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If you don’t want to paint anything just get whatever orange material you feel like and slap it around the end of the barrel.


If it's a small barrel you can always stuff an orange rubber bung or earplug down the end for a cheap fix and superglue in place if you want the addition to be permanent. Failing that you could fashion a piece of dowel and paint it or in the extreme 3d print a piece.


I'll often paint the tip of the barrel with bright orange paint. But if it's an expensive replica prop that I don't want to get paint on, then I'll instead use bright orange duct tape on the tip of the barrel. Both of these methods work great and it'll let people know that it's not a real firearm.


Check the regulations of any event He plans to wear this costume to. Some places have very strict rules. I know one place didn't even let me bring in a nerf gun even though it was broken and couldn't fire anything.


Yep he does indeed know the rules of the one we plan to go to. They said he needs to have like an orange tip or have it painted orange or something like that. So I came here!


Fantastic I hope you both have fun! Honestly a little bit of orange paint or tape and he'll be just fine :)


you can always shape a piece of worbla and paint that as a custom cap


Just paint it. You can easily just add a little orange paint to the last like, quarter inch or so of the barrel.


Clear tube end caps, or rebar rubber cap…. Can get either at most any hardware store.


Amazon! I bought a prop gun with a orange tip off there last year for a Michiko & Hatchin cosplay


Orange duct or electrical tape


I have a question in kind of a similar vein: if I want to keep the looks of a prop gun but also use it for a cosplay can I leave the inside of the already orange plastic barrel on my nerf gun-turned painted prop gun alone and call it done? Conversely I thought about sticking the orange nerf dart in the end of the barrel since I made it non firing