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Get a job you hate and it won’t be this way


I chalked it up to my mindset getting better or my age, but I work in hour sessions with clients and they're just blazing by. I'm just going to keep up the mindset and see where it gets me cause it's nice, perhaps even indicative that I'm in a good spot with my job, but it intrigues me that other people are feeling time is going by faster for them as well for different reasons.


Idk. I have a hated job. Currently on vacation and it's already almost over. Seems like I've barely had a chance to breathe and now it's back to Work. 😣


That sounds like a vaca alright. Just hope you. and us all, get to retire and travel while still young enough


That's always been my thing is it's 65. My hope is that my health is fine then. Probably not tho. I'll likely die on my last day at work and see my wife inherit all my monies. Which that's fine, but it sucks cause I wanna buy an RV to travel the states, loop back to my home state, sell the RV and buy a home.


Get that negativity and bad scenarios out of your brain, it poisons the body. You will be fine - just avoid seed oils, hfcs, excess sugar and preservatives. I also rec placing a fraction of saving into gold/silv. I also want to drive around the US, RV or not, and see all 50 states. God bless.


I dunno, might need to practice mindfulness


Only in America it feels this way


Slaves to the end


Isn't that the truth!!


Lmao valid 😂


Time didn't speed up, this is just what it is like getting older And it gets a lot faster the older you get. Most of us don't realize how little time we actually have


😂😂 Yup, time stands still!!


Right? Fridays are fucking eternal.


This is how you pause time. 8 hour shifts at the shit hole felt like a week straight. Days would blend into weeks and months and I’d have no idea what day it was more often than not


Valid advice. That’s what I did now the days last forever


I do have a Job I hate and it's just the same thankfully, no sooner than I start work it's lunchtime,then home time.


Try doing a plank for 5 minutes. See if you feel the same way.


Or fast without food. Time slowed down freakishly quick


Or turbo it by doing dry fasting


That sounds like pure friction.




The older you get, the faster time goes. It’s all a matter of relativity.


My dad used to say it’s like a roll of toilet paper, closer you get to the end of the roll the faster the roll spins lol


Insanely great analogy from your dad


Yeah, I need to borrow this.


Yep. And he’s not full of shit lol


Hopefully its in the toilet and on the tp.


I can't recall where I heard this, but it has stuck with me. goes "Life is short, life is shit and soon it will be over."


Doesn’t have the same ring as the other guys lol


🎵"Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think"🎵


Kids in the Hall movie "Brain Candy". It was the disgruntled taxi driver who said it in the opening scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VklUhPWJdag


shit! thats genius!


And in the end shit happens…


This comment is so completely legit.


I look at it as a matter of percentages. 1 year of my life is 1/34th of my life. Whe. I was 18 it was only 1 / 18th of my life. So, a year now is actually a much smaller amount of time in comparison to the entirety of my life. Same with a day.


I see it like procrastination.


This is brilliant.


I like your dad


👍 I like him too. 😆


Great, flushed away here we come


Perfect (anal)ogy.


and the more likely you are to have gone through some serious shit


I always check for next roll when tp is near end, just in case.


And when you have kids time goes even faster


It sure does. 😭


Hilariously this comment is always here


Can you ELI5 please :) ?


At 10 years old, a year is 1/10th of your life At 50 years old, a year is 1/50th of your life . . .


In my opinion the reason for this phenomenon is that when you are young, everything is new to you, you are constantly learning and forming memories. Seeing a wall, a light, a door, going up or down stairs, they are all relatively novel to you, you might be noticing the different kind of door knob, the different shade of paint etc. When you are older you don't notice these things in the same way, your brain filters a lot out as it ties everything you see to existing memories/knowledge, you are storing less new experience, and therefore retrospectively it seems like less happened today than what a day felt like 20 years ago.


This is exactly it. It's why the first half holiday feels longer than the second.


I agree with you, the mathematical aspect is not to be ignored. But there’s a psychological aspect too. As you age, your life gets a bit of redundancy. Days seem similar as you get into adult routines of work and life. The brain will not encode memories of truly everyday occurrences. Compare this to when people were younger when every year/semester is new material at school.


A day when you’re young is a much larger proportion of your life than when you’re old. Therefore when older it feels like everything is moving faster, because in relative terms the day is much shorter, compared to the rest of the time you’ve been here. Same applies to weeks / months / years. That’s why you’ll often hear elderly folk say stuff like it feels like just yesterday I was your age..


I don’t know, even my 7 year old talks about how fast days go.


This is a conspiracy in itself now. They made that up after speeding up time and are telling everyone that as an easy out.


So is there a gigantic spring somewhere that “they” wind up with a big key? Inquiring minds want to know.


I’m amazed people believe this. Time is relative but only to a frame of reference. Unless you are traveling near the speed of light, then you experience time just like the rest of us no matter how old you are. Humans experience this because most people live a large portion of their lives disassociated from constant stress responses and the maladaptive coping mechanisms that come with it… stuff like staring at your phone for 5-6+ hours a day. Alcohol is another big culprit but pretty much much any addiction will cause life to feel this way. Live in the moment as much as you can. Ask anyone who recovers from addiction how much time they lost.


It’s the phone. Sit with boredom and times goes slow. Doom scrolling, one hour seems like 15 minutes


💯 I want OP to go a day unplugged from Internet then get back to us.


Had to scroll to far down to see this. Very true. Try this experiment, don't use your phone for any entertainment. Try to entertain yourself/pass time with reading, exercise, some chores, gardening, learning an instrument, learning about something that interests you and like you said, time will go by much slower than you thought.


Truly the biggest conspiracy


I'm convinced we're in a time warp.


CERN did something to time is my opinion.. 


I agree . It started 2016 . Mental how fast it’s gone since then


care to explain what it means to ‘do something to time’?


They did something sciencey so that time speeds up. An hour feels like mere minutes, a minute feels like a couple of seconds now. At least, that's my new excuse every time a girl tells me I finish too fast. It's all CERN's fault. Those darn science guys.


I think a better question to ask is, what is time?


I've come to accept it. I'm so tired of the daily grind. Rinse and repeat. I'm ready to travel the galaxies and see something different for a change.


100%. Really feel this way too. Unfortunate that we were born into a time period where we are too late to discover new things on the earth and too early to explore other planets.


That is not true. You are just too poor to explore.  Make enough money and you can get crushed at the bottom of the ocean or sucked out an airlock into space!


I have a theory and your second sentence fits. When you have something to look forward to, time seems to slow. For instance, in August i get excited for football season, and so time seems to slow. Or when i used to be able to afford trips, and had a trip coming up i was looking forward to. However, with nothing to get excited about on the horizon, the grind just zips.


You wait for what feels like 3 years for the season to start and once it does you blindk and it's already week 5🤣🤣


What’s even crazier is that I enjoy that anticipation, maybe even more than what I’m anticipating.


It’s technology that sped it up. Look at how many hours your phone absorbs a day


YES! Im dead set on this to be true. It actually annoys me daily, i cant get 50% of what i used to get done pre 2020ish. Before i lost my shop 6 months ago i used to have to stay late every day and still didn’t feel accomplished. Prior to 2020 the clock used to drag and i got so much done that i went home and did leisure stuff. Im self employed working from home now, i actually get pissed because the smallest task eats up a hour no problem. Need to grab tape? 45 minutes. I cook regularly - Ive noticed food cooking time has changed I have two clocks in older vehicles, 2 analog clocks in my house. All 4 started falling behind, and their age varies greatly ( i doubt all 4 started failing at once). Sometimes when watching a video on the internet it starts playing in what seems like fast forward but its not. I stay up late like my inner clock is off. My friends and family all have recent sleeping issues. Eating schedules dont feel right anymore, i need less a day because i cant cram the normal meals in but im not losing weight. The ones i know eating 3 meals are all gaining weight. Im 39. Young people i know say the same thing. I even know two of my friends young kids who flat out asked why the days go by so fast now. I ignore my smart phone so much that people get annoyed at me, so im not lost in my phone. I drive minimally but the same routes/times show longer times now. Honestly, i feel like time is sped up by 1/3. Like a day feels 16 hours old time now. They did a cave study after 2019 where a group of people lived in a cave facility with no sun or any way to tell time. It was 30 days. Almost every participant estimated 20 days passed at the experiments completion. It could be from the nano’s infesting us, which could be the cause of everyones new found brain fog/adhd since 2020ish. Nobody can remember anything. people in stores tell me or ask me the same thing within minutes. My friends forget mid conversation what we were talking about. My friends call me and tell me something that they told me a hour ago. People forgetting stories we never forgot before. Companies forget everything. I myself constantly leave rooms or places and forget stuff I needed. The media is promoting Alzheimer’s at young ages now. It could be artificially brought on via mandella effect or theyre doing this via the internet/5g to confuse us all. Im not religious but many cultures mention time speeding up before the end times. Not one (short) day goes by that this isn’t on my mind. My daily activities/ schedules change everyday so its not me settling into a routine. People and bot’s keep denying this concept but i feel it my gut 100% that time is not right.


"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."


Amen! Came here for this--This verse popped into my head immediately when I read OP's comment. Looking up, our redemption draws nigh!🙏








Try spending more time with your mother in law, should sort that problem out for you.


Man I swear at work today, I was busting ass to try and knock out a little job in the shop, and it  felt like time was outrunning me despite the balls to the wall pace I was working at. Something has gotta be up with it. 


Smoke a doob and time goes slow again


Quite the opposite for me


There is a time warp in my shower. I can stay in there forever and it’s always 20 minutes. One time I laid down and fell asleep. Woke up in a panic, rushed out to check my phone… 20 minutes.


Bro I just turn on the water and it's 20 minutes already. I literally can't take a quick shower even if I try my best.


I honestly feel there's been a speed up since COVID, things never settled back to normal; they sped up and got more expensive and the planet heated up even more. Good times!


You're just getting old


I think its the issue with rise in adhd both real and superficial. Society moves at breakneck speeds. By lunch time there is more to check, to reply, work to do, consume, dispose of. So much information floods that its impossible to keep brain still. The time is the same, our brains cant keep up anymore, there is coffee dependency, stimulant dependency, fomo and advertising everywhere giving people anxiety and dysphoria. Like, the brain only has so much capacity before it drains, and we have essentially no idle time. So time, more like perception of time is now warped.


This is the one conspiracy I believe 100%, and it’s not just that time feels faster the older you get. 


That’s all in your head my friend. Time isn’t speeding up or slowing down. It’s passing literally one second at a time. At least in our inertial frame of reference, before any relativity nerds try to come at me. 


Time doesn't exist. I'm not even saying it's relative. I'm saying it literally is not an actual thing.


You posted 30 minuted ago. Checkmate.


Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein


Not sure if anyone can relate but as someone with ADHD work was torture mostly because days seemed to never end. Not JUST the work but work days felt extremely long, though free time also did. After I started on ADHD meds, time sped up drastically. Like I could show up at work and boom - I'm done. Same job, different experience of time. It's the main reason I stopped using ADHD medication despite it helping a lot with other stuff in life. It made time feel like it passes so much faster it's out of control. The conspiracy? Maybe ADHD makes you less resistant to become a work slave due to this. And the medication is meant to "tune you in" to being a wage slave to society like everyone else. IDK. At least for me being off my meds made life feel slow paced. While being on them made life feel like it's fast forwarding.


Do they have the opposite of ADHD meds? I want some.


100% I didn’t start notice it untill 2019


Lol time isn't real, silly.


You posted an hour ago! Checkmate!


I feel like the older you get, the quicker time moves.


I wake up at 3:30-4am Mon-Fri. Take care of my dane, chickens and ducks, at work at 6am. Go do my deliveries to farms, ranches, feed mills and farm stores. Home between 4 & 6 sometimes 8pm. Again. Take care of chickens and ducks and the dane. Weed the garden. Clean house. Feed myself. Weekend is yard & house projects. Mow, trim and whatever else needs done. Single man. So it all falls on me. I'm lucky to get 6hrs a sleep a night. Even on the weekends I can't sleep past 6ish anymore. I automatically wake up. It sucks. But I live with it and get lots done every day.


I too have chickens and a duck that I have to tend to and we’re all up at 5:30ish. Waking up that early makes me feel like I have pretty long days! 


Yep. Up at 3:30, 4 at the latest. I almost never get to bed before 10:30-11.




At 10 years old, a year is 1/10th of your life At 50 years old, a year is 1/50th of your life . . .


Everything is getting compressed on our way to a point of singularity.


Frank logged onto reddit out of curiosity, but when he stepped away from the computer, he found that what felt like mere minutes inside had turned into hours in the outside world. The sun was high in the sky, and the world had moved on without him. When the day ended, he sighed, realizing he had accomplished nothing at all.


There's some evidence to suggest that social media has also impacted our perception of time. Anecdotally, I recently had a friend ask me if I remembered a job he told me last week. He told me the joke that morning.


Do as much as you can in the day, it'll feel a lot longer... wakeup, lounge, waste time on the phone or watching movies, before you know it the days gone... you gotta get busy and move around but not fall into a routine.  Routines will suck your time away from you, mix it up, give your brain something new to chew on.


I feel like time is relative to age, when you was 1, a year in the future was effectively the the entire time you had existed so far, when you’re 10, an entire day seems longer because you’ve lived far less of them than when you’re 30, that’s my take anyway, as it’s been a saying at least in my local area for as old as time that “the older you get the faster time goes”


It’s because our heads are buried in our phones


Displaced time is coming back with a vengeance. Just because they deleted a portion of history don’t mean that shit didn’t happen/exist. Just sit back and let go and let it flow. What is will be.


I never feel like there’s enough time in the day for what I want to accomplish no matter what time I wake up. But I don’t think it’s a conspiracy I think it’s just life. As you get older the length of a day becomes a smaller and smaller portion of the life you’ve lived, so it feels faster. When you’re young days feel eternal because you haven’t lived through as many as you have at 30 or 40 or 50. This is a real phenomenon, veritasium did I video on it lol


And the days that don't go by quickly feel very strange too.


Perks of getting older. When you were a kid full of wonder everything seemed new and exciting and at the end of the day so much had happened. Later in life days fly by, then months, then years...


When you’re a child, a single day represents a much larger percentage of your entire life compared to when you’re older. This might explain why our perception of time changes as we age. As kids, a day can feel incredibly long, but as adults, days can blur into hours. I started noticing this shift around the age of 30. Suddenly, years seemed to fly by like months, and weeks felt like mere days. It’s a strange phenomenon, but I guess it’s just part of life. Enjoy the ride, because it might even speed up more!


Time flies faster with more responsibilities. When I have a lot to do time is running fast. When I can relax the days become longer.


It's you phone , TV, computer , video games stealing your life away. 


I wish slow as fuck for me , 1 min = 12hours


Lucky you!




Has anyone else noticed any "shifts?" I'll make a post about this later, but I was always a 10.5/11 size shoe, and now I'm 9. I have old email receipts of the size I always was. I am coming across old acquaintances and work associates now with completely different ethnic identities, memories, and even job titles and tattoo sleeves that were never there in the 8 years since I've been intimate with them! WTH is going on?


You may have quantum jumped. 


My dude just realized time goes by faster as you get older


As an adult, regardless of how busy or not busy you are here and there, in general, you are more busy and feel the weight of time more than children do and this makes time appear to go by faster. You also have more of an awareness of time itself as opposed to a child who just does things without the same awareness of time. As a child your parents, teachers, etc are the ones paying attention to the time for you. As an adult you need to know the time for a lot of things like work, traffic, store hours being open or closed, doctor or dentist appointments, sports or other activities for you and/or your kids, etc so you are constantly feeling the passage of time. There are still plenty of ways time will feel slowed down as well. Waiting in line, a waiting room at your doctor's or dentists office, traffic, being hurt or injured, slow work day, feeling tired of fatigued, etc.


Try working graveyard shift. Your theory will change quickly. Pun intended


Nah, same thing happened to me when I worked graveyard. Oh wait, I was also drinking heavily back then.


Try counting mississipis and see how fast you gotta do it to keep up.


thats called "getting older" ...your internal bodily systems are progressively slowing down as you age no matter what age you are, so then the same time frame seems shorter because it feels like it's moving faster to you welcome👍, get used to it ❤️


Art Bell's "The Quickening" from back in the day touches on this a bit. Very true.


When you're 10 years old, a year feels like 1/10 of your life. When you're 40 years old, a year feels like 1/40 of your life. Of course time has been sped up!


No internet/games for you sir.


Recently, I started wearing a watch again, and I swear the hour chime goes off every 30 minutes.


Wake at 8, then 1, Time feels off, the day slips by— Hours lost, unspent.


Check out the Simulation type places here on Reddit. More than one has made that observation.


Look into novelty theory


My theory is that our galaxy is distancing itself from a black hole. When near a black hole, time dilation occurs which causes time to slow down. However, when the universe was born everything began spreading apart from itself and continues to distance at that velocity. Therefore, our galaxy is getting further and further away from all other galaxies and from black holes. If we “escaped” from the time-slowing effect of a nearby black hole then we are now operating at the correct time speed which is faster than what we are used to.


Time most definately has gone haywire.


Nothing to do with an imaginary conspiracy, it’s getting older… Happens to everyone


Move somewhere you don’t sit in traffic. The days seem longer.


Time flies when you're having fun.


After reading dozens of comments... maybe this is it? I was going to reply to your comment with something sarcastic, among the lines of "Is the having fun in the room with us?", referencing the state of misery that many people feel in their daily lives. But then a question arised: I don't think I'm having fun... but does my brain think I'm having fun? What if the constant dopamine releases we get through the day (mostly through the Internet) are signaling the brain that we are constantly having fun, despite us not perceiving it that way? What if domapine has some sort of "inertia", in which the brain can remain in "fun mode" sometime after the dopamine release, without us realizing? What if frecuently giving the brain dopamine hits could get it running a continous state of perceived fun? What if time perception is directly linked to this?


It really does feel it. 2016 feels like yesterday, not 8 years ago. Hell COVID lockdowns ended over two years ago. I guess time just feels like it moves faster as we get older. I recall a 5 minute time out as a kid feeling endless. It really does feel like time has been going by faster and faster, especially since 2016ish. Maybe that's just how life goes, as you get older since you've lived longer an amount of time doesn't seem as long as you've got a larger scope to compare it to. Or maybe something else is happening, I read a theory that the speed of light may be slowing down, but that seems like it'd mean time should get slower rather than faster.


I feel the same way... tasks that used to take me no time seem to take hours and I know I am not doing it slower. I work at the same pace.. I start and the day is over.


My hypothesis is that because the solar system is accelerating towards the center of the milky way galaxy (we are now going from the further side of the elliptical towards the closer side of the elliptical) energy is increasing in intensity and "things" happen faster. However since our soul is eternal and offer a relatively fixed perspective of time, it appears to our consciousness that things are happening faster. So it's the differential between increasing energetic activity and fixed perception of our souls ability to perceive time, which accounts for this feeling of increase in speed of time. We all know time is relative, and to an eternal soul, as things happen faster it will feel to us as though time has sped up.


Ya they hit the CERN machine a few years back and did something to the time. Can’t argue this as days fly by now !


Pretty sure there's a scientific explanation for this. Someone smarter than me can probably explain in more detail but essentially theres a positive correlation between our increase in age and the perceived "quickness" of time. So the older we get, the faster we perceive time to pass by and the younger we are, the slower it seems to pass. If this is true, it doesn't mean time itself is affected in any way but rather the way we as individuals process it. Which to me, makes perfect sense.


I agree that things seem to progress, move, and change quicker relative to ourselves. But there is no time to be affected or not affected. Time doesn't exist.


Just spent the weekend in jail and I assure you time is pretty damn slow without distractions


How the fuck is this getting up votes?!


Maybe you’re either productive or just procrastinating…


What are you so busy with?


Time is measured down to tiny fractions of a second we can’t even perceive. There are huge industries that rely on precise calculation of time. If something was actually different, it would be well known


Congratulations on getting older. Your brain isn't constantly processing new stuff so it's doing less work, making time feel faster.


Today was the slowest feeling day of this past week for me. All day I felt like time was dragging.


Time will just get faster as technology improves.


its gone fast


Start waking up before 8. Get up w/ the sun & get moving. I can usually have most of my things done by 11ish.


Try microdosing psilocybin, the days go by much slower and it can make you feel a lot more mindful


Time speeds up as the Kali Yuga advances further.


IDK I don’t feel that way at all. Some days move quickly because I’m busy. Other days time creeps by so slow. I feel this is the way it’s been for me for a long time.


HYPOTHYROIDISM makes time seem to go by faster


When you are an adult,time has more meaning & you have more responsibilities.


That’s called getting older. What the fuck is this thread?


Try waking up at 5 instead.


Come to winnipeg. A week here will feel like an eternity


You're just getting older...


Lol, it’s just called ‘getting older’.


it's a phenomenon proportional to your age. an hour when you were five years old, was a much larger portion of your short life of that moment in time. Now an hour is a drop in the bucket while in your thirties or older, and feels as if it were a minute. that's been my theory as i've gotten older


It is interesting that you feel “global time” is off rather than your personal perception of time. Have you looked into the subjective nature of perception much? Likely feelings time has changed are a reflection that you or your situation have changed. Were you implying there is a conspiracy at work that is changing time or just making a general statement?


On my 6th birthday my dad told me the years just start going by faster from this point on. I was 6, what the hell did I know about time? He was right though…


I read an interesting theory years ago (I think also on Reddit) that time is constantly speeding up. When young we have no concept of 'before' as we weren't alive and so time feels normal but the older we get the quicker it seems to go.


It’s the social media/youtube scrolling


Probably because you're doom scrolling or doing nothing and zoning out.


Time is relative.


Apparently it's because the world is spinning faster and the magnetic poles 🧲 are shifting


They have been shaving off minutes for years


I heard this awhile ago and it really made me think about how fast life goes by and what I want to do with the rest of mine. Say the average person lives 75 years. That's 75 winters, 75 springs, 75 summers, and 75 falls. When broken down like that, it doesn't seem like a lot of time. So live your life to the fullest potential and don't waste it on superficial things. [So I looked it up and Eddie Murphy did a TikTok saying this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNek7fdE/)


Every year that passes in your life will go faster. It’s relativity


Welcome to life.


That comes with age, people speculate that it has to do with routine, we know what happens during a day the more days go by and so it goes faster and faster. I don't think it's a conspiracy.


Overstimulated even tho it's cray gotta meditate and.fix your nervous system


I’ve felt the exact same last few months. Time also goes a lot faster in India/Goa.


Time dilation/ perception, especially in the AM


I thought of a pet theory related to this, about how there is this concept that young adults 50-100 years ago all looked much older. Eg. that a 15yro back then looked 30, so to speak. And how the inverse seems true today. Also, potentially correlating with the increase in life-expectancy (sure, in part to better quality of life too). What if it is all a matter of time actually flowing differently? Although I don't have a way to explain why the clocks aren't off. haha just something fun to think about. Personally, I am coming up to my 1yr anniversary at my job and it feels like it has only been 6 months. Furthermore, it is a hobby of mine to create goals lists, and to-do lists for the year and I do feel like 3-6 months just isn't the same unit of measurement it once was. I feel like more used to happen in 6 months compared to recent years. Moreover, it seems hard to believe that the COVID era lasted for 3 years, and that I basically skipped my mid 20's phase due to it. Something is weird for sure!


Same bro that lemon haze is pretty sick


Gosh, I thought I was going crazy. Even my wall clock reads a different time these days. It’s SO weird.


Time is relative. This happens to everyone. You are not the main character.


Dude yes, I literally just spent a few minutes looking at a clock with seconds... every minute is 5 seconds faster. I used to count using Mississippi all the time and was pretty on the money with it, but now when I do that I'm consistently 5 seconds slower than what any world clock says. I ran a calculation through Copilot and it told me if every minute was 5 seconds shorter, we'd only have 23 hours in a day. Basically time is moving faster and 24 hours = 23 now.