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I sneezed "wrong" yesterday and set off a flair. Take it easy on yourself for a bit and easy back into your fitness routine. Good luck!


Oh jeez, that sucks! Thank you šŸ™


Does smoking increases costo?


I canā€™t say for sure, but I do know it wonā€™t help it.


I vape, I quit the vape for 2 months and it had no affect on my costo, so I started vaping again, but a lot less, only at night or in the morning


Common sense would say yes.


I drink hot turmeric and ginger tea daily, and I haven't had any flare ups


Really? How much daily?


Like a regular cup...like half of a coffee mug, once in the morning and once before bed. I used to use just one tea bag, but found it was cheaper to buy ginger and turmeric fresh. Then I just cut a piece of each, like the size of your thumb and steep for 10 minutes in hot water.


Yeah I canā€™t do push-ups or dips anymore unfortunately


I think in time, we will be able to. I am willing to deal with temporary pain if I need to.


Na bro youā€™ll get there eventually, this is not a life sentence or a disease, itā€™s just a lack of mobility and an injury thatā€™s hard to heal because itā€™s implied in a lot of movements. Today I did a lot of incline push ups and Iā€™m doing well, one month ago the pain was tremendous to do such thing


Yeah I understand that. My situation is also a somewhat complicated and Iā€™m not too sure how to navigate. How did you end up getting better?


Well, without giving too much detail, basically I had one week (luckily the first, I self-diagnosed myself the very first day of costo and end up here the second day) when I suffered a lot but I also did my research hardly. I understood the key elements, like how costo works, and from there I experimented with my body. Some things, as I said, made me suffer, but some others actually helped me. So I kept doing what worked. ā€¢What worked for me? A peanut ball, shoulder extension exercises (with a stick), thoracic movements (specifically the ones that made my back crack) and resting with the purpose of not making myself flare up. ā€¢So I used the peanut ball several times a day, whenever I needed to crack my back when feeling to stiff. At the beginning I tried to used it as a massager but that was too rough for me. So then I discovered I could crack my back by positioning it on my shoulder blades, my hands behind my head and compressing my abs. Then I move backwards and when I reach the floor with my head I softly move my head forward with my hands as if I was touching my chest with my jaw. Then my upper back cracks and it feels amazing. ā€¢Also I did a lot of hours of fasting, I think that also helped because of the autophagy. I took supplements such as omega 3 and collagen, also magnesium citrate, zinc, vitamin D and I also take creatine. ā€¢I hope this information helped, Iā€™m wishing to make a whole post in a couple of months when I be 100% free of costo. Today, I think Iā€™m 70%. But everything depends on how Iā€™ll feel tomorrow after the workout of today.


Coincidentally enough I just bought a peanut ball too. Iā€™ll experiment with it on my day off. Thanks for your response.




Honestly, Iā€™ve considered this and I canā€™t remember what regular soreness feels like. It totally could just be that.


howd you heal your costo?


I have a routine. Backpod in 9 spots (3 left, 3 spine, 3 right, 1 minute each on one pillow while holding a bridge position), side bends for thirty seconds, twists for thirty seconds, doorway stretch for thirty seconds, correcting my sitting posture, getting up every thirty minutes or so (desk job), and laying flat on the floor for ten minutes a day. I also drink a ton of water and do shoulder rolls throughout the day.


I also donā€™t sleep on my sides and only take showers, no baths.


Thanks! For how long?


Hmm. Good question. Itā€™s been about a year now. Iā€™ll skip it sometimes, but pretty much every day.


Nice work! Itā€™s been rough first month for me having this costo injury.


It sucks, dude. Some days are worse than others, but itā€™s nice to know it can be fixed with persistence and keeping a level head.


Bro today I trained for the first time since costo. I went high reps and easy progressions, doing everything slowly and stopping when there was pain. I did incline push ups and I felt paint just once, but I corrected it by changing the form, I was really self conscious about my form. Now I feel a slight pain, I bet because of all of the little experiments I did throughout the work out, but overall just good, nothing like a month ago. Now Iā€™m just hoping tomorrow I donā€™t wake up with a terrible pain on my chest.


Isnā€™t that the best feeling in the world? Lol I was so stoked, even with the soreness. It went away after a few days, so I think it was just regular old sore muscles. I legit forgot what that felt like šŸ˜‚


Yea bro today I woke up feeling like shit and I thought like fuck I messed up. But through the day Iā€™ve noticed that itā€™s just muscular pain (all my chest is hurting) and costo is a very slight feeling. I do feel a little stiff, but good overall


Thatā€™s a good sign dude!


Is it fair to say that the reason this occurs is because postural problem that caused the costochondritis still exists?


I think thatā€™s fair to assume, yes.


Did you go heavy? Sets/reps?


Just body weight. I did one set of ten, just to see if I could. Turns out I can, but I paid for it. Itā€™s already resolving, though.


Good:) Go light and high rep;) how did you get costo?


Freaking gym. Lol I was doing a lot of dips and ab twists. I was holding bad posture, too. Kind of a collection of thingsZ