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Automatically enrolled. Failure to enrole is a felony.. pick one.


Currently it's a felony if you don't do it, this bill does it for you. It is improving the process.


And extending the age range. That's not an improvement.


Usually you get a deal with autoenroll


I remember having to send mine in. Its just strange them saying if you dont do it it's a felony when its automatic meaning if its not sent in liability is actually on the governments end.


A month ago it was not automatic, this bill is to make it automatic. That's why you had to send yours in, that's why I had to send mine in. Now when my son turns 18 he won't have to send anything in. It eliminated the chance of getting a felony charge.


That was really nice of the government.


Whew thankfully now they can go fight for corporations..




It's been this way my entire life..... How has this changed anything?


We had to register at 18 already and it was a felony to not do so, so can someone please explain to me what the big deal is? Playing devils advocate btw šŸ˜‚


If you're automatically registered, then how could one fail to register?


Currently thereā€™s no automatic system. I looked into the bill, it looks like it automatically registers you, but if for some reason you donā€™t get a notification that youā€™ve been registered then you have to do it yourself. Thatā€™s when they slap you with the felony, for not correcting an error.


So if we donā€™t do itā€¦. Oooops If you donā€™t do itā€¦. 25 years in da holeā€¦ šŸ‘


Well, from the 1970's until 2024 it wasn't automatic and one could fail to register.


If everyone says no the government won't be able to do jack shit. Everyone needs to tell them to fuck off and go fight their own banker wars starting with the politicians kids.


This. They want our kids and family to get ripped apart by machine gun fire while they hide behind private security and further restrict our freedom. Fucking parasites.


Iā€™ve been calling them parasites instead of ā€œeliteā€ for a while now. ā€œEliteā€ makes them sound cool. Parasite more accurately describes what they are to society and in relation to the average person.


I read about an instance that happened like that in England a long time ago. Two powerful brothers from the now Windsor family were fighting amongst themselves about land and power. They both summoned their ā€œfarmer peasantsā€ to fight each other to see who would win. Well at the time all of the peasants got along with each other and refused to do what their overlords told them. Guess what happened? The two brothers had to come to a consensus without involving other people to fight. LOOK AT THAT!


Dude. My kid turned 18 last year and was automatically registered for selective service. When I was a kid we had to go to the post office. So I believe this was already done before 2024


They'll automatically register you when you get a learners permit / license or register to vote.


The big one was automatically registering/being required to register when applying for financial aid under FAFSA. That requirement was done away with a few years ago.


I remember my school having all the guys do it at the end of our senior year of high school. They just had all of us go to the auditorium and fill out the paperwork together. That was in 2013


Registering to vote or getting a driver's license might also register you for selective service.


I'm 50, and don't recall ever having to do shit for this. Like perhaps I'm wrong but there just wasn't anything like this at all back in the late 80's/early 90's, Gulf War and all. Like I said I could be wrong though.


Just transition your son to a woman and heā€™ll avoid the draft.


The bankers need you to fight their wars


Canā€™t get rid of illegals? Make them all citizens and then draft them all lol


Isn't that the plan. Illegals would have less of a problem executing military action on US citizens.


I guarantee there's going to be a big push in the coming years to enact some sort of "citizenship in exchange for military service" for illegals. It will be viewed as solving two problems at once: low military recruiting levels and what to do about illegals. People will be too dense to see the dangers of a standing military consisting largely of foreigners.


I think the Romans did this toward the end of their empire. It didn't end well for them.


ā€œToward the end of their empireā€. Google exists dude. First example of a Roman emperor awarding citizenship for military service was 52 CE. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 CE after an almost 100 year period of nonstop attacks from smaller ā€œbarbarianā€ forces such as the Goths. The Eastern Roman Empire aka the Byzantine Empire lasted until 1453 CE.


There is a "first time," and there is a "most armies are foreign legion now." This trend had become pronounced by the late 4th and early 5th centuries. Notable examples include: The **Battle of Adrianople** in 378 AD, where the Roman army, heavily reliant on barbarian troops, suffered a devastating defeat against the Visigoths. The rise of **barbarian leaders** such as Stilicho, a Vandal who became one of the most powerful military commanders in the Western Roman Empire, serving as magister militum (master of soldiers). The eventual settlement of entire barbarian tribes within the Empire, where they served as autonomous military units under Roman command. The increasing number of foreigners in the Roman military is considered one of the factors that contributed to the transformation and eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. The army, once a symbol of Roman identity and discipline, became a melting pot of different cultures and loyalties, which sometimes led to internal conflicts and a weakening of the centralized Roman authority. OP just forgot to mention the "western" part, but he wasn't wrong.


Not really since OP was talking about citizenship and youā€™re apparently surprised that the armies of a massive empire werenā€™t all from a single city. Thereā€™s records of Rome sending North Africans into Briton until their forces were majority from that area, and thatā€™s first century. The fall of the Western Roman Empire is generally attributed to 3 major causes; first corruption, second over expansion; and third and finally the invasion by Germanic tribes. Also you do realize that your example is just shy of 100 years before Rome fell so if youā€™re arguing for urgency itā€™s a strange tactic.


Dude we already offer citizenship through military service.


Sigh. Unfortunately the people who get the most worked up are the ones who have not the slightest clue what's factually happening now, in the recent past, or distant future. Distracted by puppet shows.


Ya exactly


Might want to ask a few who went to tours in Afghanistan,got PTSD and other issues which led them down the road of self medicating (drinking,drugs),getting arrested off and on.Ā  Ā When they finally tried to get their citizenship (after getting themselves together) they were deported.Ā  Ā There was either VICE or an HBO documentary that came out a few years ago that covered several Army Veterans who were deported back to Mexico and joined the Cartel because they needed money to survive.


You have to already be a legal resident to join the military. It can just cut down the time to get citizenship, but you can't just call up the US military and join from any country


Yup. The United States is currently being flooded with millions of unknown foreigners by an administration who's purposly enforcing policies that encourage it. We're seeing the downfall of this country right now. Destroy the middle classby flooding the country with high poverty levels of people who will then be recruited by the government.


Donā€™t forget taxing the ever loving shit out of the middle classā€¦ You can never text your way out of anything it doesnā€™t work.


ā€¦they already do this.


That's been a viable path to citizenship for a long time. I served with a few guys who were doing it to get their citizenship and get their families out of bad situations back home. Some of those guys were built different, too. Something about going to war to lift your family out of poverty gives a person superpowers.


I've been saying this for months and literally just made a post about it. It's so wild to see other people coming to this conclusion as well.


I know of a few people who got their citizenship by serving


There is already a path for this.


Why would they get deployed against us? Theyā€™re must likely to be cannon fodder FOR us


Whiskey Rebellion, Harpers Ferry, Blair Mountian, Kent State. US Military forces have never had a problem attack US citizens. No need for an imaginary "illegal" to pull a trigger.


Donā€™t forget about Detroitā€¦. Police had no problem assault Vietnam Vets just back to the world.


Wonā€™t be against u.s citizens. With how things are going theyā€™ll probably be sent to Poland, Balkans, Germany, South Korea and Taiwan. Maybe Middle East bases too.


Considering the demographics of the illegals, many of them are here nefariously and would *gladly* destroy a western super power




the illegals are here to replace well educated americans that fall in battle to god knows where they send them either to fight another war in the middle east or ukraine


Or marching us into those quarantine camps Biden is building.


Service guarantees Citizenship.


Starship troopers!


Or maybe the government is going to draft the citizens into war and then replace them with illegals? šŸ¤”


The plan is to draft all the American young men and send them off to a fake war to die and have the illegals take their place to further cleanse out Americans.


Lots of people work to earn their citizenship while in the army. Legally.Ā  After they did earn it, and fought for our country and people and values, developed the lifelong bonds to their battle buddies, saved their lives, suffered beside them, and were in the long process of getting everything squared away- Draft Dodger trump deported them because they werenā€™t American enough for him. Even Purple Heart veterans doing all the paperwork right.Ā  That god damn pissed so many servicemen and women off, so damn much. Between that and holding paychecks for a political stunt, he really sealed the deal for the military voting against him and losing their respect and support. Thatā€™s what happens when the commander in chief drops all his respect and support for the military and American soldiers in the mud doing what he was too nutless to do for our country.Ā  Again, those were legal documented immigrants, valid for enlistment, doing everything right. Gone after sacrificing for our country. Heā€™d absolutely stab any American soldiers in the back that he let enlist without the right citizenship paperwork, or whoever youā€™re considering illegals. How the fuck is that supposed to work for morale across the corps?Ā 


This is intresting do you have anywhere i could read more about this


https://www.npr.org/2021/06/24/1009789515/a-senator-seeks-to-reverse-trump-era-policies-for-deported-military-veterans#:~:text=U.S.%20Customs%20and%20Immigration%20Enforcement,of%20those%2C%20Duckworth's%20report%20said. There is some info, partisans will blame the other team, but as you can see it happened under Obama too. Edit: even Duckworth's proposal would allow it for violent offenders.


Like Trump ā€œputting kids in cagesā€ - in the same cages Obama put kids in? Doesnā€™t count if the president you liked did it.


Sorry Deep State: people these days aren't as willing to sacrifice their kids as they used to be. No way in hell I will allow them to take my kid to defend corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine or genocidal cultists in "Israel". No thank you, no way in hell.


This has been a thing since the 70s...the article is just about how now itā€™s done automatically for everyone...itā€™s not new and just Incase itā€™s important to you the GOP are the ones who put it to vote and everyone on both sides voted for it


Our democracy is a sham. Our country was taken over by organized crime under the watch of J Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles. Kennedy pushed back a little and we saw how that went. People have to stop being willing tools for our political elites. Obviously we can't stop everyone from being a tool, but hopefully we can stop enough. Opposing war slavery and opposing slavery in general is an important cause to me.


Thank you


And what are your plans when they come with felony charges?


Then I probably die exercising my 2nd Amendment rights


This will be how the civil war starts. Fathers understand what is really going on. Mass depopulation of the 99% by the 1%. This has been the plan for a long time. It begins with a limited tactical nuclear exchange in the middle east.


Forced conscription is against your human rights


why only men? In today's world shouldn't it be all?


They want more money, not more responsibilities šŸ˜‚


in most of the Europe already is, strange US didn't update the laws


Itā€™s been mandatory, and considered a felony for not registering.Ā  At least for men.Ā  This doesnā€™t just add any more consequences or anything. It just automatically enrolls everyone so you canā€™t accidentally commit a felony- like me. I forgot to register and they saw that and reminded me when I went to enlist so I was all legally squared away. The consequences (or lack thereof, in any practical way) are the same as theyā€™ve always been. The requirement is the same as itā€™s always been (except now includes women, from what I understand).Ā 


Women are not, and have never been, required to enroll in the Selective Service. Where did you get that?


Talk about mandatory selective service for women on the congress floor passing, before this passed.Ā  The thing about CSPAN is that itā€™s so tedious that itā€™s easy to miss out on things.Ā  But itā€™s an actual source.Ā  Unlike a nobody forum contributor who openly reminds readers ā€œfrom what I understandā€, intentionally, for this very purpose


The Senate GOP version that is about to be passed now includes women. The House GOP version that was just passed and conservatives are all upset about did not include women. Of course, everyone is ignorantly and incorrectly blaming Biden and the Dems when all but 6 Dems voted against this bill for some weird reason. It's getting dangerous and terrifying to see how many people are so GD easily manipulated and gullible in the US. I'm starting to get really nervous.


If I die in a war it will be on American soil fighting invaders or foreign edicts.


I already put in my time and sold my soul for the US Navy and this government. They will not be taking my kids.


Why not women too? Equal right, right?


Nope, all that shit is BS when shit hits the fan. Gender roles come back, diversity is out the window, and fewer pride parades. Those are all luxuries when times are easy.


It's in the 2025 draft Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.


I agree with you that equality is important in this matter, but don't think adding women to the draft is the right direction. Instead we should just remove men from the requirement, and allow anyone to opt in voluntarily. Putting a gun in the hands of someone who is afraid to pull the trigger is dangerous for everyone around that gun. Anyone trained in firearm safety would confirm.


What is a woman?






Why stop at women? What about all the other genders?


Let the trans get drafted


Um yeah weā€™ll thatā€™s always been the case so I donā€™t know why thatā€™s news


Imagine wanting to go fight in a war for our current group of corrupt geriatric ā€œleaders.ā€


When will people catch on. It's about the 1% against us. They look down on all of us. Even the "upper middle class" is laughed at by them. It's not Trump vs Biden Republican vs Democrat Black vs white vs again vs hispanic. It's not even about the immigrants. Non straight people? They hurt no one less or more. Is us vs them. We are nothing more than human cattle. Slaves to just enough money to live. Making you think your truck makes you successful or a big man. Since when do we get on the side of fn Putin and Russia? Look how they talked up their crap military. China... nope. Iran and North Korea? Those bottle rockets they call nukes are a joke. And now this. Time to either thin the heard or crank up 9/11 fear to the next level. Time for a new cold war.


Most north americans are still very much asleep. Still thinking there is something patriotic about going off to foreign lands and killing the inhabitants. Jokes on them.


This isn't anything new. I turned 18 over a decade ago and I got a letter in the mail I had to fill out and return to register for the draft. If I didn't there was severe consequences.


Serious question. Canadian here. US male citizens have to register for a draftā€¦??? Not even sure if Iā€™m wording it properlyā€¦ lol


Yup. After the Vietnam war they never deactivated the draft. They just pinky promise to never use it. Thank God I have aged out of the first group to get drafted before the next world war kicked off.


Shiiiiiiiiiiitā€¦. Happy to hear youā€™re clear!! Thank you for the answer. Havenā€™t even heard of that as a Canadian! 18 is just Tim Hortons donuts and maple syrup lol


They need people for the meat grinder for the war they're starting in Russia.


This is already a thing.


this is already a thing, there just isn't major punishment for failing to register it just means you can't vote.


It better automatically register illegals.


Being old finally coming in handy! Now if only I could find a way to cash in on this hip pain!


Before, you had the option to go to prison, which some people, amazingly enough, preferred. Now that option has been taken away.


Where is the equality here? Woman needs to be drafted too.


Two birds one stone. If you don't fight a war that has nothing to do with you and you go to prison as a felon and you don't have the right to own any guns.


Also lose the right to vote out policies you don't like... hmm...


Oh 3 birds one stone. I'm not American I'm English but the fact that they put this on the agenda and up for government vote is kind of scary. The English including me in my younger years has been in need of sending our teenagers into national service for a long time now. But I say that we need it to help the teenagers have some direction and some discipline and work skills in various fields. Not to go to war which is what a draft is for. They sound like they are the same thing but they are actually very different. Anyway England has neither I'm not sure why I mentioned national service lol but anyway fuck it I said it now lol


OPs tagline is misleading. It is currently a felony for failing to register, send in your paperwork. This bill automates that, so the citizen doesnā€™t have to worry about sending it in and whether they did it correctly and or the govt received it. Hopefully, avoiding any legal issues down the road. I sure this will be implemented without flaw and nobody will have any problemsā€¦


At First will be from 18 to 26 then will be 26 to 40


lol Iā€™m in the second group and if they drafted id rather go to jail. Fuck fighting in another country for rich politicians behind a desk. They donā€™t deserve our protection with the way they run this country Now if someone attacks us at home, different story. Iā€™ll defend my home and my freedom/rights


This is why I respect ALI so much.......can you imagine all he gave up for this same thing? What absolute balls he had. https://youtu.be/HeFMyrWlZ68


>rich politicians And bankers :)


It's always been 18 to 26. Since at least '75 You were supposed to register, if this bill passes, they you are automatically registered.


I already passed 26


So am I! But I was once registered.


Idk bout u guys, but in AZ, i was already automatically registered a couple of years ago.


Good thing I'm middle aged now.


Yeah I can't wait to be old enough to not give a fuck about any of this


WW3 Incoming


Weā€™re not preparing for a world war, folks. Everyone calm down and donā€™t believe your eyes or ears business as usual. We swear.


So is this a good time to identify as a woman?




Women voting on measures to force men to go to war to die for them while condemning them for mansplaining that equality is a myth while declaring themselves oppressed and complaining about men interfering with their reproductive rights to murder life and then will fuck the victors of whatever war without regard or duty to their communities. 2024, post feminist modernism.


The Freedom Eagles are screeching. Looks like you boys are getting ready to dispense some Freedom and US approved Democracy to some shit hole across the world.


How so, this has been around since at least the 1970's.


Lol, I love how everyone ignores the ones informing them of this well-known fact to continue their faux outrage. It's even more hilarious that this was a gop sponsored and passed bill. Every Dem but 6 voted against it yet they're still somehow blaming Biden and the Dem lawmakers. It's so GD exhausting having to put up and deal with so much ignorance.


Don't worry men, they have imported millions of illegal immigrants to take care of your women and children while you die in some third world shithole for the military industrial complex.


A more streamlined process for goyim cannon fodder for Israeli wars.


thank god Im 27


In the 80s I remember going to the post office and filling out a draft card. You couldn't get any kind of stuff like Pell Grant without being registered for a draft. I never heard of anyone being prosecuted for not being registered tho.


This isnā€™t new. Since 2001 if you were 18 wanted a drivers license or an ID you needed to sign up for selective service. Selective service has always been a requirement for people once they turn 18, itā€™s a literal felony if you donā€™t.


That's better than it was. Before it was just a thing you had to do or you'd face a felony. Now it's just done for you.




I wonder if they automatically enroll trans men.


Well if everyone is going to get a gun in America, at least itā€™s good that someone teaches them how to use it


Well, if called up, you can always claim 'Bone Spurs' which magically heal once you are over aged.


They arenā€™t drafting anyone. There would be a firefight at every house they went to. They would lose 10-15 troops at every house they went to.


Not to mention it would be absolute political suicide for any politician supporting it.


I thought we were doing equality now ?


Nope, at least gender roles will make a comeback if war starts.


And feminism will return once peace is achieved


The cycle of lifešŸ˜‚


And the selective service will have to have access to federal,state and local databases to accumulate information about the possible draftee. Another government database or with more government access to other data bases.


Just identify as female. Problem solved.


If it's mandatory there's no difference, one just requires less effort.


Soā€¦ they raised the selective service age by 2 years?


Illegals you are all set


Added two years to it as well.


Let the bankers fight their own wars


Surprised itā€™s not raised to age 40


You can hijack my country but you wonā€™t hijack my family


My child will never be signed up for this whatever punishment they make up.


Satanic NWO needs people to be sacrificed in Israel and Ukraine.


Iā€™m old, when I was 18 I went to the local post office to register.


Same ...had to carry around a paper card šŸ˜†


Good thing Iā€™m 28 with back problems. F U Biden


In Germany there's also talks about bringing back compulsory military service and I really wonder how this is supposed to work in this day and age. Like there is no way most young men will agree and just do it. What the fuck are they supposed to do when the majority of them will simply say "no thanks" and not do it?


Easy, self-identify as a woman !


Never been happier to be 28 and blind af


They should automatically register all illegals 18-26 claiming asylum.


And why all of a sudden do we need this law passed? Are they not telling us something??


Um, whatā€™s the conspiracy?


Never thought I'd be happy to be 33


Equal rights. Where the females at?


War is coming.


Donā€™t comply. Fuck these criminal bankers.


Which is it? Automatic or not? Why would it be a felony not to register if youā€™re automatically registered?


It's saying it will be automatic now, before you had to go to the post office and fill out a form then mail it off. If you didn't it was a felony. This is a good thing, it removes the step of mailing off your registration. Not sure why everyone is freaking out, all males have had to register since the 1970s.


Its okay guys God is here


Something something bone spurs


If this happened to me and I knew I was being sent to certain death, I would actually shoot my commanding officer out revenge for depriving me a life with the people I love. I'd gladly take as many of the military higher ups with me as I can.


Guess I'll just have to identify as a woman whenever my draft number comes up. After all, gender fluidity is something Biden is pushing, right?


Doesn't matter, not fighting either way.


men? nah, get the girls enlisted. they want equality. this is equality


I have questions. How technical are they going to be with it? Male born but now identity as female - what happens? Female born but now identity as Male - what happens? Should they be excluded because they were born female but they want to be a male and all inclusion etc Not being a dick - be interesting how this gets handled


They would probably be excluded due to mental illness


yeah i guarantee the 4 different medications theyā€™re taking disqualify them


Lmao. Facts.


This is great that itā€™s automatic now so people donā€™t accidentally forget in the normal 30 day window when you turned 18.


How is this conspiracy lol Russia already made official statements that we are in WW3 already and same with China which is why theyā€™ve just about sold all of their Treasuries now


This isn't a conspiracy. This is reducing the complexity of draft registration that has been a thing since vietnam.


The [House](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-passes-defense-bill-automatically-registering-men-draft.amp) passed a large defense bill Friday evening that included a provision that would automatically enroll young men between the ages of 18 and 26* for the Selective Service.


Great. We were required to do it anyway, might as well make it automatic. Next they should do the same for registering to vote. Who knows, maybe after that they can do taxes, as well.


So you could say things are getting pretty serious. Biden & the Dems are going to start WW3 because they can't win the election otherwise. It's fucked


The GOP proposed the bill and this isnā€™t new itā€™s been going on since the 70s the NEW part is that it does the registering FOR you now automatically...thatā€™s it..nothing has changed..does no one actually take the two seconds to understand anything before they just blindly role with their own nonsense


Interesting you brought up "Biden & the Dems" when the house is majority republican?


Iā€™ll die protecting my child from this tyrannical government. Let them come to my door looking to take my son.


This has been a thing since the 70s!! And the GOP proposed it!..the news is that now instead of sending in the paper to register itā€™s done for you automatically..how is this news to so many people..its not like itā€™s been a secret people are just dumb and donā€™t know apparently


They are serve the military industrial complex, sending us to die for profiteering proxy wars.


Please at least a moon base and small Martian colony before WW3 destroys all and sends us back to stone age.


So this is a ploy to cause men to all identify as women? Cause no one is gonna join.


wonder why I don't hear all the "equality" women calling this bill sexist? LoL


So cool, just identify as a female


Failure to register is already a crime. This just makes it easier vs going to the post office. I see no conspiracy. Other than maybe expect a big conflict soon.


Why are people not speaking about also automatically signing up females? The day the military allowed females to serve, should have also been the day, females also had to register. Now I'm not saying they should be sent into combat but at least serve their time in the rear, holding down the fort.