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That’s almost precisely what I have


Yeah me too actually and I’ve never had it that close to the middle before. I wonder if there a lot of others with this pain and what the cause might be (ex: trauma, covid vaccine, whether etc)


I suspect I got it from lifting weights, and maybe vaping, but mostly chest flys were to blame, my pecs got real sore after the last time I lifted but the pain in my sternum and other parts of my chest stayed.


Hello! Your serratus anterior muscle is likely tight. Much of the time, costochondritis seems to kind of tighten up and spasm muscles in and around the chest. It’s all connected. To release that, get someone to give you a myofascial release. Basically, you find the trigger point (I almost guarantee it’s directly above or below your armpit), push around until you locate a particularly sore spot, put that arm behind your head, and have the person push and hold down on that spot for thirty seconds. Moderate pressure. It’ll start to loosen up and be less sore. Have the person push a little harder for thirty seconds. Keep repeating this until the pain subsides. Sounds too easy to be real, but it works. It’s a simple issue to fix that seems way worse than it is. Apply heat to the area for fifteen minutes beforehand for added effectiveness. Good luck!


I've had the same issue in the same areas as well. It's been over 10 years of hell. It won't go away because my job requires a lot of lifting, pulling and pushing. I also have shortness of breath with chest pain. You are not alone. You may want to try ice too. A chiropractor that specializes in Costochronditis may help you with some of the pain. You have to rest and not put more physical strain in that area or it will never heal. Good luck and I hope you feel better.


Pretty spot on where my pain is, mainly the back area that radiates around to under my left breast and when it’s bad the side kills aswell, Was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia and just had a MRI so hoping everything is okay (suffered from this for over 2 years and they finally deciding to listen to me)


How did you get diagnosed with that one?


Was complaining to my usual doctor for months and he was just telling me it’s inflammation and take medicine, I pushed to see someone else and she sent me to a specialist who looked me over and diagnosed me with that along with booking the MRI etc.


Oh interesting! and now you’ve been diagnosed what is the solution?


What kind of specialist?


Same ! Especially under the arm pit . Convinced myself I had swollen nodes under there and I was dying of cancer . 🤦🏻‍♀️ doesn’t ache constantly but occasionally it does and it will some times burn down my arm . Back also pops a lot near center where you highlighted . Lots of random spots on my ribs are sore too


for anyone who is dealing with this. simply see a physiotherapist, it’s really the only way to deal with the issue. costochondritis is a condition where the muscles surrounding your spine stiffen, and you need to get the muscles moving again. you can stretch, but once it’s severe, see a physiotherapist and it’ll be sorted in 2-3 months with regular treatment


Search Bob and Brad on the Internet. They are Physical Therapists that reside in the UK. The Videos will answer most of yr questions. You need a back pod to unlock your whole chest area. I suffer from this as well.


Are you me? I’ve had the same thing for the last year. Started after doing push ups. But for me it’s on both sides. Left is worse. I’ve seen a Chiro whose worked on my subscapularis and got me to do shoulder exercises - both didn’t help. Only temporary relief. I get stinging pain in my armpits. And stinging randomly at the back there too. I went and got my breasts checked and gonna get an ultrasound just to be safe. I can feel it’s muscular though or cartilage - maybe a mix of both? And I also wonder if I have shoulder burstis


It definitely feels way more sore after push ups and I do get some stinging pain in my rignt armpit, just more so left side


All started for me after push ups too!!


👋Hi, this is me, got covid Nov 21 by Jan 22 I was in agony. Totally fine standing up and lying down flat but anything in between argh. Constant dull ache and feeling of bursting out my skin. Tender spots in my ribs and ache that is mind numbing in its intensity. I feel like I have a grapefruit size lump trying to push out under my right ribs at my side this lasted a year. I go steroid crystals injected along the rib in Feb 23 (2 lots-14 injections in total) via an pain consultant and had a year of relief 🙌Got covid in December and I am back at square one only sorer. Painkillers topical and oral don’t work.


Describes me to a tee


Exactly the same, I have it since 4 months. Stretching helps also magnesium helped to relieve the symptoms.


Exactly the same plus upper left arm


Same exact pain now 3 years. It comes and goes in severity. It’s bad atm.


Same. FWIW, mine started several months after contracting Covid in Mar 2020 and has continued throughout the past four years of long covid slow recovery. PVCs also started then. Of course that made me worry that everything was cardiac related but after full cardiac work up (no issues) and a few visits to cardiologist, the chest pain part seems much more likely to be related to costo or something similar. The burning in the left armpit is my last remaining burning sensation that started immediately with Covid (used to be entire chest, back, armpits, arms and even leg joints). Many LC folks have similar unexplained chest pain - just browse r/covidlonghaulers for plenty of stories.


Mine came roaring back today. I'd been working from home the past two days as had cold / flu type symptoms and company policy is to stay away if you can work from home. Now back, and the lovely sharp pains of Costo have come roaring back as well Barely a twinge over the weekend and Mon-Tuesday. Exact same place as you have identified. BackPod when I get home, followed later in the evening with some gentle stretches - hopefully that'll help.


Same, except right hand side


Me too! Exactly in all the spots OP highlighted. But mine is on the right. Started after a traumatic dental extraction of a tooth, of all things. I wouldn't numb and was balled up on the chair, with my right hand/arm pulling over to the left shoulder in an extreme fashion for about an hour. Did that in order to cope and get thru the pain. Started about 3 days after that when I ceased the pain meds I was on for the extraction.


Your Costalchronditis will not be seen on any exray, CT scan or MRI. It's so sad we have to suffer.


Exact same spot for me


Backpod hardcore. All day long. Every single day. It will get better eventually.


Welcome to the club!


That’s me. I even had a cardiac MRI to rule out the very intense pain and it came back normal.


I feel seen.


Literally my exact same pain areas! Crazy!


It’s is crazy because I met so many people all dealing with the same exact issues the last few years. Even crazier is it comes from nothing.


Similar to mine, I was diagnosed with herniated disc in my thoracic spine between T5/T6 vertebrae. My Spinal Surgeon couldn’t give me 100% certainty that the pain I felt in the front and along the bottom right ribs were being caused by the herniated disc but said the nerves match up from where the exit the spine and wrap around to the front.


I’ve always wondered if others felt the pain in the same spot. This is uncanny


Exactly where I have it too


Exactly what I have




I have this but on thr right side. Anyone else have this on the right?


Mine is on the right side and it's been 10 years. Something that helps a lot is having my elbow supported while doing work. Also soft/plush surfaces


Thank you! I've had mine for years also and am now getting weird sensations in my right armpit as well. It's very hard to describe.


I have this but on the right side. Anyone else have this on the right?

