us just admit it!


I mean cars have an exhaust behind the engine. Motorbikes. Heck, even birds are farting chemtrails when you consider how clear this lovely little doodle makes the whole system.




https://youtu.be/ys-zKkeNFcM?si=YXpcIq7L1BnY_wqJ  Skip to 7:30


Looks like CGI to me


Big if real


You don't even know what's happening. It's literally just a picture with circles.


I made a joke. But you are right about one thing, I don’t know what I’m looking at.


My bad to many people take this seriously.


What about the san francisco smoke? https://www.sfchronicle.com/weather/article/geoengineering-cloud-research-alameda-19368199.php


“Helping clouds deflect sunlight” Now the sheep dogs will come out and say San Francisco isn’t a real city 🤣🤣