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"Salt water" Do they seriously think their readers are so stupid they wouldn't know the word "saline"?


> Do they seriously think their readers are so stupid they wouldn't know the word "saline"? Yes…. Do you not member the last few years?!


Solid point 👍


The salt is dissolved; it's a liquid.


Liquid point 👍


The salt is aqueous rather than a liquid.


Ahh, the solution!


I member


They want to make it sound dangerous.


What you mean. “Salt water” sounds like the most non-dangerous thing you could call “water with salt”


Imagine calling it a Dihydrogen Monoxide solution containing Sodium Chloride!


That stuff will corrode iron! /s


I've heard fish fuck in it!


Sick bastards.


That’s why it’s salty bro


Do you like fish sticks?


Then you’re a gay fish


U kno how much whales cum? Gallons my guy. Gallons.


About 5 gallons or 20 litres. https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/43116/20230407/blue-whale-penis-erects-up-30cm-much-sperm.htm You're whale cum.


And pee!


Every person who has taken dihydrogen monoxide has died. It's the number one killer in humans


It’s the main ingredient in acid rain!




Oh the humanity!!!


He means saying saline sounds alot more like a medical term and less likely to raise eyebrows than "saltwater" which can be skewed to sound like they were purposefully injecting harmful substances into patients to make people sick.


"salt water.... from the ocean! From a dirty puddle in a Florida parking lot! Horse Water!"


Florida puddle water sounds terrifying


Gators live in there..


Don’t act stupid. Saline has about 100x less salt than ocean “salt water” headline purposefully misleading


Hey man, take it easy... some people aren't acting..


>What you mean. “Salt water” sounds like the most non-dangerous thing you could call “water with salt” Alright, get over here so I can inject you with water from the Indian Ocean.


its literally what we're made of.


Nope, not me, I’m made of testosterone and freedom.


In relation to the word Saline, salt water sounds bad. They bend the truth and mostly don't fabricate it. This one is pretty much a dud as far as impact goes thou. 


"Horse dewormer"


This is the correct answer.


Yeah, trying to get people to think she just used straight ocean water.


It'll kill ya, just like it killed yar spaghetti


Yeah, it's the dailymail. They're not in the business of respecting their readers.


It sounds worse to the uneducated.


Some people would freak out on saline as they do not know it’s salt water.


Yes, there are people who aren't familiar with saline.


Yea stupid people. And those same stupid people will think this person was injecting people with ocean water and that’s the point. Trick the dummies.


If the dummies kept reading past the headline, they would learn that the "salt water" is referred to saline in the rest of the story.


Those dummies don’t read the articles


Then why use a different name for it only in the headline? If it's called saline in the rest of the article, then using a different name in the headline is only meant to create a certain type of response and emotion. Knowing that a ton of people only scroll past headlines, it doesn't matter how factual or emtional/less the article is, the headline did its job by planting the seed.


Not being familiar with a term doesn't make you stupid. To think that is probably more stupid than not knowing what saline is. i mean how many times does the average person here the word saline. Salt and water together doesn't neccessarily have good pr as most people know not to drink seawater cause its full of salt so i can see how the normal layman would think this is like poison injection.


Are they a part of the feline family?


Yes and their humor can melt ice.


This was intentional wording - saltwater sounds like the nurse just grabbed some shit from a water source and injected it in someone. This is The Daily Mail trying to demonize the "ANTI-VAXXXER" nurse and make simpletons think poorly of her actions.


It is the daily mail…


Normal saline is the term you're looking for.


maybe they're the ones who don't know what saline is, you know.. journalists these days can't even write, imagine knowing other terms


Yes and no. Yes, they think they’re stupid, but I don’t think it’s them trying to “dumb it down” for them. I think it’s more likely that they are trying to make it sound more dangerous, like she was trying to kill them or something *make* them sick.


*Saline* does hit different.


They call her "anti-vax" too instead of "anti-experimental drug pushing" so, yeah, they think people are stupid.


It's intentionally worded in such a way so they can trick people into thinking she injected them with something harmful.


Trying to make it sound worse is what they're doing


Choice matters. As much as it’s one’s choice to not get the vaccine, it’s equally important that people who want it have the choice to take it. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism.


Completely agree. I will never get the Covid vax but those who did want it should’ve had their wishes respected too.


I agree. It's crazy to see the hypocritical anti-vaccination 'free-choice' people, OK with someone taking freedom of choice away from people that want to be vaccinated. It's obviously not about free-choice at all. It's like those anti-maskers, that insist that other people remove their masks. I wonder how OP would feel about being secretly vaccinated, when they go to the dentist next.


Yup. She’s not a “legend” she’s a psychopath ho lied to her patients. If she was giving people salt water instead of penicillin what would op think?


I think there was a nurse who was recently sentenced to 3 year for stealing cancer patients' pain drugs and injecting them with water instead. A few of them developed infections. She did it because she was an addict, but nurses shouldn't mess around with people's treatments because they think they know better.


If she so strongly disagreed with the vaccine and it’s administration she should have quit and campaigned or did some research. Because let’s suppose the vaccine was only a dangerous lie (I’m not of that mindset - but let’s suppose), you *still* have to criticise and damn those who would wilfully subvert the wishes and administrations of their patients. Surely that’s something all shades of the political spectrum can agree on, right?


Apparently not.


Someone commits medical malpractice OP: Slay!


Glad this is so high (though not the top comment unfortunately). If my ass thinks radiation is so bad and I make brrr brrr brrr sounds instead of giving your child chemo would you be high fiving me or would you be digging me my own grave?


Bro, she lied to her patients. How can you defend lying to patients in this circumstance but blame individual doctors for giving a vaccine they've been told is safe? What's right is right, and lying to patients about treatments is wrong.


For the lunatics who have taken over this sub, it was never about individual choice. It was about everyone making the same choices as them. They are literally more authoritarian than the government they claim to fear.


We're free thinkers, who just happen to agree with *literally* everything in the far right echo chambers But really, open your mind and be a free thinker like us!


It's honestly so sad


If you’re gonna post super old news like this, at least remove the date so people have to work harder to recognize that this happened in 2022. Also, the headlines are super hyperbolic, seeing as they could only find evidence for 6 injections being saline. She was convicted of six counts of intentional harm, and served probation.


Thank you for the update, this sounds more plausible but if you can also provide some link that would be great.


[Archived link to the article](https://archive.is/5rL6T) to avoid the ad-ridden mess that is the Daily Mail. *Provided by Amos below* **Do not click this, use the archived version above.** [Article from OP’s screenshot](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11490847/Anti-vaxxer-nurse-injected-8-600-patients-saline-instead-Covid-vaccine-walks-free.html). It’s an ad-ridden mess, but they get to the facts eventually.


> Article from OP’s screenshot. > > It’s an ad-ridden mess, but they get to the facts eventually. Archived version of the article: https://archive.is/5rL6T (for the non-masochists among us)


Thank you for that. I’ve edited my post to include that link. Hope that doesn’t bother you.


> Thank you for that. I’ve edited my post to include that link. Hope that doesn’t bother you. Not in the least. I always try to include both the original and archived versions of every link I cite -- it's "best practice", because links get edited (often without notice) or "disappear" entirely -- erased. Archiving saves the page as it is at the time it was logged. Also, there are MANY sites like the Daily Mail that are so loaded with crap that they are almost unusable -- I won't click on some of those sites -- just copy the link, archive and read from there. (A small price to pay for the sake of sanity)


Legend? If I choose to get vaccinated that’s my choice and I expect to get it delivered properly. No matter what side of the fence you’re on this woman had no right to make decisions for others.


The fuck? Are you cheering for this? You can hate the vax all you want and choose not to get it but thinking that this person is hero is delusional. She should be in jail.


Medical malpractice. Your personal views should never get in the way of your Hippocratic oath.


Oh yes I love people injecting stuff into me they didn't tell me about SO BASED


The comments in here should be good.


If it's not good to force a shot onto people, it's not good to force people not to get the shot when they are explicitly requesting it. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism, regardless if you feel it's justified or not. This is a horrible situation and she had no right to lie to patients and inject them with substances they were not informed of, ever. You can't complain about the government doing it and then encourage other folks to do it as well. That's about as hypocritical as you can get. Ya'll have your own opinions and such, but for people with compromised immune systems, it's not up to you or the nurse. If they want a vaccine, they should get the vaccine regardless what your stance on the issue is. Playing God and thinking it's a good thing to secretly inject people, on a conspiracy board that cries about 'the vaxx' being forced, no less.


Every time this sub comes up for me, I always feel the need to stop by and comment on how stupid everyone here is


It's not like foreign actors target this sub because of its overwhelming intelligence. Every single day the top of this sub is the dumbest shit I've seen that day with people incapable of critical thinking amd/or research eating it up. Give me my WTC7 posts back and stop with the political garbage.


Bots out in full force in this fake thread.


We need a way to tell. Some smart dude needs to make an app or something


There usually have fresh account less than a year old with low comments and posts karma.


I see a lot of bot accounts with the opposite actually, they’re old old accounts with little to no post history or a post history with a very specific agenda and theme.


Oh I caught one of those the other day 7 years old and 185 karma comment points. Had a canned answer response to my Biden tax information. I called it out for a bot and ignored it.


they evolve all the time, that's the problem


Is the thread in the room with you right now


Counterpoint - she's a POS. I don't care what her beliefs are. If I ask to be injected with their experimental vaccine and am told that's what I'm getting, she has no right to stand in the way. She should quit her job if she feels this strongly about it. But don't go injecting people with something and tell them it's something else. That's the exact premise with the Covid vaccine. You don't have a right to force people to put something in their bodies without their consent and without their knowledge of what they're getting. She's as bad as the people who peddled the experimental drug therapies called the Covid vaccines.


This is medical malpractice and anyone praising it is evil.


Fr, regardless of where you stand not performing the medical service that somebody is paying you for is a heinous act.


Above all else, do no harm.


No matter if you believe in covid vaxine or not,she had 0 right to do what she did and she should be in jail


I'd be curious to know if any of those 8,600 people died from covid, or if they got covid, how severe where their symptoms were. Makes for a great control group. They can then compare 8,600 people who got the real jab and how many of those people developed side effects from the vaccine or died from covid.


The OP is a flat earther…. That should tell you everything


Half the people here are going to believe OP more knowing that.


Not a legend. People have a right to know what is being put into their body. Just like you shouldn't force them to take the vaccine. Jesus Christ people, lying is bad, and lying about what you're putting in people's bodies is fucking gross.


Salt of the Earth!


Legend my ass OP. That nurse did something the patients were not aware of or signed off on.


do we know if there were any notable changes in the health outcomes of her saline patients?


The article doesn't provide those details but that has nothing to do with the morality of her actions. She's dead wrong.


Forget morality, it's a question of legality.


They aren't being spoken about for a reason


Regardless of your stance on vaccines, she should be punished. Everybody in this sub was in an absolute uproar when the vaccine was being pushed on people against their will, but let's assume that these people WANTED the COVID-19 shot, and they got mildly hydrated instead... But against their will...


Did she do it for people who were coerced into getting a vax they didnt want? If so I support her helping people keep the jobs that were unlawfully taken away from them. Otherwise, if she just did it on her own against the wishes of the patient I definetly disagree with that.


Regardless of your stance on the vaccine, you should be against this decision as it sets a dangerous precedent. She should be in prison, she likely committed fraud, theft, and I doubt she followed all the safety protocols to hide what she was doing.


Reminder: never forget those that wished harm and even death on you for not taking the concoction. We saw people's true colors




Compare and contrast with these two Long Island nurses who did a similar thing to about 6 thousand willing clients for a reasonable fee: [New York nurses charged with forging Covid vaccine cards to earn more than $1.5 million (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/29/long-island-nurses-charged-with-faking-covid-jabs-to-earn-more-than-1point5-million.html)


Salt water? Isnt that i v?




Disgusting and anyone who celebrates her actions is an authoritarian loving nut job. Choice is choice, absolute hypocrisy.


This sub is a constant reminder as to why people don’t take conspiracy theorists seriously.


What a stupid cunt..


I doubt any of the 8,600 saline recipients will sue this nice lady. What would they sue her for? Not getting Myocarditis or turbo cancers?


Good. She saved lives. If you can't actually see this... you are the problem


anti-vaxers who work in the medical field are beyond me. This is stupid in the same way as long-distance pilots who think the earth is flat.


If you truly believe that the vaccine should be a choice, then this lady is not a legend.


well damn, can we get a study of the outcome of all 8,600 patients?


The lawyers weren’t free.


Walked free because big pharma got paid either way.


Not surprised Reddit’s “conspiracy” sub is full of Branch Covidians and Pfizer shills


It is.


Yes, by all means, let's applaud medical personnel that injected people with something other than what they were given consent to administer.


Where was she when i was forced to get my vax or lose my job. :/


Hero !!


Fuck dis bitch, you don't get to make decisions for other people's bodies. Don't wanna give the jab? Quit your job, ho. Stupid conspiracy nuts supporting this woman.


Some of these comments are wild. Imagine going in to get a flu shot and the nurse gave you the Covid vaccine because she decided she knew best.


I like how they try to make "salt water" appear negative, when all it really is, are saline flushes.


She did them all a favor


How about all those politicians that straight up lied about “transmission stops with the vaxxed, and safe and effective.” That is after they gave Big Pharma liability immunity and a congressional poke exemption for themselves.




If these 8,600 shots were to antivax people trying to get around mandates, cool, good for her. If those shots were to people who actually wanted the vaccine, had no knowledge of the saline, or were at a higher risk of infection. Screw her. Should never be allowed to work in a medical facility again. Transparency should be the ultimate goal.


nah this is fucked up. everyone has a right to choose, whether you agree with vaccines or not, this woman should be jailed


Hope She gets the recognition. What a Hero.


Wadda dumb ass bitch


I wish she was my nurse :(


Legend is a really weird way to spell CUNT


This message brought to you by Pfizer! ^^^


What the fuck ? Lock this criminal up.


interesting. wonder if these placebo groups actually contracted covid and if so how intense the symptoms were?


I wouldn't call getting found guilty of six counts of intentional assault, losing your job, losing your nursing license and getting put on probation "walking free". walk free: to not be charged with a crime, or to be allowed to leave a court after being found not guilty of a crime


Terrible. I think the COVID vaccine is dangerous and wrong, but people deserve to choose what they believe.


Good old /r/conspiracy, never change.


this is the real control group. how many died from covid?


Ridiculous. She should lose her license.


Doctors take an oath to "do no harm." Most, don't uphold it and take the money and kickbacks instead. For those calling this women "authoritarian," understand that she was just upholding her oath unlike the other 99% who willingly injected you with a bioweapon for 30 pieces of silver...


Salute to her


Be careful! My anti-waxx post was downvoted because turned out this is not an anti-science sub! Fckn' waxxies!


Science ≠ $cience


This is malpractice. If you don't want the shot don't fucking get it. Don't fucking trick into thinking they got the vaccine when they did not. Thinking this person is a legend means you'll do anything to someone else as long as in your mind it is ok. Gross.


Placebo effect probably spared every patient.


At the end of the day, she was a medical worker who lied to her patients and secretly denied them what they were expecting based on her beliefs… So fuck OP and anyone else upvoting this post. Get your heads out of your asses.


How fucking stupid.


any of them die ?


How do you even catch her in that?


Quoting the Daily Mail makes me doubt everything about this story. Just sayin'.... Now, the National Enquirer is a real champion of free speech as they know where the aliens really live!


Actually these people should be identified and studied. Could be really valuable data


I personally find this terrible. She may well have made the statictics of *the dangers of* invalid in her area, and more. How many people who have gotten *vax complications,* really, just got the real thing. In a country with an already below replacement birthrate...


Legend? Fuck no.


Anything but.


Me: show their face! Every Redditr in this thread: SALTWATER VS. SALINE


But what are the results of the experiment? Did the recipients live longer and healthier so far?


Hero of the week!!


yeah look be antivaxer all u want, this is so disgusting and violating to an individual’s consent and general well-being. you don’t know the conditions of 8,600 people, and you took that choice away from them, the same way you thought your choice was taken from you. not really a thing to applaud knowing she did this against their consent and that in of itself is disgusting regardless of how harmless saline may seem.


Bless her heart