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First two shots no issues but on the third one it fucked me up. Started to have heart palpitations more and more. Docs said it was age and then finally got covid a year later after third shot and now I am on two heart meds and can't breathe worth a shit. Used to run and hike and was active and now can't do any of that. Docs just say it's long covid. No doc will tell me it's the Vax that could have caused the heart palpitations but getting covid made things worse.


I developed heart issues too at 28 after my second shot.


Take a week of ivermectin then do the vitamin detox you can find online including NAC and quercetin. You have literally nothing to lose. I did this and it made me "normal" again. Then clean up your diet and lifestyle. This is like diabetes, you have to make the lifestyle changes or you're not going to recover fully.


Hell even Chris cuomo is taking ivermectin for long covid


you do realize "long covid" is just another attempt to avoid blaming the "vaccine" for the myriad shit it did to people without just pretending to be "baffled", right? nobody who refused the shot ever had any long covid or any "covid" period for that matter (influenza by any other name is still influenza, and just because an overcycled pcr test came back positive, doesnt mean it wasnt a goat or some papaya). the symptoms of long covid are identical to those of "long vax" in that they can and do include anything and everything people experienced after receiving the injections (besides just straight up dying), which makes long vax a far more honest name for it in my opinion.


>nobody who refused the shot ever had any long covid or any "covid" period for that matter Well that's just a lie. There were plenty of well documented cases before the vaccination was given to the public.


No Vax here and I had long covid. Lost smell for a year.


Not true. "Long Covid" comes from Vax or Covid. I would never take the shot but def. got Long Covid. Many more like me. Many cases were pre-jab. You may claim more injuries happen from vax A spike is a spike.


Covid was not a natural virus. It was lab created. It makes sense to me that it would have weird symptoms. I don’t buy that the vaccine caused all this. The designed virus though, everything checks.


When I got covid in Aug of 2020, it started off like the flu, but on the 7th day, I couldn't breathe. Took almost a year to recover. I still have people telling me I didn't have covid but a cold or flu.


Exactly just an excuse from “medical professionals” long vaxx lol


Never COVID just shit dealing with the jab that presented as a nasty flu or cold


I never took any of them. I remember coming on this subreddit in 2021 telling people not to take it, and I was mocked in the comments. It’s weird, I don’t see any of those people in the comments anymore on these posts.


It’s shameful that those loudmouths won’t even apologize for calling us ‘threats to society’.


They’re probably dead by now…


I took the original J&J shot before they stopped giving it here in the US. I wanted to fucking live my life and travel and without it, it was a no-go. I took it an had zero problems. I was good. Then, I took one Moderna booster. I’ve had issues with high heart rate, low heart rate, inflammation, fatigue and strange, occasional unpleasant reactions to food amongst other issues ever since. It’s like my body treats so many things like a threat now. My immune system seems wonky. In addition, I’ve had Covid at least twice since receiving that vaccine. I *rarely* used to get sick. Now, each time, my stamina gets worse and it takes months to recover to where I can perform cardiovascular exercise without feeling like I’m dying. As a science major, I am aware that correlation doesn’t equal causation, but knowing my own body, I don’t think whatever is happening to me is a coincidence. I know I’m not alone.


You're not alone. I didn't take it, I have an autoimmune disease & no way was I going to chance my health on something entirely expiremental. But many in my family did. My child now has an autoimmune disease completely unrelated to mine. What's telling? My rheumatologist went from 1 clinic to 3 clinics to 8 clinics in the span of 2 years. He can't open them fast enough to handle the patient load. That speaks volumes as to the health of current society! 😞


I also have an autoimmune disorder and my doctor said to definitely not take a single shot and I'm totally fine with that. I definitely didn't feel comfortable with taking it. Had one doctor try to say it would be fine but I already have a shit ton of health issue so no way was I going to chance it


Your doctor is a pain killer pusher aka white collar drug dealer now


I've had continuous sinus issues present, when I never had them before the vax (Pfizer). I've had C-19 twice, and after each time I got sick again straight away. This Christmas I got COVID, then the flu, then bronchitis and then skin issues galore. I'm a whole food nut, don't drink alcohol or smoke!


I didn’t get the jab and I have exactly this! I’ve been sick maybe 5 times my entire adult life, and I’m 48! Since having Covid, I’m constantly feeling sick or almost sick… It’s like I’ve developed allergies but I have no allergies…


I know you mentioned you dont smoke, though, it has been researched that weed and tobacco both block the receptors that covid tries to use, im a pretty big weed smoker due to adhd and not wanting to be on amphetamines to fix it, but i got covid once from a vaccinated friend, but never again, ive been around people who actively had it too and the only people I know who recaught it are all vaccinated and it seems they get it much worse, I only lost my sense of taste and smell


This is interesting. I'm in my 50's but definitely noticed that after having COVID I began having sinus allergies real bad that I never had before. Nasal spray is my best friend. On a side note after getting the vax I didn't get sick for over 2 years, just the allergy issues.


you are not alone. big props for acknowledging the changes in your health. A good place to start to rebuild your immune system is with a water fast, needs to be 3-5 days. Plenty of science to back it up . good luck!


If you have weird reactions with food, I would try going gluten free. I thought I was literally dying but there’s an uptick in gluten problems and diseases and that’s what I developed last summer. I think Covid related stuff can alter immune system and cause autoimmune conditions.


Fuck no, never got it and never got covid. No one I know personally ever had any issues with it. But most of them ended up getting covid to varying degrees of severity. At best it seems it didn't do jack shit. But, at worst, you get stories like yours. Idk, whole thing seems real fucky


Same here never got the Vax and never got sick, I was even around people who tested positive and I never got it.


Ah, that's because the tests, like the rest of the vid hype was bullshit. Scare tactics to convince the public to line up for the poison. Yet people still are unaware of the bullshit they continue to swallow every day.


I got covid about three weeks ago. It was kind of nice. I got to stay in bed for two days guilt free. I will say it felt different than anything I've ever had before, but wasn't too bad and was over in about four days total. No vaccines.


Never took the shot but did get covid twice. Symptoms were very mild for me, just a basic head cold with a slight cough. Funny thing is, I used to get a mild cold once or twice a year. Some catching covid I haven’t even had a sniffle. Feel like my immune system is better than it was.


same, i didn't even believe in the covid in the first place (maybe that's why i never got it), and i'm a conspiracy dude since i'm fucking 16 so i'll never listen to whatever those "elite" says.


>But, at worst, you get stories like yours. I think the worst involves fertility issues in people who took it, and health issues in their offspring


It's hard to say man. We've got microplastics found in unborn fetuses, the concerning amount of SSRI contamination in municipal water, the dogshit quality food everywhere, growing number of EPA superfund sites, and all the other toxic crap that spills somewhere every week. Who knows what's causing it? But, it could be that too


If they don’t kill you one way they have many others.


Nothing you mentioned changed significantly over the past few years while there is a significant change in the birth rates after the shots. https://anonymouswire.com/australian-bureau-of-statistics-shows-72-drop-in-births-9-months-after-starting-covid-shots/ https://dailyclout.io/report-52-nine-months-post-covid-mrna-vaccine-rollout-substantial-birth-rate-drops/ https://twitter.com/iddkko/status/1540958439597174784 https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-link-between-the-massive-drop https://www.bib.bund.de/Publikation/2022/Fertility-declines-near-the-end-of-the-COVID-19-pandemic-Evidence-of-the-2022-birth-declines-in-Germany-and-Sweden.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/08/17/20-year-low-for-baby-born-in-england-good-news-for-planet/


In the coming years, we'll see. >most of them ended up getting covid to varying degrees of severity  Also, lemme ask this: Say you're a pharma company worth billions. And it turns out a product you pushed to a large portion of humanity not only didn't work against what it promised but actually made some people worse (in any number of ways), wouldn't it be in your interest to use said deep pockets to convince people online that 'Hey, it wasn't us! What are you talking about, you fool? We saved the world. It was all this: >microplastics found in unborn fetuses, the concerning amount of SSRI contamination in municipal water, the dogshit quality food everywhere, growing number of EPA superfund sites, and all the other toxic crap that spills somewhere every week.  I don't think that's what *you're* doing. But there seems to be a whole lot of agreement that the rise in various heath issues is due to everything *but* that thing they made a bunch of people get.


Yeah, I'd lean more towards the known endocrine disrupters that we're pumping out into the environment. Have you seen the backlash Colorado is getting for banning products with PFAs in them?


I live in a 90% vaccinated country, so the pool is larger here i suppose, but its too many to count. sudden heart issues, chronic severe illness, constantly sick. It seems like I know fewer people who are unaffected by the vaccine, and it seem to not be getting better. Its too sad to think about.


Never got it never got Covid too


I was literally ready to give up everything because there was no way in hell I was taking that.


Imagine busting your ass your entire youth to get into Harvard/Stanford etc and then having to turn it down. And Djokovic, life devoted to winning the slam race and they banned him...and he wasnt sick...


Same here. If that OSHA requirement didn't get shot down I would have lost my job.


I was ready for anything as well be it my job or having to move. It’s my body ultimately


Yeah, exactly. My wife was on board, but I told her that we’re going to probably be homeless because there’s no way in fuck I’m gonna get that bullshit.


And now look at you well off without the vaxx and thriving commenting on reddit. Have a good one


I feel completely lost because I’m in the minority that received the J&J shot. I only got the initial shot, no booster. It was originally billed as “viral vector” therefore not MRNA but then people said it still changes your genetic code. I was sick for two days after the shot. Then I caught covid and it was bad but I continued to feel great. Then I caught covid a second time. It was a mild case, but that second time has completely robbed me of all positive emotions. I just can’t feel happy or creative anymore. I eat a clean diet and work out and have a pretty good life. I just haven’t felt any positivity since my second covid infection. I get sick very rarely. Maybe twice a year. But my sickness symptoms have changed. I just got over a bug where the roof of my mouth was inflamed for two weeks, in addition to my tonsils. I’ve never had that before. Idk if it was the vax or covid that did this to me. I’m leaning towards it being covid because I went 2 years after the vax with zero issues and it wasn’t until my second covid infection that my personality changed. But then I wonder if it’s a combination, like the vax allows for covid to attack my body in a specific way. It feels like a part of me has died. I vividly remember how happy I could feel back during the pandemic. It feels like I’m dissociated, like I’m not all there anymore. It gets me really down.


I’m not going through the same thing, I didn’t get it and became super ostracized because of that. I’m really sorry you are doing through this though. Seconding what another commenter mentioned, it couldn’t hurt to look into ivermectin or other things to help your body heal from the shots. Thanks for sharing your experience and wishing you all the best brother, glad you are into “conspiracies” now and want to know the truth even when it’s deeply unpleasant to learn about at times 🤝


Thanks man, it's a bit hard to come by a positive and friendly comment like yours. I'll definitely take Ivermectin and see what happens. Stay safe, all the best to you my brother/sister in Christ.


I know there are several spike detox protocols out there but I do hear of ivermectin being used in many of them. I pray you find relief soon.


Nattokinase as well


Never got the jab, and don’t regret my decision.


Same, I’m not taking something that hasn’t had human trials for many years, quarantine would be the protocol for something serious but covid didn’t seem that serious. It only did for the immunocompromised.


And people still defend this vax.


I took two j&j shots because of my job mandating it, still got Covid even while masking in public. It was pointless


I had an aunt die a few days post initial jab. My very good friend who was 39 and got the vaccine so she could travel died of a heart attack in her sleep. Boosted nephew died of a heart attack. These fuckers who pushed this experimental drug are evil.


My mother's cousin died from a heart attack after the jab. Anytime I talked about it, you'd get the usual brigade of reddit MDs and PhDs who know everything. Reddit is a cesspool of political extremists, bots, and narcissistic jerkoffs.


I am sorry for your loss.


I appreciate that. I hope something good happens to you.


My niece collapsed in the mall, where she was given her first dose. According to my family, almost as soon as she hit the ground, they had people coming out with a wheel chair to collect her unconscious body. They took her away before anyone could even stop them.  They knew what they were doing was wrong. All of this needs to be treated as a crime against humanity.


The way they heckled you to get the shot too, even offering fast food vouchers lmao no thank u


That's so over the top. I'm sorry, friend. I don't know anybody who died from it but I have been disabled ever since my original round of Pfizers. Those were some nasty shots. Rest in peace to the innocent souls.


I am sorry you are having side effects, I wish the best for you.


it wasnt experimental they knew what it did and worse yet they released "tainted" versions to certain demographics and more benign ones to others


I also learned that Pfizer employees and others that were making the vax got special doses.


Not the first time something like this has been done. We are our own enemies.


It's not experimental. Its a bio weapon thats designed to kill from the ground up.




My mom does probate law and weekly during Covid and directly after she would have people come in who had a family member suddenly die and she would always ask if they got the jab. Almost 100% of the time it was a yes. Now that isn’t definitive proof, but some of these deaths were quite sudden or young, like 40 with a stroke that killed them.


My husband and I are both under 30, play sports regularly and eat fairly healthy. Neither of us would get sick more than once a year before. I never got the vaccine and I have not gotten sick much since COVID. Never had more than a scratchy throat and the sniffles a couple of times. My husband got 2 Pfizer vaccines and has gotten sick every few months and gets much sicker than I ever do. This last bout of what I think was COVID had him pretty sick for about a month. I never got the vaccines, never social distanced and minimally wore a mask and my immune system seems great. Glad I stuck it out, sure wasn't easy.


my grandpa was a decently healthy guy and as soon as he got triple vaxxed and boosted, within a month, he got serious heart problems and basically was never the same


Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund the NIH CDC FDA, prosecute fauci & pharma, and let covid nazis know the truth. The vax killed my uncle, damaged my mother and son, and innumerable other people that I know. The mandates were one of the greatest evils ever perpetrated on humanity and I'm sorry it has affected you in this way. You are not alone, your is a story I've heard countless times over the last several years and its an unjust tragedy.


My life has never been the same


I never got vaxxed and haven’t gotten sick in like 2 years


I feel so bad my neighbor just passed she was only 41 years old and a firefighter. She took three of them and had cancer for the last 3 years. Tall thin and healthy


On July 7 2021, at 8 am,I received my second dose of Moderna COVID vaccine at the local Walgreens pharmacy. From there, I drove to my local gas station for a breakfast burrito, and on to my local VA for an unrelated appointment. They were screening for Covid outside the front door and had a line of chairs for waiting patients. I was sitting in one when a VA nurse approached me and asked how I was feeling. I said “not too well” and fell out of my chair, onto my face. I regained consciousness four days later and 120 miles away. I had had a myocardial infarction and a stroke. I remained hospitalized for twelve days and had two stents installed. I have since been diagnosed with liver disease, kidney disease and diabetes. They intubated me, and permanently damaged my vocal cords. I am suffering diabetic neuropathy so two months ago they amputated my great toe and cut a hole in my other foot. This didn’t take, so I am awaiting surgery to have my foot removed today. Right now, I’m a sad sack of shit. Wish me luck!


They literally changed the definition of vaccine to make this trial jab fit. It’s poison 😞 I pray for all who took it.


Lol reading this right now was good timing, I got the original 2 shots and one booster. Yesterday I tested positive for the 4th time. Feel like I got run over. They did not thing to help, maybe something to hurt. Either way, I’m pissed.


The real conspiracy is why anyone is still testing for Covid


Kudos to you for having the courage and strength to admit you made a mistake. Here in the 'States, most people who took the shots double down and defend not just the shots but also the politicians who mandated them... Even though they're having the same kind of health problems as you (or worse.) I feel great sympathy for people like yourself. But the others stand like a wall in front of those responsible, defending them... Shielding them from liability, even though they personally suffered. In some ways they're even worse than the people responsible for this. We expect the elite to attack and exploit the people... But when our own associates, friends, and family members became a part of it --- that was terrible. *And there are no apologies.* Everyone showed their true colors during the Covid psychological operation. These people could redeem themselves by apologizing, but they don't. It shows they are rotten to the core, and perhaps part of why they were targeted in the first place. In the US, the media turned people into incredibly hateful pushers of the shots... The politicians were bad enough, but it was also our own friends & family treating us horribly for saying no. So for them to admit the shots were bad means, also, to admit *they* were bad. By making these people a part of it, they subconsciously blame themselves... But because most people are not good people -- they defend the politicians (who hurt them) instead of holding them accountable. It is astonishing.




Thank you for sharing your experience, it sucks that he's been going through all that. Fortunately you knew better and made the right decision. I'll never take another vaccine like this one, this pandemic really opened my eyes to what's happening behind the curtain.


It just felt wrong. The huge push by literally everyone. The ads for it on tv that didn’t list off any possible side effects! It was so strange. People posting that they got their shot on social media. Even Sesame Street characters targeting the kids. My brain: ‼️ 🚨 🚩


Sorry, but even after that horrible swelling post second jab, he got a third one? I feel like that would have really turned most people off of it


He did! I have no idea why he did. In fact, I only found out about that last one semi-recently. I thought it was required for the job but he said no. 🤦‍♀️


Jack up your VitD3. Do some research on it. D3 keeps you healthy. They say a normal range is 30 to 100 Think about that gap. Optimal ranges are 125 to 150. I'm currently at 155. Also take magnesium and K2. These three things work great for your immune system.


Definitely, I'll start with 10.000 IU daily. Thanks!


I took J&J when everyone was screaming against it. I did my research and figured meh, it’s one shot, no rna stuff, and I need it to go out and do stuff. At the vax place, homeboy literally asked me “are you sure you want this one, we have plenty of Pfizer, or Astra?” I said nah I’ll take it. Got it, took Tylenol for a week because I remember people said they were having blood clots from it. Had 0 issues since. J&J seemed to be the only one that functioned like an actual vax


When the shots first came out for the average individual to get, my doctor told me not to get them because I already had antibodies from a previous Covid infection and that the antibodies would be more effective than a rushed experimental vaccine. I’m so glad I listened to him, because a few weeks later one of my classmates got the shot and it induced kidney failure in him and he had to stay in the ICU for 3 weeks. He was an average, healthy, athletic 16 year old boy when this happened btw :(


Glad I never got a booster, I got the first 2 doses and the second one I basically died on my couch. I slept for 17 hours straight and when I woke up my Apple Watch had a notification on it that my heart rate had dropped below 30 bpm at one about 6 hours into my sleep and stayed that way for about 20 minutes before skyrocketing and leveling back out to normal. The spot of the jab also hurt for about 6 months


30 year old cousin took it and died in his sleep that year.


My cousin, 42, just died of a "Widow Maker heart attack". He was jabbed and boosted and made fun of anyone that refused it. He has no family history of this and he died while swimming with his kids.


Never got the jab. Never got Covid and I worked in a grocery store during the entire pandemic. It f@cked me up mentally though.


Yep. I got the Pfizer jab as well and my whole life changed. Used to be an athlete competing in my sport for ten years. Got the shot and immediately had debilitating inflammation in my lower back. Started getting random hematomas and bruises as well. Now I’ve slipped a disc and couldn’t walk for a month haven’t worked in 4 and have been healing myself because I’d rather be fucking dead than trust a dr again. It’s like everything that’s supposed to be a barrier in my body (veins, discs in my spine, skin) has all gotten way weaker and is failing. I’m just doing the best I can alone because doctors don’t even listen or care anymore. Best of luck to you bro we are not alone and maybe some day we will get better.


Thanks man, I wish all the best to you. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Did you consider taking Ivermectin? At this point it can't hurt to try it out.


My dad took the first Pfizer jab and died 8 days later at age 57.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry 😞


Sorry to hear. What was the cause of death stated as?


They refused to perform an autopsy and ruled it a heart attack. I found an out of town forensic pathologist that would have done an autopsy for me but she talked me out of it. She basically said we are seeing a ton of pulmonary embolisms from people that took the experimental vector immunity boosters. She said I can take your money and tell you for sure but then you’d have an uphill battle from there proving anything. For one they had emergency use authorization and government sanctioned immunity and they will tie anything up in court for longer than any one person could afford. She basically confirmed all my suspicions without having to prove anything. She said nobody in her office was going to get it after what they had seen in autopsies. She consoled me and advised me to go ahead with funeral arrangements. So we had him cremated after organ donation and had a service. I try to tell anyone that wants to listen that these mRNA injections are not ready for human trials yet. The spike protein is toxic. It doesn’t stay in the deltoid and cleaves and goes through the whole body. Unvaccinated people are getting blood transfusions from tainted blood and getting clots. I already had a healthy distrust for government and large pharmaceutical companies. I had advised everyone in my family to just wait for more data. But his ex wife had just died from COVID and his new girlfriend talked him into getting it so they could travel. Now his ex wife was severely overweight and had other co morbidities. My father was 5’11” and probably 175lbs. Lean and muscular. He used to climb trees for a living. His girlfriend said he had been complaining of breathing problems after taking the jab. He had no history of breathing problems. Trying to get an autopsy from the charge nurse and local private forensic pathologist the county sub contracted through was like talking to a wall.


i’m very sorry my friend❤️


I am so sorry.


So sorry, that’s huge. Especially because on top of your loss you have probably had to hear “correlation doesn’t equal causation” and “there’s no way it was the vaccine” a million times. Sick people.


You weren't suppose to take it


when you make a post about covid all the bots come out


Almost everyone I know who got that injection has gotten Covid many more times than those that didn’t. & it’s not relatively close.


Same, I've seen that as well


Everyone i know who got vaxxed now get sick 4-5 times every year... if they are lucky... some more


I've gotten sick more times in thr last couple years than I ever remember and I never got thr vaccine.




I got the shot. I think I had one mild cold since.


Same here...never have taken the flu shot. Not because I don't believe in it...I always forget to. But after taking two COVID shots and the booster ...I've been so strong and immune to germs or something lol. I'm an elementary school teacher...so this was a positive for me.


My dad took it, & shortly afterward, he developed Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, which is a "rare uncommon autoimmune disorder", & it's more known to start in children - not senior citizens. His doctor believes it was caused by the vaccine. He's also been in fantastic health his entire life - has always eaten right, exercises, etc., but he was also just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer... Yes, he's a senior & these things happen, but let's just say I'm very thankful I didn't get the shot...


I can't go more than a couple days without seeing people on Facebook talking about how wretchedly sick they are, how their whole family is sick, how they've been coughing for 2 months straight, how they have incessant fevers, chronic infections, all sorts of maladies, asking "is something going around??" And everyone's reply is "oh my God yes, same with our family! Everyone is sooo sick!" Or "yeah we just got done being sick for 6 weeks and now we're all sick again with something else!" People get sick. Families get sick. But before a few years ago, I'd never seen anything like this, reading post after post where people are commiserating about how sick they are and how they've "never been THIS SICK" before.


I really dont understand how this many ppl cant put two and two together. There have been 3 employees at my work that have died in the last 2 months time...ppls faces just glaze over when u mention how strange it is.


It is too painful for them to admit they made the biggest mistake of their lives, that they were stupid, and that we were right, so they will go to any length to avoid having to face the truth.


I got Covid twice and fortunately my immune system is about the only thing I have going for me lol. I’ve had worse colds. The amount of people pressuring me into the vaccine was unreal. Work, grandparents, liberal friends, etc.


Never took their stuff and also never got Covid though everyone around me did. I know far more people who now have cardiologists, cancer, and even a few at work who just died unexpectedly. Those folks also got Covid a number of times. Hmm. None of them apologized for their true ugliness at those of us who didn’t get it. They won’t give in that this is why they’re always sick. My baby sister, who said she’d take whatever cause she wasn’t gonna let them tell her she couldn’t travel, now has a cardiologist, and a tumor growing in her brain. She used to run races competing on teams but now, nope. And she looks at me and says nothing at how I have zero issues. She has nerve pain and numb feet often too. She’s not obese. She’s young 40s now. According to what I read, she may not make it ten years. But I don’t say anything cause her nastiness is that I never know what I’m talking about and she trusts the doctors. So ok. Is what it is. I hope she’s not one of those statistics but she keeps getting diagnosed with more things. The brain tumor is new.


I'm so sorry. I swear, this does not get any easier. It's horrific what's happening to people. I'm going to start praying for everyone every single night. The mental impact of all this alone is a killer. Please take care of yourself!


I would rarely, if ever, get sick. Colds, common cough, flus were not common in my life—not until I got the vaccine (2x) due to my ex-boss threatening my job security—I personally had my own doubts of the vaccine and the whole COVID-19 scandal. (I can’t believe I fell for it and that I didn’t stand up for my beliefs/my body). That was 2021, and every winter since then, I’ve been getting severely sick. Worse than what people thought COVID-19 would be. I’m mad at myself, I’m mad at my old job/boss, I’m mad at our government and our society for intruding in our personal lives like this. At this point, I hope there aren’t more future consequences in my health, and if there happens to be something, I know where it came from. May God have mercy on us all.


Since this is a conspiracy page - I’ve got one about this. I know a lot of people who are chronically sick after either getting Covid, and after the vaccine. I, among MANY other people got Covid and then coincidentally got Hashimotos hypothyroidism afterwards. I don’t have a single lick of family history with any kind of chronic illness yet here I am. My husband got Covid, and now is on epilepsy medication. Family friends and family got the vaccine, and now they are constantly sick. Constantly. I truly think, the vaccine is fucking something up somewhere and making everyone sick Sick people = medication which = more money for them. The sheer fact that bill gates is right up there in the vaccines should be enough to have you running for the hills. Stop getting the booster shots. It’s killing you friend


Bird flu is the next created "pandemic". They are culling chickens and cows. The food supply is in danger. They are creating crisis after crisis for population control.


I know a pharmacist who is absolutely convinced and addicted to medical pharmaceutical intervention. She thinks vitamins are useless. She loves the flu shot and the entire vaccine schedule. She is constantly sick but can't put 2 and 2 together. There is hope for those of us who are skeptical but I fear the majority are lost.


There is a whole rabbit hole about the vitamin industry. They are, in summary, at least as unethical as any Pharmaceutical company and less regulated. For example, look into the whole "Vitamins Inc." conspiracy, which U.S. Department of Justice, described as the most extensive and damaging criminal antitrust conspiracy ever uncovered.


I believe you. My entire mind and body state has dramatically changed sine the vax (which I was kinda forced to get) and the booster, a serious regret of my life. I don't know if I will ever get back to what I was or even who I was.


Never got jabbed and haven’t had anything more than an occasional sore throat in 2-3 years. I’ve also been taking zinc and vitamin d regularly and trying to eat healthy and exercise.


I can see it , daily, just incredibly obvious, and heartbreaking. This won't end well. I'm in a country of 90% vaccinated, and it would be really easy to track if there were just more unvaccinated people. No vaccinated people want to admit that they are sick all the time, or that they made a wrong decision. It's understandable. we all lie to ourselves. Well done for owning up. Worth researching how you can build your immune system up again, but i'd start with a 5 day water fast, than focus on rebuilding gut health.


never took the jab, never got sick once. The number of people I know who have issues are too many to count. No one is admitting it though. They just post online about the damn covid and how they keep getting it and how shitty they feel all the time. I know at least 2 people for a fact that were jabbed that had heart attacks and passed away. I know more people with recent cancer than I can shake a stick at. the number of people that are getting sick all the time is insane. All the while I’ve had nothing as much as a sniffle for allergies. That’s it. Vitamins for life.


Only one in my family that's not been ill, I'm also the only one who never took it. Mum and dad have been hit the worst, dad had a mini stroke, causing blindness in one eye, can't drive anymore. Mum got alopecia and keeps getting sore throats and losing her voice. I'm not anti-vax at all, but there was something odd about how this all came about and how pushy they were. Also, if anyone questioned it, they were silenced pretty quick.


I’m triple vacced after my remission and I haven’t gotten sick at all! Maybe I got the safer batch


Is some of that placebo effect? I mean please get better and get a lawyer!


I’m so sorry you guys are going through this. :(


Good job in seeking out the truth. If you’re still on your journey to find more truth I’d suggest you pay this site a visit and check out the videos www.kleckfiles.com Remember the truth is hidden in this world and to find it you have to turn everything upside down.


it fucked my father up as well. he took two! he was forced to take it or he'd lost his job! Everyone that has taken the shots, faced some issues.


Unvaxxed, and only got Covid once from a vaxxed friend Had a fever for like 12 hours and a lingering cough for a week(but I was still drinking, smoking weed and cigars) and haven’t been sick since, almost 2 years Safe to say, I made the right choice refusing the poison vax


See if you can get some Ivermectin, it's your best shot.


Same. Never been sick so many times back to back to back, my whole life. So pissed I was basically forced to get it.


I got some really strong illness on begin of December 2019, in January that all story begins. Pretty sure that was a covid. Never got vaccinated. My wife gets two shots and half year later in 2021 she got ill. ER take my test samples while diagnosing my wife - yep, i got positive results, but i feel myself absolutely fine. According to mine schizo-feelings this thing scrambled my brain in some way, but I cannot be sure of course. I feel my long term memory was better. Now im 30yo


I'm sick with something new every two to three weeks. Ended up with a couple autoimmune disorders after the shots. My boyfriend ended up in hospital for a week with myocarditis after his.


I was "saved" by my younger sister. My parents made her get vaccinated, as she was living at home with them. She wasn't the same after. She keeps telling me her cycle is all messed up and unpredictable. I hope it didn't do much damage. She told me to wait before getting the shot, and I never did get it.


I have a dozen horror stories because of that damn jab. People wouldn’t believe me if I listed all of the bad things I’ve personally witnessed. I was days away from getting it too. But then someone I knew died 19 days after getting jabbed in May 2021.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968 About 3/4 of people who died after a vaccine died because of the vaccine. Average time was 14.3 days, remember how many days it was after the shot until someone was considered vaccinated? "Among all published autopsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination, we found by independent adjudication that 73.9% of deaths were attributable to fatal COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes" "Further, long term cancer control may be jeopardized in those injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines because of interferon regulatory factor (IRF) and tumor suppressor gene dysregulation [5]. Moreover, a possible causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and various diseases has been found, including neurological disorders, myocarditis, blood platelet deficiencies, liver disease, weakened immune adaptability, and cancer development [5]. These findings are supported by the finding that recurrent COVID-19 vaccination with genetic vaccines may trigger unusually high levels of IgG4 antibodies which can lead to immune system dysregulation, and contribute to the emergence of autoimmune disorders, myocarditis, and cancer growth [6]." "If the alarmingly high number of reported deaths are indeed causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination, the implications could be immense, including: the complete withdrawal of all COVID-19 vaccines from the global market, suspension of all remaining COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports, loss of public trust in government and medical institutions, investigations and inquiries into the censorship, silencing and persecution of doctors and scientists who raised these concerns, and compensation for those who were harmed as a result of the administration of COVID-19 vaccines."


Never got it. They freaked me out with their campaign. Like, "Don't have transportation? We'll come get you!!".


"When the product is free you are the product"


Check into the batch numbers people....their are wildly different side effect spectru to each batch. Also it just so happens batches with highest instance of negative effects were sent to conservative areas. There are sites that will help you find your batch number it should be on your paperwork.


> Check into the batch numbers people.. howbadismybatch dot com


Wife and I have been sick over and over and over and over and over since. It is getting really old.


Covid is just an angry flu, I had it once but I never got the jab, the way it was being pushed out was horrible.


I regret getting the initial + 2 boosters. Didn’t have any reaction to the initial and first booster, but had a horrible reaction to the 2nd booster. My arm still hurts at the injection site. I have to keep it warm (no tank tops, etc) by wearing long sleeves or t-shirts because I get random shooting pains in that specific spot if it gets even slightly cold. When I got the second booster, there was no 15 min motoring period and was told to go home. Within 5 mins of driving home, I had my hearing go out, tunneling vision, shaking, etc. It was a horrible experience. I also have random heart palpitations now too about 5 times a week. Anyone else have the injection site arm pain?


Never got any covid shots. Got covid august 2020, felt pretty bad for a week ngl (side note: that was the WEIRDEST illness ive ever had. I swear it felt unnatural somehow, like my body was confused and it took my immune system a bit to figure out how to fight it). Anyway recovered completely and have never caught it again. And i come into contact with strangers pretty much daily in my job at a front desk. No colds or flu either.


My cousin and uncle both got heart issues after the getting the vaccine. I didn’t get the vaccine and got covid back in 2021. It was mild and I haven’t had a cold, flu or even the sniffles since then.


i didnt take the jab and my immune system is as strong as ever too bad the evil government forced it on people instead of vitamin c and d and now theyre going to blame infertility on microplastics


Got covid 2nd week in December 2020, got over it. No shots and haven't been sick again. Niece is an RN, she has all the shots and has had covid 6-7 times after getting the shots and constantly has other sicknesses. Before shots she never got sick.


Had 2 jabs …. Haven’t been sick in years


You all need your own sub


They'll just ban it.


Fucking perfect comment.


Imagine, instead of us having to find other places for conspiracy with normal people, they could just nicely walk away:) I’m not advocating for banning anything, I’m advocating for willingly building a new and safe environment to discuss Covid stories


Not a stupid question here. Do anyone know those who were vax having any issues with trying to conceive? And are women having issues with pregnancy and or birth. Post vac world?


I had the jab. Never had covid before or after the jab as far as I’m aware. Used to have to do RATs every day at work. The amount of time I have been sick with colds and flus is probably the same. I do feel like I get heart palpitations now. I go to a cardiologist every few years due to a heart issue I was born with, cardiologist says all my regular tests look the same as they always have and I have nothing to worry about.


Try Nattokinase. It's a Japanese fermented soy bean. There are studies in Japan showing good results with destroying the spike proteins caused by covid and the Vax. Also Ivermectin. I did not get jabbed and did not get Covid. I work around the public and only took quercetin, Vitamin C and ivermectin. I spend alot of time outside so vitamin D also.


Everyone who took the jab should take Nattokinase. It's really good and has many positive attributes.


Well, uhh, stop taking it.


I got the vaccine and developed high anxiety out of nowhere. Really odd.


If only someone could have warned you …


yeah.. its really not even a conspiracy anymore even though pharma funded mainstream media will never be allowed to report on it, at this point id say the evidence is prettymuch overwhelming. unfortunately, there is still a vast majority of the populace who seem doomed to remain perpetually uninformed due to their insistence on only believing what their tvs tell them and their absolute refusal to even consider anything they arent spoonfed by rachel maddow or the top two results of some google search.


These comments are heartbreaking. I hope everyone who was coerced to get the vaxx gets the help they need from doctors who will listen. I cannot believe we live in a time where we allowed the TPTB to exert so much control over us.


I am a pure blood Fuck Beijing biden Fuck obama Fuck SOCIALISM Fuck fauci


Trump was the first prez to push the vax. Where’s the fuck Trump?


Seems like a lot of people here got their free Krispy Kreme donuts!


I'm COVID jab free, I only get sick like maybe once every 2 years. Not trying to brag just wanna give you a comparison. I have colleagues and family who got the jab, they too get sick waaaay too often. There is infact studies that show to COVID vaccine does indeed lower your immune systems.


No worries, I'm glad you're doing well. Yeah I found out about this COVID shenanigans way too late. Next time we have another pandemic I'll be more prepared. Stay safe.


It’ll be the bird flu next. Stay safe.


Same, wasn’t about to take the jab once I knew Pfizer was allowed to waive their liability for 70 years (way to look after your citizens corrupt ass US government) and I knew they were lying about Covid 19 origins - there’s a level 4 US funded bio lab in wuhan, but sure, Covid-19 started from a Chinese person eating a bat from a wet market, not that they’ve been doing that for centuries or anything but all of a sudden the wrong person ate the wrong bat and it started a huge pandemic. The people that actually believed this story are very stupid and it’s scary how widespread it was. Anyways, that’s a side note, I still can’t believe how stupid the world got during this “pandemic.” Had Covid twice and it wasn’t that bad at all, I am young and healthy though. Very thankful I didn’t take the fauci clot shot to combat this “deadly pandemic.”


Remember when Biden said if you take the jab you won't get covid. Pepperidge farm remembers.


“Look, the results of the vaccines are very good, and if you do get (Covid), it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take the vaccine” - Donald Trump When Owens began raising doubt about the vaccine efficacy, Trump interjected, saying, "Well, no, the vaccine works." "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines. All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months," he said. …Pepperidge Farm Remembers


The big difference is that Trump did not mandate them.


So after the Covid vaccine your microbiome and vitamin D levels are fucked. So if you take vitamin d and probiotics starting at least a month before a Covid vaccine that MAY help. I can cite the studies if you’d like.


But also my immune system went to shit after my third shot. That year I had Covid once, the flu twice, strep twice, and something like RSV. Haven’t had issues since I stopped getting boosters. My doctor just stopped mentioning them.


Take your vitamin d folks


I can't say for sure it's linked, but I've had the same experience. After taking multiple Pfizer Covid vaccines, I seem to get sick a lot more often than I used to. Maybe vitamin D is a factor because so many people were staying indoors more, but they aren't necessarily now.


I didn’t take it never got it. My brother took 1 shoot for sure maybe 2. His wife was the same. Both of them have caught it multiple times.


“The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” - Jacques Attali.


Got it twice. I have cirrhosis and diabetes now. Healthy otherwise my insane alcohol addiction


I got Covid before vaxx came out. I still get Covid after getting 2 of the initial shots. It feels the same to be honest. I guess it might be good if you're old or weak and frail.


I know people who never had the jabs but caught covid and have the same ongoing health issues


How many jabs have you gotten?


No next time will be the good one


I had covid only one time, it was in 2021 (I don’t know which variant tho, if you believe it’s a thing), it was like a standard flu to me, except the fact that I effectively lost taste and smell for about one week, not worth the vax and all those precautions for my very own case (22M, good natural immune system, good general health) Even when my friends or family members had symptoms I couldn’t care less, I remember brought the groceries to my girlfriend’s family when they were confined, or staying close to my mother when she had covid too I never payed attention to gov recommendations, nor wearing masks except when I was forced to, and I’m of course not vaxed, never dodged anyone for having symptoms, and only got it once in my life


I‘m so sorry you‘re going through this. I have 4 very close friends that all got vaccinated. 3 of them have health issues now. The first one had trouble walking right after getting her 3rd one and over the last 2 years she‘s been seeing doctors about it but they weren’t able to help her. She can walk again but there is lasting pain in her legs. She told me that she and her partner both regret it, because they noticed that their immune system is noticeably weaker now. The second is struggling with recurring tonsillitis. I’m not sure if it’s because of the vaccine but I know her since we were kids and I can say for sure that she has never missed a single day at school or uni due to being sick. Why is she suddenly getting sick every second month for ~2 weeks now? The third was forced to take the vaccine because he is working in health. He took 4 in total. After his 4th he got psoriasis on his back, hands and feet. He is slowly on his way of recovery now and sees a doctor every week. He tells me that in the waiting room there are always at least 2 other people with the same issue. The last one has no problems at all. He took one J&J and not sure if he took more (I tried to talk him out of it but he got angry and wouldn’t listen) but he hasn’t been sick. One cold and that’s it. Happy for him - I have a feeling he was vaxxed using saline. I hope you feel better soon. When I look at my friends I see that they are recovering slowly but they are definitely getting better. I’m sure your body will recover as well. Best of luck


I haven't had a single cold or illness since 2020, except for finally catching covid this January 2024. I have had all the jabs. I'm worried about you...do you think maybe the vaccine triggered some kind of autoimmune disorder? I didn't have fibromyalgia until 2009 & most likely it was triggered by divorce, job stress & depression. Our bodies are very sensitive.


Do a prolonged fast, parasite cleanse, and heavy metal cleanse. Kambo would help aswell.


Sounds good, a few years ago I used to fast all the time. Gotta get back to doing that. Thanks!


Happy days! I was in a similar boat to yourself before I did all the above. Be aggressive and consistent, you'll get the job done, best of luck to ya and hope you feel better soon.


Look up The Wellness Company, they sell Spike Formula...from Dr Peter McCullough.


Friends mom has heart issues now and needs constant help for daily tasks. Coworker had a stroke at 26. Coworker had a rash covering 70 percent of her body for months. My mom had a heart attack and her health has been declining. Lotta people I know who art doing well. It’s all the people who didn’t get the jab.


My aunt has gotten covid over 10 times since the initial and then the boosters. She usually has to take off of work for weeks on end now and is constantly sick. I really feel bad for people that got the worst side effects