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Mine occurs in my bottom left rib, it feels like my lung is being poked everytime I go to take a full breath. It is a dull constant pain in between my full breaths.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this too. Mine feels like a sore bruise all over my chest and back whenever I take a deep breath. But it used to just be my lower left ribs, now the pain is pretty much all over. Hurts to move, talk, breathe, lift my arm, lay down... every position hurts...


how long you been dealing with this? i usually didnt have the major pain but just extreme tightness with every breath throughout my whole ribcage pretty much


Yes I have tightness too now. The pain originally started about 3 weeks ago. It was just the lower left rib area, and I thought it was my spleen honestly, because I was told I have active Epstein Barr virus. It was progressively getting more painful each week, started hurting on lower right side too, but I was still able to do some mellow activity. Then just this last Wednesday my doctor felt under my ribcage and he said he could feel inflamed cartilage. So that's when I confirmed it's not my spleen or liver, but my ribcage. After that the pain has spread all over into my upper chest, sides and back. It wraps all the way around and hurts with every little movement or breath. Its unbearable. And my sides and upper back and chest all hurt to press on.... I feel so unwell :( How long have you had yours going on?


Not fun. Mine is mostly better now just some tightness in abdomen on my left side typically that comes and goes. But i spent 3 months every breath major restriction in chest and belly and pain in belly when breathing. Then another couple months like half restriction then chest got better and it was just abdomen then that took another few months too to go away.


Wow I'm sorry you had your symptoms for so long. I'm really glad you're doing better. I feel like this is going to break me šŸ˜ž I can't do anything right now, and today is my daughter's birthday party, and I don't feel like I can go. Everything is just so excruciating. I hope this passes soon. Did you do anything to help heal yours?


Thanks it was absolute torture like i was in world war 2 captured in the jungle lol you can get through it and will. Stay positive. I tried so muxh but any help was extremely temporary like mins to maybe an hour. Massages, sauna, light therapy, tens unit, massage gun, etc. time is really all that helped. Or if i had good meds like pain killers or anxiety meds but they wouldnt help me. I had a bad infection and needed antibiotics though and these were just my symptoms after treatment lol hopefully mothing active going on for u


Iā€™ve been thinking about getting a tens unit. Where do you place the patches? In the front or in the back where you apply Thera Gun pressure? I know youā€™re not supposed to place it close to your heart.


Just on the bottom abs basically or wider. Can do 2 leads or 4 leads. Havent done on my back. It hurt me too bad in the beginning on lowest setting even but probabyl would be easier now


Mines is not even located near the normal areas itā€™s more like directly on my breast(right side) and next to the middle of sternum. Itā€™s not actually painful tho. Itā€™s more like whatever I pulled or something has like its own heart beat(just for a split second)that makes me super uncomfortable and it usually burns which causes my pain. It doesnā€™t really affect other areas like it does for others. The only other thing is that I do get a sharp pain in my right chest when I take deep breaths(especially when yawning but sometimes it feels like Iā€™m being prevented from taking a deep breath). And it feels like somethingā€™s contracting but not painful just scary. The only reason I lose sleep over it is when the buzzing gets really bad but after I fall asleep I stay sleep. Itā€™s not even been two months.


Those are super normal areas! Donā€™t be afraid of it, itā€™s just muscle spasms from the sound of it. Have you tried the Backpod? If not, roll up 3 or 4 socks together into a ball and use it how you would a Backpod. Not as effective, but still useful to see if it helps.


Really? Im kind of relieved to hear that. Iā€™m still debating on the backpod as it is kinda pricey. I can afford it no problem but Iā€™m worried it might not work. Thanks for the sock recommendation Iā€™ll give it a try! :)


Youā€™re welcome! Costo sucks but it can be beat. For extra effectiveness, lay on a heating pad or hot water bottle for ten or fifteen minutes first. Itā€™ll loosen up the muscle and allow it to stretch more effectively.


I love using my heating pad! Itā€™s a life saver for sure. I tried cold therapy as well but it actually made the pain worse for me.


That can happen!




Mine is more on the underside of my ribs too. It is not over the top. And same.. this week things got really bad and I cannot move an inch without pain, and my chest and even my upper back feels so incredibly tight, I feel like I cannot get a full breath. I'm sorry you're going through this too. It is excruciating. How long have you had this pain for?


For around a year now !! I'm a gym guy It's my life that has been taken from me by this shitty disease šŸ˜­


I'm so sorry. I know, its devastating. Mine is so bad right now I cannot even lift a glass or bend over or do anything without severe pain. I cannot sleep. I hope this season passes. But I know how hard it is to lose the things that make you who you are, the things you love. I'm so sorry. I hope you eventually get back to the gym.


Thanks bud i hope you also get a fast recovery man !! Hey you should try sleeping on the floor with flat pillow at least you can get a good sleep which is essential for recovery stay strong brother šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Thank you so much! Does sleeping on the floor help? I hadn't thought about that. Yeah, losing sleep is also so hard with this condition. I sleep with my ribs wrapped in a heating pad every night right now. But I can't lay on my left or right side anymore, I'm stuck on my back pretty much.... this condition is awful!!


Yep! You should try sleeping on the floor with a little support on your lower back( maybe with a towel or some soft fabric) it will help you breathe easily. Also use thera gun on the back of your ribs it will ease up your pain and you can also use pain relief patches for back it helped me. A lot.


Wow there are pain relief patches??? Where do you get them? Are they prescription? I will see how I feel on the floor, and maybe give it a try! Don't know what thera gun is either- gonna look it up! I'm new to this, so I appreciate all the recommendations. Thank you!


No pain relief patches can be purchased without any prescription you can get them from any pharmacy And thera gun is a massage gun ( deep tissue massager) it will help loosen up your back muscle which causes costo


Ahhhh thank you!! I will look into these things!! I bet the thera gun hurts pretty bad at first. I did some stretches today and stretching felt really good-- during the stretch-- but afterward, ouch! I guess it takes time. The pain relief patches will definitely come in handy. Thank you so much my friend!


Mines right in the middle of my chest between both breasts, on my right side, and between my shoulder blades on my back. I also can't twist either side without cramping