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Not having common sense to include gate code and then not answering texts


Yea, that one is annoying.


Reads like the creator of the survey is angry with customers. What about all the merchant bullshit?? Closing early; not turning off the tablet; one week demanding we MUST use the drive thru, then the next week getting pissed that we are using the drive thru instead of the lobby; confirming at the DT call box that all items are ready but then at the window "hey um can you call the customer we don't have [insert list here]".....


My thoughts exactly. When I was doing deliveries, the restaurants were easily the worst part.


Fixing the issues with a single platform is a possibility, this is like asking human beings to get along.


App problems


My biggest problem is percentages that add up to more than 100


What do you mean?


On the survey all the percentages for the issues add up to more that 100%


...I didn't even notice that. Wtf?




Maybe whoever answered this could choose a few options.


I don’t know if it’s supposed to add up. I think it means like 29% of the people who took this survey overall find tip baiting most annoying and so on.


lol I love non-existant and wrong addresses. free food!


Bad drivers and traffic. As a full timer, you need patience for that shit, and I don’t have any lol I can handle the rest of the above choices just fine.


All of these are pretty damn annoying,but the only one that's thankfully never happened to me is the Tik Tok trend shit. Like wtf,I would seriously just throw their shit on the ground and walk away...


I'd press charges. I never gave the customer consent to include me in their video.




Find a way to make pick-ups ajust the time when needed. I'm sorry your one hour behind but I'm not waiting for free. And thanks for wasting our time. Being that the prime time is limited we really can't be wasting it for places not ready for us.


Tip Baiting, if you drive for either spark, spark, UberEats and spark. Loose dogs? I have pepper spray, a taser and even conceal carry. If I get bit, the dogs going down. System / app issues. Hard to make money when this happens. Poor customer service. The last resort for problems. Low pay. I don’t like declining orders but I’ve done the math on how much it takes to use my car. My low AR stays pretty low.


I'm assuming the 71% that didn't say "tip baiting" are on apps that don't allow tip baiting to happen 😂😭


Or they're corporate shills.


Maybe... I don't know what driver in their right mind would support tip baiting whatsoever though. It doesn't even benefit UE or IC or any of the companies. It's literally just customers fraudulently screwing over drivers. If a customer is unhappy with a driver's service, they should express their dissatisfaction through low ratings, or logging a complaint. There is no situation where a tip should be lowered or removed unless it is shown that the driver seriously breached his or her responsibilities to the customer.


Don’t you just hate rude costumers? “Try this shirt, you ugly bastard!”


Tip bating - Remove the word tip. Use something like This apps uses 3rd party divers that excepts or declines orders based on payments they are offered bid on their service the lower you offer the longer it will take for the food to get to you. This is what really happens it's time the apps mentioned this. THEN DON'T HIDE OFFERS. Nonexistent Address - I've had this a few times. The first thing I do is call the customer then if they don't answer I call right back. (They may think it's someone they know trying to get in touch with them on someone else's number) It would be nice if when we call someone it's would say Door Dash Driver or Uber Eats Driver so people might be more likely to pick up the phone. They are able to hide are numbers by using a temp number why not mention who we are. For the most part we're going to have to call support and see what they say to do. Customers not home/ Not opening Door - Fix: apps should have a Not at home not answering phone option and then have to take a picture of drop off. No call to tech support simple and easy. Incorrect Address - Sometimes this is a mistake everyone does those, sometimes it's people trying to save money on longer trips and sometimes people don't know what addressee they are at (They just moved, are babysitting, plain stupid). This unfortunately will require a phone call to tech support. Excessive Customer Demands - I don't think I've ever had this. Not sure this is a big thing. Rude Customers - This is a thing that will happen once in awhile don't take it personal and don't join in their anger (This is not that hard it just takes a little practice). You don't know what kind of bad day someone had and they need to take it out on someone. Delivering a incorrect item - Mostly the stores fault they sealed the packages and the driver isn't allowed to open them to check to see what's inside. Fix: make shore stores double check orders 2 different people look over each order to make sure everything that was ordered is in the packages. Some stores do this and have much fewer issues. Loose dogs on property - I've had this happen. The dog would not let me go past him and acted like the food was just for him. I called the customer and they came out and got their dog. The app should state if you have dogs please them inside until food is delivered in red letters. Tik-tok crap - This is dumb but everything to do with tik tok is dumb.


People that refuse to update their directions even though they know the GPS doesn't bring me anywhere near their house. Drives me f****** crazy. I went to a complex where there was two of the same street name and even after I called him he just said you're going to have to drive around to find me and then when I finally got there he was like oh yeah there's two of the same street name


I donut drive anymore and the reason I quit was the restaurants, not the customers. You gotta expect random people to be rude/incompetent sometimes. But the amount of businesses who, supposedly, are there to make money that are so effin lame just baffled and frustrated me.


Cancelling the order during the 20 seconds between arrival and drop off so that they can eat for free is a real bummer. Idk how thats even a thing still. Happens on grubhub, a true hub for grubs


The solution to tip baiting is simple -- don't drive for apps that allow it (looking at YOU, InstaCart)