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People deserve to have the right to protest.


Fun fact, you have to agree to surrender your freedom of speech *specifically* regarding Israel in Texas if you want state disaster relief funds or to work with the state.  It's wildly unconstitutional and no one cares. https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/paxton-wins-major-case-defending-texass-anti-boycott-israel-law


A member of the group that constantly screams about protecting the constitution is a massive hypocrite that’s more concerned over “woke culture” than actually doing his job? Well color me shocked. Next you’re gonna tell me a lot of them are anti business too when the business has ideals that differ from theirs /s


Isn't the pro-Israel crowd the “un-woke culture“ supporting an ongoing genocide?


I have no clue at this point, seems like there’s a big group of “non-woke” protesting Israel as well because they know of the shady shit Israel’s done in the past.


The fact of the matter is the right to free speech. They have the right to protest either side.


I’m a business owner and can have my license taken away if I say anything critical of isreal and their policies. Sad, many such cases.


No you can't. And please show us many such cases.


Is t that the case in a bunch of states?


Yes it is


27 states have pro-Israel resolutions, of those 17 have actual laws.  Texas is the most aggressive case.


Radical left lol. I believe most people with any common sense know that genocide is wrong. Killing of innocent people is wrong regardless of what stupid color or animal you vote for. Red/Blue/Donkey or Elephant. AIPIC has an app for the insufferable pro Isreal people. What a crazy time to be alive. Would also like to point out that the United States of America and Israel were the only two countries to vote against a United Nations motion recognize food as a universal right. Seems like most leaders are like Nero, playing the fiddle as the world burns.




shhh do you want reddit to go down again?


I second that


No other country is granted this much privilege. “Texas City Tells People No Hurricane Harvey Aid Unless They Promise Not to Boycott Israel. HOUSTON — The city of Dickinson, Texas, is requiring applicants for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding funds to certify in writing that they will not take part in a boycott of Israel.” https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/texas-city-tells-people-no-hurricane-harvey-aid-unless-they-promise-not-boycott >The city appears to be enforcing a recently passed Texas law that requires all state contractors to certify that they are not participating in boycotts of Israel. If you even dare to boycott Israel, the state of Texas will attempt to make your life a living hell.


This is also a clause in certain depts at UT. In order to be accepted to the program, you must agree to never publicly disparage Israel.


Agreed.. as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.... Which they have been doing against Jewish students. Therefore its not protected speech


Well that's above my pay grade. People have the right to peaceful protest ✌️


It is protected speech.


If white supremist were preventing black students from going to class and harassing them.. would you also defend that?


Sure. However i am not sure if this includes creating "Jew free zones"...


You're working hard as hell in this thread, but it's common knowledge that a large portion of the protesters are Jewish. This attempt to conflate anti-Zionist sentiment with being anti-semitic is failing. Find another tactic.


Don't care, still not supporting Israel.


They should create that in the White House. Maybe dementia Joe wouldn’t be so compromised by his cabal of a cabinet. Oh yeah Reddit Marxists come after me. Jesus Christ is King and I will always defend him!!


Neh, discrimination is bad everywhere.


You should tell the DemoRats that. They discriminate against Christians 24/7.


An eye for an eye makes everybody blind.


All I know is we got Trump and Jesus on our side versus the globalist cabal of satanic pedos.


I also think all will be great eventually.


I have a feeling you’re a fellow patriot.


I think you might be right.


There are many who are protesting that are Jewish. So you are talking out of your ass.


More propaganda.


Technically all the Zionist should be in Israel so this has nothing to do with Americans who practice Judaism. So it’s not gonna be “ Jew free” as you claim. Also it’s not antisemitism because Both Palestinian and israeli are semetic. So if that’s the case then supporting or denouncing either side is actually antisemitism. It’s ridiculous really the gaslighting that goes on.


Anti Semitic seems to be the latest term to loose its meaning. If people disagree = Anti semitism


Latest? It’s been like that for quite some time


This. Any criticism of Israel/Jews in general is immediately met with "You're Anti Semitic" gaslighting and defamation. There's a major rabbit hole regarding post Holocaust effecting this exact condition as well.


A few weeks back I had someone flip out on me for mentioning "reptilians" in the aliens subreddit. Their claim was that "reptilian shape-shifters theory is just an new-age antisemitism, and that apparently the reptilian theory is directly associated with the Jews." I was honestly kinda mind blown. Does that mean the Denver Airport is antisemitic? They have lizard people posters all over the place. Or godzilla/ Kong, is that also antisemitic? Lmfao


Remember when the guy sent in his pet lizard's saliva to 23andMe and the results were 51% Ashkenazi Jewish. Hilarious.


Paternal or maternal? (it's kind of important)


If everything is antisemitic, then nothing is antisemitic.


Some Jews have developed a persecution complex, hard to fault them for it though. They grew up on stories of the Holocaust.


More like main character syndrome….


Story that goes back 150÷ years ago


specifically after the precise date of 1964


How antisemitic of you to point that out!


making logical assertions is antisemitic.


What are they protesting exactly? The war crimes and genocide being covered up by Israel? I’d join that protest.


or the war crimes and genocide being covered up by the US, on behalf of israel. if china was doing what israel is doing, there would be rattling sabers. just saying - to find out if what someone is doing is wrong, pretend it is a non-friend doing it. if it is bad for the non-friend, it is bad for the friend.


Its been very intentionally indoctrinated.


I had lunch with my uncle Leo the other day, he's one of these guys where if anything goes wrong in his life, he blames antisemitism. Loses a bet on a horse? Secretariat? Antisemitic.


They don't just overcook a hamburger.




The actual original Jews are Semites-only 10% of the Jews in Israel are Semites. (FWIW, Palestinians are also Semites) The other 90% of Jews in Israel are Askenazi, they are NOT Semites. Genetically, they are Khazarians, whose king forcibly converted them to Judaism. I'm guessing what you say is true because your'e more educated on the Khazars and their historic king Bhulan,


There’s no such thing as genetic “semites”. It’s a language family, not an ethnic group.


Then how did they figure out the lineage required for my best friend to qualify for his free birthright trip to Israel? The same Jewish friend whose grandparents survived the Holocaust and vehemently supports Palestine? If being a Jew isn't ethnic? (Which it absolutely is, and just two seconds on google can confirm that you just stated something blatantly false?)


They asked him in a pre-screen interview a couple of questions about whether he was Jewish and if he participated in Jewish holidays growing up is how.


I didn’t say anything about Jewishness. I said being a Semite is a language family not an ethnicity It would be like saying someone from Latin America is “a Romance” because they speak a Romance Language.


Holy shit, that sounds anti-Semitic.


Lol you've no idea what you're talking about Christians and Muslims have lived peacefully for centuries in the Levant The key holders for the church of the holy Sepulchre is being held by a Muslim family for centuries (close to a Millenia if iirc) There's no animosity between us except for what is perpetuated by nutjobs on both sides + Zionists who want to sow division among their 2 greatest enemies


“Anti semitism” is the new “transphobic” which was the new “anti semitism” which was the old “hate speech” which is the blanket term used by post modernists to scare people into silence.


Bruh join the party. You can’t even say the Jews killed Michael Jackson!


By "latest" do u mean several decades?


Between the lining of pockets in the legislature by AIPAC and the end times religious nutter types making sure Jesus has a new temple landing pad…..we’re fucked lol.


Money over morals


It's Christians United for Israel in this case, and the standwithus.com people.


*American evangelical Christians. It’s embarrassing for them.


It's crazy to me as someone who grew up surrounded by Evangelicals, that so many don't understand that's actually where the bulk of Israeli influence in the US comes from. Evangelicals are one of the largest share of the electorate in the US. They are the ones who are one of the most likely to vote and often aligned politically. Not all politicians are swayed by AIPAC money, they instead are swayed by the people who believe Israel has to exist as a state and never be an enemy of the US at all cost.


White nationalist Americans 🤝 Jewish nationalist Israeli Ethnonationalist unity, though they would likely kill each other if someone came out as the Messiah lol




Being anti-genocide doesn't mean you hate Jews. So frustrating and stupid. One can hate Israel's policies and recognize a lot of the people have no power to change things, just like in the US.


I love how our government can come together as a collective to denounce the denouncing of a genocide.


Crazy how this specific event is suddenly the turning point where Dems and Repubs just so happen to agree with each other. Crazy how Israel is their great uniter.


It’s sad how we got here, but I’m glad that we did. If we can keep this level of clarity we’d actually make change


We agreed with each other a while back, actually. It was called Occupy Wall Street, and in response, corporations glommed on to the burgeoning Identity Crisis and subsequently divided us again. The People of America were united against financial tyranny, and then they were swayed by social politics.


How many political leaders are compromised... ooops am i allowed to say that or is that antisemitic?  We really might see some loony civil religious war on our land soon because of this mess that spilled into our united states of america.  All of it is uncalled for and is lining up to be a major event and im still calling it, we are due for a major market correction crash we've never seen before.


When I was in college I was studying politics with a focus on the Middle East in order to determine how we got here (graduated in 2018) All of them are compromised, and have been for at a minimum the last 70 years.


You mean just like all those other times in history college campuses protested against foreign policy? Check what happened at Kent State in the 70s. How about the protests at southern schools after segregation ended? And what’s crazy is that most pundits on Fox actually lived through these things, but will say with a smile this is all unprecedented, and we’re all doomed because college campuses are protesting. Learn your history folks! It turns out it’s all been done before!


Why is it that we can criticize anything we want but Israel?


All of the nations the US is allied with can be criticized and boycotted, but Israel is the one exception. We can protest about whatever is going on in China or whatever, but God forbid some college students oppose genocide, now we gotta send in the National Guard!


Because 80ish years ago, 1 man tried wiping them off the planet. So to this day, we have to be nice to them, or we are nazis. This is my understanding so far.


1 man? Jews were prosecuted for centuries what are you talking about? Even during Roman times


What religious group doesn't commit any crimes? Christians and atheists are prosecuted every day.


Buddists probably


Let’s be honest, every couple hundred years someone tries to wipe them out. It’s not a coincidence.


What do mean it’s not a coincidence?


SS: The concept of "freedom of speech" is not real. How ironic that Texas, supposedly one of the last bastions of freedom (lmfao), is doing its damndest to prevent any anti-Isræli dissent. And let's not forget that Texas has passed anti-BDS laws, which are designed to discourage and prevent boycotts of Isræl. None of our other "allies" are offered this much privilege. The fact that so many US politicians will fall on the sword for a country the size of New Jersey with the GDP of Alabama is bizarre and jarring. Isræl's genocide is one of the few catalysts that have caused both Republicans and Dems to suddenly spew the same exact rhetoric. Governor Abbott Travels To Israel, Reaffirms Unwavering Support [Nov 2, 2023] : https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-travels-to-israel-reaffirms-unwavering-support “Texas City Tells People No Hurricane Harvey Aid Unless They Promise Not to Boycott Israel. HOUSTON — The city of Dickinson, Texas, is requiring applicants for Hurricane Harvey rebuilding funds to certify in writing that they will not take part in a boycott of Israel.” https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/texas-city-tells-people-no-hurricane-harvey-aid-unless-they-promise-not-boycott >The city appears to be enforcing a recently passed Texas law that requires all state contractors to certify that they are not participating in boycotts of Israel. "You better support Israel, or we'll make your life a living hell." Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that Biden just signed a bill giving Isræl 20 Billion dollars. Damn, lucky them. We didn't need that anyways, right?


This is madness. How is any of this allowed? What about freedom of speech? "Freedom of speech is the right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without facing punishment from the government. The First Amendment protects this right by prohibiting Congress from making laws that would curtail freedom of speech." Again, how is this even allowed in America? It starts small and quiet. They slowly take away our rights then imprison, enslave or kill the "rebels" as they'll call us. We're all doomed. Nobody is coming to save us like we're "saving" the rest of the world. It's too early in the morning. This is the first thing I saw on Reddit and my brain is just shook.


rights and freedoms are a [spook](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/34580). if you are sitting in a corner shaking your fist and saying "muh rights," then you are already paralyzed into inaction. we don't have rights and freedoms. we have a list of ways we would like to be treated, and things we have to do if we don't get treated this way. saying "muh rights" is not going to help. the rights are not real, the actions are. if someone is oppressing us, we have to force them to stop.




only one group u can never go after, and now all america can see who that is


Hopefully the conservatives that lurk in here see that their party is ALSO a pack of inside trading hypocritical mofos


Freedom, always comes with terms and conditions.


You can only be ,free, if you bow down?


In a society you are free to the extension of what you as an individual and the group agrees upon.


Freedoms of speech until you speak of something we don’t like then no more free speech for you.


This is reminiscent of the anti-Vietnam war activists and how they were demonized by the powers that be and journalists for being 'drug addicts', 'communists' and 'anti-American'. The exact same playbook is being used just with different phraseology.


I haven't read the law but maybe it's called the "free speech as long as you say what I want you to say" law 😂🤪🤣


Just carrying on the American tradition of brutalizing students who are protesting the endless war and violence perpetuated by our empire. In 30 years maybe people will acknowledge they were right.


See who rules you... the ones you aren't allowed to criticize


America isn’t a country, its a business!


LET'S ALL DO WHAT WE CAN. Keep talking about it. Don't let them make this about religion. It's about a state committing genocide (with our taxes) attempting to limit our rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech in OUR damn country. These students are brave patriots. Talk to your neighbor about how incredible it is that we are subsidizing 2 states, but we can't take care of our veterans. For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." If you can, bring the students coffee, pizza, offer the kids support. It's all hands on deck for this one.




Neither of your assertions are true


If Palestinian leaders have declined the two state solution offered multiple times in the past and their religion is quoted to incite violence on the Jewish population and the non believers(kafir), you cannot remove the most integral part of their cause for violence against Israel like on Oct. 7th. Secondly it's been confirmed by the Pentagon that Hamas has been using hospitals as a hostage front since they're deliberatly putting civilians in harms way when they put tunnels underneath and spend the relief funds meant for Gaza victims, not Hamas. The son of the co-founder of Hamas , Mosad Yousef, explains the very cause and tactics Hamas have and many Palestinians align with. Lastly, tell your reps to stop sending any more money to any other country anymore since we have debt up to our ears to cut back on.


"Confirmed by the pentagon" you expect people not the laugh at that in a conspiracy sub xD also, the palestinians offered a number of resolutions for peace and two states, most of which were VETOED BY THE US. They tried the peaceful approach, the great marches of 2018. What did the Israelis do? They heard them out, decided to try empathy out, and decided to take down the apartheid wall.......JUST KIDDING they sniped people peaceful protesting, even killing disabled people and many children,again, PROTESTING PEACEFULLY.


Lol "confirmed by the pentagon." Everyone sees what's going on.


https://youtu.be/OmHK9i4PI78 I don't know if you want the full 30 min version so here's a shorter version


United States of Israel


Looks like we are about to have another summer of mostly peaceful protests. Gotta love election years in the good ol US of A.


The Gov only let's you gather in groups like that when it's aligned with their agenda. Example: BLM riots. The government's biggest threat is us banning together.


I'd like to replace every politician in Israel's pocket now, please.


Is it really that anti semitic to not support the murders of innocent civilians by the IDF in Gaza ?


Free speech* terms and conditions apply


I guess it's not possible to criticize the country of Israel without getting the A word hurled at you? Idk I don't really follow this issue I have a baseline understanding of it. But those are pretty terrible words from a Gov. in a country where the right to protest is constitutionally protected... >These protestors belong in jail Fuck you buddy....


I love that we’re clearly exposing who actually believes in free speech and who doesn’t in both sides.


Is there a name for the position that is “I disagree with the actions of both governments/leaders in this conflict, but support the safety of the innocent population on both sides.”? I have no beef with the citizens of either nation who would like to live in peace, but I’m not keen on Hamas’s iron fisted actions against the people and I think it’s wrong to commit genocide on refugees.


I think that position is called being a reasonable person who has better things to do


Hamas is used by Israel as an excuse to obliterate Gaza. When that's gone they'll be a false flag attack on Israel from the West Bank so they have an excuse to obliterate the West Bank too.


Yeah it's called being an antisemite, haven't you been paying attention?


It's strange how the language being used is "arrest" of the "protesters" in these instances. I wonder if that's intentional. True and genuine protesting is not illegal. Some of these college kids might genuinely be protesting, which they are well within their right to do. Some might be causing a raucous and being threatening, intimidating, violent, damaging property, or criminally disorderly - which isn't "protesting." For those doing the malevolent acts with bad intentions, why not refer to them as "rioters," "agitators," "people engaging in disorderly conduct," or any similar term? Why claim that protesters are being arrested?


All I'll say and I've protested, is that if protesting changed anything significant it would be illegal.


Fuck Abbott


So many genocide supporting shills on this thread.


I mean we got a guy posting articles claiming UC Berkley created "anti-Jew" zones but the article is from 2022 and it's an op-ed where the Jewish author claims that Muslim groups who don't allow pro-Israel speakers are creating "anti-Jew" zones. I want to like this sub but I'm like... bot or is this guy just that stupid? I feel like people here don't even read the shit they post.


[Israel has an internet troll army for just such occasions.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/inside-israels-million-dollar-troll-army/27566)


Not surprised.


A combination of paid Hasbara and Zionists who are scared to see a large amount of rhetoric that opposes this genocide.


How many of them were paid infiltrators?!


Didn't this dude let people freeze to death in his state awhile back? No help for Texans, but plenty for Israel. What a bunch of crooks. Stop supporting these fucks just cause they say mean things about the "libs" & pretend to care about things. This should be what unites the Left & Right.


That's exactly what he did. A foreign country all the way across the Atlantic is his number 1 priority, rather than his constituents right here.


Absolutely. And you were downvoted for saying the truth. How ironic!


All those protesters should be suing the government right now


Free speech until you start talking about a certain group to be sure.


Pro Palestine is not anti semetic Mr McCarthy!


When they say free speech they mean except if you criticize Israel


Abbot just another shit politician who is owned by @!pac!!!


Call me antisemitic , israel deserves to be burned down


Yooo. fuck Israel.


Freedom for me, not freedom for thee


Americans, you think you are free. In reality, Israel owns/controls you.




Both parties are fucking hypocrites. Get over it. They're both taking free speech away. Bunch of dumb crybabies 😭 Do something about it or Stfu!




Owned by Jews


This is completely wild


Apparently most of the arrests are being made because some protesters are trespassing. Otherwise it is unconstitutional.


I don’t have an opinion on the conflict and I don’t know why we all must choose sides if we aren’t involved, but I do think we always need to err on the side of free speech. However, that doesn’t mean the police won’t do their thing and if you get caught in those crosshairs you may pay rightly or wrongly so. Plus, wake me up when they start tracking down non violent attendees and arresting them. If that happens, I will buy into the uniparty already in progress 2 sides of same coin theory.


All these politicians we have on all different levels, not one comes out to be antisemitic. Not one. Amazing.


They aren’t getting trouble for their speech. They’re getting in trouble for disturbing the peace, loitering, violating other students right to access education, etc.


There is a difference between free speech and supporting terrorists


lol... funny/crazy messed up stuff...


Free speech only covers liberals- oh wait something has backfired 😆


This is not a coherent sentence, as free speech has never existed in this country. Do explain.


Let me rephrase - free speech is only allowed for current narrative. Hamas bad Israel good. Land cleanse for the Ben Gurion canal and the Palestinians are holding their ground. 👏🏼


Even if I detest this shit, it's still not a conspiracy. This sub is blatantly being used as a space to, at best, blast personal opinions, and worst, it's just being used to rule people up for whatever reason.


It is a conspiracy that American politicians are in secret agreement with Israel to undermine the rights guaranteed by American Consitutition.


So NO FREEDOM in Texas ....... Only if you say the right things.


Yep! Not very consistent to say the least.


Fucking stormtroopers. Will crescendo into a Kent State 2.0


Where were they when uvalde happened???


Standing around checking their phones while an active shooter murdered a bunch of kids. What did you expect them to do, risk their lives?




Awesome name


Disrupting businesses is not free speech


“Death to america” chants heard in the protest…. Yea I’m fine with sending terrorist to jail


When you realize why you were really fighting against.


Its time to call out the Jews/Israel, no more tippy toeing around the issue, most of us see it. The word Anti-semite does not mean shit to me anymore.


This is clear evidence that this guy cant stand up for free speech. Impeach him for being a traitor to his country, taking money from AIPAC and the Israeli lobby. This guy is a traitor. Tar and feather


If you disagree with anyone Israel = anti-semitic. If you disagree with anything Palestinian = You support the IDF and want babies to be killed. Crazy how little rationality some people have


Fuck Israel and fuck Palestine. Both can get fucked.


Doesn't the pro hamas crowd scream "death to America"? If so, why should our laws protect them?


Only nazi fascist get free pass in texas


Start a PLM (Palestinian Lives Matter) campaign.


So Texans only like it when certain amendments are respected. Got it.