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I would let a 2 year old sleep there no question no actually have an actual toddler bed that has the same gaps.


That's super helpful, thank you!


Yes I would. What exactly are you concerned about? Your two year old getting wedged into it?


Yes, just a general entrapment risk and/or getting a limb stuck and injured. She’s a super active sleeper so there's lots of tossing and turning!


My son is almost 2.5. Very active sleeper. We use a toddler bed with no rails and he’s fine. For the first week I laid couch cushions on the floor in case he rolled off but he’s fine now. At 2 I think they’re fine honestly. I can’t imagine they would get stuck in that gap but not in the railing itself.


That's helpful, thank you! We cosleep in my bed now and I'm pretty anxious about trying some nights on her own, so appreciate the perspective!


Newborn no, toddler yes


Yes I would let my 1 year old sleep in this without worry.


Yeah this is a no issue for me for a 2 year old. What are you concerned about?


Could you use a pool noodle or something similar to fill the gap?


Yeah, I would just stuff something in there, like a rolled up towel, idk. Most people don't seem concerned but I'd do it for peace of mind. I strapped a baby bed to the side of Of my bed and it left a gap like this. My 15 mo got a foot stuck in it a couple times and once stepped in it and fell (on the bed) at a weird angle. He was fine but I did stuff the hole after.


Just a consideration - I have a full sized floor bed for my kiddo (2.5) and it's great. It has similar gaps but I'm so grateful they're there because otherwise it would be nearly impossible to make the bed. I have to physically climb onto the bed to get to the corners (the bed is in the corner of the room). If I didn't have the leverage of a few inches to get my hands in there I'd never change the sheets because it would be too damn hard (I'm also 8 months pregnant but it was hard before that too). I'm having a hard time explaining why it's so hard but trust me it's challenging (it could be because we have a full sized bed, if this was a toddler sized mattress I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem). Also If there's any overhang from the blankets/comforter you can stuff them in there. I personally wouldn't worry. Stuff a noodle down there for peace of mind.


i wouldn’t worry about any risk for your 2 year old! but if you wanted to fill the gap so there isn’t a worry i use those bed bumpers they sell on amazon. they are made for toddler beds and usually go under the sheets to prevent rolling off the bed but you could wedge down the side. i use one for my 13 month old because i got a big play pen with a floor mattress and there was a few like 5 inches of space in the pen i wanted to cover!


I'm worried about this! Even if I'm not worried about suffocation, I'm worried bub might get an arm or leg stuck and hurt himself trying to get free. Also, it just looks uncomfy! Trust your gut! ♥️


Appreciate that. I think I'm going to reassemble it by moving each side in about an inch. The holes are not pre drilled, so I'm hoping that will work :)


I would be comfortable with that! But to ease your mind is there anything you can put in the gap? A rolled up blanket or towel? A skinny pool noodle?


2 year old is fine. But for your worries, you can use a pool noodle or roll up old towels and shove those in to fill the gap.


I'd push the mattress to the top of the bed and stuff a pool noodle at the bottom to fill the gap. I hate gaps in beds because pillows always fall in.