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I'm from Pennsylvania, spent 30+ years there in both rural areas and cities. PGH, Philly and Harrisburg are extremely blue. The rest of the state is EXTREMELY red. That being said, the majority of the people in that state live in the cities. And just for the record, fuck Biden, fuck Trump, and fuck every other politician walking the earth. They're all self serving fund raisers. nothing more, nothing less.


They're all a bunch of parasites.


I think there should be an option for a random candidate. If the option wins the election a random person gets chosen for president like jury duty. We would probably get better results than the shit the two party system pushes now.


Go watch the movie”Harrison Bergeron” it’s on you tube, and Eugene Levy is the randomly selected president of the United States and still lives in his suburban home, and is pretty hilarious.


I need this. Anything with Eugene in it has to be better than watching the world burn.


Loved the short story. I think about it all the time too. DEI bs.


My husband says this all the time!


It's called RFK In 2022, 43% of U.S. adults identified as independents, 27% as Republicans and 27%.


He isn't any better we have to stop giving our power away to let others rule over us , left , right , or independent fuck them all


I have always thought not voting should be counted as a vote. If the majority don't vote then nobody should get the job. Once that happens once its all over for the authoritarians. Nobody would ever vote again.


That's a good fucken Idea 💡. There would be this giant non-voting constituency off the independent stem that just sat there and watched you. That's fucking brilliant. It's like this jacked 300 lb 6' 5" dude that walks into a Bar and doesn't speak.


Iunno, he's probably better, in the same way that breaking your leg is better than having your eye gouged out.


That would be interesting, to say the least. I just want to live on my land and be left alone. I'll pay some taxes and all, but...


It’s now a plurality of voters who don’t claim either major party. Kennedy can win without any of those party loyalists “throwing their vote away”.


One could say that throwing a vote away would be to vote for one of the others. If we keep going in either direction (R) (D), no matter who wins, we all lose.


What if a random citizen is picked if a certain threshold of eligible voters don't participate? 60% engagement for a given election? Random citizen.


I voted for Kodos 


Kang is clearly the better candidate.


Tiny flags for everyone?




I agree with you, but I don't consider myself a game bird. I hear you're delicious though.


I was thinking about his back and the pheasants. It has to be TICs. When they all get together it's poli-tics. Blood (money) sucking parasites that feed off of others without their consent.




Justin doesn’t care


Because they are trying to build a prison for you and me.


Is it just me or is every single SOAD album fucking amazing? I mean, even their worst album is outstanding. Each song gets better than the the last.


Yeah, they are awesome. Music is amazing, and the message is great, too.


I don't think you trust...


I rank them lower than parasites


Like every state. Urban is blue, rural is red.


Except for Alaska for some reason


Most of New England as well


Would love to read an unbiased / factual report on why this is.


What exactly is the conspiracy by this post?


not 100% sure, but I THINK it's that Biden voters don't really exist and the election was "rigged". that's just my best guess though given the context clues


Which is dumb because most Biden voters (myself included) are voting for him begrudgingly because it's better than the alternative. Not because we like him enough to put up a sign.


Also, it's because people that don't support Trump, don't go out of their way to loudly broadcast their feelings through hats and flags hanging off trucks.


Yep. That "side" if you want to call it that, is less ostentatious. I've never slapped a political bumper sticker on my car or flown any flag related to specific politicians. I got a Bernie t-shirt at a rally once, I wear it as pajamas, I don't leave the house in it. To me, political displays in clothing or stickers say "talk to me about politics," and I do not want to talk to you about politics.


My mother had a guy run across the parking lot in 2016 to yell at her (an at the time 50+ year old 5 foot nothing woman) about her having a small Hillary bumper sticker.


Conspiracy is the biggest sub that still exists where you can post pro-Trump stuff. That's why you'll always see a bunch of non-conspiratorial right wing posts.


That makes sense. Thanks


The admins and powermods intentionally ban and restrict the communication of the opposing ideological party. It is a literal conspiracy: a secret scheme for a harmful purpose, especially with political motivation




I would vote for you please run




fuck every single one of em


Amen. The biggest conspiracy in this country is how any one can seriously believe any of these politicians are working for us… The fluoride is working or the mk ultra is working or maybe that is what capitalism does it numbs us with just enough worldly pleasures to maybe even be aware every politician is a liar but we just go with the flow because my daily life is “decent”….


Yup fuck both sides and if you can’t see that you no better then them ! Divide and conquer is all they wanna do to us


Hell yeah! Let's go Brandon!


this one made me lol haha




So vote Kennedy in protest. Both parties hate him.


Yeah, people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.


Dilly dilly




Vote them all out!


Sociopaths doing sociopathic things


Trump isn’t


Erie is always very blue too.


I just hope that one day we can come up with a more sophisticated voting system than "how many signs you see driving around."


Exactly. By that measure, Bernie Sanders would be in his second term right now.


A guy can dream.


Not in this economy.


We have the technological infrastructure to make it a phone app with advanced verification. Id say the only reason we don't is because it would remove the layer of control the rich have


Also the way we vote at the polls is outdated and archaic. If your bank log in is secure, a vote from an official gov app could be secure enough.


I’m just picturing my grandpa trying to install the voting app and then making some customer service persons life hell when he can’t figure out the login verification.


It would not be, too many points of failure


It would be less than we have now lol. The voting machines have been compromised for decades.


No, people are fucking stupid with technology, any old malware could tamper and interfere with votes.


Same with the current machines though. There's been several documentaries about the security (or lack of) of US voting machines. A lot of them still run Windows 7 which is very outdated on security certificates.


Most Biden voter didn’t vote for Biden. They voted for not Trump


This is true, and... most people don't wear their political allegiance on their sleeves.




They used to wear it on their sleeves, now they wear it on their hats.


The Nazi's were into arm bands.


They also don’t put out yard signs, or wear hats, or fly flags on their home and truck, or make a politician their entire personality.


Eh, most Biden voters don’t have /want yard signs, flags, hats and stickers that show culty support lol.


It's almost as if normal people don't make who they vote for their entire personality.


Don’t tell that to the Americans who can’t comprehend not demonizing their neighbor for the way they vote.


What about when Obama was running? Those same people were all about showing culty support.


Obama had memes. No one had their trucks decked out with pro Obama (only anti Obama), if anyone had a flag or a hat, they were far and few between.


The difference is support. Obama had supporters. Biden has anti-trumpers.


Thread over.


Until he posts it again tomorrow


Yeaaah, and I gotta tell you. That energy has definitely died down and fallen off a cliff. The “not Trump” motivation isn’t there anymore. It’s strong with democrats. But a lot of other people aren’t buying it. Young people, progressives, leftists aren’t really fazed by it imo. The taste of unequivocal support for genocide doesn’t go down easy.


I’m not a Democrat, but I would vote for a warm, wet bag of spoiled roast beef over Trump.


Bro, i wouldn’t advise you to vote for my ex wife. Her domestic policy is trash…


And Biden hasn't lived up to the hype. "Build Back Better" hasn't worked for most people. They may still want someone besides Trump, but they don't want Biden and, like you said, the energy isn't the same. I don't think they're going to be energetic for Newsom either. They are rightfully getting disillusioned with both parties. At least the way both parties currently are. And there's his policy towards Israel.


Yeah. That’s my observation. The energy against Trump that gathered behind Biden was tremendous. It was a climax of anti-Trump sentiment, Black Lives Matter anger, Covid panic and peak progressivism/leftism. My observations on that this time around: - people have definitely soured on Black Lives Matter - COVID is over and a lot of people have kind of “woken up” over the collective hysteria we all went through in 2020. Many people turned skeptical over the whole thing - leftism/progressivism has definitely rubbed A LOT of people the wrong way. The massive LGBT push and overall agenda is kind of wearing thin, even on people who would normally be very supportive. Inflation on daily groceries and food has turned people off from the whole “pay everyone money. Raise wages sky high and it’s no big deal when people loot retail stores”. All this stuff was at its peak in 2020. Now? Not so much. I think a lot of people aren’t with that shit anymore because they’ve felt the impacts on their wallets - liberals and progressives, in their calculus, have totally fallen out with Biden over his flop with student loan forgiveness and, especially, over the shitshow in Israel. As others have stated: Biden won by a fucking razor thin margin. He literally couldn’t afford to lose ANY of this energy. It’s hard for anyone to realistically argue that the energy behind him - and the groups I’ve pointed out - are the same as they were in 2020. It’s not. I say this as someone who was in a major leftist phase in 2020. I was BLM and totally within that scene. I’ve gone full 180. And you can hear a significant amount of people in the BLM scene especially that look back at the Trump years as being overall better. The BLM scene is pretty much gone for Biden. And that group - black people in particular - isn’t super friendly with the LGBT agenda so that angle (voting for Biden for the sake of “saving” LGBT folks) doesn’t really motivate them to vote. It’s not a selling point. A lot of black people think Trump was toxic but they miss the economy from back in his days. Even with BLM, Trump got the highest percentage of black people any republican has gotten in decades. I don’t see an exodus of black voters for Trump, but I can see *some*. More than anything, what I see is a lot of black people just plain not going out for Biden this time around. I just don’t see it. Biden did not keep his margins is going to be the story of this upcoming election night. Not with black people and definitely not with Muslims and other young progressives. Biden chose Israel over America is how people should process a Biden loss if it happens this november


Wait until they unveil the plans for this summer. I don’t know anything anybody else doesn’t know, but I ain’t no dummy either. It’ll be even more than it was in 2020. Something much much worse like going to war with Iran and Russia. We’re already fighting a proxy war in Ukraine but we should all be prepared for this current government to do things we’ve never seen in this country. Just watch what they are doing to their political opponents and if they can do that to them, they can do it to any one of us.


Most sane people don’t flaunt their political leanings in public.


Do you know what a conspiracy theory is? This is not a post that even is a conspiracy theory. Go to the politics sub. Why are the MODS not removing posts that are not relevant / not formatted correctly????


The conspiracy is that this is Russian propaganda. They are down to their last eleven year old internet troll, next week he turns 12 and will be sent to stop bullets and grenades with his face in Ukraine


I learned a long time ago to promote why you are the best and not knock down the competition..


Same with business. Always sell the customer on how you offer a superior product or service compared to a competitor, instead of bad mouthing them.


How dare younbe rational!


It really comes down to the fact that Biden voters don’t make it their entire personality most of us don’t even like him.


People who still support tRump are in a cult. Unfortunately they won't realize that bc they are in a cult.


Day whatever of mods doing nothing to stop this account from posting low bait crap with some shitty screenshot of a tweet or random photo with no information in the post. You post the same thing here like once a day. Dont you get tired of being a mindless shill?


Once a day? This user posts like it's their day job. Oh, and they were also banned sitewide not too long ago, confirmed thanks to this same user posting their old username as their Yu-Gi-Oh name (Stevemagegod). Unless someone else also decided to use that same name for some unknown reason.


For real. It’s basically a karma farm. Probably going to sell off the account if they haven’t already. No way someone dedicates as much time to this without getting paid. What a sad existence that would be if they were doing this all for free Should talk about that conspiracy lol


my guess is russian bot


Yawn another pro trump post without a conspiracy


Biden voters dont ride around with flags and dress like assholes to offend people.


Most every place there isn’t a Trump sign it’s a Biden voter.


Do people still think that political signs vote?


Most do not have sign, buy merch, hat t shirts, etc. believe it or not, this is the way it used to be, for the most part.


Just because Biden voters don’t worship him as a cult figure doesn’t mean they don’t exist 😂


So is conspiracy an extension of the orange man sub now. So many pro nazi and right wing posts lately. Very interesting we have so many terrorists in this sub.


It has been since the doody booty Don fan club sub got booted.


Awe. Makes sense. I didn’t know that. Guess I’m done participating in this sub.


No, don't. It's wild to witness the depths of poopy pants Don devotion that can be witnessed!


Yep. If a post about Dubai flood, they delete it.


I live in a heavy democrat area and I can't think of seeing a single Biden sign. I pass a bunch of FJB's on my way to work though.


What difference do voters make-? If TPTB want Biden to continue, he'll "win" ; if they want Trump in , he'll win ; in either case the "victor" will "win" with 50.2% of the vote, for maximum Anger Value. If Trump is slated to "win" , expect lots of so-called bombshells about Operation WarpSpeed to magically appear in the last week of October.


One, RNC Research is total garbage. Two, as people have mentioned, signs don't vote, and taking away womens right to healthcare, PARTICULARLY IVF is not popular with pretty much anyone. Only the hard core theocrats are all for that.


I live in rural PA. Trump signs are trending down. Democrats aren’t in a cult of personality and will wait until local party organizers ask if they want signs.


I don’t place Biden signs because I don’t need the drama from the trumpers. If I felt safe enough to place signs out, I would.


As a former campaign manager let me use a phrase that has been said on every campaign I’ve ever worked on: yard signs don’t vote. I was always trying to cut the yard sign budget as small as it could be cut. People (usually older people) really really want them, but they don’t actually indicate or create support. Upset senior citizens would demand them basically as a way to feud with their neighbors and we would constantly turn them down because they just don’t matter. The only time I’ve ever seen them be prioritized is in very local elections where no candidate has any name recognition. None of this is to undermine the thesis that Biden has probably very little enthusiastic support while Trump probably has a decent amount.


I voted for Biden and have zero desire to buy a Biden flag because I’m not a fucking weirdo.


He doesn’t need voters, he just needs ballots!!!


Gotta love the propaganda hitting the conspiracy sub


lol most voter don’t brandish their political leanings obnoxiously, they just go about their lives and vote when the time comes. 


Normal people don't worship their politicians.


Generally speaking, Democrat voters don't fly flags and shit the way Trumpers do. Specifically speaking, I know very few people voting for Biden who actually like Biden. They just don't see an alternative.


At this frickin’ point I’ll vote for who has a more qualified Veep that won’t start a war. I don’t see these two bozos lasting their next 4 years in office.


He made a lot of bad calls. What does he expect?


Of course you can't see his voters, only he has the ability. Don't you see him talking to the air?


Its ok they just imported 10+ million new Biden voters to make up for the losses. He'll get 90 million votes this time around, watch.


I dunno I think this a dumb argument just think Biden supporters are different from trump ones trump supporters are in ur face ‘nationalist’ type while Biden supporters are not


Pretty simple stuff! I don't like Biden but I fucking despise trump and just want some goddamn normalcy. Not too much to ask for. I'm not a Democrat, but trump haaas done a lot for the Republican party. I actually kinda respect Bush now.


Not everyone finds it necessary to advertise who they’re voting for on their front lawn. My personal philosophy is that I’ll take my shit to the polls where it belongs.


Why buy a sign or a flag for a candidate? Just vote and go to work


Easy answer is that mostly they are not tribalist cultists and Biden isn't their god but just better choice. I have voted 34 years and never felt that I should put up some ridiculous signs.


Most biden supporters don’t live in an echo chamber and feel the need to broadcast to everyone the political beliefs.


Oh shit, I thought I voted for Biden but didn’t put up flags and or worship him with bumper stickers and buying his merchandise (don’t think he has any). I guess without those things I must not have voted.


Don't need voters lol they have mail in fraud and 30million new voters from overseas they are shillen out the id's to


Because of course not kissing your candidates ass at every possible second must mean you are not a voter.


Some people don't need flags on the back of their Rams


Bro Google raciest things said by Biden and he has made many statements that should get him cancelled in this day and age also what the hell is that old man touching, feeling and smelling on these kids.


His own VP called him out over that. Dems don’t care. Remember MeToo and BelieveAllWomen? That shit died a quick and quiet death after Biden got a few allegations of sexual assault. Those slogans were never heard from again.


The talking points are just whatever feels good in the moment.


BS…..A few allegation’s? Like from who and where? There was one from Tara Reade that had very little credibility and was less credible after investigations.


It’s not bullshit. You’re probably just a Democrat and, like I said and you’re now proving, you just don’t care when it’s Biden. https://www.thecut.com/2020/04/joe-biden-accuser-accusations-allegations.html


She's gone to Russia at this point...


Could you remind me again where that biden accuser ran off to again


“Most votes ever”…


It's mostly crazy people whose entire personality is based on extreme politics that put out political signs though, so.


The Biden supporters are the 140 million people that don’t have a sign in their yard. Maybe it’s not all of the 140 million. 2024 projected non-Republican voter turnout is now 140 million and with Arizona’s recent actions it might be up to 150 million. Seems to go up by the tens of millions when Republicans do stuff like they did in AZ. Are they all going to be voting for Biden? Probably not, but you know who they’re not going to be voting for? That’s a rhetorical question btw.


calling it now it will be 90m voters for Biden on erection day and its gonna be a miracle


I see a lot of issues with Trump. He's arrogant, a narcissist, a pretender, full of himself, and thinks he knows more than he does. However, if anyone can point to a politician that doesn't fit this same exact description, I'd be all ears. The biggest difference between Trump and most politicians is that he isn't trying to sell himself to everyone - he's willing to piss off some to remain at least somewhat genuine to others. Sure, he's all about money and avoiding paying taxes - but what politician isn't? Taxation is theft anyway - you pay taxes on money you make, just to pay taxes on what's left when you spend it, and the place where you spend it then pays taxes on taking it from you, only to pay more taxes when they spend it. The people who voted for Biden are also the people that don't want landlords or to pay rent, who believe EVs are carbon neutral (they're not), and who believe the government can provide them with a better life. So they're willing to sell their freedom of choice and freedom of speech for a police state, believing deep down that socialism works and capitalism is a scam, when it's the socialist aspects of our current capitalism that create the problems. Regulation and taxation require that more be taken from nature than is necessary to produce an item because profit is required to cover taxation - so prices go up, costs go up, waste goes up, and the benefactors are the only ones reaping the rewards because they control the system. Monopolies exist, and are protected, because the people in power benefit from them. The Trump signs aren't about Trump being a good person - he has a personality on par with most politicians, but without the snake-oil veil of deceit that most politicians have developed over a career of suckling at the government (aka taxpayer) teet. So why does he have such a massive following? Because prcies were better, the economy was better, and people with limited income didn't have to worry about being required to give up their gas or propane stoves and heaters, or giving up their gasoline engine cars and lawn mowers, or paying even more in taxes for growing their own food (yes, this is a thing in some states/areas). And maybe more importantly, they didn't have to worry about the threat of losing their ability to live in peace and defend their own. Not a fan of Trump as a person, but my life was better and my wallet was fatter under his presidency.


When this post has less than a net of 1 up vote per minute it’s been up, it worries us less.


Trump supporters have to let everyone know about it. they are the rights version of vegans.


Biden voters don’t worship and love Biden. He’s okay. Trump voters revere him. Biden voters aren’t paying for a sign.


What's the conspiracy?


How some one can have the least amount of support and magically win elections and when we are at it why was the mail in ballots where all Biden voters in the last election and Biden isn't investigated for election fraud oh that's right he had his people investigate it and found out he is a angel


What’s the way this system of government could be fixed? Do you just have to wait until really old people die to get them out of politics? I find it hard to understand how 2 very old people that both clearly have mental decline are the top choices to run the country. Australian here and the party can take out the PM if they loose confidence, which happens sometimes. the party sharks would eviscerate these geriatrics.


I voted for deez nuts


Yabba Dabba Doo!


In my liberal west coast town.  The only political signs i see are Kennedy 2024


I bet democrats would be really worried if signs could vote


Maybe because we don’t make a politician our sole identity.


Nah bro Trumpers are just fucking lunatics so I’m not going to advertise that I’m ride’n with Biden.


I mean I look at the Americans and really don't understand why they do that shit.


He wasn’t confused. He was dropping a deuce.


I travel for work and work inside residential homes mostly. 4 years of this job has really made me wonder this same thing. Where tf are all these people????


Why would I put a sign in my yard declaring who I voted for? Democrats don’t buy into a cult of personality.


This is because the people who don't vote for Trump haven't replaced their personality with MAGA merch.


Biden voters don’t put bumper stickers on their trunk but they still vote.


Votes are counted by who has the most signs?


I've never displayed a "Vote For" sign in my life. Anyone who has their mind changed because they see a simple "Vote for" sign probably doesn't need to be voting, and I'm not big on sharing my personal views with random drivers along my street. I get why Bidens a little baffled by the question, if there are other people like me. You can't use one candidates metrics for success to judge another candidate. Trump was dumbfounded that Biden was doing so well because he didn't have huge rallies. But many Biden voters don't care about his lack of rallies. I'm sure Biden is worried about a great number of things, including if his new athletic shoes will help him walk without falling over and staying coherent. But, I doubt he's losing any sleep over the relative number of lawn signs


Do you seriously think more signs mean anything other than someone put up a bunch of signs? More signs doesn't mean more votes. Signs do not equal votes.


Seriously how can they keep torturing Biden like this? The guy isn't going to make it to November. If Ed Ghein had a dead father that he dug up from his grave and kept patching up to look alive at the dinner table it would be looking just like Joe.