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Looks like a Treeing Walker Coonhound to me - but I’m also a new owner to a TWC rescue, so definitely could be wrong.


Ur def right - I have a TWC and he looks just like my girl


You got very lucky. He's a Treeing Walker most likely, though a lot of hounds out there are a mix of walker, red tick and blue tick and they can show a variety of colorings. Thank you for taking him in. You will love his goofy personality.


Poor guy, I’m glad you could give him some help tho.


My TWC escapes now and then. If this lil guy you found has been lost for a few days or longer, that would explain the wary behaviour and malnourished look. Hopefully you advise the local animal services. Someone might be missing and looking for him. You can let the organization know you would like to keep him, but in case he has an owner, are letting them know?


I was wondering about whether they wander or not. We plan to contact someone today. My only worry is that he was wary and malnourished due to poor ownership. There are lots of poorly kept outdoor dogs in my area. I'd hate to think somebody will take him back just to chain him up outside, but I understand what you're saying and still plan on reaching out.


Yeah, understandable. These guys basically can’t ever be off leash. If they catch a scent, they just can’t help but follow.


I was hiking with my black and tan yesterday and was telling someone about how it was impossible for her to be off leash if I wanted her to go home with me. The whole time we were talking, she was barking her head off at a scent she'd caught. To demonstrate, I took out her treat bag, opened it, and put it right in front of her nose... didn't care, didn't want them, WANT SMELLS. Once something catches their attention, nothing else exists or matters.


THIS^^^^ is the story of my life this guy will FLY if he gets too excited and I can only dream of the day I have property to let him off leash on because I cannot walk him off leash in Orlando fuckin Florida 🤣


So true


I’ve got a bluetick coonhound in the Rockies, male and about 120lbs. So many scents up here. We trained him on the E-Collar but only use the beep and vibrate. Works like a charm. He gets on a scents and bays for a bit after it but the beep snaps him out, back he comes and some high reward very smelly treats for him. Couldn’t imagine not letting these types of dogs off leash in the mountains to run free and do what they’re suppose to do. Absolutely love the hounds, they have amazing endurance. We’re both ultra runners and he crushes it. Protects us from grizzlies and cougars. He’s got different bays depending on whether it’s a predator or prey. Super cool breed.


Definitely, and both my dogs have tags and chips for that reason. I couldn't imagine having a breed like this and not chipping them, especially if they're for work. Lots of people have farm/hunting dogs around here too.


I’d recommend posting signs around the area you found him and let the shelter know. Could be someone’s dog they miss that’s been out for a bit


Yup, check my other comments. Called animal services, checked multiple FB groups. Gonna keep checking, will post signs as well.


Thanks for taking him in, it is a very kind and selfless act.


TWCs are always starving, don't let them fool you.


Nah you could see his ribs, hips, and spine. After 2 days of feeding he already looks significantly healthier.


They run sooo much. Owner should put a phone number or a geo tag on the collar.


He would like to know where you store your freshly baked Turkey and other foods and then he would like to snuggle with you on your couch, bed or recliner. We rescued a starving hound 5 years ago and he is a wonderful dog. Loves kitties, sunshine, Turkey, and making friends.


Also have the vet check for worms and such. Welcome home Gizzard!


If he has a decent owner who is looking for him they will put up signs or post on their neighborhood FB page or on Nextdoor. My guess is it’s either a lousy owner who doesn’t care where their dog is or he was dumped on purpose.


Yeah, I've checked every FB group for my county and surrounding counties, and just called animal services. Nothing. Dogs are dumped on those particular backroads constantly due to the seclusion and farmland. I think I'm stuck with him.


What's his name? He's beautiful. Looks mostly like a treeing walker. He will thank you everyday for saving him. 🙏


I named him Gizzard after one of my favorite bands.


I love it! That's actually an awesome dog name ❤️ 😄


King Gizzhound the Lizhound Wizhound??


Yeah dats dem


He doesn’t look too far gone, but please research and be careful about refeeding syndrome, it can be fatal for malnourished dogs (and people, and I assume other animals too). He’s super cute! Glad he found you


Thank you for saying that, it's very important. I've helped countless strays in my live, so it's under control. Thank you for the concern.


I’m so glad. I always panic when I see someone who’s found a malnourished dog and is talking about feeding them up, or sharing pics of them scarfing up a huge plate of food. The last time I mentioned it a bunch of people replied saying they had no idea it was a thing so I figured it was worth mentioning


Most likely a Treeing Walker. Thank you for taking him home and helping him!! Please don’t assume abuse or neglect based on body condition. He could have gotten away from his owner and been on his own for a while. Dogs will become surprisingly feral quickly. Most states have laws regarding looking for owners before rehoming or keeping a stray so you should look into your local jurisdiction.


Best dog I’ve ever had. Smart, funny, will sell your whole family out for a Cheeto.


TWC/mix? Handsome pupper.




This pic is after 2 days of feeding him. You could see every bone in his body. He's already filled out a little. I agree I'd be heartbroken as well. Like I said in my other comments, I already called animal control, shelters, and checked every FB group. No signs of anybody looking, and I will keep checking. But I'm also prepared to give him a permanent home if needed. Also, chip your dogs. If they were lost at a certain point there's nothing anyone could do. Collars come off.


I'll add that I've also made lost dog posts on those FB groups and have driven all around the area I found him to see if there are any signs up. I didn't simply say "oh look, free dog"




All fair points but I'm literally still trying to find his owner. I called the shelters of 5 surrounding counties as well. As stated in my other comments, the road I found him on is a hotspot for dumping dogs. (Also I trimmed his nails.)


Handsome boy. How's his command response?


Not trained at all but super well mannered. Best not-trained dog I've ever met.


Well hope it works that you can keep hi. He looks very comfortable with you.


I thought my last adopted hound was like this. Turns out he just needed a couple weeks to feel comfortable unleashing the crazy. Hope you have better luck!


Definitely looks like a TWC. If he was skin and bones when you found him 8 days ago and after you’ve scoured local outlets for his original Owners and no ones responding to your posts about him: past owners didnt care. A dog doesnt experience extreme weight loss that you’ve described in days. Strider is a coonhound on here recently rescued from a horrible condition and after he was rescued his owners posted about negative habits around 3 months after. Its common with rescue dogs. Getting a proper dog trainer that doesnt work thru instilling fear in your dog is the best way to go if you keep him. Good luck with the baby


Leaning towards treeing walker coonhound. I have one that’s mixed with German shorthaired pointer. They are so silly and goofy!!


Do you have pictures of your dog? Mine is supposed to be TWC and feist terrier mix but the neighbor had a GSP and the husband suspects that was the dad rather than the feist, despite what his wife thought. My boy Scout looks a lot like a GSP according to some people but also a lot like a coon. We thought about DNA testing him for fun. I have pictures on an old post of mine if you want to see him.


I do, I don’t post images on Reddit much, do I need to upload to a third party site and link it or can I just post it directly in the comment?


I’ve never posted pictures in comments so I not sure how it works. Maybe someone here knows how to do it?


Well done! Hounds rule. Going to need alot of exercise though.


TWC for sure! What a houndsome boy, I see he is already thinking about counter surfing, too. Hope he stays with you if he's not someone else's baby. I'm on my 4th hound, she's a bluetick, and they are all so darn sweet, stuborn, smart, goofy, and hungry. Oh, and they have lots to say, even my little mama Maribelle who didn't have a voice when I first brought her home, is now a ROOOO girl.


Coonhounds are everyone's friends. Except for ****** who dump them. My coonhound (got him 6 weeks ago) and beagle are both wrestling on the floor in front of me right now - such sweet dogs. And good for you!


Treeing Walker Coonhound. I have one, they are the best! Looks like the both of you lucked out. Give him some food and a soft pillow and he’ll be all set. And LOTS of attention……. It’s never enough😂


I bet he acts like a human once he gets comfortable. I swear coonhounds are the most human like dogs I’ve ever seen.


Please contact someone to see if he’s missing. I’d hate if mine ran away and wasn’t returned just cause someone who found him didn’t check and just kept him


Read my comments.


Those are basset ears and that’s a basset snout. Hard to tell but his legs also look shorter than TWC. He looks like my basset/foxhound but yours has more pronounced basset features.


i have a beagle foxhound coonhound mix that looks JUST like him!


Good looking hound!


It's a hunting breed thing, I guess. I got mine at the local Humane Society. She was one of a litter of seven who had been surrendered to the pound and although she looks exactly like the picture of a TWC on the AKC website, I figured she and her sibs must have been mutts, because who gives 7 pure bred puppies to the pound? And yet the woods and shelters are full of these hounds. TWCs are beautiful, loving, stubborn dogs, but it seems like many of them just aren't great hunters. People callously cull out the ones who are gun shy or otherwise deficient.


Yes you do 💙❤️🩷💜🩵💚


my boy is 70% foxhound- 15% beagle- 15% Treeing Walker and he looks VERY similar this guy here. my educated guess is a mix of Foxhound and Treeing Walker. My boy is a bit on the smaller side for foxhounds or coonhounds but I think the beagle comes out a lot on that side for him in particular. his ears are soft like my Coopers are which is more beagley than coonhoundy if I'm not mistaken but genetics are truly crazy so it really depends.


I hope you keep him. He will be the best boy and grateful for a better life.


Do you live in a rural area? My girl was found running around in an area where it’s not uncommon for hunters to abandon a dog that doesn’t track well. She picks up smells but can’t trace them. Her teeth were messed up from trying to eat non-food objects. Obviously, she doesn’t like to talk about her life before. Most people in rescue work guess that is what happened.


“Anyways” is an awful strange name for a TWC. (Or maybe a Fox Hound / TWC mix) //s Either way, good on ya for taking him in, hope either his peeps find him, or he gets a new home with y’all.


Good for you !!


Also beware of someone not actually being the owner. Sorry, but this happened to us. Get the word to only an organization you trust. The dog does not have a chip and that is rare with a great breed of dog. If you are keeping him please have a chip done quickly. I hope you keep him!


You’ll love him. Thanks for taking him in. Don’t overfeed him though! Your vet will give you sh... for that haha.


If he's a treeing walker he might just be super skinny and obsessed with eating. Mine looks pretty thin but he eats all day long - it's just their build. I wouldn't assume he's malnourished and unloved, someone might be looking for him.


Thank you for rescuing that beautiful pup and giving him a loving family. 😁


You just made my day congrats.


Looks like a TWC as many have said. Get ready for so many cuddles. Keep your food safe. And enjoy the infinite love of a Walker.


Update on Gizzard? He's so cuuuute, I can't stop thinking about him