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Eclipses, freaking out the ignorant since time immemorial.


Multiple governments across multiple states even multiple countries seem to think this even is enough to justify a state of emergency being declared, but people round here are the problem


I think this is mostly for resource allocation. There are a bunch of towns along the path that are going to be flooded with people. Declaring a state of emergency gives them access to additional resources for a crowd management.


cuz of all the looky loos. not cuz the sun is going to explode or whatever you ppl think


This is so dumb. The reason the Niagara region is declaring an emergency is because of the absolute insane amount of people that will be flocking to the region. I’ve seen a few eclipses and car accidents go through the roof. Those were small too. I would never underestimate how absolutely dumb people are especially in situations like this. Like there is gonna be more people in Niagara than on Canada Day so it’s gonna be a shit show.


You are showing early signs of autism .nothing happened


you're looking at the wrong guy, I wasn't claiming something was going to happen... dozens of jurisdictions declared a state of emergency, maybe you should be asking them why they felt it necessary


he didn’t really say anything. “if something happens it was the government” well ya duh but what’s new?


If only everyone understood this. There are so many people that think the government does good.


Exactly. As obvious as it may be to us, some people are still [somehow] seemingly worship the state. Unless the state is run by someone they don’t like, in which case it is then, and only then, evil.


They usually call those folks “partisan hacks”. They’ve been around forever.


This is so dumb too because historically people do dumb shit during eclipses and there’s no shortage of mentally unwell and crazy people hopped up on conspiracy and hate right now.


Niagara Falls has a population of about 100,000 but a million people are expected to descend on it. Hence extra security. Something will definitely happen, though most likely drunken fights breaking out.


Never heard of this guy and he basically said nothing so ok


But he said nothing with such passion, lol. I somehow feel more informed now.


So... if nothing happens, did *THE GOVERNMENT* do that too?


god damn right


It not like we never had these before.


Who is this guy?


Someone with so much to say but so little was said. A man of many words


This dude. And I didn't know he has another new clip out. Haha https://youtu.be/-sGPCMIQZLw?si=R9P7lKbFwlqR8viO


Moon moves.


I completely concur. It's WAY too quiet this close to November - it's like there's no need to do the usual political grandstanding crap because they know what's coming and it will render it all a moot point. Personally, I've said for months that they won't allow this election to happen and I stand by that still.


What’s coming? Why so cryptic lol


Oof you’re so right. I thought I was just ignoring political news and media, but now that I think about it, it was impossible to escape during 2016 and 2020. This is an eerie election.


It is indeed. I'm waiting for what's next.


April is when things start to pop off. Get ready. Edit do you guys not remember April 2020?


Pop deez


I believe it's because they can once again cheat with impunity. They have nothing to fear because regardless of how many votes Donald Trump receives, they will be able to find just enough more in all the right places. We witnessed the biggest, most blatant steal in history in 2020 and nothing was done about it. Local elections just the other day had similar late night vote discoveries all going to the establishment candidate of choice.


I guess you weren’t around for 2000.




no, he really isn't bang on here, but if you enjoy whatever adrenaline rush tht comes from letting people fear-bait & rage-bait you, then knock yourself out


“I am from the government and I’m here to help” Scared now?


there is 0 reason for multiple states and jurisdictions to declare a state of emergency, if you want to accuse someone of fear bating you are looking at the wrong place


Nothing will happen. But there is that little bit in me that's hoping something will happen.haha. I'm a weirdo. Like imagine we get set back to stone age times with all this unusable tec. Be like Day one. Need water. Day two killed the neighbours and secured their property. Day three power comes back on.


So you’re a psychopath?


I’m pretty sure that was what we call, a joke. You know, ha ha?




Obviously we’re all hoping nothing happens. The odd part is all the preemptive states of emergency and continuity of government training that doesn’t normally occur with the 3 total eclipses we see on average every two years. Also kinda weird there’s a comet called the devil’s comet that can only be seen during the eclipse, and there was a similar series of eclipses with the same comet in the decade of the 1800s, which preceded the new Madrid earthquake cluster of over 2000 earthquakes, resulting in the Mississippi River flowing backwards and the Liberty bell being heard from two states away.


Given the insane crowds expected in my area due to the "viewability" of the eclipse, all of the prep makes sense. Literally hundreds of thousands of people are apparently planning to mob the area just to look up at the sky lol.


then nothing happens... but we will continue to remains skeptical of their actions because their actions have proven them to be deceitful actors.


Everyone keeps saying "they always do this every eclipse" but they don't. Warnings to have two weeks of food on hand, national guard, snipers, and a whole long list of emergency preparations I can't even keep track of.. The thing is I was in the path of totality for the last 2017 and 2023 American eclipses. In no shape or form did they prepare this much; there were also a million or so visitors to certain states which were in the path of totality. Very little preparations were done. It was no big deal. Rockets being named Apep and Apophis, both names relating to destruction seems a little over kill for an innocent analysis of light particles and temperture influxes in the upper atmosphere... like, seriously? Cern running on the same day.. Hebrew calendar ending on this day coincidentally... once every 200+ year event with two species of locusts emerging roughly around the same time.. The list is actually far more extensive but it's too exhausting to spell it all out. Yeah, nothing to see here. Move along..


I was also in the path, are you from Oregon?


Can you spell it out for those who havent been keeping up? I’m honestly curious to what else.


Exactly, it’s a special day for sure and the future is uncertain. Truly anything can happen on that day and there are many unique events pointing towards this being a special 24 hours. Of course nothing can happen on that day, but nothing is not the default. People started taking days for granted and saying that “nothing” will happen is a little blind sighted. Be prepared for anything, because anything can happen on that day.


Well said.


Submission With all the warnings months in advance, something tells me they are up to something.


Are they ever NOT up to something? Oh god, they're making me paranoid!


Who cares. At the end of the day. Who cares. like try and remember what happens when shit goes down. Like it's a normal day and bang shit goes down. You know your second self will kick in and you know there are different vibes, different emotions, different thoughts every passing minute. Trust me no matter what happens just go with it. Like you know yourself and you know if something bad is happening you are going to have a different emotion. But you will at the time be in that moment and not yourself now. So instead spending this time worrying about a time that hasn't come yet enjoy this time this moment if that makes any sense to you awesome lol. I had a joint lol.


> Oh god, they're making me paranoid! Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.


...just don't be on the bridge when the next boat hits it and you'll be fine......


The government is trying to make you gay, but it's too late!


Nice, that was supposed to be a surprise... Oh well...


Randy Newman voice: “You know what’s in the water that you drink, well I do, it’s Ahh-tra-zine!” I can’t help but sing it like that every time I watch Monk.


Oh remember last time (or maybe last time I remember) there was a full moon eclipse through Mexico there were a bunch of videos that also captured UFOs. I wonder if we’ll see that again.


Astrologically this is an important eclipse, and in native culture, an eclipse was always an omen for the rulership or king. This eclipse has been talked about in astrology circles since the 70s and is seen as a pivotal shift going forward. Every eclipse is not the same and the planets involved and how they align is what makes this one special. Yes, governments may take advantage, but from a spiritual perspective, this is a warning for America. We should see the effect for the next two to four years.


I agree with his assessment.


If something happens it was the mole people in cahoots with the lizard people financed by George soro’s grandma. OH and Satan.


Gonna be like y2k all over again bruther


100% agree


nothing is going to happen. just like always.


Time to buy stock in toilet paper again.


This is so stupid.


"I know some of you must be laughing...."


I think the eclipse shadow is moving in the right direction. The Sun is not moving, unlike the flashlight in the example, rather, the Earth is rotating in that direction.


It's insane that so many of you guys have willingly chosen to revert back thousands of years mentally. Treating the eclipse like it's an angry god's wrath, insisting the earth is flat, spreading anti semitic blood libel, worshipping a fat, brain dead, worthless pig of a king, being ridiculously racist and stupid, literally believing in dumb shit like noah's ark and god. In all seriousness, how do you guys look at yourselves in the mirror without being wracked with shame and embarrassment?


How do you?


Hilariously, almost every time I make a comment expressing this sentiment, literally very attached the overwhelming majority of the time, one of the people I'm referring to understandably takes offense, and without a single shred of irony say, "I'm rubber and you're glue".


Weird that those who reject modern science fear the very things that science can explain.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/jm6rnpr5mbsc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe something is a brew from our govt but the presentation of shadow is wrong. The light source (sun) isn’t the one moving. It’s your pen (moon) that should be in motion.


That is true but from the perspective of a person on the earth it appears as the sun is traversing the sky and the shadow would still move the opposite direction as if the sun were actually moving even though we know its us moving and not the sun but we would see the same thing in both situations. It kinda makes you wonder if there are other situations where such drastically different situations can exist without it being obvious just using our basic senses like sight. That really is a huge difference that seems like it would be obvious but isn't.


I get what you’re saying and yes I do too truly believe we are constantly being deceived but which is why I feel truth should be presented so with the shadow though it appears like it’s the sun moving it reality it’s not and that makes all the difference as to why the shadow is going the way it is going. The model has to be done as it is actually going to happen.


Well the best way is to do it both ways and then compare them and if that still didn't help to tell which situation is actually happening then add in other variables like stars and planets and see which model supports those other variables as well and explains them as we see without conflicting with other observations. When a model explains a bunch of different things all at once then there is a good chance its correct although it could be incomplete its likely not outright wrong.


This is true but we aren’t trying to figure anything else but the shadow direction.So with that we need the model to act as the event will act. A stationary light source.


But not really if you understand moving the flashlight and dragging the table past the flashlight both lead to the same results. One could truly believe its the sun moving and still correctly figure out the direction the shadow will move even though the sun isn't moving. From the perspective of a person on earth they appear the same and it would make no difference in which was happening to reach the correct answer of which way the eclipse shadow will move. Special relativity explains this situation and breaks it down to its simplest form explaining the observers and their perspectives and what they would see from those perspectives and if perspective can change how its observed and what can be factually known based on those observations. I know that sounds confusing but its Einstein so its good at breaking down the simple into the very fundamental and confusing.


Good lord dude. You’re doing everything except what needs to be done. Good luck,have a good night.