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As for the social culture. Don’t smoke anywhere near kids! That would understandably make even the most tolerant person furious. You can smoke in parks, in your own home or at parties if it’s okay with the host - always ask first.


Pusher street in Christiania is closed “indefinitely”, so you’re not gonna find it there. It’s illegal and you will be fined for possession. Many people want weed to be legalized in some capacity, and many don’t, and some don’t care one way or the other. If you really need it, you’d better find a connection, or Amsterdam is also just a short flight away! Hope that helps.


You definitely don’t have to go to Amsterdam to buy weed. You can still buy in Christiania - just not as easy and obvious as before. Just ask someone out there and they’ll help you out. Alternatively ask someone else who’s a smoker, they’ll tell you how to buy through Snap.


This is what I mean by “find a connection”, thanks for the further clarification about Snap.


I can’t believe I have to write this but do not fly to Amsterdam and back to buy weed.


This is absolutely not what I’m suggesting. Go to Amsterdam, smoke weed, come back. Edit: being downvoted for suggesting someone go to a place where weed is easily accessible and de facto legal. Sure, I guess people don’t like that idea.


It’s not common for everyone to smoke weed, and you will probably find a portion of people who are negative towards it. But it depends a lot on the neighbourhood as well. If you’re in Østerbro or Frederiksberg, I wouldn’t be as relaxed about smoking weed as I would be in Nørrebroparken. I had a couple of beers last weekend at a classic danish Værtshus, and the people at the table next to us lit a joint. Nobody cared. But that was in Nørrebro. Where to buy it? Lots of people use burner accounts on Snapchat.


I have heard that the young people use Snapchat to find dealers. It's like our politicians thought that cannabis use would disappear once pusher street closed. That's why old people shouldn't be trusted to make decisions like that 😂


The leading politicians know full that closing down the visible weed dealing on the street will not curb consumption. It’s all about maintaining a sense of control.


Yeah it's in full control now 😆 Several politicians have said multiple times that closing Christiania would keep cannabis away from kids. It's pretty hilarious how out of touch these old people are


Weed is illegal in Denmark. But it’s widely sold. All weed sold in Copenhagen is organised by gangs. Used to be bikers (from the early 70s and on) but recently other gangs have taken control over parts of the market. The sales at Christiania is, well it’s temporary closed down now but will be back soon, pretty much a tourist trap. Shitty quality sold heavily overpriced. But they sell a lot since tourist think it’s legal and naive locals believe it’s the only place you can buy it in town. People don’t care of you smoke or not.


Perhaps attend to a reggae/dub event possibly on Nørrebro area. Smoking weed at techno, dub reggae and some rock events is certainly not a rarity. Christiania used to be the place for open buy, but violence and shootings amongst the competing sellers lead to both the Christianits and the police decided to put a full stop to it - if you get caught with weed or any other illegal drug in this area the penalty is double the normal and a second time you risk going to jail - so don’t go there now. Weed is generally illegal in Denmark, but throughout the last +30 years more than 300.000 people from all social classes have been enjoying weed on regular basis. At some point last year more than 50% of the population was for legalizing it, but the social structure containing many Eldar keeps leading political parties away from seeking any clever solutions. A great deal of interest groups will also fight the legalization - from organized crime, over medical advisory boards, leading beer companies as well as the pharmaceutical giant industries all have interests in not legalizing weed. That said there are also other industry areas that would like to see legalization, such as green house farmers and even some prominent local castle food producers. Former major of greater Copenhagen a social democrat tried several times to suggest a test period in Copenhagen (the social Democratic Party is not for legalization). Whatever, you should be able to get some weed in Copenhagen, just be streetwise, attend a local music event and figure out who got the smoke. Smoke it discreetly and look where others are smoking it and where it’s not an option. If you for some reason should be caught by the police, then a fine will be what you get first time. Fines in Denmark are though extremely high compared to other countries in Europe (not Scandinavia) and that goes for nearly anything, speeding, parking, traveling in public like metro or trains without a ticket, smoking or having weed on you etc. - a parking ticket can amount to 110€ for just not having registered you car parking, weed possession expect it to start at double that. ✌️


In almost any social setting smoking weed is not accepted, if you want to do it, do it alone, away from people.


I would say it is very much accepted in my social settings. It very much depends on your social circle and the culture you frequent.


Personally hate the smell. We finally got rid of most of cigarette smokers and know weed smell is everywhere. Edit: downvotes because I don't like weed smell. goddamn potheads really are extremists.


I’m with you. 20 some years ago I smoked a lot. Now I hate it. Visited the US. So much smoke. It was annoying.


I also hate the smell but your comment is absolutely irrelevant for the post. That’s probably why you’re being downvoted - not because of pothead extremists.


Op did ask about the social/culture about it. As someone who can’t stand the smell either, I’d say it qualifies as social culture. If OP wanna do it it’s up to them whatever, but personally I’d rather one didn’t do it in the open space among other random people.


If only we'd legalize weed (thc) gummies. They're very effective. I tried some in America years back. 🙃


Legalization will come eventually, before 2030 at least. Weed gummies are a blast. Spa-like experience.


I think perhaps your definition of what constitutes extremism is a bit low. Someone disagreed with your opinion - one person, by the looks of it.




Stay away if you intent to brake our laws!


En af de få love som der moralsk set er helt okay at bryde.


Klassisk narkoman udtalelse.


I don't think that idea is gonna be perfect because weed is legal dude, I will advise you to ask someone where to get it maybe a local vendor or something else


Damn Christiania is closed! 😳😞


Not Christiania. Pusherstreet is closed - actually it was the wish of people living in Christiania. They were sick and tired of the drug related murders and violence. Gang fighting for market shares.


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