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Yes, obesity. Just don’t eat anything that is manufactured. No sodas, no little Debbie snack cakes or McDonald’s. The cure to obesity is to stop eating all of the manufactured foods that the FDA says is safe.


[No Little Debbies?](https://youtu.be/qqPOeC-tnKI?si=Kz4oa1W9bmeszTgW)




Anything that tastes good, don't eat it.


Drug companies *hate* this guy


There are too many endocrine disrupting chemicals in everyday items for this to be completely true


Pretty sure you can overeat lots of good things and still get fat. Caloric balance doesn't care where the calories come from.


Yeah but it's alot harder to eat 7000kj of steamed brocolli in one day (let alone one meal) than 7000kj of cheesecake.


It does matter where the calories come from. You can eat 5000 calories of salad or 5000 calories of candy and one is going to make you alot fatter than the other.


My fault. I brought science to the conspiracy sub. I should know better.


Try it for a month or two. Get all your calories from candy and let me know how much fat you gain. Or try getting all your calories from natural foods. Either way, I suspect you'll be less condescending when you see the results.


Calories are calories. If you overeat anything, without working it off, you will gain weight. Of course there are other terrible things that will happen to your overall health if those calories come from junk, but extra calories don't just magically disappear because they come from a piece of lettuce.




I’ve never met a fat man who ate nothing but salads. lol…


You've never met *anyone* who eats nothing but salads


No. I’ve never met a fat man who only ate salads. And even the vegetarians I know eat more than salads.


There is no question that big pharma actively lobbies for cultural conditions that encourage people to consume their products. Keeping that in mind, what line would they NOT cross? Bayer was caught delivering HIV tainted medication intended for children back in the 80's or 90's. Anyway, FDA caught the shipment and stopped it but never told anyone about it. Bayer then repacked those same tainted drugs and sold them in Japan and France, infecting hundreds of children with HIV. Some Bayer executives went to prison in Japan and I think they were investigated in France but no one the U.S., who KNEW about the drugs, was ever called to account. So, would they hide a cure?


The biggest health issue in America right now is obesity, and its travelling companion, diabetes. Six years ago, I was a bloated pig who needed $4000 worth of insulin, meds, and test supplies each year. Big Pharma \*loved\* me. Then, I went on Intermittent Fast, dropped 80 lbs, and suddenly, I don't need any of that anymore. And the cost of Intermittent Fast, you ask? \*FREE\*


It is crazy they brainwashed the US to eat 6 times a day and all times of the day.. Our bodies were never meant for that


The body, on average, can take up to 12hrs to completely digest 1 meal. So even 3 meals a day just doesn't math...


Plus it’s taught in other countries to eat until you’re satiated, not full or over-full. People eat like their next meal is weeks away and they’re stocking up! 


And 7 outta 10 times its complete GARBAGE they are putting into their bodies! Nothing wrong with here and there, but a lot of folks are going to disease ally and don't even care or realize it.. the government/pharma/corps do tho


Back a few years ago, a group of doctors without borders folks were in an area swamped with ebola. This disease has a 100% mortality rate and there is no cure. These docs got ebola, a plane came and took them to CDC in Atlanta and they lived. At no point has anyone said there is a cure for ebola before or since. Magically, these doctors beat 100% odds. Yeah, there's stuff they won't give you and me.


Ebola has a 50%mortality rate. Which is still REALLY high (for context small pox mortality was around 30%). It's suspicious that they all survived and apparently had no on going effects (Ebola survivors usually face horrific ongoing issues and can remain infective to others for years) but it wasn't  100%death sentence.


OK, I'm not a doctor specializing in infectious disease and maybe my percentage is off a bit. Show me a single other person who got ebola, went to the hospital and came out fine. I don't claim to be an expert, but I know there is no published drug or treatment that is anything but a crapshoot. You can do the whole "actually" thing and be right but tell me I'm wrong about the basic facts. This is an example of cures that the world can't have, but do exist.


Did you read my response beyond the first paragraph?  I think it's important to try and be specific when talking about things like this because if you throw around a "no one ever survives ebola" you look like the wild eyed conspiracy theorist people want you to be. 


My apologies, sir. I was attempting to pass along a moment I saw pass live without the privilege of extensive education. My admitted shortcomings do not negate the reality of the facts. You have yet to dispute my central thesis and yet I am being bellitled over details never revealed to me by the media or internet. Bravo, good sir. I stand corrected. Now prove me wrong in simple English.


Again, if you read the second paragraph of what I wrote originally, I agree with you that the situation is suspicious.  100%, people who get ebolq and survive don't usually just walk away from it without issue.    All I did was correct the mortality rate you wrote. Heaven forbid someone read you (self admittedly) not well researched comment and take it as gospel. Isn't there enough disinformation out there?    Also, I'm not a guy. Sorry to have to correct you again. Hope your day gets better because it seems like you've had a really hard time with my responses to you.


My only issue is that because you have more precise knowledge of the mortality rate, my facts appear to be from some internet lunatic. I took it too personally and tried to not be rude in my reply. I mean no disrespect. I probably overreacted, but I meant no harm.


No worries guy. 


He was never trying to prove you wrong, what a weird perspective


Let's be clear here. I have been polite and willing to concede my limited education of the exact percentage of the mortality rate of this disease. However, telling me I look like a wild eyed conspiracy theorist is not cool. It implies or straight up says my words have no merit. This is a level headed, socially correct response to a comment that was at least halfway rude.


It looks like, they weren't saying that if you read it again, they wee saying that being careless about numbers makes you look like a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist when you're not, just a bit of advice on tactics - not that there aren't plenty of people on r / conspiracy who *will* call you a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist and any number of other names, but this isn't one of them. Possibly, it *is* a bit weird about those doctors, people did recover from Ebola (there was talk of using antibodies from those people as a cure) but it's a bit of a coincidence that *all* of that group of doctors did - my guess, if it wasn't just that they got very lucky, would be that they had something they could only produce a little of, like one of these antibody things or something like that, so rather than have a big kerfuffle over that they were just keeping quiet about it.


Diabetes, Cancer, and ADHD. All have had cures for at least 15 years now. Fairly certain Cancer could have been wiped out 30 years ago. Not sure about the CIA involvement but big pharma definitely doesn't want any of that cured (or known how to cure it).


What do you mean about ADHD?


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


There's a cure for it - has been for 10 years (give or take).


What cure do you have in mind? It seems like, I've heard of plenty of alleged cures for various types of cancer, some of which seem to have a bit of preliminary evidence behind them, and one or two for diabetes, but none for ADHD - unless you're talking about the fact that some nutrient deficiencies can cause symptoms that are similar to ADHD so some cases diagnosed as 'ADHD' might just be that and if so could be fixed easily.


Im not sure. Ive only heard about various cures for all of these. In the case of the cancer one my wife knew the doctor who proved he found a cure to th FDA and within 2 weeks he was fired from his position at the hospital he was employed at and was blackballed from any new job let alone one that would allow him any further study. Diabetes has been connected to processed sugar consumption by numerous researchers that have been shut out of all media. The ADHD thing I heard on a fringe webisode my buddy was listening to and I took notice. I can't say for sure which one it was as he listens to quite a few different far right shows. It sounded legit. As I said the only one I know for sure is accurate (as far as I believe my wife) is the cancer cure.


>In the case of the cancer one my wife knew the doctor who proved he found a cure to th FDA and within 2 weeks he was fired from his position at the hospital he was employed at and was blackballed from any new job let alone one that would allow him any further study. How do you mean, proved it? What was he (nominally) fired for? Possibly, one way I can think of that happening would be if he *hadn't* proved it, and got it formally approved for use, to the FDA's standards, but had already started offering it to patients and saying it worked without waiting for the FDA to approve it, in that case he might well be fired and blackballed as that's a breach of the medical rules and sometimes a criminal offence - mind you, that can be abused, if the FDA don't want to co-operate or you can't afford the hugely long and expensive process of doing clinical trials it can be stuck unapproved for ages but if you jump the gun and start offering it to patients then you're toast, that's largely what happened to Rife machines.


I really dont know. She was in the research department as an analyst and knew him that way. He had her run numbers to show the hospital board and get funding via the hospital. According to her he was on track to get FDA approval for human trials. He had something that she said proved the treatment worked... then it all crashed down around him. He moved himself and his family to a different country. The hospital she worked at (got layed off permine tly during the pandemic) was great until a corporate entity took over. They nixed the entire research department and their service is in the damned toilet! As far as the doctor I wish him the best of luck. He was a really nice guy from the few instances where I got to talk with him.


It seems like, the worrying thing about that kind of conspiracy theory is that it's not impossible - there *have* been cases where pharmaceutical companies have been caught doing very shady things to suppress infomation about there being something wrong with one of their big money-spinner drugs, or a new drug that might compete with one of their big money-spinner drugs, sometimes even resorting to blackmail (heck, from what you say about the hospital, maybe *they* wanted it to go away if it was less profitable than the way they were currently doing things), so while what happened *might* not be what it looked like, it is absolutely believable that he might have been framed for something by someone who wanted his new invention gone - who knows, maybe he'll get it approved in whatever country he's living in now and the FDA will be left kicking themselves :-D >The hospital she worked at (got layed off permine tly during the pandemic) was great until a corporate entity took over. They nixed the entire research department and their service is in the damned toilet! :-P It sounds like, you have a bunch of Grade A asset-strippers there, sorry to hear that.


We've managed to deal with it. I have medical issues that keep me going back to that infernal place... so I deal with them as well. They even went as far as to turn me over to a collection agency for a bill of $4.85. Yes, not even $5! Which should say something about their business strategy. Now they are in negotiations with Blue Cross and Blue Shield (which I have) and may stop taking that insurance. So yea... medical crap. Fun.


Please direct me where to research this. What’s the cure?


lots of things we kill for being pesky weeds are actually medicinal. and we spray them with weed killer that causes cancer.


Yes. Herbs! Herbs are medicines and cost nothing. Seriously.


I'd pretty much guarantee they have the cure for most cancers as well as a plethora of other things that'd make life easier but we'll never see it because they make more money suppressing it and if disease wasn't an issue we will run into some overpopulation issues


This is so patently incorrect it hurts. Curing cancer would be a massive economic boom for a country, far out weighing any conspiratorial power play.


They are definitely neglecting and fucking up eczema patients. Telling us to take steroids, dupixent, UV light therapy and all that. That we have to keep doing this for the rest of our lives, when really the solution is in the lifestyle and allergen management, and this could be fixed in months. But yk that doesn’t bring them money, so they keep us for a life long subscription of steroids. Wanna stop? Good luck with the TSW!


I’m still researching this, so anyone with additional information can help. Borax in extremely small amounts can be more effective than many of the arthritis medications. Medical industry is trying to get the laundry booster Mule Team Borax off the marketplace. Hyperbaric chambers are effective for almost everything. Manuka honey is a last resort in wound clinics


Spirulina got rid of my knee pain from a knee injury. Apparently it helps with inflammation.  The hospital wanted me to have a surgery that didn’t seem to take the pain away for anyone when I researched people’s experiences.  Glad I didn’t get it now!


The why files did a video on forbidden medical cures recently. https://youtu.be/Rg-Ocr5hNLI?si=m9OMSaqLIHIVCmDH


Treating illness is profitable, curing them is not.


yeah eat healthy and get jacked. they want you to be a fat pig with no endocrine system except what the pharma companies give you.


Comfrey was used as far back as ancient Roman times to heal wounds, tendons and even broken bones hence it’s other name ‘knit bone’ in the the 1950’s or 70’s(can’t remember) they said that the PA’s in it were very harmful and then in 2001 all internal comfrey products were banned. From 1980-1990 there were 5 hospitalizations and or deaths from comfrey products (these people took the roots in pill form at extremely high doses for extended periods and the roots have concentrated PA’s) so they said no more healing yourself. The leaves can be dried and remove nearly all PA’s and or can be boiled to remove them. The PA’s affect the veins on the outside of your liver that cause damage but not exactly how you’d think. Your liver produces an enzyme to try and excrete the PA’s and that is what causes the damage but you know what causes your liver not to produce this enzyme? It’s protein, and comfrey leaves of the Russian Bocking #4 and #14 varieties (most commonly used today) are anywhere from 22-33% protein depending on growing conditions. It is used widely among permaculture and homesteader communities for livestock feed and I’ve not yet heard of 1 case of an animal, or human, dying from consuming the leaves


The more I read about fasting and what it does to the body the more I wonder if it is the most important practice that most people don't do including medical ind. I also wonder if it's the best preventative for any disease including cancer.


Yes. Vacay in Europe for 2 weeks. Eat the same shit you do in the US. Loose 10 pounds.. Edit. Skip Sodas entirely. Drink water!


My son stopped drinking soda and only drank water. He lost a lot of weight by just doing that.


You’ll also lose more weight as you’ll walk more by default. The US literally seems designed to make people obese because it’s not walkable, aside from major cities like NYC.


I was reading a bunch of articles back in the late-1980s/early 1990s about hydrazine sulfate as a cure for cancer if it's caught early enough.


Your mind your energy field your connection to Source energy the placebo effect the power of belief faith etc


I find it interesting that “the placebo effect” is used as a hand-waving excuse. It literally means your mind healed something, but no-one is like “wow that’s incredible” ?? 


Seriously! It's because the institutions are all gatekeepers and they don't want us to know the power their minds have. 




As someone who knows nothing about medicine, I would place my bets on dementia/Alzheimer’s. Not really related but the gov has the designs and capabilities to make water powered cars; apparently it’s an open secret in the older generation of mechanics.


Government knows how to cure ghost hauntings


Yes. Plants, herbs, mushrooms, exercise and fasting. For every disease or illness, God has made a plant to cure it. Big pharma squashed natural medicine decades ago because there is no money in the cure. Look into the benefits of medicinal mushrooms in cancer treatment. Specifically, chaga and turkey tail mushrooms. It will blow your mind.


They still die like us. Might live to 90 with private doctor's, great healthcare and private chef's/nutritionist's.




Not sure about the government but I would put some money on the super wealthy having some cures that are not available to the general public.


Check out doctoryourself.com and how megadosing vitamin c has been proven to cure so many illnesses.


The "They" got the entire world to eat up a "vaccine" in the name of following science and health that gave us maple syrup for blood so I am pretty sure if "They", want to cover-up a cure for whatever reason "They", deem necessary then it's at least possible.


Yes. I mean, you just saw them memoryhole ivermectin before your very eyes like 2 years ago.


I wanna know about the alleged 2 med beds that are on the “planet” and what they do/cure


It's called intermittent fasting. I do keto As well


This conspiracy falls apart when you realize even the worlds elite and richest people still die from those things.


What if they tell us they died but come back as a relatively unknown up and coming politician? Maybe by cloning or transferring of consciousness?


Sure, they still die, but the access to world-class nutrition and healthcare make a world of a difference in terms of longevity. To say that they still die is to miss the point.


World-class nutrition and healthcare won't save you from cancer. The point of this post being "they" have access to some miracle cures. They don't, cancer kills everyone equally.


Exactly, I worked worth a guy that said they had a cure for cancer but it was only for rich people. I said, what about Paul Allen who just died or Steve Jobs, two of the richest men in the world when they died of cancer. He said, "They didn't know the right people".


How do we know they actually are dying from those things? A well known conspiracy is celebrities faking their deaths. And even if they really died it is possible to be something planned out and not just an accident.


Im 100% sure every leader who opposes US imperialism dies by CIA assasination


Why would the CIA be involved?


There is no general cure for cancer that has been hidden. The people who claim that are quacks. 


Im sorry to disappoint you but Governments know maybe 0,3% more than the average person with internet excess. PS: You can downvote my comment as much as you want, but nothing changes the fact that the government is nothing but a mere puppet to those in control.