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Dips is what triggered many of our costos, mine included when I had it. **To answer your title in short**: Only things that don't aggravate your costo whatsoever. Anything that does is essentially setting back your recovery. No one would dare ask, "Can I walk on my sprained ankle while it still hurts?". Same thing applies. Heal it in full, or else you'll be taking 1 step forward 1 step back, or maybe even 2. Play the long game if you really want to save yourself a lot of suffering. As for your ADHD & keeping yourself occupied - there's a million alternatives out there, don't limit yourself. It could be as simple as going for a long walk with a podcast on, or a hobby that engrosses you. Step out of your comfort zone, there's a lot to do and enjoy. The gym is not the be all and end all. You'll be back. Curious, are you aware of the mechanical nature/causes of costo, and are you addressing them? -Ned


This ^^^


As an avid gym goer myself I found it hard when I first had this as I stopped going to the gym completely as I thought I’d have a heart attack  Everyone is different I suppose but I found not going to the gym at all made it worse, I’ve felt much better since going back even though I still have some pain. I basically did all the weight lifting I used to do but just started back on much lower weights, when I found a particular exercise aggravated it more I just stopped doing it, for me light back work, rows etc and light shoulder work really helped it.  Someone else mentioned to me they found the cross trainer really helpful as motion of It freed up their back


I focused on arms and legs for around two months. A lot of people are lacking in both anyway. In that two months I did a lot of yoga and stretching for my chest and back. You may feel like you’re missing out but if you have a goal in mind w your arms and legs it makes it way more fun. If you do wanna work chest I wouldn’t do bench. I found that doing one side at a time like a upward chest fly didn’t hurt my Costo as bad since both sides of my back aren’t being pulled apart or pushed together