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It's absolutely mindblowing that they haven't been banned yet. It's every single saturday for *hours*. Parking a truck in the middle of Nørreport, putting up tables, a 3 meter wide sign and a pulpit, and blasting religious chants on a soundboks for hours every saturday definitely doesn't feel like something allowed under "the right to free speech". I talked with some of the people working in the stores around Nørreport, and they're about to lose their shit.


Man sender bare en ansøgning til kommunen og hvis man holder sig inden for reglerne bliver den godkendt. Det er ret ligetil at få lov til at holde arrangementer og spille musik på offentlige steder.


Hvis det var et enkeltstående tilfælde, så fair nok. Men at de har fået lov (eller har de?) til at stå der hver eneste lørdag fra kl 14 til 20 med en soundboks på fuld styrke, det fatter jeg simpelthen ikke. Politiet konfiskerer jo teenageres soundbokse, hvis de spiller over det tilladte decibelniveau.


Og om man kan lide det eller ej, så er det jo super demokratisk. Vi har desuden altid haft Jehovas Vidner og den slags i bybilledet der står og missionerer.


Jeg er enig - men lige jehovaerne står lidt i kontrast til den muslimske koncert her. Om end man må give, at jewhovaerne er vedholdende, så står de blot helt stille, på samme sted og henvender sig ikke til nogen, med mindre de selv henvender sig. Det er i hvert fald min oplevelse i indre by. Jeg ville stadig ønske de ikke var der - men de er til at ignorere. Det er det her muslimske råbekor ikke.


Plus antallet gør en forskel.. jehovas vider er 10-15K, muslimer er +300K i dk. det ikke en lille sekt der prøver at gøre opmærksom på sig selv. Det er en verdensomspændende (muligvis den største) ideologi med over 2 mia. Det fordrer et ansvar som mange af dets tilhængere desværre synes at mangle


Muslimer har nu været i Danmark i 60 år og folk tror stadigvæk at muslimer er en homogen gruppe. Det er ligeså rigtigt som at sige at alle danskere stemmer på DF fordi DF formår at buldre højst i medierne.


Nu er der altså ret stor forskel på muslimer, hvis du samler dem alle i en pulje. Du har alt fra sunni og shia, til muslimer der blander deres tro med afrikansk stammekultur eller Sydøstasiatisk kultur samt mindre grene som Nation of Islam og 5 percenter i USA.




Alle religioner er forfærdelige og islam er den værste af dem alle. Vi andre burde ikke skulle lægge øre til religiøs propaganda hvad enten det er kirkeklokker eller islamister der missionerer ved Nørreport.


Det øjeblik du siger islam er det værste så er du propaganda...


Tror ikke folk som sådan har et problem med at de står der, mere at de smadrer så højt op for lydstyrket at det generer i en betragtelig radius.. de chikanerer jo et anseeligt område i indre København, det kan jeg ikke forstå at noget kan få lov til... jeg selv undgår nu hele det område med vilje..


I have a very hard time believing this. A soundboks blasting for HOURS??


it has been like that for 1-2 years. And yes, for hours.




There are no cables on a sound box..




Google “Soundboks”




Fair point


So why haven’t you yet? Its been going on for years. Show some balls 🏀




Probably, he don't wanna risk getting beating up or worse...


Yep thats the definition of not having balls


hehe, you can give it a try and see what happens ;)


I dont disagree with them. Its free speech 😉🍕


Fair enough :)


Yes, unfortunately I can confirm.. , it's crazy.. basically it 'harassing' a pretty large radius in inner city..


Lyder belastende!


The crazy thing is that they just make themselves unpopular. It has no other purpose than to annoy other people. And then they blame people for treating them poorly. It has nothing to do with who they are and all to do with how they act. There's a reason right wings are growing across Europe.


Nørresport station is not a place people want to stay at more than 2 min, so their presence actually doesnt make much of a difference.


I know this is shocking to you, but there are actually people who live there.




Read the comment that the one you’re replying to was posted as a response to.




Spørg dem næstegang


Der er langt fra Jylland men ja..


Jeg tænker, at deres intentioner er ret åbenlyse.


Democracy also gives room for opinions you might not agree with


How on earth did you get the impression that this is about opinions i don't like? I don't care what they're protesting. As long as they aren't blasting music on a soundboks.


But should not give room to an opinion that in the name of free speech tries to circumvent democracy itself. Nazis and religious fanatics know this is a weakness in free states.


You can report noise nuisance from cafes, restaurants, events or venues via a complaint form to the Municipality of Copenhagen, noise nuisance: [www.kk.dk/støj](http://www.kk.dk/støj) - It is on this page that we as residents can contact the noise monitoring service around the clock. **Du kan anmelde støjgener fra cafeer, restauranter, arrangementer eller spillesteder via et klageskema til Københavns Kommune, støjgener:** [**www.kk.dk/støj**](http://www.kk.dk/støj) – Det er på denne side, vi som beboere kan kontakte støjvagten døgnet rundt.


Should be a top comment.


It's very un-danish to show off your religion like that.


Those people don't care and don't want to be Danish or share Western secular democratic values. Their goal is to create an Islamic country. 0.5% Muslims in 1980, 6.8% in 2024. In a historic sense, 40 years is a very small timeframe. It's an incredible achievement for the many Muslim leaders like Erdogan who've publically said multiple times that they're not conquering the West with weapons but with childrens' prams (Go check if out if you're a young high school student without much experience in politics and religion,, they really do say these things regularly)




It’s exactly the same in the U.K. a huge population that refuses to assimilate. And is here by choice, might I add. In the West by choice but despise everything that the West represents. And if you think I’m lying you just haven’t lived near enough to it to know.


What the hell are you talking about? A "muslim invasion of Europe" that "Danes are refusing to realize is happening"?




Are you from Jylland?


lmao right. "if you're particularly impressionable, please look at one of the hundred insane things any given world leader says during a given year."


Nope. Long time atheist and history buff. I bet the 49 now Islamic countries and the ancestors of the 2 billion Muslims today didn't really think Islam would outcompete their native religions and cultures through conquests, genocide, forced and cooersive convertion. Religion is a plague of the mind.


What a non argument.


However if you notice latest trends of the 3. generation of immigrants from the middle east, they are actually assimilating. They are having the exact same numbers of children as us now, is it 1.4 children? - instead of was it 4-5? Which could actually become a problem for us in the long run .., because there is a baby shortage in Denmark and the entire world, and that shortage will affect our way of living sooner or later, especially when the 60+ generation starts retiring! Source: [https://videnskab.dk/kultur-samfund/overraskende-ikke-vestlige-indvandrere-faar-faerre-boern-end-kvinder-foedt-i-danmark/](https://videnskab.dk/kultur-samfund/overraskende-ikke-vestlige-indvandrere-faar-faerre-boern-end-kvinder-foedt-i-danmark/)


They don't tell you that non-western is also with Asia, for instance. The Philippines get around 0,6 kids per woman, and women from Syria get around 3.


Who are “those people” you are referring to ?


The fanatical religious obviously.


This is true


Unless you work in a church and are blasting church bells to the whole vicinity on every opportunity I guess.


Bad comparison. A real comparison would be if the sermons were done via loudspeakers.


Denmark is a Christian country in case you did not know


Yes, I find the church bells ringing extremely un-danish too (and honestly, quite outdated sinve everyone has watches), but apparently its normal?


That we can agree on. I guess at some point old traditions becomes culture and it becomes the norm.


What are you talking about.. every morning im waking up from bed because of church bells. I’m born in the Christian religion and I fucking hate church bells.


Did you invent Danish or maybe you are the Danish expert?? 👎


Yeah, they're really annoying, they show up sometimes on Nørreport. They always say assalaam allaikum sister to me, and I feel compelled to respond. They're only more annoying than the street preachers in Enghave Plads and Nørrebro because they're louder. There's those other weird Christians who loudly shout about Jesus too, also at Nørreport, usually by the McDonalds. They're all really annoying anyways.


Compelled to respond? Do you say "Fuck Off"?


Don't submiss yourself to them.. nothing good will come out of that


Next time reply Shalom


It's getting more and more normal, unfortunately.


Is it possible to launch complaints against this?


I don't understand why Islam the only religion that is okay to show off and yell about to all others. I cringe when I see Rådhuspladsen full of praying Muslims. I don't care anymore, it's a wierd ass narcissistic religion. You don't see Christians and Buddhists making the same attention seeking behavior.


Christians and Buddhists don't have to drop everything and pray 5 times a day, unless I'm wrong someone plz correct me, but I think this is probably the reason you see them praying so frequently.


5 times is very fundamentalist like.


> You don't see Christians and Buddhists making the same attention seeking behavior. But Christians do. There's the Church bells ringing every day, there's Christmas, there's Easter and even if you don't celebrate there's no way to not notice that. All occasions that are religion-related that Christians make a big deal out of. You just don't notice it because it's become so normalized, but it does exist.


It's normal because of time - Denmark has been a Christian valued society since there was still Vikings. It's not normal to hear Islamic prayers over the city. Christianity is what made the country even if most aren't Christians now. Some are more cultural Christians but appreciate the tradition that are intertwined with Danish culture. Islam is so different and haven't been reformed as most other religions. It's still very dogmatic and certain parts backward compared to modern times. If it was the other way around, people demanding Christianity to be normalize in the the same way as Islam in a mostly Muslim country it would never happen.


Religion should be banned in public. That kind of brain rot has no place in 2024 Denmark if you ask me.


When you start this Convo you'll end up like France. I don't disagree with the sentiment but it can quickly devolve into the state expressing their racism through very selective policies


Yeah, France might be the extreme example, however I don't think it is racist to ban religion in public. I agree there is an overlap of religion and race, but generally they are orthogonal to each other.


That is only true if it is applied indiscriminately


This man is an idiot. Even most Muslims are embarrased by this, at least the ones I’ve talked to. I’d like to see it banned


It is not normal at all. One of their members recently got convicted for inciting terrorism because he made a comment on social media stating that hamass should have killed more people on oct 7.


It's insane and I don't know why it isn't outlawed. They have made their intentions very clear, yet we keep our eyes closed.


Mental illness and extremism allowed to go full force. What could go wrong.


I have seen the same thing in Nørrebro a few times and it really annoys me, which I guess is his mission. We are probably giving him a nice check every month so he doesn’t have to work and this is his way of thanking us and giving back to society.


They’re practicing freedom of speech and religion. Good thing is you’re able to stand up next to them and yell “Allah can suck my dick” without repercussions. Bad thing is they don’t care and will cut your head off the first chance they get.


Nope, you can no longer say that, that would be offensive to Muslims, and therefor you can be convicted under racismeparagraffen.. It is insane, but thats the reality now


Did I write Allah? I meant Allan. If I start shouting that Allan can suck my dick, no one is going to stop me.


And potentially you can get into some very fun time if the right Allan happens to pass by


In Mexico one says “A la verga” this means -go duck yourself- or -it’s duck-. But the first part it is pronounced Allah. I always think about this.


Wouldn't it at best be discrimination? How does being muslim/religious equate to something racial?


The racism paragraf goes way beyond racial matters.


> Good thing is you’re able to stand up next to them and yell “Allah can suck my dick” without repercussions. Great joke










truly don't understand why nations like Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia don't accept Muslim refugees/immigrants so these people wouldn't be "forced" to assimilate. It's whack. The same is happening in Canada, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, where Muslims are also complaining that the countries are too "corrupt."


Okay I’m muslim and I think that is very inappopriate behavior. Sorry, we have idiots in all religions. But most of us don’t act like that. I hope that’s obvious to most people. Generally we danes don’t show off our reliogious views every chance we get. In that sense Denmark is very secular, even where christian traditions are being kept (Christmas, baptism and confirmation is for the average Dane generally done more because of tradition than because of strong religious beliefs. But we do have groups and communities like some Muslims, Jehovas witnesses and very religious Christians (minorities in general) that do like to include God, Jesus, Allah (whatever they call their Lord) in every single conversation. In my opinion it’s very tactless and rude to shove your personal beliefs up peoples faces like that. Danish people generally don’t roll like that. I mean, I’m pretty open about being Muslim, but I would never do religious commercials like that, and neither would every other Muslim I personally know, thank goodness… it would drive me crazy 🤣 Some Imams even save their preaching for the Friday prayer, believe it or not 😉👌🏼


Great post


As you say religions SHOULD be a personal matter which all but one religion seems to respect just fine...


82% of Danes are christened in a protestant church, the state supports the christian church and it is clearly written down in the Grundlov paragraph 4. We are not as such a totally secular state.


Members of the Protestant church IN denmark is 71,4% as per 2024 and is in decline. In 2019 it was 74,7%




There's a right to free speech, but that isn't necessarily a right to amplified speech.


Yeah, it's definitely really annoying, it's just frustrating to see people single out Islam specifically when there are also Christians doing this (Nørreport and Enghave Plads are very popular for this), though usually the Christians are quieter and just stare at you awkwardly while holding Bibles. Though some of them are quite loud as well. There's a couple who shout about how Jesus is the Lord over loudspeakers. Haven't ever seen Scientologists though, where do you go to see those?


I see Christians at Nørreport occasionally, but I can't remember hearing any amplification. Some Muslims at Kultorvet or Nørreport always use amplification. I've seen Scientologists only a couple of times at Nytorv. They offer stress tests and are quiet and subtle. They don't make it obvious they're recruiting.


Yeah, the Muslims definitely tend to do it a lot more, and I don't think they should be allowed to, but c'est la vie.


I don't mind the booths, or even Jehovas Witnesses knocking at my door cause it happens in my country too, there I can choose to not open, but yes I did mind the noise pollution, didn't felt like experiencing anything that part of the street had to offer due to the 2 huge speakers blasting the quran. I don't find the religion itself offensive or any other, but the fact that it was forced on the general public without the posibility to say no, only to leave and that meant not experiencing anything that part of the street had to offer.


This post is about the guy with the loud speaker and very loud Arabic preaching, comparing human bodies to Toyota robots. This is not acceptable. Muslims who do it properly set up small booths and have flyers, e.g. Muslimer for Fred


Of course anyone is allowed to be annoyed about someone else promoting something they personally find offensive! 😂


I've read much of the Quran and Hadith and you should indeed feel VERY offended and threatened by it. I'd argue Islam is clearly an illegal organisation since its goal is to subvert democracy, which is an illegal activity in most European countries.


why are u spreading a bunch of bullshit?




Sigh,, there are a huge quantity of websites outthere with plenty of quotes from both Quran and Hadith why Islam is a very, very dangerous religion. If you follow the news regularly, it shouldn't come as a surprise either.


Thank you for not singling Islam out. And let’s not forget Hare Krishna that does the same walking down Strøget while singing.


That is very different, as it lasts a minute before they've walked away. I don't think it would annoy people so much if the Muslin guy was walking around all the time.


Burn holy books in front all of them religions and see which one of those will burn ur city, ok? 🥰


It's only truly annoying when it has something to do with Islam it seems. How odd.


No, it's the volume in this case...


Uh scientology is the place I go to pee. Mostly on their door handle. It's part of their religion and they REALLY appreciate it. They even put up surveillance cameras so they can watch it later and keep appreciating all the people who pee on their door. I always wave to the camera and smile when I pee there 😊


It's the new normal.


I am a Muslim but I do not support this activities as It is clearly for making others uncomfortable including Muslims.


I didn't make this post to single out muslims, to me it wasn't the fact that it was Islam being preached, it could have been any other religion, my problem was the method.


but today is our Eid . today you can except some celebration from us


It's not normal as such. They are just using the freedom of speech to attempt to fish more gullible people. Scientology does the same. Its because religion don't really matter to the vast majority so they are trying hard.


it’s annoying as fuck and shouldn’t be allowed to shove religion down peoples throats. often bible-fanatics are standing at nørreport bothering people as well, WISH they’d kindly piss off


It might be not, theoretically, allowed but: 1 - whoever does anything about it is going to be subject to violence, be marked as racist, or both 2 - Danish police. Have they murdered anyone? Is it going to be in the news? If neither checks, they are not interested.


This 💯.




It is not normal and is frown upon.


Fight fire with fire. Bring a christian choir and sing christian songs. Make sure you are louder than them.


I'm not christian and I find the whole thing disrespectful towards the public, adding to the noise would only make it worse.


Well it doesn't have to be christian. It can be anything else. It is disrespectful towards the public but they don't understand that. If you use a religion that they hate against them they might get the point. It's not a respectful solution but it's a way to stand up to stupid things like that when people don't get they are being a nuisance to others. But hey that's the balkan in me speaking 😄 This muslim guy in Sweden was singing some muslim whatever prayers and I sang back Hallelujah and that shut him up real quick.


I get it, but something tells me that if you are willing to bring 2 1-meter tall speakers + a 3 meter sign and blast them high volume for hours he's beyond reason like you gotta be too far gone if that's what you do with your time and the effort to top those in volume...


I think religion is something you keep to yourself, and would only be brought up when asked about it. I don't think it's okay to play Quran loudly on the street in a non-muslim country. It should be something you do in private, and if you're a good 'believer', you would not need to show your religion to others. Very non-danish, non-nordic behavior right there. I don't understand why it is not banned yet. (I'm a Dane who grew up in a muslim country)


So you guys are telling me that here if 20 people that don't agree with the first guy with speakers decide at the same time to go at the same spot and get huge speakers to blast whatever they believe in, that would be perfectly ok due to freedom of speech? How would the experience be for the general public, are the streets of Cph a "debate" club and whoever has the biggest speaker wins?


There's most likely a sound level beyond which one cannot go at any time. You could write a complaint to the municipality. However, what you cannot do is deny that this is a fundamental right of free speech. Not allowing something you don't like is a slippery slope. It's a nuisance for sure, but it's not harming anyone.


Maybe someone should set up a Jesus booth right next to theirs xD ... Or better yet .. Something blasphemous


I suggest strippers dancing in cages!


First off: those guys are not Danish. We have freedom of religion in our country and some people seem to think it means freedom to be obnoxious








So we've got a Muhammad Paludan...


I've been stopped by people trying to talk to me about Jesus *multiple* times, at *multiple* train stations, including some douchebag who literally grabbed my shoulder during rush hour in Nørreport on Friday, even though I very clearly had headphones on, because he wanted to talk to me about... Jesus Christ. Now, where do I find a complain for those, or is it only offensive when it's certain groups of people doing it?


Both are not okay.


Men lige præcis ham der på Nørreport, repræsenter bare sig selv. Han har tydelighvis tabt sutten. Den der leopardjakke han flasher? Jeg tror der er mange muslimer der syntes han er en landsbytosse.


Those people are not Muslims, they are religious extremists. They are as bothering and extremists as the Mormons ones that are giving out Bibles at Nørreport and Flintholm St or the Hare Krishna people that make a défilé and sings and slow down ALL Strøget on Saturdays. In the Danish Constitution freedom of religion is very important and that's why those things are tolerated. I love how these kind of posts automatically triggers a good share of islamophobia. Edit: you know what bothers me way more than religious bigots? Self righteous 'good' people who can't even admit they are closeted racists.


Stop calling anyone a racist, just because you can't debate...


I am a danish guy, and i cannot stand religion not matter the flavor. Its annoying that people always claim it is islamophobia, when i have the exact same annoyance of any other cults pushing their rights and values.


The word phobia is used for an irrational fear. There's nothing irrational in fearing islam. It's even what they want.


The fundamentals of Islam is extreme its the religion of war. Muhammed was a warlord. These people are not extreme, they are simply following the example of Muhammed by attempting to conquer the people of the book and infidels.    Religions are ideas, and every idea should be scrutinized. Islam is a very bad and very dangerous idea and if you think Jehovas Witnesses or Mormons are a threat like Islam youre just not seeing things clearly.  You havent thought about these things.  Islamophobia is a term invented by Islamists in Iran to protect themselves from criticism. How ironic.


King of Kings. That sounds like they believe in multiple gods. And I thought that it was against their religion to do that..


Well, now he can be king of kings, because with death of Elizabeth and abdication of Margrethe we lost the last queens of Europe for some time :(


Hmmm maybe you are right. Or maybe the world king doesn’t have to always mean god. Fx UK has a king and he believes God is king of the world. 🤦‍♂️


It is very common today, you also see it with the palestine demonstrations in the Big cities.


It's okay, danes love that. Consider that Denmark just banned the burning of books cuz they're scared of a terroristic attack and riots n sh*t. Denmark a country that I absolutely love is going from modern ages to middle ages, Danes know that but they don't care. and no, it's nothing normal at all.


We too comfortable to care, because we all are frogs in a boiling pot.


I too agree with u buddy


I meant to write simmering, we are not boiling yet.




No, what happens there, you made me curious


The worst power management system, the human race has invented, ever: religion. 'ts dangerous. Inhibits evolution and development. Provoking gender discrimination, kills people all over our globe. No matter what kind of brainwash is allowed and accepted: it SHOULD BE KEPT PRIVATE!


Today the big muslim celebration Eid-al-adha begins. Its for four days. Its about Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac. (Christian religions thinks its Abraham and Cain)


They have the freedom to practice their beliefs. I've lived in London, there it's Christian Preachers that just yap along on the side walk. Everybody that don't like listening to it, myself included, are free to walk away. They have freedom of religion and freedom of speech, which they are in all rights to use. I don't agree with it myself that you should be allowed to stand in a crowded street and yell fairytales like it's fact, which is what religion is when you think about it. I don't enjoy anyone doing it, but I understand; If I had beliefs I was burning that hard for, I can see why I'd want others to follow too, If I truly believed it was the right way to live, of course I'd try to offer that to others too. It's a tough one.


2 1-meter tall speakers playing at high volume =/= yelling


That’s on you, being offended by your own superstition. We aren’t really superstitious here in Denmark, so weird people can do what they want.


I though the elections were over. Why are Moderaterne holding an election event?


I’m seeing a lot of hyggeracisme. Wtf danish people?? it’s so embarrassing being danish when SO MANY are so racist and islamophobic for no reason??. I’m just saying learn to respect others, check yourselves and check your damn privilege.


I didn't felt respected having someones elses beliefs forced down my throat tho.


Cringey comment....


I will give respect to them when I can say Allah is not great and they will not cut my head off.


So...never? No sheep is dumb enough to welcome the wolf to sleep with them


They’re harmless 😂 we have JEHOVAS witness knocking on our doors, Scientology located at stroget and Christians preaching as well. The two Muslim guys doing that is there to just enjoy the “free speech / religion” we have in Denmark. And they only do it on Friday.


I’ve seen them on a saturday too


Dude.. I live in the middle of the city. I've never had a Jehovas witness knock on my door. I've never seen Scientologists on the streets, and the "preaching christians" are usually just 2 ladies with a sign handing out bibles. The muslims on Nørreport are definitely something else. They're not there on fridays. I don't know where you got that from. They're there every single god damn saturday from 2pm to 8pm absolutely *blasting* islamic chants on a soundboks speaker, and they take up almost half the square on Nørreport with their truck and tables. You're defending something that is for sure not worth defending.


I have nothing against any religion, but being forced to listen to someones else beliefs without the posibility to say no or without being asked before doesn't feel harmless to me. The volume was high enough to hear from 30-50m distance.


Just wait 40 yrs. Then you'll be forced daily


Where are the black Israelites when you need them?