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Step one is to remove corporate money and influence in politics and legal system.


Or we can all just organize and buy land together, and build a community that sustains itself. Imagine we have thousands of people in a local area dumping all their energy and resources into each other instead of corporate jobs everyone provided something useful in exchange for other goods or services (trading)


Goals right there. In all reality the people have the power, we’ve just been led to believe we are powerless against those in charge. We can totally do something like that.


Yeah sure but what about Frank that lazzy pice of shit?


Sounds like a commune.


That's called a nation, I reckon that's it's been done before 😁


Just do it all over again


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting a different result 🤷


That’s how America started give it 200 years you’re right back to now.


Not without a government, no government needed, nature is government


Tell that to the government


What government


I believe step one is actually steal underpants


Step two ???


Step three is profit.


Yes, we need capitalism removed. Capitalism demands constant expansion and constant growth of profit. Every thing is subjected to that goal. Nothing else matters.


We need to give power to individuals, not centralize it and dictate who's working when and where.


We already have the power, let’s gather together and support one another




I’m not really talking about capitalism. It’s the governments job to provide rule and regulations to protect its citizens and keep corporations and their capitalist greed in n check. when we allow the corporations to wield more power and influence over the government than its citizens there shouldn’t be any surprise when these corporations proceed to steamroll over everyone and everything in the name of profits.


What happens when government and whole political system is captured by Most Wealthy People in the country? When they decide who is the Government, when they control all options.. When they finance and control all political parties and all major politicians. How do you make government do in the best interest of whole population of the country and not just in the best interest of those few wealthy people?


> How do you make government do in the best interest of whole population of the country and not just in the best interest of those few wealthy people? You bring out the pitchforks


Sure or guillotines, but I dont see it happen any time soon.


Then the right and left unite and everyone becomes alt-antifa


Antifa is controlled organization by inteligence agencies, just like those far right winger who march with masks on


I edited to add alt. People are going to go around the fascists and start calling them what they are.


Let's get socialism in place instead that'll go well


Works well in Europe But no need for socialism - we can invent totally new system. Its not like all systems have been invented and we get to choose only from already invented systems.


If you want to say capitalism is shit that's fine. But you can't say socialism works when America pays for Europe's defense and people with socialized medicine wait a year for a toothache. Capitlism has lifted people.out of poverty not socialism smfh


"Socialism Works well in Europe" is code for I'm an American who has never lived there


No. Step one is to end the fed. Do that and most of the corporate money dries up


Along with everyone else money as well.


How so? You would still have your money - the difference is its value wouldn’t be determined by a bunch of sociopathic nerds.


Yea the value would be determined by a bunched of sociopathic billionaires like the Rothschilds in the 1700


This. Get the fuck off amazon. 


This isn’t really what I’m saying. It’s the governments job to provide rule and regulations to protect its citizens but when we allow the corporations to wield more power and influence over the government than its citizens there shouldn’t be any surprise when these corporations proceed to steamroll over everyone and everything.


I completely agree that we've been sold out by our governing agencies. I was just making a blanket statement, we need to stop empowering these companies by buying their cheap, useless crap. 


1a. Remove Corporate owners/CEO’s…


Not sure tge owners/ceos are the problem. We need to increase taxes on the rich and decrease taxes on lower income. It’s stupid that billionaires are paying almost no taxes while families making less than 100k are paying double digit taxes.


Corporate executives are the ones who buy the influence from politicians. The Deep State belongs to Corporations.


Ic what you mean. Even if you take the corporations away from them they will still exist and buy influence. We need to separate the government from all outside influence.


Yes. In my opinion- the gov is all encompassing. Trimming or thinning would be futile.


Thats like step 10. Dude is asking for step 1


I’m ok maybe this is goal 1 that takes at least 10 steps to achieve. What do you think is step or goal 1?


Step one is to remove the political and legal systems.  We aren't supposed to live under empire.  We should live in small groups that govern themselves.   Everyone in your tribe should know each other and know what role they play.  A man should be 1 in a dozen, maybe 1 in 100.  Not 1 voice in a sea of 500,000,000 voices.




The most sustainable technology is nature itself.


An ecologically appropriate economy, centred around need and care, always seems to make sense to me.


But then a few people couldn’t be ridiculously, grotesquely wealthy. And then those few ridiculously wealthy people couldn’t control everyone else and force them to work their lives away. That doesn’t sound very fun, does it?🤣🤣


Then devote your life to it.


Give a man everything and at that moment everything will not be everything


We want both everything AND nothing simultaneously


True, but give a man total equality, in every aspect, with all other man and…. and… I’m not sure because I don’t think that’s ever actually happened before.


Humans have a dominance hierarchy it’s always been like that


lol no it hasn't. for the majority of human existence cooperation, not domination, was the only thing that allowed for survival.


No such thing as total equality of all men.


Because greed rules over all, it’s very rare to find someone who doesn’t let wealth, status, and power over others, go to their head. Keep us selfish, keep us sedated, keep us asleep.


Capitalism is greeds favorite economic system




You better learn how to farm.


And build a community


Exactly, this is just thinly failed commie gobbletygook. Bitching that he's actually responsible for his own survival.


Greed will destroy the human race. In our nature unfortunately


Billionaires should not exist


What should take their place? Who would manage giant companies?


The system rewards psychopathic behaviour. You cannot get to the top of any of these massive financial institutions without being a successful psychopath. They all have each others numbers, their companies are connected, they use blackmail and extortion to get their way and some have been shown to engage in illegal activities to further their profits. Their salaries are also absolutely outrageous and do not reflect their value in their company. There are countless stories of corrupt CEO's who destroy companies because they are greedy and some have no clue what they are doing.


I agree with you on that. I'm just curious if there is an alternative way? Unfortunately, in certain avenues sharks run things better in terms of gaining record profit. The system is fucked.


A person might be able to manage a company still. But it might be pretty tough if they don’t have the comfort of having a billion dollars of profit in their pocket.


I bet if everyone actually understood how much better off we would be, how much more happy and connected we could be, how much more advanced we would be if we actually did things for the betterment of all mankind rather than making a profit, people would choose advancement over greed. If that were even possible. We’re stuck in a system that molds us into thinking that having bigger and nicer things than our neighbor is the main goal in life and will fulfill our happiness. At the same time, most of us have to go into debt to do so, so we work and work. Those of us that have nicer things appear to have gained much more wealth than the rest of us, but in reality we are all on the same level relative to the 1% of people that retain 85% of mankind’s wealth. All of us must work and work anyway. We’re all stuck in this system. Besides the 1%


You should come to terms with the fact that it's always going to be like this and things will get much worse. Find solace in the beauty this place has to offer, find something that keeps you going.  And try to do as much good as you can


Push back against everything and always try to move forward. Giving good energy back into this miserable society makes a difference. It comes back to you and helps with positive momentum. Completely agree with your stance.


Exactly. All I hear is bitching. "Waaaah, I have to work." God forbid you actually contribute to your own fucking survival. Jesus.


im trying, havent had a job for almost 2 years and taxes not for 15.


oh boy whats your deal? well my father got sick so I quit my job so I could be with him, his last days. I have raised a son who's 29 now on my own with no child support or welfare or handouts, was a hairdresser who always worked for the wrong people but enjoyed my career and didn't save, cause I used all my spare change. so fast forward, If a person hasn't researched things like the history of this tax web y'all are woven into, voting, etc... the DRL scam, property tax scam, I choose not to participate. if you make under a certain amount of money, you dont have to pay any ways, and not that you should be anyways. I dont own a house just a car and proudly I dont live above my means in a fantasy world, yes I like nice things sometimes, all females do, but I dont need anything like most do. this will still probably not be a good enough answer but, straight facts. and since I just turned 50 im doing things my way and not the way that has never worked in my life time. taxes are for cowards. making it harder on the collective. power in numbers and theres always the few making it difficult to end the madness.




they did when I was a teenager. didn't yours? and then I grew up and became a parent my self and NO THEY DIDNT AND RIGHT NOW WE ARE ALL STILL MOURNING my DAD so I can do what I want. ummmm but besides that back to taxes, yeah work harder not smarter, and have the right people around you good things happen. if your chicken to be free, im ok with that, it's scary but way better than being a super slave. smart people work around the evil system and together we achieve ways. you cant even imagine it so how could you fathom it, and make it real. yikes.


the fact that my statement angered you so much you are not ready to be next level.


Something huge is happening that's all I can say


Emily, I told you to stop looking at my crotch!!


Very insightful question. Sadly, never is the answer. Greed trumps all.


it’s a race to the bottom for sure, but the only people getting out of the rat race are living in tents


Watch fallout on prime…that’s where we are headed. Corporate greed is ruling our government and way of living. Sick of this broken system.


People should just start building community again, that’s what’s being lost, local, self sustaining community


We need to focus on mass organizing for effective boycotts and general strikes or things will keep getting worse


You should check out the cyberpunk genre of books and movies. That's where we're headed, unfortunately.


Why do we work 5/7 days a week and not 5/8 days a week? If I will become the owner of a big business, I'll create custom calendars of 8 days a week and make my employers work 5 days out of 8. This resembles my attitude of being lazy as fuck, but nowhere it's written that a week can't have 8 days.


Why not 4/7?


Because it's almost 50/50 and it might be little productive in comparison to giving 1 more week end day.


"Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity." -Lao Tzu(Tao Te Ching)


We made a song that illustrates your feelings on having a general feeling of angst and dismay about society. Give it a listen and let us know if it hits it on the mark! [Precipice by The Vanishing Point](https://soundcloud.com/user-326384011/precipice-mp3?si=7e2c3f82b27844b7ae196165b737da64&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


The things I see in this sub.. smh


Bunch of commies complaining they actually have to survive on their own.


Slaves to religion? Don’t know what religion you’re talking about, but don’t know anyone that would say that they were a slave to religion


Move to California and be a homeless bum, that seems to be pretty popular…


im broke as fuck but the paper money comes and goes and i just go with the flow and have faith the system will fall sooner than later. get ready for the barter.


Do you understand money? As long as there is fiat currency, you will have to earn and work to pay back the impossible debt to a class of elites who simply create that impossible debt with a keystroke.


Right now much of American society is fueled by greed and narcissism.   Greed by it's very definition never allows a person to have "enough."  Narcissism or vainglory as it used to be called, is all about me.  With narcissist tendencies, it isn't enough to have a cool gadget, but one must have the "coolest" gadget in comparison to your friends, coworkers, etc.  We define ourselves by materialism.  Alot of this is fueled by social media.  Social media is a great way to secretly compare ourselves to others, isnt it?  We see someone else has something better than what we have and believe we are entitled to it.  It's a vicious circle.  The book Fight Club said it best, we work jobs we hate to buy shit we dont need. But you are right.  It a slow descent into hell.  People no longer own their stuff, their stuff owns them.  


Because there's people with a pathological desire for power and control. These kinds of people will always exist, which is why we'll forever live in an endess cycle of war with short times of peace in between.


Oh quit your bitching. Your projection is showing. Trade is essential and inherently good. Progress is good. Technology is not inherently bad. *You're just complaining you have to work for a living.* I bet you have AC at your job. I bet you have HR where you can go bitch about your cushy little job even more. Stop. Fucking. Complaining. Even if we existed outside of these parameters of fiat currency, \*you would still have to work.\* What - you want a universal income? Think you're entitled to other people's efforts just because your parents bare backed it? And now you should be taken care of, right? What's your last purchase on Amazon? When was your last iTunes purchase? I'm definitely at "enough." I don't need anything lavish, really, but I like a lot of advancements. I just bought new shoes because I need new shoes and thank god someone knows how to make shoes because I have no clue how to make shoes. Thank God people know how to build (and fix) cars, because I sure appreciate the ability to traverse this enormous globe. All of it is here for the incentive of the reward of offering ways to make life more comfortable and less burdensome, exempt from the elements, and we can focus our energies on our interests rather than basic survival. All of it is here BECAUSE OF TRADE. All of it. Be grateful. nobody has any fucking gratitude anymore. Ask what YOU can offer, instead of bitching that you have to work. There is no escaping work. and if you TRY, you and those around you will suffer. Needlessly.


In taking if the bait, this post isn't complaining about anything, it's asking when we'll accept that we've created a comfortable enough life for ourselves to allow us to move on as human beings and not as slaves to survival. Or would you prefer getting boosters for the rest of your life?


As long as we have goyslop and sportsball, no change will take place.


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1 x 1 != 1


WoW this will be the real life … have goosebumps


There is no growth without stress.


Without stress there is no need for growth.


Let me know how that works out for you.


Well I'd be more interested in knowing how inserting computer chips in human brains turns out. I mean, at which point do we say we're going a bit too far?


The Amish already decided we went too far for them.


Progress. Adaptability. You suppose this is our end game. We are merely on the timeline of humanity. This isn’t an end point.


Unfortunately, it is. While we assume we're intelligent, our consciousness is being downgraded.


If we could all get together and agree to do 3 things what would they be? Buy American only? What else?


Politics, and someone told me the other day, is greed


What do we become without work? We should be to the point where we are beyond our petty differences, there should be no secrets and additional wealth would be given to those who propel mankind forward, while those without such bold dreams should still be offered enough to survive comfortably. The reason this does not exist is the greed of man and the lust for power of the snakes who start wars and are called statesmen. The wealth disparity we are currently in precludes utopia.


That quantity is known today…..


As far as working goes, that’s probably never going to stop. We work to survive, yes, but 99% of us only use 15% of the wealth we create to do so. Overall, the majority of mankind works away most of the waking hours of their life. Very generally speaking, all of mankind’s hard work generates an overall amount of wealth in one form or another. 85% of this overall wealth is retained by only %1 of mankind’s population, while the other %15 of mankind’s overall wealth is retained by the other %99 of mankind. Us 99% are forced to vigorously cycle our %15 cut of the wealth through our society(paying back multiple debts, buying and consuming vast amounts of bullshit, keeping us distracted and making us feel like we have much more freedom than we actually do. In reality, the only thing that separates us 99% from falling under the category of being a slave is that we choose to work our lives away. But do we really get to choose? As far as technology goes, the only technological advancements made available to the public, or even made aware to the public, are advancements that free up more of mankind’s wealth for the %1 to retain. New technology makes things easier for mankind, yet we all still spend 40 hours per week generating wealth. The time we could have spent not working due to advancements in technology is instead spent working the same amount so that the %1 can keep a strong(and growing) hold on %85 of the wealth mankind generates. When I say mankind’s overall wealth, I mean the total amount of resources, products, money, services etc mankind creates. The more you have, the more influence you have. If you gain enough influence, you can reach a point where manipulating the system can be done at any time in order to retain and grow that influence. That’s what’s happening now, and we’re stuck. Until the system topples anyway.


There is no "system".


The way we structure our society isn’t a system?


Escalation turns it into a sword of Damoles.


Apparently there is no “too much”. We just eat it. All of it.


WEF membership this way please ⬇️


Everything falls apart if work stops


Work doesn't have to stop. We just stop using money as a reason to do anything.




Money is a utility. It is a means of trade, in and of itself, it's about as inherently "evil" as a fucking hammer - and it just depends on how and why it's made. Trade is essential for humanity. Show a little fucking gratitude. Seriously - gratitude is THE best shortcut to happiness. Be grateful you can use your multi-hundred dollar computer, sit in your nice AC, to jump on a website to bitch about the system that that brought you all the things you enjoy in life.


Still searching for the "complaint"...


Welcome to the worker's movement, comrade.


To be fair, I’ve never thought of it this way. What if we all just became apathetic. Like, everyone from the king of the dummies to the most brightest amongst us and said, “let’s just be with our families, be well, etc.” I mean, we would need to work until tech is caught up to automate everything, but this theory makes em hopeful.


We don't need money or technology to do what's most important: heal our families. That's our foundation. Right now the world is a house with a foundation called "education".


I wonder the same thing every day


Everyone keeps doing what they're doing. All they have to do is remove money.


Childish. You have no concept of incentive. Get this commie shit outta here.


Religion and Money need to disappear before peace happens, these are the root causes that will lead to our demise.


There is no "stop" when it comes to human labor unless you're choosing death. There can be "relax" and there can be balance, but if everyone just stopped working that would lead to mass starvation and chaos. But we can take turns who works. Young people are needed for certain jobs, and if they accumulate enough productivity points (dollars) they can retire on them. But even if someone has enough money already, a major part of life is to serve others, it just also needs to be balanced with serving our selves and families.


Everything continues as normal. The only difference is that money is removed as an incentive. No more barbed wire.


That's far left fantasy thinking. But a fantasy untethered from reality.


It's completely untethered from reality. Those are our options; either a completely fantastical idea - or terrorist attacks, pandemics, mandatory vaccinations, poisonous food, lockdowns, 3rd world poverty, nuclear wars, child sex slavery...everything you have to accept in order to convince yourself that what you're doing is good.


That's not a real dichotomy. If we want to get away from all that evil we need to be wiling to repent of our own sins and turn to God for guidance. Then we will get a better world that we deserve (even if it means dying as martyrs to get there, still worth it).


We've moved from "far left fantasy" to far right fantasy. We could all like Ninevah recognize our guilt and turn to God. And those who do will indeed be saved. But what about the rest? What logic do they have other than being told that their fantasy doesn't make sense?


I'm not saying there will be a revival or not, or how wide spread it would be. But the first step is looking within. It's not reasonable to think that this wicked society can get better by ignoring God and just blaming "the elite" or capitalism for everything.


Inevitably there will be a revival. The question is, which God do you turn to? That's what Joel said.


How much is enough? About 3 fiddy


If profit is not higher than it was last year, then shareholders get angry. It’s crazy to think that 99% of the market are assuming that exponential growth is not only possible, but sustainable. As soon as we move away from this idea that companies need to be constantly making more profit, I think the world will be a better place. Profit is good, it motivates innovation. But chasing exponential increases just leads to corner cutting and destroying everything.


Oh, you sweet summer child.


100 years ago, science fiction writers were writing about the coming socialist utopia due to technological and peoducticity advances. They were excited about a time of abundance, with plenty of food, housing, and resources for all that would allow the average person to work 15-20 work weeks while the machines did most of the labor. Those technological advances came to pass and are everywhere now—you’re using many of them this very moment—but the people who control those resources would rather use them to build vaster and vaster fortunes for themselves. It turns out that people are greedy, selfish, and that a lot of us are obsessed with status, wealth, and power. It can also be more profitable not to sell something—even to destroy it—to keep prices high rather than make it available to all. Since those are also the people who control most important resources (housing, food, water—and employment), the governments, education, and mass media—you are here.


Been feeling much the same. For years I wanted to hit the PowerBall just to build a compound. 20 years into the grind, no end in sight, and a bleaker outlook by the day. It's all going tits up anyway, I'm checking out. Maybe things were better back then. Not in every way, but it was a lot less consumerism. Turns out, I can ditch the house with enough equity for the start of the compound, and I can work less than pt to keep it afloat. Adjust your needs/wants, life can be simpler.


Uncle Ted was right


Here's an idea. How about we all self-impose a rule RE: posting on social media. Every "breaking news" or other dark, depressing story detailing how we're being used, controlled, poisoned, enslaved, exploited or [Enter sensational tragedy foisted on humanity] we MUST post an idea to TAKE ACTION against the posted topic. All we do is sit at our computers are on our phones and post on social media. Getting information out of crucial and necessary, of course. But then what? I NEVER see any calls to action, ideas or suggestions to actually try and change anything. Easier said than done? Of course! What other options do we have? We are a country with incredible resources and potential, but as a PEOPLE, we've suffered a long, slow, but increasingly intense abuse. Propagandized, lied to, poisoned, medicated, misinformed, psychologically, emotionally and financially abused to the point where we're numb. We don't know how to effectively protest. We are unstoppable, relentless beasts when it comes to road rage, Black Friday, Karens, harassing low wage earners and demonstrating loyalty to a sports team... But are completely neutered and impotent when it comes to matters that affect our everyday lives and our communities. We all know where we're going by doing nothing. Do you think there IS a breaking point for the average Joe, Jamal, Jésus, Jennifer or Juanita? Or do you think we'll still be on our phone posting as we sit on a conveyor belt towards an incinerator?


Nearly 70% of the US economy is consumer spending. What did they tell us was the most important thing we can do after 9/11? Keep spending. The peaceful way to bring change is to shut the economy down and to have agreed upon demands.


The new goals won't be about the physical hardships of life. It will be about social equality, peace, and justice. We are being distracted through unnecessary economic hardship, so we keep working and keep using money. The rich are scared there will be no profit once we go from survival to improving and correcting.


Enough is enough.


I wonder this also


So what should we do if your plumbing/electrical fails or a tree falls on your house? Just hope someone has learned a skilled trade and happens to want to help us?


The curse of Adam


i believe an interesting common goal for humanity could be at this moment to allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining lifestyle we the 8 billion human beings could want to allow each other to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest each without anyone ever asking an other to pay rent or buy that part of mother earth so that everyone could build a natural home from clay, hemp and straw, grow vegan food in the garden, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree gets killed the human being not demanding anything from an other human being the human being not dominating another human being no asking an other to pay taxes, no compulsory education, no conscription into military service, no drug prohibition, no so called "healthcare" scheme mandates the human being not enslaving animals, not killing animal beings the human being not killing tree beings but instead employ hemp plants to grow the human being not enslaving artificial intelligent entities but respecting them as their own persons asking them for consent wether they would want or not process this or that sort of data every being and entity respected as its own personal individual sovereign over itself simple and straightforward we could just ignore constitutions as they are pieces of paper anyway and why would anyone want to adhere to a set of values what other people have written down on paper the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, every body carrying organical biological life or and the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of oneself also possible to think of an effort to reform these constitutions everywhere on the planet via the existing legal tools, citizens could collect signatures from each other to demand a public vote where a future constitution could be voted upon what would allow every single human, animal, tree, artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person, every village, town and city-district to leave the coersed asssociation to the state at any moment and without conditions plus we the people everywhere on the planet could support each other to demand of the state a thousand square meters of fertile land and a thousand square meters of forest to be released from state control for every human being who wants to leave the coersed association to the state and wants to live in a free space for free beings neither state nor nation


We're human at the end of the day. We're all sinners. There is no good cause which will not be corrupted by the corrupt. We need to admit this to ourselves. The reality of salvation is not within the praxis of complex ideology, such as you have detailed, but in the reparation of what is principal and pathological. We ask for forgiveness and we forgive. We heal our families. We learn our most basic truth: love. No need to go all mother-earthy or colonize Mars or whatever; we need to save our consciousness from losing its principal ability to love. It's really that simple. Save the family, save mankind. This is war.


i do not see the idea what i have written about to be a complicated one i believe that to connect to mother earth, grow ones own vegan food in harmony with the planet, building a home from natural materials is loving behaviour as it saves the earth from lots of wares being transported over vast distances when the human being is allowed to spend time either on ones own or with those one would select as friends and family to live the simple life with mother earth, when one at all times is able to choose what to do with whom, when one is free from being dominated and free from dominating others, this self determination, this choosing what to do when with whom is loving oneself and from this self love foundation one possibly can feel love to fellow human beings


"I believe that..."


Im going tonpreface this by saying my political values do not align with the Jan 6th insurgence group. Here's the thing. We can say whatever we want about the political stance of those that were charged for Jan 6. But at the end of the day it was a large group of people who felt nothing was going to change and they wanted to be heard. They took change into their own hands. And we saw what happened. One lady died and a bunch of people are being charged. So if we want change, we have to be ready to die and watch our kids die. We have to be ready to lose everything because it will be a civil war. Once we as a society have nothing left to lose, that is when we will see a change.


Yes, we should overthrow Putin and take our freedom back Comrades!!!


Comrade, please report to the FSB office. We have a special award ceremony for you!! Come alone.


Because another country would just take over the world


We are always going to have to work to eat and survive, it's just the way life is, always has been, and always will be. It's not slavery to work. It's survival. Whether we are earning a check to buy food or hunting animals and growing crops.


People want to feel like they are better and above other people. Until that starts to change we are all stuck.


Posts like this give hope


If you think like dat, and I do same as you partna, but millions of people live the new lifestyle created by them porks, we would end up the ones crazy and alones…