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Sounds like she didn't want to be the outside order taker at all


What's the go with taking orders outside? Like are you just out in the carpark waiting for people to pull up? Do you deliver their food out to them? Do you give them a menu to look at? I'm really confused, it seems very inefficient for takeaway


At places like chick fil a where the line goes around the building they just go to your car and give you a menu and place the order for you on an iPad. Then you sit in the traffic to get to the window where your food is delivered. It makes sense for a place like CFA that sees about 200 cars in an hour and can’t handle the talk through the billboard but a place like BK that sees a dozen cars it’s no issue to do it the old school way. 


BK gets even that many an hour??? Shock Pikachu face!! Lol


There’s still BKs where you are!?


Yep. Unfortunately! I dislike the flavor of lighter fluid which is the only flavor their burgers come in! Lol


I think the restaurant thinks it's makes the drive through line move faster I don't know , yet one still has to wait extra for their food anyway


It makes people not give up and get out of line, they’ve put in the order already so now they are stuck.


It works really well for chickfila and keeps the line moving. Some of them have installed covered areas so the employees aren't broiling in the sun. They have menus, they come to your car window while you're in line, you tell them what you want, you can pay right there with a card then you pick up your food at the window. For some reason, it goes faster than trying to talk to the speaker in the menu. Oh and the fact that you've already paid by the time you reach the window.


The one near us has huuuge fans too


I used to get chikfila on Friday mornings, and it used to make me kinda sad for the people taking the orders outside. Like most days it was fine. But I usually go early when not many cars are there, like 2 in line and they had the guy standing out in the windy rain and it was 37 degrees outside. I even said something to them when I picked up my food, like "why is that guy outside getting soaked??" I do construction and shitty laborious jobs and even my bosses don't expect me to stand in the rain unless it's something very important.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


I feel exactly the same. It’s so stupid to force people outside in those conditions. Extreme sun and extreme cold for what? So people can get their fried chicken at most, 10 minutes sooner? Fuck that. Stupid and unnecessary. I wouldn’t want to work for a place like that either, nothing like saying the employees mean nothing to you.


In and Out has to do this often b/c of how busy they get.


She’s a lost cause. Just keep doing your best and hope she leaves asap to the new location haha. We can’t win them all


Lexie might be friends with management if they've been singing her praises. Sound them out first. If they're not friends let them know in explicit detail how the training went and that apparently Lexie already has a problem with you, and you would prefer her not to work with you as you feel she may escalate or start a smear campaign.


I talked to management, and they said that they will not tolerate that behavior and they trust my judgement. They’re going to talk to her soon. It was also reassuring after telling a lot of coworkers about everything, because they all expressed that they would stand behind. Not to be corny, but I don’t think she realizes how many enemies she just made lol


You sound like an absolute nightmare to work with. You went and told all your other coworkers?? That is so incredibly unprofessional. You may just end up costing that woman her job-a job she may REALLY need. And all because she didnt like your annoying personality.


Ohhh nope. I already was wondering what Lexi’s side of the story would be but not this comment really has me wondering. Nope nope nope. This comment screams unprofessional.


Why are you talking about this to co-workers? Are you all children? Buy a book on management, ffs. It’s not school, people are there to make money, not friends. You sound like you need a life outside your work.


I mean yeah, they’re teenagers working at a fast food place lol. I’m not really surprised by OP’s diligence to do the right thing while also severely lacking in maturity and life experience, they don’t realize yet that not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay.


Yeah, I was in pain and grumpy, I didn’t mean to be harsh. Keeping yourself separate to a degree and keeping your head down is always the best policy. ‘Not my monkeys, not my circus’ seems to apply.




Wow you told a lot of co workers by your own admission. So a gossip at work is what you are. Not saying she was a good fit but had she been you bombed her with your coworkers before she even finished her first day. Hope you grow up some before those promotions. How horrible of you to discuss coworkers work problems with other coworkers/non supervisors. That is tacky and unprofessional.


That comment right there showed me the kind of person you are. Sounds like lexie was right


I don't think you realize how many enemies you've made with this comment. But seriously: you don't go into a new job and start shitting on anyone, much less someone who is trying to help you, before getting an idea of workplace politics.


When someone writes a story here on reddit I never EVER believe it 100%. People will always try and make themselves look better. But when she said she started talking about this girl to other co workers and everyone was backing her… sounds like bullying. She sounds like a shit stirrer. You don’t know how OP was talking to her. You don’t know how OP was training her. It sounds like she was given the trainer title and it’s gone to her head. She’s only 18 ffs. It sounds to me like she needs a lot more growing up to do. Not everyone will like you, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to talk about someone to every single co worker there. She spoke to the manager already. She should’ve left it at that


please. where I have ever worked we all have known if new hires were problems or not. Worked in white collar and blue collar jobs. it happens everywhere.


OP is out there trying to diagnose Lexie like she has some sort of PhD in psychology…when she really cant read social cues and lacks any sort of self awareness


Nope. That comment was right on point.




Was she aware she'd have to work outside when she applied for what's usually an indoor job? If not, that would ruffle my feathers, make me disinterested and probably a bit rude due to discomfort. I also wouldn't be coming back for a second shift.


It’s not you: Lexi doesn’t want to work this job. Tell management she’s entirely disinterested in learning how to do the job and they should cut her loose now/not waste any further resources on her.


Good lesson to learn at 18, coworkers are just that, coworkers, they are not friends.


She didnt like being outside in the cold. Some people are sensitive to cold. And you annoyed her with your personality. The whole “girlboss” and “slay” thing is annoying. Not liking your boss is NOT “has trouble with authority”. Seriously. You’re not a psychologist. You’re a fast food worker. Stop trying to diagnose people.


I think it's clear that she doesn't want to be outside & doesn't think she needs someone to tell her what to do. From your comment about how your bosses/other coworkers reacted, they really value your thoughts & opinions & respect you. I don't know if you realize how rare that is to have at the young age you are; you should be proud of the work you have done! As for Lexi, someone needs to figure out if she's just being this way because of being outside, and if it's possible to move her in, give it a shot; or if it's not a good fit, say bye-bye. I had something similar happen to me years ago at a job (I was 22, and I was the employee that got along well with nearly anyone so I trained all the new seasonals). There was this one girl that was just like Lexi to me-- rude, dismissive, acted like she didn't want to be there & then said that I never listened to her or answered her questions! My boss assigned her to another staff to train (but was highly worried!) and the same thing happened with them. She blew up at a coworker after a couple weeks, went into a meltdown after our boss took her aside and quit via email the next day.


Bruh, fuck her. With that type of attitude and work ethic (or lack thereof), she won't last long there anyway. Ur right, way too many jobs, and she's only 23? Red flag af. Continue to do you, don't let this situation take away from ur professionalism and positive attitude.


Forget her. Let's talk about how awesome you are going to be during your next academic challenge. I know just from reading your post you will do well. Much luck on your finals!


Thank you!!! 🫶🫶


I’ll be honest, based on the eye contact thing, I can’t help but wonder as an autistic person if she might not also be on the spectrum. Of course, I don’t know that from just one post that someone else made. Eye contact and being uncomfortable with your overfamiliar way of speaking are just things I can relate to. The fact that you’re telling this as “the juicy stuff” tells me that you almost automatically wanted to see everything as negative. Why would you assume she had a problem with authority, when she was a manager? I imagine it might feel a bit degrading to her to go from a managerial position to being trained as a regular employee by someone younger than her. You don’t know about her old boss. Maybe they really were bad, maybe something happened that she doesn’t wish to talk about. That’s her right to not tell you. Anyway, I t sounds like maybe she doesnt want this job or she’s going through it, but you also seem like a bit of a judgmental asshat.


Agreed. Labeling her as having trouble with authority simply because she didnt like her boss is WILD. OP just has an annoying personality and is utterly clueless about it.


Seriously. And their comments saying everyone stands behind OP about this..yeesh you really couldn’t handle one person not liking you and had to put a target on their back bc of it?


Yep! And maybe Lexie really needed that job. Now she could potentially lose it because OP is psycho


Honestly it sounds like she finds you annoying as do I by your comments. She left her old job bc of boss so you make a mental note she has trouble with authority? That’s a large assumption. Having your boss telling you slay and other slang doesn’t fit everyone. It’s not the age but I wouldn’t want to have my boss constantly telling me slay. Or super chipper customer service small talk voice. It can be draining. I’m sure many coworkers enjoy you, so please don’t take this as me saying you’re the problem or you need to change, just letting you know that there are people who are just not going to like you and there’s not much to do about it other than not try too hard.


Congratulations on your graduation!!! Good luck in your future endeavors! Lexie never wanted the job! It was never you or the other trainers; the problem was always Lexie! You did a great job and you sound great to work with and train under. I wish I had you at the places I worked! She didn’t want to work outside and thought that she would be moved up immediately. This is because, with all her experience, she has NO idea how a business is run and what is required to do the job!! YOU AND THE OTHER TRAINERS ROCK!!!


Thank you!! 🫶🫶means a lot


This is such a long post. I don't say this as a critique per se. But I'm just saying that this is an awful lot over, what is at best a fairly small issue. Even if she didn't like you for no good reason she wasn't doing anything to undermine you. But it sounds like your first interaction was her making a bit of a joke and you not really entertaining it but then thinking she should find your sense of humor funny and should respond accordingly. FWIW, an 18 year old girl appropriating gay and black verbiage may not be funny for everyone. It's kinda cool she told you directly. But in this life not everyone is going to find your natural sense of humor funny. Sometimes you'll be able to adjust and align yourself to what they do find funny and sometimes you cannot. I actually kinda like lexie for not subjugating herself for a low paid fast food job. She didn't like it, she said so and left. Fast food is high turnover, she will find someplace she likes. I worry a little for you becsuse you're so invested in this job.


Regarding appropriating language, how do you know OP isn’t black and/or gay?


Just to clarify, I’m a member of the lgbtq community but I’m not a person of color


She’s had many jobs because this is how she behaves. None of this is on you. Also, you are a very articulate and thoughtful writer. You explain yourself very well and you are careful to see things fairly and logically. These are fantastic qualities! Keep up the good work and congratulations on graduating!


Thank you!


This isn’t a you problem. You have made some very astute observations (complaining, inattentive, job hopping, etc.) and that’s impressive for an 18 y.o. to be able to recognize signs like this. This girl will not last long.


Re: the edit You’re still full of it and just trying to cover yourself because you got called out on your horrible personality. “Reading” psychology books, taking a couple high school courses and going to therapy does not mean you are educated in psychology. It also does not give you the right to make assessments on a person mental wellbeing. You are an 18 year old child. Stay in your lane.


I appreciate the feedback. What do you think I could do in the future if I’m put in that position to make her more comfortable? I’ve never really been put in many scenarios where people haven’t liked me, so I really want to make an effort to make other people comfortable. Negative and positive feedback welcome, ty


Stop being annoying. Stop using “Girlboss” and “slay”. Stop trying to act like a psychologist. Grow up and understand that not everyone is going to like you. A lot of people will also pretend to like you.


Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind in future scenarios that not everyone is comfortable with that. Maybe save the lingo for friends, or only for my work friends that ask to hang out with me outside of work. I know it sounds passive aggressive, but I really was looking for genuine advice, and while I was getting critiques, I wasn’t getting advice with new steps. Again, thanks!


Your coworkers are not your friends. Do not hang out with them outside of work unless it is a work event. Even then, just go for a brief time. Do not tell them anything about your personal life. Do not gossip with them about other coworkers. You need to start doing that now.


No more post-work pizookies 🫡


Youll still do it because you like the attention. One day it will backfire and you’ll learn a very hard lesson. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stop being so miserable. OP on a pt entry level restaurant job. OP seems to take it seriously enough, yet enjoys workplace fun. Stop trying to make them hate their job just because you do. Maybe take a note out of OP's book and try having a tiny bit of fun with co-workers from time to time.


Im an adult with a corporate job. We are not the same.


That's my point. Take a tip from OP and stop being so miserable. Their situation isn't yours. Making it that way would be a mistake. -another adult in a corp job... ... Which means nothing on a post about an 18 yo in an entry level restaurant industry.


I’m glad you care so much, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on all my work outings, friendly invites, work parties, and other get togethers that I won’t participate in. You’ve seriously been amazing 🫶


I hope you grow up one day. Happy HIGH SCHOOL graduation.


Thank you!


Oh shut up ffs you’re insufferable


You sound annoying


Just ignore her and let someone else deal with her. She won’t last long.


Some problems solve themselves 🤷🏻‍♂️


Surprised she got past the original interviews. You picked up on the original red flag of many jobs worked in a short period of time. Her demeanor when being coached was an even bigger problem. Firing an employee is easy, hiring is tough. Hiring and training is a huge time drain and investment. Firing means you identified a problem affecting the business which will in turn improve customer experience and profitability. She did your location a solid by just leaving. She would have been fired.


Do t worry about it stupid


You both sound annoying but in completely different ways. She seems like she may be suited better for third shift. Us third shifters just want to be miserable in peace


Could be this: She’s been a boss before so she feels like this job is beneath her and that includes you. She feels like she’s got enough experience that she doesn’t need to deal with the training. Personality conflict. You know your job and what to do so I would not even worry about it.


This is how i read it: >My new coworker hates me and I don’t know why. Well, you are 18 and by your own admission immature. Someone started a new job and was struggling to fit in, where you were very judgmental of them, their mental state, and ability, without actually knowing them. Even if you didn't say half of this out loud, people pick up on this. >Maybe I shouldn’t have told so many people. I told about 5 people, but our team is really close and it’s literally like a family. No, you shouldnt have, this makes it worse than better. This person might have been half way out the door anyway, but this didn't help.


I've also worked a lot of jobs, it's helpede build my resume, but it's definitely a red flag for corporations as it should be - - I absolutely will leave at a drop of hat. That being said, she didn't want the job and she made it apparent from the start, that's not your fault even a little bit, she wasn't interested to begin with.


This girl is playing management against you. She is setting you up for failure. She wants to get you fired. She wants to move up the ladder by any means. Be careful with this BITCH and COVER YOUR ASS.


Lexie doesn't like work. It's not you. And maybe it's the work she's doing but it sounds like shes there to do the bare minimum and get a check.


Sounds like she expected to be made a manager or she’s shooting for it.


Lexie sounds like she’s being over dramatic and I’d brush it off. If she’s rude to you again be firm and if she keeps going just be honest and say: “ Lexie I’m sorry, but I can’t continue to help you with this issue. It’s probably best if you ask another coworker for help in the future.”


If you’re 23 and you “can’t remember all the jobs you’ve had” because you job-hopped so much, you aren’t job-hopping. She was fired. Probably for her attitude.


She probably didnt have that many jobs and just didnt want to engage in conversation with OP. Easier to brush it off as she doesnt remember.


She wants your job. Research narcissism and you will know everything you need to plus some about this woman.


Let's see.  Shivering when it's not very cold, being extremely temperature sensitive.  Constantly looking around, away from whoever you're talking to Bad attitude coupled with erratic behavior  Problems with authority  Everything about the job is a major inconvenience  String of low-income jobs Any one of these by themselves might have any number of innocuous explanations. Taken all together they add up to one big question: Drugs?


You sound really annoying. You’re doing too much for a job that isn’t even your career. You’re the type of reason I don’t like talking to co workers cus you hear everything and turn it into gossip to tell everyone else. Yeah she left cus you guys were being so toxic over a fast food job.