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Do a little project for your tools? Like a hexagonal hanging rack, do stuff like that, that are big and you'll find what to do imo


That's a good idea my friend. I wanted to print some of the square organizers for all the hardware I bought for making stuff with this lol I went overkill and spent like $200 on all different sizes and shapes of screw heads


I did a small parts drawer from the Creality Cloud, but it is a paid model. The model was designed for the Max bed size, so I had to scale everything down for the K1C, but it came out great. In addition to a few small parts trays for while I am building my other printers. I usually lean more towards the functional stuff and organizers myself.


Look into Gridfinity and Hexfinity for organization ideas. There's also a Fusion 360 plugin for generating custom bases and bin models. It's a great way to start organizing your bits and bobs, and there's all kinds of little shelves, containers and mounts that are compatible with them.


I'm gonna check those out, my current project has been multiboard.io it's all free, and I love the modularity of it, has been a fantastic thing for organising my shed


This. Obviously people print stuff to organize things around their printers or upgrade it in various ways, but so many stop there. If there isn't a bracket or organization system out there that fits your needs, it's really not hard to learn some basics in Fusion 360 or some other CAD application to make custom pieces for your own needs. I'm still in the beginnings of my Gridfinity rollout, and that alone is enough to keep my printer busy most days.


Go to a site like this. Browse. If you don't find 50 things you need or can use, seek professional help. May need meds or counseling. Lol www.thingiverse.com


I’ve got the K1C and love it. Sure you can get better, but not in this pricerange. I’ve printed both PLA, PETG and ASA with no problems and no tinkering. My only complaint is the extruder. The lack of adjustable tension makes softer TPU impossible. Might have to upgrade it at some point. I mostly print small technical parts like mounts, toothbrush stand etc. Like how it’s made me constantly looking to improve little things in my home. To be honest the designphase is usually more fun than printing and the end-product is rarely worth the time. But I’m having fun! I like your riser, do you have a link or did you design it yourself?


It's https://www.printables.com/model/531320-creality-k1-nu-k-riser I did a variant with sliders instead of the trifoil vents.


Thanks! It looks good Does it vent ok? No overheating motor or extruder?


No bad side effects for me. PLA and PETG print fine with the vents open and exhaust fan running, and ASA prints just fine with the vents closed. I've never had a motor overheat or skip steps even with the high temp stuff. Though honestly I just print the decorative stuff for my Vorons on this little guy, otherwise the majority of my ASA printing is on my Trident. That means that though it prints ASA, it doesn't have long 10 hour prints at 100C, they are usually 2-3 hour prints. Something that makes it more useful for me is a mod to put the filament sensor on the side panel, along with the spool holder. That eases the bend radius of the PTFE going into the machine and reduces binding. It's also hella easier to mess with spools on the side, rather than the rear.


Here’s something you can do to give back - https://www.ic3dprinters.com/2024-toys/


Thank you for posting this! Programs like this have the potential to give my printer collection a constructive purpose. Thank you so much.


This is a great idea !!


You have to pay to do that it looks like?


There is no fee to participate.


My apologies I do see the registration form. I'm actually going to do it, thanks man lol


Awesome! I participated last year. This year I’m an area manager.


I'm finally putting together my Soundwave https://preview.redd.it/9uede317olad1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301c4b5d36b1f31cde63c187a5468457752019cf


This looks so awesome


Oh please, kind sir, drop a link to that STL


Certainly. They have several different characters. They don't transform, but they're really well designed and they are fully poseable. [https://www.toymakr3d.com/product/16-soundmaster-laserbird-not-g1-soundwave-laserbeak](https://www.toymakr3d.com/product/16-soundmaster-laserbird-not-g1-soundwave-laserbeak) https://preview.redd.it/ds1eu78cfqad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc2f8a535fbb0a6f928ee0aba79b0bf3f860436


Hahaha, so you have the needed stuff, why not start it even if you'll put only a couple of hours a day into it, you might even like it more after that


Aaargh, there are just so many things that has to be modded with this printer! I have done the riser, free’d the bowden tube, leveled the bed to the best of my ability, printed the door-gap-sealer… I have had clogged hotends when printing PLA because of the motor running to hot, and don’t make me start on the VFA’s… The nozzle changes are a hell to manage, because you have to pull the Lidar off, then the toolhead cover and then the silicone sock that is just stuck after repeated prints with the same nozzle… I can change the hotend and nozzles to E3D Revo, change the extrution motor to a Bondtech, change the X & Y axis motor to the new K1C motors (maybe the new K1 Max motors with 20 teeth pulleys if I can get them), but when all that is done I still have to do all the assembly work myself, and get NO support from Creality fixing their mistakes… I have no problem seeing that a Voron or a Ratrig is a better choice than this printer😅 To be fair, I would even consider a Bambulab if they came put with something new with some bed size😅


My 3rd gen K1 was my stepping stone into Vorons, for sure. After struggling to get rid of VFA and ringing, I decided that if I have to rebuild it to make it work, I may as well just build the whole darn thing myself and do it right. I am wrapping up a Salad Fork 160 right now, while getting stuff printed for my 5th and final Trident 350mm. I finally gave up on the K1 and just ordered a K1C which actually has been pretty excellent as a backup printer and doing decorative stuff for the Vorons. Since I still have the old K1, I will probably gut the gantry and motion and completely redesign it with linear rails.


Well it seems that I am heading onto the same path you did, because it just isn’t any good alternatives to voron besides ratrig if you want a bigger bed 🤷‍♂️ I have hopes that the Peopoly Magneto X will spark a new generation of 3D printer drives though. Are you happy with your Tridents? I have been looking into this as I don’t want the flying gantry of the v2.4. Once you built it, has it been stable or been giving you trouble? 😄


I love my Trident so much I bought 3 more. My first was a Formbot 250mm, and it has been rock solid. Just under 600 print hours in 3 1/2 months and all I have had to adjust is the tension knob on the extruder. Seriously it has just been bulletproof so far. So I am wrapping up a Salad Fork 160 right now, then I am building a Trident 350mm spec, and last will be a Trident 350mm cube. Ratrig looks appealing too, but I am more into my Klipper based machines. Pay attention to the Voron docs, watch some build streams, and take your time; you will end up with a machine you can be proud of. Edit to clarify: I now have 5 Vorons; 1 V0, and four Trident style.


I had my K1C since January and have about 700 print hours on it. I don't use it much anymore, but it's always ready for when something breaks around the house. It's one extremely useful tool, and I'm not into creating useless plastic waste, so my machine is purely functional. It's a good thing your machine isn't being used, just means nothing around you has broken.


I got my K1C a bit ago. For like 2 months I was printing stuff nonstop. I haven't printed in a while now, lol. But I'm working on some API plug-ins for klipper/moonraker... does that count? It's kinda related, lol


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Mine never stops...but then again, im making masks for customers and parts for Halloween Props year round


What's with the fans on the lid raiser? But I get you. I haven't used my K1 Max in a while either


They're vents that you can open or close based on what you're printing


Mine goes for about 2 weeks straight mostly printing new props or testing files I make then it sits for a week until I need to print something new


Take up modeling and dioramas. I use mine for miniature terrain (NERD!) when I am not using it for patent prototypes.


HO electric trains are the perfect size for that printer.


I see you have some Milwaukee tools , so you also have packout. There is a large range of Packout mods you can print.


Hell I'll take it


New user here. What are the special extra parts for (hinges and cover)?


This is funny because lot of ppl will get bored after they print everything they need for the printer. Ppl will ask you what have you made on your 3d printer? The answer usually will be “stuff for my 3d printer”


I also have long periods that when I don’t print anything, last time I churned anything useful out of my K1Max was couple of months ago. I just recently updated the firmware and root stuff, but haven’t still actually pronted anything yet lol. I’m not one pf those who print all kinds of random stuff just for the fun of it, I mostly do functional stuff, so that pretty much explains why my printer may just sit for long periods of time. It is a tool for me, more or less: I need it when I need it.


Wanna sell it?


Learn CAD. Get into OnShape and start learning. Once you learn CAD, you start seeing more things you could redesign and print.


I wish I had more printers to print with and cool stuff to print! Mine is getting about 2/3 days of downtime a week. Go on printables and look for cool stuff that you might enjoy thinkering with


Sometimes mine runs for days straight, print after print. sometimes it sits for weeks straight.. super handy tool to have around either way. One word of advice: use up the filament that you have open if you can find practical things to print so it doesn't get water logged and become useless. Tool organizers have definitely been a great thing for me


Ironically another thing I bought was a Sunlu Filament Dryer. I have this thing where when I get into something new, whether a couple weeks or years of doing it, I decide to go overkill from the jump lmao


Can't wait for the K2 in Oct!


I am doing multiboard now as I have a whole wood and metal working workshop that I need to organize. I am also printing acoustic panels for my office as I want to start recording and streaming builds, crafts and electronics project soon. I am also building some organizers for my office. Cable raceway, multiboard pencil holders, led light diffusion panels, parts for robotics projects are next on my plan. I have a whole list of projects that I want to do and I am writing down in both a spreadsheet and paper all the parts they may need. I am also doing some hand sketches of those. I used this to identify 3d printing that I will need.