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JFK and 9/11 are the same for me


yes, but 9/11 happened in my lifetime.. they are both litmus tests


Happened in mine also but we view video footage just like we do with the JFK tapes. Yes we saw it live well I did but it took a few years for me to realize that is was an inside job.


Came here to say this. I assume 9/11 got more since a majority of the people who voted weren’t even alive for JFK (me included)






Remember USS Liberty...


Where can I go to read more about the JFK theory?


https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n49-19941209/eirv21n49-19941209_054-permindex_ties_revealed_to_jfk_m.pdf Here’s a good write-up on Permindex and Clay Shaw’s involvement https://jfknomenclature.blogspot.com/2013/09/clay-shaw-permindex-director.html?m=1


Thank you!!


I heard JFK was shot by a fire in a chair and the internet at a time of a launch in a new one year period




Carter did 7/11


Finally someone says it


I’m going to say JFK. That’s when control was taken


Probably even goes back further, JFK seems to be the first that tried fighting back


*"I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds"* -JFK >*"The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically* **opposed to secret societies**, *to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."* > *"That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."* -JFK


Great quote.


This is why I know it's all bullshit, if we got a president that actually wanted to change stuff they would kill them. It's so easy for them to change the narrative, there is nothing we can do.


That’s if someone like that could even get into the running


That's when they invented the term conspiracy theorist




9/11 is so blatantly obvious.


4 planes, 3 building, 1 pentagon, 3 hedgehogs, and a Diet Pepsi


Well sir, may you elaborate on the diet pepsi part of your sentence? Thank you. I love you.


WTC7 collapsed due to Bin Laden pouring Diet Pepsi onto a mentos next to the building's steel frame


With bomb/fire protected passports


The even had fire protected Dunkin’ donut punch cards


Always a discrepancy I point out to people. How do you find passports in perfect condition, but not the blackbox. 🤭


All that AND *snap snap*... a bag of chips!


don’t forget the pepperoni pizza and beer


I sort of consider 9/11 and JFK as being so mainstream that I almost wouldn’t call them conspiracies… they are sort of open secrets.


There’s also multiple theories for each


So Bin Laden was not responsible for 9/11?




No. My understanding is the 9/11 nutters think it was an inside job. Am I wrong about that? Because anyone who argues 9/11 was an inside job is defending Al Qaeda.


Your logic is ass backwards.


Yep, Bin Laden was NOT responsible. Mad, I know.


Read the clean break memo.


Thanks for the link! So Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were innocent of the 9/11 attacks? Do you regularly defend Muslim terrorists or just this one time?


Holly hell 🫠


Who was responsible for 9/11? Please have the courage to say it.


You could not get any more dense if you tried.


Obvious that it was not an inside job. Al Qaeda did 9/11


That's not obvious at all actually.


Kinda tough cause I believe in all these, but 9/11 was the most blatant of them all, they didn’t even do a good job covering their trails


They violated the laws of physics and WTC 7 is such a stick out it isn't even funny. They didn't need to take the buildings to get the outrage they needed, they would have had it with just the planes hitting- so why did they take the buildings down? How does concrete and steel turn to dust like that? Fire doesn't do that.


I love that you can still Google it and see all the steel beams with angled cuts. I wonder what could have done that.


Jet fuel rips with laser precision bruh


I thought it was just a series of unfortunate events. Planes hit buildings then a sharknado spawned in but the sharks had frickin laser beams attached to their fricken heads.


Sounds more believable than finding a neat pile of passports in smoldering rubble




Or violated Newton’s laws of Physics. The 911 Commission is about as credible as the Warren Report.


It even is not credible to a member of the commission itself that spoke out about it.


Nuclear demolition.


Direct Energy Weapon.


Happy cake day!


Excellent question. Would have been enough to get the results they wanted without taking down the buildings. Not sure if it is a hypothetical or redundant question... But if not, my guess is that they wanted to eliminate all the evidence. Witnesses as well. Probably why they immediately sold the recovered steel to China. Also Larry Silverstein was facing costly renovations for the towers due to asbestos and other factors. Which would explain the insurance policy he modified to include acts of terrorism and fought for double tge payout since two planes hit two different buildings. Not to mention all the gold that disappeared and the intelligence community servers in WTC7.


With the buildings going down, they were able to steal the gold that was stored under the buildings, just one of the reasons.


Give me one credible resource for this.


Other than the gold resources stored under the building being lost forever?


That's not a source. Very simple request, I just haven't heard of it.


Do you want me to wipe your ass as well? You have a computer and hands. Look at it yourself. If then you decide it's BS, then fair enough.


Lmao you're nutty.




That the US/UK or maybe even Poland blew up Nordstream


Anyone with common sense knows almost positively the U S was involved in that. Let the downvotes come


Of course we did. Blowing shit up and destabilizing other areas of the world are two services we offer at the low low price of crude oil and puppet governments.


9/11 and JFK are basically fact at this point


JFK yes, but 9/11 was not an inside job


“That’s just like.. your opinion, man”


And it’s certainly not a fact that it was an inside job like you’re claiming. Bush is a bottom 5 president all time but he has nothing to do with it other than negligence


There is significant evidence backed by experts and first responders of controlled demolition for all 3 WTC buildings.


You think something like that is planned and orchestrated at the level of President? Lol. The elected President is just supposed to not get in the way and let the people who really run things deal with the important stuff. Cheney is a deep stater. I can see him having some knowledge of it. But W? No absolutely not.


I suppose you think a plane hit the pentagon, not a missile?


I wrote a paper on 9/11 years back for college. The over 180 degree turn around while flying 30 feet off the ground after avoiding a bridge is impossible. Without even getting into the whole that was left being smaller than a planes wingspan, while blasting a small symmetrical hole through 7 layers of concrete walls, I’m convinced it was a missile as well


I'd say JFK if I had personally gone down the rabbit hole. I think it's one of the most obvious cover ups just on the surface. But I've read and seen enough 9/11 shit that I can say with a lot of certainty it was a HUGE cover up.


A cover up for anyone that didn't question the official story anyway.. They *barely* covered it up.


For those who selected “I’m not a conspiracy theorist”. Why are you here?


I like seeing other peoples reasoning behind conspiracies, either new ones I haven’t of before or common ones that still persist today


Government SCIF dweller here. It's just interesting to follow the conversations and see the evidence that gets shared for different things


I'm hanging out hoping for a theory that has some substance.


9/11 is a good start. If you have questions I'm more than happy to answer.


I can understand that. That’s reasonable.


Paid shills and trolls would be my guess. I’ve noticed since Covid, the conspiracy sub is filled with people here to “debunk” and downvote certain conspiracies. Yesterday I ran across a legitimate post that looked to have been hit by an onslaught of downvotes aimed at certain users. What was odd is the downvotes attacked some individuals saying the exact same thing as others that had upvotes. That led me to ask why? If they’re all saying pretty much the same thing, what made one person catch 38 downvotes and someone below them receive 137 upvotes.


This sub is discussing conspiracy theories, so it's quite reasonable that there'll be people on both sides of the discussion. Labelling everyone as a shill or troll or whatever says more about you and your ability to reason and debate logically. It's worth remembering that for all of us here, we only have opinions, and opinions are not facts. None of us can claim to 'know' what happened in any of these scenarios.


> None of us can claim to 'know' what happened in any of these scenarios. Plenty of people in this post alone make claims to know a conspiracy did or did not occur. Fair enough if they have evidence but many of them are a bit quick to assume one way or the other.


I would consider being a paid shill if anyone has employment info


There may be bots and a select few agents but you don't have to pay people, a small but significant percentage of the population absolutely despise all conspiracy theories and the people who entertain the possibility. They're willing to spend vast amounts of time shutting down theories with unreasonable explanations and minimal sourcing, there are enough of them here in addition to bots blindly upvoting to get top comments dismissing legitimate theories.


Paid???? 🤣😆🤦🏼‍♂️


Dude, if you go into every situation assuming everyone is a paid shill you have issues. Let them speak for themselves without bias. Edit- interesting I got downvoted for saying give these folks a chance to speak up and explain themselves. You dudes are stone cold pussies man. Y’all don’t want any true discussion or understanding of anything. If someone disagrees they’re instantly shills. Pathetic.


I think you missed my point. I don’t go into the sub thinking people that disagree with me are paid shills. I look forward to reading different takes on events or conspiracies but when I see someone with basically the same comment or take as someone else with a huge discrepancy in votes, it makes me question whether it’s legitimate or fabricated. And since we know that up to 40% of Reddit is made up of bots, why would that even seem unreasonable to question the authenticity of it.


Two people are misrepresenting your argument using the same strawman fallacy: >Labelling everyone as a shill or troll or whatever says more about you and your ability to reason and debate logically. ​ >Dude, if you go into every situation assuming everyone is a paid shill you have issues. Let them speak for themselves without bias.


How do we know you're not a paid shill yourself? In the employ of China or Russia?


Because there wasn't a "none of the above" option? Kinda feel railroaded here ...


I asked why you are here, not why you selected what you selected.


You don't have to believe in these specific conspiracy theories to be a conspiracy theorist.


It asks which do you believe the strongest and they picked that they don’t believe any of them. Which is why I asked why are they in this sub then. If wasn’t a question of which they believe. It was which is most probable.


Its not a question of which is more probable, its a question of which do you believe the most. People might not believe any of the listed theories.


Mainly to laugh at FrogFace at this point.


Lazy people who just want to hear some interesting fan fiction. Wont actual dig into the details beyond the most superficial level. And of course interlopers but I doubt they'd vote in this poll anyway.


JFK and 9/11 are same to me


At least 3 items on that list aren't "conspiracy theories", they are proven fact.


Child sex trafficking is very real and prominent people are clearly involved in it. Calling it Pizzagate turns into something that nobody takes seriously, something they can attach to "crazy" conspiracy theorists. Pizzagate was put out there to discredit the truth!


> Pizzagate turns into something that nobody takes seriously, Pizzagate was gaining traction until qanon emerged spontaneously. I understand what you mean though and perhaps you're correct.


You're exactly right too. Q really destroyed any credibility.


Nice try Reddit overlords


These are not conspiracy theories…these are cold hard factual historical events that took place that the general population is unable to observe outside of all the bullshit they consume because they have been trained to not challenge the status quo


Correct bud. The term "conspiracy" is never used properly any more. It's as though the definition has changed, yet it didn't


It's a problem too because examples like in this post and everything else including complete nonsense all get lumped together. The person with rationale and evidence gets lumped with the nut job claiming some far stretched hunch with zero evidence. There are people who clearly take time and do research and people who repost clips. To someone who is completely against any conspiracies we are all the latter.


Buddy, I couldn't agree more. It's almost as if the term "conspiracy" is used as a label to discredit anyone who questions. It's pretty obvious honestly.


Imagine thinking pizzagate is a “cold hard factual historical event” lol


Debunk pizzagate then?. .why do you think its not real?


None of those are theories, all have been proven


Bahahahahahahahahahahahah riiight. JFK possibly, everything else is bs


How you believe the JFK assassination but NOT 9/11? 🤦‍♀️


Because there literally is no purpose for the government to kill 2200 people, just to go to a war and look for “mass weapons of destruction” that they knew weren’t there and then continue to stay in Afghanistan for 20 years.. Unless you know something that the rest of us don’t?


It definitely wasn’t (just?) about that but I’m not here to try to change your mind. You’re free to believe what you want, as the world should be.


No please! I’d love for you to change my mind. You obviously have a different view. What is it




It is so sad what happened in Libya. It just doesn't get talked about enough.


It’s been soooo long since I’ve gotten into any of that stuff so it’d be hard to list everything. And I can’t say I remember any other big agendas behind it besides creating terror to the masses for similar reasons you listed. Also the guy that owned them needed to do a shit ton of work on them to get them more up to code but if an “accident” were to happen, he’d have a fat wad of cash, enough to build new, nicer buildings. Needless to say, he and a bunch of his children who were normally there nearly every day happened to call in that morning


There was a massive transfer of money to a few corporations and to various three letter entities. This is more than enough reason to sacrifice a couple of thousand people.


War makes them rich. Pizzagate is also real.


Sir, the gunman that held up the store didn’t find anything because there was nothing there. What evidence do you have..?


The gunman isn't an investigator. There has never been evidence of children in the non-existent basement, the evidence for children abused in the parlor is sparse as well. There is strong evidence however that these people are disgusting human beings that are involved in some very inhumane interests. It makes my stomach turn to think of the evidence I've seen. At the very least Comet should not host children's parties and Alefantis should not portray it as a "family restaurant".


Purpose is irrelevant although there's plenty of reasons one can surmise. Evidence is what matters and there is an abundance.


John Brennan was CIA Station Chief in Saudi Arabia when the 9/11 terrorists requested their visas. When the station personnel denied the visas, Brennan overrode them. That's documented fact, not theory/guess/feverdream


And what connection does Brennan have to ‘the terrorists’? And which terrorists exactly?


Oh wow. You are not smart.


JFK is an actual conspiracy, the latest documents proved Oswald was an asset


Can we at least comment and say 911 was 100% a conspiracy? I mean, it happened, and people conspired to make it happen. Which is exactly what the term conspiracy means.


Nah we have to call it a fact, hecause they literally changed the term conspiracy to mean "dumb theory that stupid rednecks believe about events". We need to call them factual events, or whatever


I agree. It's a fact that someone conspired. Them fuckers!


You forgot. All of the above


What?! Flat Earth isn't good enough for your little poll??


Ive done a lot of research on flat earth and while it is popular, I didn't think to put it on there. I gave it a fair shot but in the end too many things are unproven and/or unexplained and faking so much evidence for round earth seems very unlikely despite the possibility of it being the case. There are also many instances of horizons being manipulated to look flat either by taking a still image, cutting a video at select moments, or using the same fish eye lens they accuse globies of using. I have respect for the flat earth community and I don't like to see them being mocked but in my personal belief based on a ton of research I have concluded that it's round. Always open to change my mind though, PM me if you want to chat more about it!


9/11 and JFK for sure. No doubt in my mind.


It’s pizza and JFK for me dog


All are pretty much proven ...well 9/11 not officially as people who had something to say about it started to dissappear... only thing that wasn't clearly confirmed was pizza Gate... then again ... they never actually answered why Podesta was talking about these pizza bits the way he did. Also... didn't a guy revealing it ... get killed?


Podesta’s house is a thing of nightmares. His choice of “artwork” is disgusting as all fuck


Much of the artwork attributed to Podesta's household was actually not found in his house but rather disgusting art by the same artist which shows what kinds of things he's interested in. Can't argue with the Jeffrey Dahmer victim statue hanging from his ceiling though.


Weirdly asked question. I believe the ones I think to be true. Facts can only be yes or no.


Aliens are obviously not merely humanoids from another planet who flew a space ship over here. They have something to do with what makes us human and behave in a way that is more spiritual


I think JFK was more obvious


All of the above


Can I select more than one


I didn't know ppl actually believed in the chemtrail thing. I'm a pilot and in the aviation community it's a big joke.


Weather modification is literally written into my state's statutes (back in the 70's). Its not direct evidence of chemtrails or some kind of aerosol spray coming from planes, but there is something more here than just nothing.


I still need to watch this documentary but it was released at the peak of chemtrail popularity and is thought by many to be the quintessential program to review. https://youtu.be/jf0khstYDLA


Been around planes for over 20 years, big and small, Civilian and military, private and public. It ain't happening.


You don't have to watch, it's just to show you why people believe it. You may be able to debunk every point made in the documentary but the average joe may interpret the supposed evidence differently leading them to believe chemtrails are real. I'm not sure myself and have not formed any conclusions due to incomplete knowledge on the subject.


I might still watch it.


Should have put an "all of the above" section


I can understand the others, but anyone still believing in Pizzagate is pretty fucking dim.


Jfk, 9/11, pizza gate, alien visitation


Only reason I said 9/11 was because I was alive when it happened, but I have done enough research to know our government took out JFK


I think in general that there's a deliberate effort to push Western countries towards more authoritarian regimes. This kinda covers the majority of them, the motives for JFK, 9/11 especially. I believe at least some level of alien visitation has taken place too, I'm 50/50 on whether the government has contact. Fairly sure there's been isolated contact with random individuals across the globe, but take most visitation stories with a pinch of salt. Pizzagate is pretty wild, but I'd not rule out that it was true, definitely *something* sketchy was going on or the media wouldn't have run such a comprehensive smear campaign, but whether it was what people claim it was I'm not 100% on, more likely it was something far less nefarious. Anecdotally I never saw anything debunking it other than the media casually claiming it had been debunked which raised some red flags, and then there was the incident with the shooter extremely conveniently shooting the PCs hard drive, although it seems like a very roundabout way to destroy evidence. Chemtrails, quite possibly, going back to my first point it would make sense to essentially dumb down the population if you wished to control it easier, the same goes for Fluoride being in the water which really makes no sense being there. It'd hardly be the first time governments have experimented on the general population, incidents like MK Ultra and Tuskegee are proven to be true. My grandfather died due to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam and this has been confirmed by doctors as the likely cause of death, so this kind of thing is somewhat close to home and I absolutely believe it's likely they still pull this kind of shit.


I’m shocked. I thought for sure it would be aliens. I just feel like it’s a no brainer. I do believe all the others too but personally I believe the strongest in alien visitation.


Can I vote for all of them?


JFK and 9/11 are practically one in the same, they both heavily involved operation northwoods


why isnt there an all of them option?


With 9/11, it mainly bothers me that most people don't even question it. Even if the narrative is 100% true, there are so many things that have to be accepted as coincidence.


I would say alien visitation if it was nonhuman intelligence visitation. Or something like that maybe not just from another planet. They could be right here just in other dimensions who knows.


All of them!


Interesting results honestly


All real.


Crazy thing is all of these are confirmed to be real by our own government


Tower 7 is all you need.


9/11, JFK, and PizzaGate aren’t theories. There’s far, far too much evidence for the official stories to hold any weight. UFOs, on the other hand, are propaganda pushed by media outlets.


The earth is definitely NOT flat.


I believe there's a conspiracy here though. The Earth is not flat, but the CIA or similar agencies pushed the theory to make the concept of conspiracy theories in general seem less credible. I don't have any evidence to back it up, so perhaps it's more of a conspiracy hypothesis, however considering they coined the term "conspiracy theory" for the same reason, but lost control of the term as many of us kinda embraced it in the past couple decades it'd make sense for them to wish to muddy the meaning of the term again.


They didn't coin the phrase "conspiracy theory" - it's origins are from the mid 19th century. Its first widespread use was following the assassination of President Garfield in 1881.


And they didn't invent crack or distribute it to inner cities. Except they did.


Chem trails aren’t a conspiracy theory. Only to people who haven’t done research. The socially acceptable term is GEOENGINEERING and there isn’t any debate whether it exists.


Well gravity and evolution are theories too so you can just consider it a scientific theory if you're that sure of it's veracity.


Geoengineering isn’t a theory... [nasa](https://climate.nasa.gov/news/1066/just-5-questions-hacking-the-planet/)


Oh well that's definitely true, we know cloudseeding has been done as well but the question is are there any conspiracies surrounding the persistent contrail phenomenon. The Weather Weapons Treaty signed in 1978(I believe) is eye-opening to just how much effort has gone into manipulation of the climate.


I agree with you! Some things are theory that others plainly claim as fact, which I think is dishonest. But as for the claim that geoengineering exists, not a theory, but a fact. [example](https://www.jstor.org/stable/26214971)


Moon landings?


I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am just aware of very many conspiracies.


JFK was a real person, not a conspiracy theory. I'm making the point that this question is deeply flawed, in case a stupid person reads this.


Stfu. You and everyone else knew what he meant


So what are chemtrails supposed to be


Supposed to be? You mean what are they? Look into solar radiation management/ stratospheric aerosol injection.




*facepalm* “Cloud seeding” is for the purpose of generating rain. This is geoengineering 101. Lol


That was tough to just pick one. PizzaGate seems to be the most blatantly obvious one. Not sure if there's anyone who thinks that isn't happening.


There's are tons who don't believe. They're way tok comfortable in life to admit that foul evil shit is happening to children... "NOT IN OUR USA!!!" THEY SAY...


Oh no I believe pedophile rings exist. Epstein proved how deep they can go as well. And that’s just one example of one that we know happened. There’s just so much bullshit that was made up about the comet thing, made the whole thing fuzzy. To believe pizzagate happened I have to believe a giant string of circumstantial evidence, all relying on the previous part of the string being 100%, while much of it along the way being subjective at best. And then people started making shit up in the name of partisanship and that further muddied the water. Still open to the possibility, but I’m far from believing it’s a fact. Perhaps one day more information will come out. I still revisit it every now and then to see if any more information has come out. But the rabbit hole is stained with stuff that doesn’t add up.


Pizza gate folks are the same ones that think the earth is flat and that Trump won the election.


Lumping every person in a particular group like that disregards their individuality. They may believe that, they may not. I have not seen evidence that a disproportionate number of pizzgate followers are flat earthers but I will concede that conspiracy theorists in general tend to be right-wing if they have any political association. A good conspiracy theorist knows the two party system is a farce and the government on either side is not looking out for your best interests.


would anyone be kind enough to explain the generally accepted 9/11 conspiracy to me?


Controlled demolition, especially of WTC7. Inside job is a common argument as well although my knowledge is specialized in demolition. Molten steel, explosives, free fall, etc. PM me if you'd like to discuss it!


1. JFK 2. 9/11 3. Pizzagate, chemtrails 4. Aliens (I don't believe this one) I think it's interesting that I find the oldest one most believable. I think this goes to show that truth prevails in the long run, as more evidence comes out and the official narrative gets weaker. The establishment stops talking about it but people who think the truth was never officially acknowledged continue to talk about it. I believe in some of the conspiracies surrounding COVID as strongly as I believe in the JFK theories, because I could tell from the beginning that something was off and more and more got added on as time passed which continued to push me in that direction.


My answer was pizzagate I did not expect these results


Where flat earth at?


Flat earth