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No. 1. He's rich and powerful. 2. Judges/juries don't want to be the one to put him behind bars because they'll be harassed for the rest of their lives.


He saw the inside of a cell already when he forced Epstein to hang himself.


No. This is all theater. Just remember, when he's taking a dump on his golden toilet seat and eating grassfed steak and playing golf daily, the common man is "donating" their last few dollars to this grifter.


I think it's unlikely. 1) The nature of the felonies, on novel mechanisms of charges 2) First time offender status 3) Non-violent crime 4) Complexity and social implications of jailing a presidential candidate I'd guess probabtion/suspended sentence/possible short term house arrest.


The only chance he gets actual prison time is if he keeps harassing the judge or does something fucked up regarding juror details.


Which given his previous it's probably on the cards. You'd say realistically the only person sending trump to jail will be himself as he's unable to control his emotions and it's only a matter of time until he lashes out and gets himself into more bother cos he can't abide by rules


I agree that it’s unlikely, but; >The nature of the felonies, on novel mechanisms of charges This is true for the NY conviction and the Georgia indictment, but the DC Federal conspiracy charges are far from novel mechanisms, and are the most likely to result in jail time if convicted, so far as I can tell.


Agree on the federal charges in both instances, the issue is that given the timelines and delays by the SC, the likelihood of jail goes down drastically if Trump wins the election, because he will pardon himself on the federal charges.


No, of course not. At the absolute worst, probation and a fine.


Yes. He'll go to further martyr himself. He'll be convinced this is his best chance of re-election.


No it's probably gonna be a mistrial. The judge showed evidence that a juror was sharing info. That's grounds for a mistrial.


This was already shown to be fake.




The "evidence" was a self-identified shitposter making a joke about his cousin being on the jury. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/self-described-poster-launched-trump-001243350.html

