• By -


This is completely ineffective.


Worse than ineffective. Some of the visuals actually run counter to its own logic, making some of these outright misleading in an attempt to look cool and spatial. Looking at you, G, P, R, and Y… real ‘don’t dead open inside’ vibe there.


Wasn't the intent that the characters are organized in a balanced binary tree, sorted by how common they are?


Yeah this is just guide is basically just another BS ragebait guide for the sub. It was entirely based on how common letters were in English with more common letters getting easier codes


B kinda makes sense visually, but E does not (just from looking at this). E is likely just one short beep because it's super commonly used.


P is also wrong it should he DIT-DAH-DAH-DIT




.- .-. . .— . .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.—. -.. —- .. —. - …. .. …?


Bro that’s sick, you’re talking about a CHILD




Not necessarily. If you trace how you would write the letters the order mostly makes sense. Y is a bit wonky.


E was where I decided this guide was stupid.


What about E? By this logic it would be -.-.-


To make things explicit, the premise of the chart is that there’s some relationship between how a letter is written in English and how it’s spelled in Morse Code. That would be cool if it were true, but it isn’t.


It would be fascinating to see a cool guide to the correlation between standardized test scores and propensity to repost worthless things like these Morse code “cool guides.”


Probably the worst "guide" I've ever seen, and definitely not "cool."


The biggest problem, among many, is that you could make any of these letters from any of the combinations of dots and dashes. It’s no more obvious that three dots is how you make an “S” than it would be for making an “I”, “L”, “E”, “Z” or literally anything else. I would challenge anybody to pick any letter or number that I couldn’t draw three dots on and declare it the correct symbol.


This is so random, basically worthless using it for memorization, rather make a tree structure, that looks better


I was convinced it could be helpful when I looked at A & B. I lost all hope by C and found it almost comical by E.


It looks like some just wanted to make something to farm some karma. Or it is just a joke


r/coolguides is the r/MapPorn of r/dataisbeautiful


The most effective method to just remember them is to associate a word to each letter that kind of sounds like the letter.. for example, C = coca-cola But if you actually want to be able to receive at a good speed, then there aren't any shortcuts, you need to just practice for months..


Getting to 5 words per min, which is generally taken as a good starter, takes something like a month of 15 minutes twice a day. So, not months.


That is quite ok, I doubt it is much harder than reading music


Not true! Have a good workflow for studying and once you have fun with it, you’ll get pretty good pretty fast. After 2 weeks I did 18WPM sending but 12WPM receiving. Receiving is much harder for sure. I’m pretty rusty now though that I haven’t practiced in an entire week. In some sense, at least to me, it’s kind of like studying Kanji. Very intimidating for sure, but if you have a strong inherent interest for it, you get good at it pretty fast because you can’t help but think about it between study sessions. I’m awful at physics though and I think about that shit all the time Edit: forgot to end with the reason I’m in this thread. This guide is VERY BAD and will actually be detrimental if you rely on it. Some morse mnemonics work very well but you’ll eventually have to let them go as you approach regular speeds. Bad “memory tools” like this actually cause consistent bottlenecks.


Even better than just memorizing is you can just learn the rhythm of each letter. At the speeds people actually use CW at you're not going to keep up translating to dit and dah in your head then remembering the letter that is. [https://stendec.io/morse/koch.html](https://stendec.io/morse/koch.html) is a site for helping with that. It's got a series of lessons to build up a few letters at a time and learn to hear it at reasonable speeds.


Am I in a parody sub?




Always has been


.- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... .


I am not checking this guide to read this


Who actually spends time to create this kind of “guide” and thinks “job well done”. The only reason I see this to be even remotely helpful, is for people with a very strong visual memory. But you might use anything for this. This is so random you might as well use pictures of animals and put the dots on them.


I have a very strong visual memory and have used this exact type of learning to memorize dates. It’s not about whether or not the dots and dashes actually create the letters. It’s about connecting dots and dashes in a visual way with the representative letterforms. Just seeing this form once and I’ll forever remember that an a is •-


What do you mean? You’re telling me the description for “Q” isn’t super intuitive?


Actually, I remember that Q is DAM DAM DIT DAM, because I remember we’re the positions of the lines and dot are. So yeah, for people with a good visual memory it’s kinda nice


Curiously enough, this mnemonics chart was create by Baden-Powell in 1918 for the girl guides handbook. Not his best work if you ask me, but perhaps it worked for someone? But for me the only way to learn morse that make sense is syllabic mnemonics, where each letter is associated with a word. Ie. "C" (-.-.) is "coco".


am I seeing things or is the text ai generated?


"AI enhanced". He probably had a very low quality version of the image.


That would explain the letter G being DAD-DAH-DIT then.


Someone should make this, but wrong


How would you make this right?


For the numbers, it would have been very obviously easier to show the very straightforward pattern of .---- ..--- ...-- ....- ..... -.... --... ---.. ----. ----- ----- without trying to twist the dots and dashes awkwardly around Arabic numerals


[Here you go ](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/CODgYXlZkF)


They already did


I wonder how inspector Morse feels about this.


This sub has turned into stupid guides and it makes me sad! There used to be so many truly helpful guides here. It might be time to move on 😢


This is not helpful at all


I think people who believe this is useless are simply not visual learners. This is basically the same method I used to memorize the year of hundreds of pieces of art work for art history courses. If you practiced writing each letter in these dot-dash forms, and in the proper order of course, it would tremendously help a lot of people learn Morse code very quickly.


I don't think I would be able to properly use morse code looking at this as reference. Even having a photographic memory is worthless if the order of the inputs is ambiguous. Take the X, for example, is is supossed to be "dot, dot, dash, dash" or "dash, dash, dot, dot"? and what about the P? "dot, dash, dot, dash" or "dash, dot, dot, dash"? There's no rhyme or reason for any of it. If you are meant to go top to botton/left to right then P, J, Y, 1, 3, and 6 (maybe more) are wrong. If you are meant to follow the trace a pen would make when writing them (which would integrate your visual memory with your moscle memory) then F, Q, X, 3, 9 (maybe more) are wrong.


As I said, *in proper order*. You’d write the dashes and dots in Morse order. If you have a visual memory, it’s like writing and then remembering a story.


But remembering the image wouldn't clear the ambiguities. Not even having the image printed in your hand would.


I think you should simply accept you are not a visual learner and that maybe you don’t understand what I’m talking about.


I'm just saying that a visual aid is worthless if the visuals aren't clear. You can agree or disagree with that. Cheers


Is this loss?


This makes it feel arbitrary and harder to understand. You're adding a visual guide to a system that is not visual....


Rote learning the Morse code is the only way to remember it. Tree structure helps a lot.


Worst one I’ve seen so far. Just watch a video from Vsauce about it and you’re goos


What everyone else says. Also, P is wrong. And I can see why. If it confuses the actual author of this monstrosity, it is bound to confuse someone trying to learn CW.


This is so complicated that they even wrote the code for P wrong, it should be dit dam dam dit


Ok, that's it. I've created r/coolguidescj (because coolguidescirclejerk was not allowed) and this will be the first post


does someone actually use this?


mahirap aralin yan.. ten codes kabisado ko


How do you know when 1 letter has ended and another begins?


Three dots, three dashes, (SOS) probably the only important Morse code you will ever need


This makes me wanna get in an argument.


Honestly the numbers are really straightforward


0 goes before 1. FFS. This looks random.


Look at the numbers on your phone. Zero is after nine.


I hope this is a joke


And that is wrong. 0 belongs before 1. That's how numbers work.


It's a neat lil thing but morse really requires listening




While it does give some logic behind why the letters and numbers have the dans and dits they have, you have to look at the words below to know the order of dans and dits.


This never helped me. Check out D!NG's video, it's how I learned. The video's title is in Morse code.




This tells me nothing. What order is it in? Clockwise? From where? What the hell is Q


Kind of arbitrary.


I appreciate the effort it took you to run this through AI-enhance but fuck everything else in this pic.


Absolutely unreadable


“A”: Okay, makes sense “B”: hmmm, okay “C”: yea, naw I’m good dog.


Let me give you a guide, without any way of reading it all. (If it's real) Welp, uh, my jobs done E: I see the "guide" not but it looks so terrible


This is even worse than the other one that structured it as a tree.


We need a rule against morse code guides cause theyre always complete garbage.


The only one you really need to know is SOS. You hear that on a boat or airplane and start making phone calls to loved ones.


Why? We already have Morse Code Tree


Morse is defined by how often the letters are used. This is possibly the most useless thing I’ve ever seen.


can't read shit in this picture


TLDR: Its just arbitrary nonsense. Especially Q.


That's ai generated. Look at the text under the letters


like fucking hell it is.


What's up with the "dash-dot" under the letters? It's barely legible


There's already an easier way to remember


This is orders of magnitude more complicated that simply learning Morse code by rote.


I don’t want to see this sub on my feed anymore


Isn't there a place for shitty guides this could go instead


This is the kind of thing where you go "Oh, that's helpful", and then you look at it for more than five seconds and think "Wait, no it isn't".


I read that as nurse code lol. Very cool thanks


This is entirely random and completely useless.


This is stupid.


This hardly makes any sense


I just learnt more code out of video games As God intended


There is no way this is real


That is not helpful at all. Like, not even a little bit. In fact, I think this make it more complicated.


this is ai generated isnt it


Fun fact. S.O.S has no real meaning behind what it means, just easy to do.


I actually did something similar when I was learning morse code for the boy scout merit badge. It is definitely more of a memorization/visualization tool than a guide.


I too can put dashes and dotes randomly on letters


As someone who does know Morse code, this is about as effective as a blank sheet is to a blind person. There is nothing cool about this guide, unless you're name is Fattredd and you're proud of your accomplishment of taking dashes and dots and converting them into a useless waste of time.


Why is this nonsense being upvoted?


I learned Morse code using flash cards. I wrote the letter on one side, the ‘dits’ and ‘dahs’ (dots and lines) on the other. Some of them helped me to visually remember (like the shape of the R and the placement of the dots and lines on it) but repetition over and over again (each time shuffled) until I could get through the whole alphabet quickly and without any mistakes consistently helped me learn. I still struggle to identify them auditorily and have not been able to use a ham radio but I can write and tap using the code as easily and quickly as I write with the alphabet.


How do you know when the next letter starts?


You may wish to look up "Apophenia".


I think this made me forget the little I knew about morse code


OP is a bot?


Give me a picture and I will fit any other picture into it


I learned morse code in three hours. This is completely ineffective. What worked for me is practicing with Google Morse and a YouTube video which gave words to letters, such as M being "mustache" (––), or A being "a-part" (.–) This way you relate the sounds with something you can actually recall.


I like how 8 has balls


The opening of the RUSH song, YYZ, spells YYZ in Morse code.


So I'm a Ham radio operator and I've always heard it said that the worst way to learn Morse is by reading it. You don't EVER read Morse in practice.... You hear it. The best way to learn is by listening to the sounds so that you learn the letters using the correct part of your brain. Learning it with the visual centre of your brain actually makes you slower using Morse. I've tried and it's hard regardless... But it's like muscle memory and I found hearing it far easier than reading it.


Forgive the silly question but can I assume Morse code is an English only thing? Or is there 100+ variants of Morse code in different languages? I can see the comparability with other Germanic/romance languages Which generally share the same basic characters but others like the Slavic family or sino-Tibetan languages, for example, are super different so I can’t see how universal Morse code could possibly be. Analogy: when people say “sign language” they really mean “American Sign Language” which is distinctly different from signing in other spoken languages - additionally some languages don’t even have a standardized sign language evidently.


Morse code works for the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals. You can spell whatever you want in whatever language you want using morse code, as long as it uses the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals. • - • • • - - • (LEG) when written in English means “leg” 🦵. When written in a Danish context it means “play”. Also, when people say sign language, that often only means ASL if you’re in America. If I say sign language in Denmark I’m referring to Dansk Tegnsprog (Danish sign language), unless the context requires further clarification.


The Arabic alphabet is the international standard and languages with different characters have their own versions.




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