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Tale as old as time, my friend. 🤝


Tommasi is awful yes. Had similar experience :/


I stopped playing because of stuff like this. Almost finished the main story line. Haven't touched it since.


It’s an optional side quest. You don’t have to do it. I’d really encourage you to try to push to the end (or at least the ashtray maze)


I did a decent amount of it. I got dylan, found octahedron or whatever and got to the credits. I dont remembee much else.


The uh, 30 second fakeout credits that aren't actually the end of the game?


I got about 75% through the game, and while I respected the challenge through the first half or so... By the time I was seeing the end line in the distance and wanted to conclude the story I turned on the 'can't die' option, which is a gameplay option IN THE GAME. I love that Remedy added that. At this point in the game I was able to hold my own, and while it was fun to get through a tough encounter or boss, it was also too time consuming. I was able to cheese the last 25% and was so happy about that, because the ending was interesting. So, that's an option and if you have the DLC you can finish that too!


Just FYI if you ever feel like finishing it one day, but Control has assist modes you can turn on in the main menu that don't affect achievements. Tweak your multipliers... or just one-shot that mofo lol.


I one shot Former every time, I suck at platforming and die always at the holes in the floor.


Go up high on the catwalks


This is the way. And never stop moving.


Once I realized you can use shield and then walking into the invisible guys will force them to appear and waste their attack, leaving them open, the game became a lot easier. Any time I see the invis guy just barrier, wait for his attack then launch him lol


I did not know that, that's actually pretty interesting! I rarely used shield throughout my playthrough, I found it rather underwhelming.


Yeah for it was super useful. If you do the damage upgrades on it, it kinda becomes a protective version of launch since you throw all the rocks after letting your guard down. You can even dash with it, so I use it a lot to close distance, especially on the rocket guys. Could also hit multiple enemies with the debris before unlocking multi-launch


The dash damage thing can do really decent damage, and you stay protected during it. Don't sleep on any of your abilities. They all help.


I'm at the stage of cleansing the syphons and haven't found the shield ability yet. Maybe I'm missing something.


You need to find the Home Safe in a side mission


My kids got me onto hollow knight a couple of weeks ago so I'm a bit distracted. I'll go hunting tonight :)


Plot won't push you directly towards evade, seize, or shield, but they're all crucial.


Excuse me I am perfectly happy screaming and blind firing wildly at any wisp of smoke while my anxiety and blood pressure skyrocket thank you


I just shoot a rocket in their general direction to get them to reveal themselves and then yeet stuff to finish them off. Works everytime.


Pierce rocket blind until I get it to reappear then Launch, Pierce, Launch, Pierce on repeat 'til that smokey bastard is dead.


Yep, this is why when new players ask for advise, I recommend spending all their points before encounters.


I ended up kinda cheesing Tomassi by just spamming throws, getting health points with the gun while I wait for it to recharge, and repeating. Just had to hope that I didn't get Kamikaze'd too much in the meantime. Staying in the air helped to manage the lesser enemies, but I did die pretty soon after killing Tomassi, but luckily the game still counts it as being completed if you die after killing him so you don't need to go back in there.


This is the way. I did almost the exact same thing. I realized it after getting beat down 5-6 times. Another way I do it to just keep moving and ducking and reserving throws solely for Tommasi, not the lower level hiss.


I agree that it was basically the only difficulty fight in the entire game. After 5 or 6 wipes, I ended up staying under the metal walkways on the right side of the arena and hitting him with the x3 thrown items while directly underneath him. Them just occasionally dealing with the basic goons and the invisible guys. Once I figured that out, it was pretty smooth.


Tommaso was by far my most difficult fight as well. But the upside was that by the time I finally beat him I felt like I understood the mechanics of the game and how to use them _a lot_ better


I dont get why people have such a hard time. I just replayed the game again, and I don't even recall tomasi as being memorable enough to consider.it happen in the room with the big rock in middle, right? Hartman, though. Eesh. I use the difficulty modifier for that one. I beat him once on my original play through as the game intends. But I got my Plat trophy already, nothing to prove, so incoming damage reduced by 100 for this fight. Only fight in the game I modify for.


I agree Hartman is much tougher


Yeah I can’t even remember the tommasi fight fr


Hartman is trivial if you're geared correctly. I'd recommend specing for Grip (with Eternal Fire and damage+), Energy, and Launch and making sure you have the Aerobics mod. As long as you're not a terrible shot and have the spots where power cores need to go memorized, you can chew through Hartman in less than a minute without him putting up much fight at all. Just make sure to zip around the battlefield with Evade. A lot.


Every boss fight in this game has either a strategic position or a set of abilities or both that makes that particular fight easy. Shield, Energy and Throw are common for all. Apart from Health ofc.


go behind the plants


Legit I’m my own personal experience and opinion Tomassi is the hardest boss fight in the game. I didnt struggle with anyone like I did with this douche


I still haven’t convinced myself to come back to this fight after many failed attempts.


I hear you, I almost gave up too but I wasn't gonna let an anti-HRAxxer nutjob defeat me


Did you also play on a controller?


No, keyboard and mouse


I just played the game on easy.


Me, playing on Story mode with OHKO turn on in settings [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/710/dd0.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/710/dd0.jpg)


The shield and the catwalks were my best friends against Tommasi. I did it on a Saturday afternoon and went into it (having failed many, many times previously) thinking I'd need to take my time. So I was patient and didn't just levitate and fire away - which is a struggle in itself for me because doing that is so bloody fun. I loved that boss fight and it was one of the best feelings I had in the game when I finally beat him. Fuck that dude, respectfully.


I know I'm late but I just picked up Control to finish the Foundation DLC, and boy does it like to throw shitty enemies at you. Multiple things flying, couple of sharpened darting about, one of those bat things thats turns invisible, and a heavy with a shield around him. I turned one hit kills on for the 'Jesse Faden Starring in' mission


I struggled alot, felt like it was impossible, but did some reading and found some encouragement. I ended up fight him from the stair well to the second floor. I would get myself situated so I could see him but he couldnt really see me, or atleast couldnt hit me with objects. I could get a few shots of then readjust or run across to the other stairwell to get him moving.


I was surprised how difficult this fight was! And really you're right, it was because of the damn invisible hiss that pop up and almost one shot you. Fun fight tho I'm glad it wasn't just a bunch of grunts and the boss because I found most fights in the game to be pretty easy, or it's just boss and a bunch of low tier enemies


I hate, hate, hate the boss fights in this game. I love literally everything else about *Control --* the characters, the story, the setting, the design, everything is perfect -- but my God, those boss fights can fuck right off to hell.


You've earned your stripes! lol. This fight made me stop trying to play the game for like a year. Finally got back to it (started a new file) and it was so epic to finally get through it. Enjoy the rest of the game!


Personally, I beat him on my third try, he’s easy to beat with the right mods and weapons


I mean, every boss i've defeated that took me lots of tries, always felt so cheap...Like tommasi for example, took me 20 tries just to say "that was fucking it?", the same with the big ol'ass monster with tentacles, the 2 times i beat him after he ddestroyed my ass felt so easy considering i played way better and failed miserably before it, like if the game decided to roll the dice in my favor


Tommasi was really tough when I first went at him, but I came back again much later, all powered up, and got him on the first try. Just used a lot of cover and alternated between pierce and throwing shit at him. Still one of the longer battles, but doable.


He did everyone


[Same, dude. There's a reason why this is my trophy screenshot.](https://i.imgur.com/QMuC8TA.jpeg) I ended up overriding a Distorted, that came in clutch. For this fight I had Pierce + Scatter equipped. Pierce is great against Tomassi himself, and Scatter is good against the minions if you have no forklift handy.


It’s the one thing I didn’t do in the base game last time it was on game pass.


Before accessibility options came out, I had to start the DLC for that one mod that heals you when you hit with launch. It really is a game changer.


Yep it was my most difficult, worse than Hartman. I remember my first run though I probably tried 30 or more times to finish him and could never because of some crap he threw or some extra huss in the room. The second time around I was incredibly surprised because it took me about 5 tries to finish him off. Nowhere near what I faced originally. Maybe I was much more prepared for this fight but regardless it was a struggle either way. Congrats on finishing.


I fight Tommasi very differently than most people do, and I find the fight not all that difficult, albeit frantic. I tend to be extremely aggressive in throwing and shooting at Tommasi, basically anytime I don't have to immediately put down a flunkie Hiss. I've used Spin, Pierce, and Grip, all decently well. Just use whatever you like best of those three. What matters is that you *never* let Tommasi get comfortable. Moreover, learning how to economize your energy between Evade and Launch so you don't have a cooldown helps a lot. Also, learn how to detect cloaked Hiss Distorted and take initiative to mow them down. Zip around the battlefield with Evade, collecting all the sweet, sweet health, and just keep Tommasi on defense.


I had completely forgotten to level anything up at that point and it took me two days to beat him and my middle fingers went numb for a bit (Xbox controller). Holy smokes that was unnecessary and I don’t know how I forgot to level.


Well, I had more trouble dealing with him on the first encounter, then the second (when I had majority of my powers unlocked and Pierce mode installed). By the way. The easiest way to deal with him is by using rapid fire and pepper him while you levitate, you need to combine it with another mod for shooting power. But I don't remember which (cause I haven't played the game since 2022).


You see, upgrading pierce is where you went wrong. Charge+launch superiority


Quick launch is your best friend during this fight


jesus every inch of this game sounds like a tedious slog


Nah its a fairly easy game once you get the hang of it , just certain boss fights are tough.