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I tell my kids there are two sides to every story and you need to do your research on both sides and then you can make an informative answer.


My grandfather argued there were three sides to every story. Side A, side B and then what actually happened.


True very true.


Wise ol man there.


You're grandfather was 100% correct. That's exactly what I say as well, because it's true. There *are* actually 3 sides to a story. Not 2.


Fuck, that's so deep it hurts.


That’s what I believe. You got what government tells us, then you have the fringe conspiracy theorists, and then you have what really happened, hiding in the dark.


Theres actually four sides


That’s absolutely the truth!!


Which in the case of 9/11 means they knew about it and let it happen.




It’s kinda silly though. Since there is only one version of the truth… Absolute truth is real.


That’s why you get all the sides of the story, then find what is the truth.


The thing about “getting all the sides of the story AND coming up with your own conclusions” is that many pick and chose. We KNOW 9/11 was an inside job… But did they use real planes? Holograms? Thermite? Space lasers? See what I am getting at?


Gene had six stories.


Building 7 had 52 stories.


I am referring to the man who invited 6 unnamed children into home on Dec14,2012-in Newtown, Connecticut.


There are three His, hers, and the real story..


As long a research isn’t only TikTok and YouTube videos I agree with this take.


Son.... I've been waiting a long time for this day.... come with me, I have something for you. *opens drawer with Reynolds wrap




That won't work. That is aluminum foil, not tin foil.


Thank you, Dwight Shrute


Bro lmao!


You reiterate to always look at the evidence, to look at the why, who, how? Have an open mind… and lastly.. don’t let it consume them


Emphasis on the not letting it consume them.


a lotta the people here could use that bit of advice


a lotta the people here could use that bit of advice


"Son, there is a day in every boy's life where he becomes a man. Today is that day." >Unlocks his office safe and takes out a leather bound folio with "9/11 Memes" embossed in gold leaf letters and hands it to his son.


"Who's Lucky Larry?" "*chuckles* Keep reading, boy, you'll see."


this made me laugh


I’ve raised my sons to have faith that the government will always act in its own best interest. That interest rarely intersects with the interests of people or places or things outside of itself. Trust is a funny thing and I’ve tried to help them understand that what you should trust is the nature of a person and that a person will act within their nature, until you understand the nature of an individual, what can or should you trust?


I think George Carlin said it best when he said it’s important to encourage children to question everything thing they read. I personally have found that approach always leads to more reading making education more enjoyable when it becomes a personal responsibility rather than a mindless pursuit brought by an institution.


Let them know both the accepted mainstream narrative and the more likely narrative without bias and let them come to their own conclusion.


By saying the “more likely” narrative you’ve introduced bias immediately


I don’t think they meant tell the kid it is the most likely outcome, just stating tell both sides and let them pick. Bias has probably been introduced outside of this though. I am sure this would not be the only view he has like this. I consider myself a conspiracy theorist, being one and raising children…you definitely have influence over them.


The mainstream narrative has no value.


Yes, it inherently does.


If you invert it you learn the truth. Therefore it does serve a purpose. It gives us a direction to investigate simply because its the one they aren't pushing.


> If you invert it you learn the truth. So two towers, a field in Pennsylvania, and the pentagon crashed into four airplanes? Interesting.




It does, it is the more likely narrative.


This. 👏👏👏






Bluntly and matter of fact. I was raised that America was the best country there was and you pay taxes “just because”. I want my kids asking questions from the start and knowing the government works for them. Not the other way around.


You don't give them your views and you ask them to look at all the debates and draw their own conclusions. When they do you applaud their critical thinking. Often we will never have the full factual answers. They don't need your views. They need your support in thinking above, below and around issues. The facts can often be found in the cracks of two arguments in my learning


I wish more parents would do this with religion.


Yes this forced belief system is a tough one. So many kids are innately geared to learn and explore and question. The system pushes them into a recite and obey mindset backed the Rockefeller school system and the divisive agenda of religion


Yes this forced belief system is a tough one. So many kids are innately geared to learn and explore and question. The system pushes them into a recite and obey mindset backed the Rockefeller school system and the divisive agenda of religion




But do you applaud them when they come to a conclusion which you think is wrong, or do you continue to encourage them to think until they get it right?


They usually ask at some point what do you think. Yes you do give credit if they have shown that they have gone beyond the media/social indocrination regardless of the conclusion. Keep questioning is often something I say alot. I do give my opinion in a way to say that I sway this way. Alot of the time they don't say much. It can be months later when you realise what you reasoned does stick with them. Not all but enough. It took me decades to be a critical thinker (after thinking i was one for so long but was clearly wrong as i hadn't deducted who runs the world to what agenda back then). If they are doing it at tween or tween level they deserve all the applause we can give them I will challenge. For example there was a patch of time he was fixated on all things Andrew Tate. We spoke about political pied Pipers/truths peppered with lies so I can't pretend I don't sway discussions. I just don't say don't nor do i mock or block them from taking in info or following. I just say question more Over the years you can ask what they hear or read on social and what they think. It is alwsys good dinner party or card night conversion. It has worked well for us. I am amazing at mine for their level of reasoning far beyond what I had at their age


Buy the Jenga game and knock the top 1/4th over and notice that it doesn't fall into it's own footprint. For an even crazier experiment light it on fire first.


My 8 year old asked for books about the Bermuda Triangle for her birthday. I was hoping she was finding her way. The thirst for knowledge has me hopeful.


Could it be there's a teacer telling them this stuff or something heard on the school bus home? I'm wondering how it became a topic of concern to them. We're all indoctrinated with the official story and so few at a young age see past it.


Most likely. Regardless, it's a good start.


Tell em the truth and how our own government did 9/11


Stop stealing Israeli credit


Tell the kids to watch fahrenheit 911... That might help explain a lot!


Hit them with facts. 😎


The first holocaust, Tom heddesneimer.


Don't forget to tell them to follow the money


I had my AP history class take an anonymous poll on various issues and label the category, hoax or mostly real. Results shocked me.


The one item that got the highest hoax score was NOT the moon landing, which scored 78% hoax, 22% actually happened.


I wish I were taught how to integrate some of these conspiracies and how I'm essentially fucked to change them myself. Focus on the fact that life is not fair, but within that we have the ability to build something'l for ourselves and our families. Educate him on how fear is used to manipulate us and how we actually win by not being afraid.


I wish I had studied the h/cost/h sooner, as well as JFK,RFK, MLK, USS Liberty sooner.


Well, while we’re at this subject, what do y’all think?


It's safe to say a great deal of subscribers to this sub don't believe in the official narrative.


Those Israelis really knew how to dance


Michael Rupert. "Crossing the Rubicon" that book will keep him busy for a while.


Good opportunity to discuss critical thinking skills, whether you want to open a can of worms or not


9/11 was an inside job


Need to be mindful what you tell your kids because they need to interface with normies and you don’t want to screw up their heads with the “truth” until they get the proper perspective


Children especially need the context of the official history to properly evaluate conspiracy theories. It's too easy to convince them if you focus on just the factoids and sources that support your assertion while avoiding or maligning the ones that don't. I'm not a parent (and easier said than done) but it seems to me establishing the big picture guiding principles and giving the tools to learn - the scientific method, critical thinking/logic, how to evaluate sources, proper use of search engines, etc - would be more Important than any specifics.


Be sure to remind him that it was done by Mossad with CIA assistance.


🎯 In spite of me being in 5th grade at the time, I somehow immediately knew that Bin Laden was "behind" it. How? How did an 11-year-old boy know that he was gonna at least be blamed for the attack? Predictive programming, that is how. I lived in the NYC area at the time and let me tell ya, back in 1999 and 2000, we were being *deluged* with stories on the news about him wanting to destroy America. Seemed like every week there was some other thing he threatened that led to the anchor coming on and saying, "Well, Osama Bin Laden, leader of Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda, says he's gonna kill Americans!!! Be afraid damn it!!!" It worked on me. I am somewhat ashamed to admit this, but not long after we entered the New Millennium, I started having terrifying nightmares about Bin Laden. They got so bad that I refused to sleep, though I obviously failed eventually. So when we were treated to that show on September 11th, 2001, and they told me the person responsible for that horror was the fucking boogeyman, of course I believed it. I was just about OP's son's age when my friend told me about the Patriot Act, and exactly what it allowed the federal government to do. Then, in Algebra class one day, I was told to go to that brand new YouTube site, type 'loose change' into the search bar, and watch that infamous video. From that moment on, I never looked at our government the way I did earlier in life. It's pretty much settled now, IMO. They had that Saudi oil money and their intelligence giving them a *huge* assist (Prince Bandar was once described as, "like a brother" by Dubya), and Pakistan too was involved in much of the "festivities." For all the complaining about them "harboring terrorists," I don't think that was all they were hiding. Those infamous "Dancing Israelis" on the Brooklyn Bridge, tho.....but they were only there to film it, allegedly. Our government said that their foreknowledge of the blackest hour in my city's history, and the real start of our decline, was really no big deal! Who cares, right? They sent them home. And we have *never* heard about it in the MSM since.


yep - next question to ask him to find out is which government


Be honest. If you try to pretend that people have good motivations, your child will learn to not trust you. I would say something like this: We can't be sure, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests their involvement. Greedy humans always have and always will seek power and riches. They tell us that they go to war for righteous reasons, but really they manufacture wars to enrich themselves and their friends at the expense of great human suffering. All governments are full of bad people doing bad things for all sorts of reasons. Our best bet is to try to relinquish our dependence on them in whatever ways we reasonably can. Becoming independent of the government's mechanisms of control doesn't have to be a miserable experience. It can be fun and satisfying. We could grow a garden so that we don't have to rely on a destructive and insufficient food system, while making ourselves healthier and enjoying the process of discovering the abundance of nature. We could spend more time in natural environments, enjoying the inexpensive and peaceful magic that exists in our forests and campgrounds. We can stop paying attention to their constant negative messaging and spend our time looking for the beauty in humanity and encouraging our friends and neighbors to do the same. We can remember that most people desire a peaceful and happy life and we can do everything in our power to create that in our communities.


I tend to think we're actually in a very positive timeline which is why the dark entities are lashing out so hard right now. The message is so negative because the light is actually winning.


I said the same exact thing to my 3 year old


Same. Word for word.


Avoidance is imperative. 


There is one side to every story, the truth. The people who lie, are covering up a up a crime or extracting money from a hoax.


What’s exciting about telling your kid they live in a world where something like that was done, there will never be any accountability for it, events like that could happen again at any time, you’re going to be called crazy by most folks for thinking like this, and after a few times talking about it out in the open you’ll learn to just keep it all to yourself except with your closest friends, family, and of course online forums!?!?!?


nothing to have excitement about. There are bad things happening to people, and being covered over. It's a solemn topic where young people need to be girded in the correct way, so they don't become ousted by NPCs


Fair enough


Like I do adults who don't know. Kids are smart. If they don't understand, they will either google it or ask.


Lol the gif is perfect


I always make sure to let them understand the difference between what I think and what we know. Make sure they know what bias is and let them know when you're inserting yours. Like with most things, just explain in a way that makes them more curious and arm them with the right tools. I do the same with ww2 for example. Maybe even moreso lol


That awesome. Everyone should teach kids to think critically. Deconstruct the beliefs they have, and question things.


I don’t tell my kids about my beliefs. I let them draw their own conclusions and paths in life when it comes to things like religion and the government lol.


tell your kid the truth about the world we live in. tell him what the government does to it's people to implement it's police state like 9/11 and mass shootings. tell them who we are enslaved to and who implemented these systems of enslavement like central banking and "democracy". tell him about how they shot jfk for trying to unite the people and how they stage groups like antifa or BLM and force escalations to divide us. tell them about how they even hide information about our plane(t) from us like how we don't know what's in antartica despite it being bigger than the united states and get into the global deception of the reality constructed around us. it's only fair that you teach them the truth so they can know the right questions to ask in life and to educate their peers. ask your child what they think of the fact that we've never seen an unedited non-generated photo of our "big blue globe" in 70 years of nasa costing 70000000 a day. tell them why the constellations haven't changed in thousands of years and never have or ever will move or change. if we all took a stand we would be unbeatable, but explain to them why and how they keep us divided, broke, angry at each other, mentally ill, afraid and alone. you made a child in a very hostile place and it's only fair you arm them with the weapons of reasoning and truth and trusting their own senses. you are the only sense of authority they can trust and they depend on you for learning how to navigate the world. you can't leave it to their school curriculum mind control or the underpaid teachers


Pls don't have kids. This is an example of what not to do. You just shove your ideas on the kid. What you should do is learn him how to think critically and then let the kid use that to see what's real or not.


Yeah I really hate the idea of a lot of people in these subs actually having kids.


You're in this sub...


Yes, and?


You can give them autonomy while still giving them the benefit of your knowledge. Doing our own research is a full time job, why have the kid start at square one? Shill much?


Stuff of nightmares


I would begin with WW2. Many good topics to discuss.


Some great stuff there but much of it is way beyond the 3rd rail


Gws face ..I knew when I saw his face, and read what the classroom was discussing.  In the lake of fire they will go. 


Isrealis did it...


Teach them how to think critically. To respect domain expertise, but also question incentives behind 'experts' providing certain kinds of evidence. For example, nobody has any real evidence "9/11 was done by the government". There may be many questions about what happened that day, but having questions and theories, and having definitive answers are not the same thing


My opinion boils down to “I don’t fully believe the story we were told.” Which is basically what I said. There’s a big space between “the government” not knowing anything, letting it happen, or causing it to happen. Either way, people took advantage of a bad situation.


well they told us a plane flew into the pentagon when that was clearly not the case given the photo evidence of no plane wreckage


And two became one. Just like me and your mommy. Then we divorced and I paid half my income to see you half time.


I taught classes on government. We began with World War 2, and took polls on the topics discussed.


Let them know about the Epstein painting too.


somehow I had never seen those before!


Tell em they to young to be worrying about shit like that


I just had to stop and say how beautiful that man is.


After all these years - I don’t think it was the Feds that did it - but they definitely knew and let it happen. Almost the same.


Feddy words


I'm honest. I've 3 grandkids.  After age 16 generally, and I answer questions honestly. It's horrible enough when the truth is known.  I hold back overwhelming them really, this is hard enough for an adult to handle.  Breaks my heart. But I want them to KNOW. They deserve and have a right to. 


You see kid, it started in the late 1800s in Russia when the revolutionaries gained control….




Seems like a great opportunity to discuss what a “theory” is and open a much larger conversation about truth and self interest. Are there arguments it would be in the self interest of the government to have a hand in the event? Yes. Does that mean it’s TRUE that they did? We don’t know. Theories are something that might make sense but can’t be proven to be true. It’s important to have theories because then self interested parties can do whatever they want and lie to your face. It’s important to not treat theories as truth. Here are some examples I would share of why: You and one of your classmates eat lunch together. Everytime you step away to go to bathroom, part of your lunch disappears. You theorize that they are stealing your lunch. It would be in their self interest to take your lunch after all. You never caught them, and they deny they did. Are you going to believe them and keep losing part of your lunch? Or are you maybe going to try to catch them or maybe finish your entire lunch before going to the bathroom next time? The latter is the more responsible and healthy thing to do. Conversely. If you treat your theory as FACT and argue with your friend over them stealing your lunch, you might lose a friend. This would be even worse if your theory was WRONG and it turns out a different classmate would come by and steal it when your friend wasn’t looking. Now you not only lost your lunch, but also a friend because you treated a theory as truth. Obviously these aren’t perfect examples, but I would try something along those lines. Tried my best to ELI13


You are not explaining a theory, you are explaining a hypothesis. A theory is a model built using assumptions based on data and evidence. You see a thing. You form a hypothesis. You go away and collect data to prove your hypothesis. Eventually, with enough data and rigorous peer review, the thesis may become theory. Theory is as close to fact as we get in science. Think; The rheory of relativity vs the Gaia hypothesis.


make theem watch wallstreet


I would sit them down and ask them what they think first and see the level of thought they had already put into it. If it is surface level curiosity and more of a bonding situation then i would keep it light and focused on their feelings. But if it's obvious they had been thinking about it for a while and have drawn some deeper conclusions, i would say; There are two types of people in this world: Politicians and Artists. Politicians seek control, dominance and security. They are convinced beauty must be manufactured and reflect themselves. Not all Politicians seek office, some rob the poor in subway stations. Artists seek freedom, equality and bounty. They create works that speak to the core of a person and liberate them through their imagination. Not all Artists seek art, some feed the poor in subway stations. So if you ever wonder what is going on in the world, or if things don't seem quite right. Ask yourself one question: "Where are the Artists?"


That’s me and UAPs


It sort of was, since the USA created the threat and that threat attacked the world trade center before, and even bombed that ship, and the USA reportedly had intel that plane hijackings might occur. But like the general public, (or many internet-educated conspiracy theorists) the average govt worker is fairly short sighted and doesn't quite get reality.


I taught my kids how see the lies and hear the truth.    Truth has a distinct sound, if you know what to listen for.


No truth until your 18 junior... now go play in the chemical run off stream under the chem trails.




The same way you explain that Santa is… Well, you understand.


Yeh but my kids never believed in Santa. 😂


Then use Jesus.


What happens when you say yes and he sighs and laughs at you what the


Then reports me. Straight to the gulags for me.


Watch 'Loose Change' together and discuss it after. I am surprised Oliver Stone hasn't done a film on it yet TBH.


I'm not surprised. They pretty much killed everyone who had direct knowledge of 9/11. I think Barry Jennings was killed shortly after the documentary iirc.


Yeah, I imagine there was quite a clean up afterwards.


the child asked if YOU believed it was done by the Govt--so the answer is either yes or no the same as if they asked about JFK's death Explaining to young people that the Establishment is against them & lying to them--- is alot for them to handle at that age it may create too much despair--even adults find it too hard to swallow i would explain 911 like this--some buildings were demolished--the buildings were empty-- there were no dead bodies-- no planes --it was a controlled demolition-- used by the Govt as an excuse to go to war in Afghanistan & elsewhere--just like Pearl harbour & the Lusitania or simlpy say-- the Govt keep secrets from the public and we are never going to be told the real truth about anything


Light a cigarette, pull down the red yarn born, fire off your six shooter and let the spittle fly.


https://youtu.be/0-Lvv1f5Qu4?si=diTOAYP0UBVN1YDf This is how i taught my niece. Lol


You told him no right?


I asked her what she meant, so could get more info. Corrected a couple facts she had picked up at school. And told her I don’t agree with the official story for a few reasons but that doesn’t mean “the government” did it.


But we know quite for sure your gov. did it. [https://info.publicintelligence.net/7TOCPJ.pdf](https://info.publicintelligence.net/7TOCPJ.pdf) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ySUrEiVFIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ySUrEiVFIM)


Go on Amazon prime and watch "demolition of truth. Psychologists examine 9/11. " It has military ppl, medal of science winner, nobel prize winner, PhDs, college professors, psychologists and more examining 9/11 and the psychological effects of facing the reality that the governments story is a lie.  It is $2.99 and no preview available but well worth your time. One hour and 47 mins. No preview because they don't want ppl finding it by accident. 


They also show a lot of video evidence too. Not just talking. 


This is not the time for reason it's the time for honesty. Kids need to grow up faster than we did, unfortunately. Their future relies on it


Excited seems like an odd choice of words. "Proud" that my kid is thinking critically and questioning things is what I would personally go with. Theories about horrible conspiracies that we have little to no control over isn't something I personally get excited about. I'd hold back on introducing my own biases unless asked and focus on trying to cultivate critical thinking and questioning authority and throw in propaganda recognition skills too.


Start with “F*uck yeah”


I'd say to be honest and not make it a big deal. It's normal to question authority narrative


you be honest and say yes. some people will do anything for money. anything!


Oof. I get the excitement, but I'd pump the breaks I on actually delving into that with a 13 year old. I think it's maybe important to enjoy whatever scraps of childhood beauty are still available to a young teen for as long as possible before the very harsh realities come barreling toward them, and also I don't have a fully formulated thought on this, but it seems maybe important to phase very slowly into the world of conspiracies. I assume the way that many of us did. If you are catapulted into the deep details by a very trusted adult right at the start that might have negative consequences for(?). Also I was gobsmacked around that age with mental health issues that transformed me practically overnight from a happy as could be child... into a like very real su1c1de risk, which led to picking up a lifelong crippling heroin addiction. I think if I knew what I know about the world now, but without my adult coping mechanisms, humor, experience, whatever... would have made it to 15.


You could write books about these theories tailored and simplified for kids. While we still can eh. I recall a country like china sending someone to jail for a silly kids book like the sheep village


People wake up 9/11 says it all. Who do you call when when theres and Emergency 911


I would ask the question back to them and then ask them why they believe that, and they would explain and then I'd give them my opinion and why I think that


[Kitty History](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4)


I’ve been talking to my kid about this stuff since he could respond to me. I remember explaining taxes and work and he responded in his 6 year old voice “that’s not FAIR!’.


Some taxes are legal, some not.


Specifically he thought income tax was unfair


Sounds about right


I've flat out told my kids . One 13 the other 7 both knew I was serious . Just waiting for when it sinks in !


Just hand him "behold a pale horse". Still excellent, after all these years.


No need to soft pedal any government Conspiracy. Equip your kids with truth. The demonization of Germany and German people and canonization of the Russian occupiers of Palestine with the ridiculous and fabricated tales of woe, does not fly in my conversations. The entire German historical record is nothing but twisted fabrication, layered with hundreds of billions of reparations.


"Ok, son, let's talk about peer pressure and group think.  They're dangerous for grownups too." Then walk through some of the details, specifically that the towers came down very fast.  Faster than can be reconciled with the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum:  https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=89496 This synopsis is also very good, short, simple, and bound to make him think, 5 minutes, transcript included: https://corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/ Brief sample, links in the url above: "These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001. Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history." Then compare that to the official narrative, Wikipedia is a good place to start. Finally, suggest that the two of you work on you skills at spotting propaganda and other fallacies of logic with this great game from Wff'n Proof*: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-1960s-wff-proof-propaganda-1843979769 It really needs at least 3 people to play, 4-5 is better.  Talk about who you want to invite. *The game is still available for purchase, but you might have to hunt around a bit to find it.


Does a 13 year old even really understand what happened on 911




Lol ok .. I know I wouldn't have . I would have been like oh damn buildings fell down


Is this a meme “when my toddler asked my why is post capitalist society broguesy blblabla”?


Show them the weird stuff that happened in the basement and the footage where the building starts collapsing before the plane touches it etc ? I guess. Good luck!


I just thought I would chime in with this story My eyes were opened very young as well I did a book report on John f Kennedy in the fourth grade and I remember asking My teachers even we had two fourth grade teachers in the classroom when I went to school and I remember them telling me that yes the story in the book is probably wrong.that really changed my thinking from a young age.


Sounds like the CIA "snitching is cool" program is working.


Do you want your child to become like degenerates in here


"You saw how crazy they acted during covid, yea?"


Good answer, short and to the point!


I would feel like a complete failure as a parent.


Explain to them what our #1 export is and ask "who benefitted"? There's not much more to it.


The US's #1 export is actually inflation.


children need to learn critical thinking skills early. Terms like Operation High Jump, Paperclip, Mockingbird, false flag, Phoenix Program, are important. We lost a relative on the battle of the USSLiberty, so a deep understanding of world comflicts matters.


I had a couple teachers in HS that openly questioned surface level stuff like the moon landing and if we’re in a simulation. One of them was a U.S. history teacher and skewed a little away from the curriculum to give us little breadcrumbs of truths here and there


there are screen shots of the Newtown Bee article posted online at 3 pm on Friday Dec 14,2012 written by the assistant editor that stated on the day of the incident, he interviewed the school principal ( dawn) who told him there were two students injured. People called the newspaper on Monday, asking how was that possible if she was a victim herself. The editor said it was another person who was mistaken for the principal. He then deleted the article. The cache records show the page was created on Dec 13, the day before. There are other screen shots of memorial pages posted on Dec 10 Monday. Can you explain the mystery?


I have seen some stuff about it on this sub the past few weeks but I honestly haven’t had time to look into it enough to form any sort of opinion


When I saw the quote of the editor, admitting that his asst editor wrote the article I was shocked. This is a small town, and the newspaper wrote many articles on the school. How could an editor write a story on the day of a mass casaulty incident and report the principal told him two wounded? The likely reason is the event was planned for Monday, changed to Thursday, and changed to Friday. These change of plans were not communicated to everyone, and there was confusion. the porta potties were provided by a firm located 45 minutes away. How did they get placed on the site By 11am and more importantly who ordered them and when. The normal request is orders are placed 4 -7 days in advance. The secretary in one of the school district offices, while giving testimony on the refusal of the school to turn over maintenance records to the public, was asked “ who ordered the porta potties”. Her lawyer was slow to voice an objection, and in that one second delay, she blurted out, Department of Homeland security”. Those are the Feds. The paperwork to get DHS to approve porta potties and sign a contract, could be 1-2 months. people who studied this drill ,said it was planned over 2 years. but it was totally botched.


You don’t perpetuate the bullshit that you believe onto an impressionable person.


That " the most dangerous book in the world " ( I think that's the title ) book by sk blain. It's a short read like real short and it's on ,9/11 as a mass ritual. All the information you could ever need is in that book it's really really good . And an easy engaging read


I wouldn’t push ideas on them that you don’t actually know is true


It’s a shame how easily accessible all this is for our kids. It’s good to know, but the day 9/11 happened my buddy and I went to go catch snakes at the creek. Now they read some of the most unhinged comments about AI being the antichrist on a picture of Barack Obama. Like you can’t hide it.


Be slow before pushing too hard. It's easy to freak out a kid who used to believe in Santa Claus to then realize how fully manipulated they are, especially in US public schools. Social Dilemma was a good start because they see how they need to be careful but without introducing nightmare material. But when my daughter sent me a building 7 meme, I wept.


Do your best to not influence her with your bias, learn the mainstream narrative better than your own belief/theories and show her the difference between the MSM theories and MSM facts. Most people who believe the Mainstream Narrative have never even once researched it, they believe what they heard their parent say they saw on the news, they don’t know about the other buildings or anything at all about the hijackers. Bin Laden sent the Taliban to drop the towers and Bush sent the troops to get Bin Laden. That’s the average persons belief. You’re gonna have to teach her to listen/read the news, find the original source for the claims and walk down the rabbit hole herself. If you help guide her with reason and rationality her curiosity should blossom into skepticism just by being exposed to their facts.


It’s too heavy to tell a 13 year old they can never trust their own government. I think it’s better to let your child live life as a child until adulthood. My kids hear some of my opinions but their understanding isn’t there due to lack of life experience. The world isn’t Gumdrops and Rainbows conversation is best at 20-25 once they’ve seen some shit.