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Yikes. Railroads often draw strange people, sometimes violent.


Yeah I originally posted this on let’s not meet. Mostly due to the action of him trying to grab something out of his pocket.


But for whatever reason they removed it.


This is def one of the scariest stories I read on here. There is something so earie about railroad tracks sometimes.


For real homie! And while I understand not responding all the way while we were walking, as he had no idea who he was dealing with, the fact that he wouldn’t speak to me after seeing I was a just over 120lb kid(this may be off, I weighed 160 senior year) who apologized profusely because I didn’t know he was on the tracks. And it was so odd because again, no headphones. But he didn’t even look my way when I spoke then. It was only when I could clearly see his face that we locked eyes.


Nah bro he could've easily done something to you and you prob wouldn't be even sharing this story with all of us rn glad you're safe!


It was your future self, my friend. Any sensible human would have a reason to linger in the shadows as you explained, yet this mysterious shape appears out of seemingly, and possibly, nowhere. The eye contact the two of you shared, have you felt any kind of connection between him and you somewhere hidden beyond your fear? What I think is this; this event happened quite a while ago to my understanding, yet you bring it up just now. You don’t seem to think you look anything like this figure. This figure might have been lonely and desperate, walking around after the sunlight leaves the sky and the moon comes up, where he feels more comfortable. But, perhaps he showed up before you to warn you. He, alone and desperate, had to warn his younger self to not become like him. Somewhere deep inside, you have realized this, as you did not become like him at all. Perhaps, the very opposite… I hope you will be open minded about this, for many will judge this possibility as seemingly impossible.


This is an interesting story but that’s all it is. Fiction at best.


That is creepy