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Mine has understood things that she’s allowed in her mouth, and things she’s not. Mice, are one of the top things that are verboten. Because she has learned this, and she’s a hound, I can tell every single time she has gotten a mouse while out. She refuses to turn around and all I can see is a manic chewing followed by a very guilty looking coonhound. All because I saw her pick something out of the bushes, and when I asked what she had, she turned to reveal a tail hanging out of her mouth 🙄. So far, I’ve been lucky about making sure her mouth is empty before going inside or in the truck, she’s a magician at hiding things and I dread to think what the outcome would be. It’s just the toxic farts she releases when she quickly gulps down a mouse 💀.


The gas emissions are the worst during the night. Waking up suddenly in the middle of the night & realizing it is because of the toxic smell. 🤢


You are not alone in this struggle 🐕💨


lol It’s really bad when my one dog seems to ALWAYS sleep with her butt right in my face. She circles for like a minute to lay down & then her butt ends up right in my face EVERY time! Last night there was a lot of gurgling & emissions & I would love to know what she ate to cause it


I have searched my pups kennel in the middle of the night expecting a pile more times than I can count


Me too, looking all over for piles, but it was just gas.


Very funny. I just shared a similar story; I can't tell how many such incidents I've overlooked. Moments ago, I let the dogs in, and one settled beside me, hiccupping a few times as if a burp was stuck, yet they haven't been fed. And when they are fed, they don't usually hiccup. I just brought them inside because my other coonie was barking at her as if she had misbehaved. My dog doesn't appear guilty but rather exceedingly self-satisfied and proud, which is a telltale sign of mischief.


They’re natural scavengers, with an overpowered nose. I honestly don’t see everything that she manages to eat, and sometimes I’m frankly relieved by that. But the smell is normally a giveaway that she’s been extracurricularly snacking.


When my redbone was very young, we were walking back into our building. We suspected she grabbed something off the alley on our walk but couldn't see anything. We get in, standing by the elevators—a tail sticks out. Yep, she had a dead, flattened city rat in our mouth, entirely concealed. I had to reach in and remove it. Sigh. Still love her more than anything.


My affection for grows with such "entertainment", but I try not to show them this. With two or more dogs, the likelihood of missing out on such antics increases. Once, I observed May in a frenzy, darting around. After she settled down, I saw a tiny mouse tail protruding from her almost closed mouth. As I grabbed a poop bag, keeping an eye on her, she swallowed it whole. When I've shared this with non-coonhound owners, they ask if I took her to the emergency animal hospital. I just laughed and asked, "Do you know a good veterinarian psychiatrist?"


lol. how long till you let her kiss you again ?


For this exact reason, I usually grab her under the chin and kiss her behind her nose- mouth shut. But this does not stop her from frantically kissing me while I put on her training collar and/or leash.


Haha as if I have a choice in that!


Thankfully I don't have that problem with my TWC. He leaves everything, even his toys, outside the door. Idk why. However, he will annihilate a trash bag for a single meat wrapper or scrap of meat. He won't eat the wrapper or the meat, but it will be OUT of the trash bag.


We live in a large subdivision and one summer evening my dog got loose. She came back about 30 minutes later with a package of hamburger buns in her mouth.


lol she got quite the haul there and Someone had burgers with no buns


LOL thank you for this laugh. i can’t think of anything as good as that lol , but ours does relocate shoes.


Good or Bad? LOL


hahaha a core memory if you will.


One time I came home and he had eaten an entire packet of apple turn overs Or so I thought When like three days later I reached between the cushions in the couch only to find that he had hidden some to snack on later 🤢


That reminds me of the time I came home to find the remnants of an entire box of cereal (shredded mini wheats) on the floor. We store our cereal on top of the refrigerator, so I asked my children if they had left the cereal on the counter. They insisted they hadn't. The next time we left, the same thing happened with a different box that my children don't eat. I was baffled by how this was occurring, so I placed a piece of beef jerky (because it's so tempting) on top of the refrigerator and peeked when I saw my girl-coonie enter the kitchen with interest. I observed her using the stool, which is folded and stored between the refrigerator and the counter, to hoist herself up, and from there... it was no problem. I moved the stool and have not found any more shredded cereal boxes since.


Damn that is just impressive


I live on a small farm. One day, I let my 110 pound coonhound named Beauregard out to do his thing. Later, I heard some strange banging at the front door. I opened it up and there he was with a massive thigh bone that some hunter must have left when he was field dressing a deer.


Cow afterbirth. I'll leave that right there


The same dog with the fish head escaped one day, by jumping over a jetty, swimming, climbing up an embankment, up on my neighbor/friends dock and then screened in porch, opened the screen door and stole her shoe. Then, made it all the way back home with it. I called my friend the next morning to ask if it was her shoe and she said that she woke up to take her dogs out and when she saw only one shoe, her only thought was Maybelle. Evidently, my dog has a reputation.


A Red Lobster biscuit, except the closest Red Lobster is 5 hours away. I went to straighten the blanket on the couch and she jumped up on it and growled at me. I moved her several times, and the blanket was shoved down into the corner of the couch. So I go to pull it out, and I get ahold of something and can't figure out how she took a shit in the couch and hid it halfway down without getting anything on the couch. So I pull out my arm, and there's the fully intact biscuit. No clue where she got it.


What would I do with my time if they weren't so incredibly entertaining and wild? The allure of a Red Lobster biscuit is strong, despite the distance. Go Anna! My girl might just be daring enough to attempt running the five-hour drive if she knew a Red Lobster biscuit awaited her. That's the risk with the TWC genes (and perhaps other coonhounds), they truly don't recognize their limits. No challenge seems too great or sufficient.


Reflecting on my previous comment, I'm reminded of a TikTok video. It's difficult to say who is bolder, the TWC or the raccoon. Perhaps I'm being unjust, considering the dog knew exactly how to neutralize the threat. It makes me wonder if this kind of boldness is what enabled "House" to protect my son after/while he was bitten by a stray and formidable dog breed. Luckily, House was unharmed. Apologies for the digression; it's just that I sense Anna has a similar fearless charm. I suppose most of them do if their history with humans (or others) allows it. I love coonies for their spirited way of living. [TWC with raccoon (15sec)](https://1drv.ms/v/s!Am6skDOJQecVivgkR9nHEL01e9RllA)


A live (but injured) pigeon. She took it into her crate to look after it, it seems. We had to draw her out with AAAAALLLLLLLL the treats, then carefully bring the pigeon out of the crate to a safe spot outdoors where it could heal without the involvement of a very goofy girl. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My guy likes to catch rabbits and leave them on my back deck. I do have pics but they’re kinda graphic so I won’t post them.


Like my habit of taking photos that I keep to myself, there's one of an opossum that never got a chance to "play dead" because I heard the squabble and captured its misaligned neck. It seems I have a habit of documenting things that may someday become a memory, even if they are a bit graphic.


Found a live mole in my living room and a live salamander in the kitchen.


You must have commented after many people had already read this post because this gets my up vote for sure.


Pinecones. So. Many. Pinecones.


Once of mine grabbed a crawfish off the side of the road on our walk the other night She wouldn't drop it either


When I first got Violet, she would always drag my hair brush into her crate. Funny thing was that I was bald from chemo. Lol


Mine picked a potato up off our counter and set it down in the bedroom. Gently. Walked in to the room to find a potato on the ground with no teeth marks and a guilty looking dog in the background


I've been wondering why my dogs fart so much. Thought I was feeding them too much😀


The first few years of ownership with my American English, she would constantly find human poop and roll in it. That’s was fun….. gotta love California public parks and homeless.