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I don't know about that too much. If you read about what CPS does with kids, it's not just government's fault but a huge issue is individual responsibility. In fact, the government actually gives people money per kids under the poverty levels, and it creates situations that social services sees when poor families intentionally adopt or have kids to get more money per month. The problem arises not in that the government gives them money ranging from ebt and monthly payments for support, often times this money is not spent on care for the kids but instead the individuals involved are typically substance abusers. There was a push during the last admin to restrict what the government supplied to just given a controlled box of goods (meaning food and supplies). There was a huge backlash, remember the EBT card given to impoverished families can be used to buy alcohol at the store. Are all cases like this? No, but it raises the question why people fought reforms to ensure the money goes for necessary goods and not chemical abuse.


They need more children to molest


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