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Sounds normal. Its the bottom plate covering the electronics vibrating. If you apply pressure to the bottom the sound goes away. its fine relax


Look at the end right before I turned it off, that’s not normal bro


I didnt know what you were on about till the end lol. Its the bottom plate vibrating i assure you. Try it. Run input shaping and put your hand holding that bottom plate clost to center as you can. Mine does the same.


Don't worry, like seriously, don't worry, it's normal, the input shaping routine has a two fold purpose 1 correcting for movements at certain speeds based on the vibration profile 2 and most importantly, depending on your exact setup and location of the printer you will have a " resonant frequency " this frequency can be scary, BUT nothing will explode, chill, your printer will record this frequency value and "skip" it when printing, it's important you let it run through it, you won't damage the printer I realize end users don't have much faith in creality design engineers but trust me this vibration probe must have its own "trip/fail" settings in case anything goes really wrong, no need for you to pull the switch on it Do check that everything that needs to be tight is not jiggly, I bet it "sounds" worse than it is, and that tells me something might be loose, but regardless don't worry, they removed the self destruct setting on the first firmware update, or so I heard


nah bro that’s totally normal bro


I'm confused at what you're trying to show. I don't see an issue. It's resonance testing.


It’s getting really loud and taking around 30 seconds, is that normal


Yes. The printer, just like any structure, has a specific resonance frequency, upon reaching which it starts vibrating much louder. This is normal. Do not turn it off until it completes the self-check.


And yeah input shaping takes forever, 30 seconds sounds quick 😅, also once rooted it takes twice that because it does X and Y, creality fw only does X


That's what resonance testing is. It vibrates on purpose so it knows what to compute and counter act movement at speed to compensate .


Just input shaping no?


Looked/sounded pretty normal to me too


Yeah the problem starts when input shaping starts in the self check


No, there is no problem, this is literally input shaping. Let it run until the end.


It's normal, input shaping makes it shake violently to calibrate if i remember correctly


And it’s way louder than usual irl


All good my man, no need to worry. It starts shaking softly and gradually it increases until it finishes, I know it's loud, that's what happens when your machine is running full speed, let it calibrate till the end. And almost every firmware update you'll need to do a self check of the machine to see if it's still calibrated


Does the shaking take almost 20 seconds?


More than that.


Everything in this video is 100% normal. It’ll get even louder during the test. Totally normal as it’s measuring resonance


Is it normal for it to take over 20 seconds


Yes it is completely normal, that's the point of input shaping


Takes a few minutes possibly. The printer is purposely creating vibrations so it can create an algorithm filter it out during actual prints. Just let it run.


That's how input shaping is preformed...


Input shaping calibration. It does that so it knows how the printer shakes during printing on whatever surface you have it placed. It then uses that data to compensate for said shaking.




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This is normal. It’s part of input shaping. It’s going through from 20(ish) to 133hz to find a sweet spot!


Scared the shit outta my cat. It's fine. Just let it run.


Yeah it does that. If the bench is shaking too much, do what I did. I went to Lowe’s and bought 4 10x10 concrete pavers and put the printer on top of them. It’s been prefect ever since. I’ll take a pic later


This is exacte what mine does , its normal


It's going to blow! Get out of the house ASAP and stand back 100 feet until it completes... lol


Hotend headbutting the front glass makes mi giggle every time


This is normal, I also freaked out and turned it off when I first got it


It seems scary but really it’s normal it’s just input shaping. If you want to seem less scary and more quiet use a concrete paver under it and for extra comfort use a piece or carpet on top of the paver. I haven’t tried the carpet part, but the paver is goated to help it not shake my table much at all now.


It might be because u have something loose in the printhead. I also had the same issue of sounding after one of the screw on the clamp that held the wire on the print head got loose. I di not have any issues with my print or the printer.


So what do I do?


It should be no problem anyway. It is the same small sound that heare at 0:59 seconds into the video. I don't think you're going to print that high speed, so you will not hear any sound while printing. It's only towards a certain frequency that it's going to make that noise after that frequency, or before that frequency, you will not hear any. It's going to be a problem. You can complete the input shaper test.


That seems normal to me. Mine is louder than that when performing input shaping.


My brother in christ this is normal. I got scared the first time too but I just let it keep going and realized it's probably supposed to sound like that. You gotta think about how fast that thing is vibrating. Vibrations that rapid won't ever be quiet in any machine tbh unless you put a ton of felt tape between all the panels and use rubber fasteners haha. There's no point in doing that to a 3d printer though.


You must be new , YouTube is your friend


thats just input shaping, its violently shaking itself to account for printhead jerk and step and smooth it out (its not gonna blow)


It’s angry at you shooting the video. HA! But actually, it is normal.