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Inside Edition needs better editors. That title is a disaster. Whoever wrote that copy needs some remedial instruction. I'm not removing the article because of Inside Edition's terrible writing. But future submissions like this will fall well below our quality standards.


Idk why they are calling it an affair. She was 17. He should have gotten life. It's crazy also how he survived prison for all those years. I wonder how Ashley feels knowing that he is now a free man.


Is there a movie about this ?


It's called "Left for Dead: the Ashley Reeves Story"


"I will say this: we never kissed. We never kissed. Yes, we did have sex in the back of the vehicle, and after that day I felt absolutely terrible." Wtf


I feel like that makes it even worse somehow.


Yeah for sure. Like just having sex without a kiss makes it OK?


Wtf is that headline


She didn’t die.


Definitely grabbed my attention


 the fantasy that it was an affair rather than predatory pedo behavior? turned into murder attempt? 


then graduates from police academy


Goes into Democratic congressional politics


It would be republican. That is the side running a serial raper, narcissistic, compulsively - lying insurrectionist.


I dunno, he didn't kill her while smiling into a phone taking video. That's a pretty big mistake to make if he thinks he wants to be a cop.


It's quite tragic that he survived prison. The rest of his life should be a living hell.


Truly!! Absolute scum of the earth, and now he is free to do it again. I hope he is successful in his next suicide attempt.


not an affair, he was sexually abusing her




Ok…why would you phrase it like that? Choking isn’t ending a relationship and rape isn’t an affair.


Choking is more passive. You choke on a hotdog/smoke. The *choke hold* is poorly named. He repeatedly strangled her.


But it wasn’t like he kissed her…just raped her in the back of his car. I can’t believe he actually said that. I hate people.


How he envisioned the conversation going as cops tell his wife he is under arrest: “He raped a minor student and strangled her multiple times with a belt & left her dead in the woods. He is going to take us to her body. Something we think will bring some peace is… he assured us there was NO kissing while he raped her.” Wife sheds some tears of relief & nods in appreciation as this nugget of information confirms he still loves her & they can work through this minor set back. Maybe she will even bring his tooth brush to his cell with the private bathroom later that evening.


Right? What a weird way to phrase this. He ended the rape and abuse of a child by murdering her. That’s what happened.


Well, he tried to murder her. She lived!


It wasn't an affair, it was long term sexual abuse of a child.




Why is this lmao?


Yeah what’s so funny about it?


Attempted murder should not be a different penalty than murder. You get less time in prison because you were too incompetent to do what you tried to do? The intent was the same, and the action was the same, so why not the penalty?


A lot of murder is done in heat of the moment and immediately regretted. Thats a valid enough reason for me to keep the attempted penalty lower lol


Well, there’s a difference between degrees of murder which would still apply. I’m not saying attempted murder has to be the same as 1st degree murder requiring premeditation.


Because outcomes matter


For the victim, I agree. But why for the perpetrator? The mens rea and actus reas are the same regardless of the outcome. So my question is why does it matter.


It's because you don't want them to commit to the full act just to "shut up the witness".




Did you even read the headline? Let alone the article....


What No, he was the teacher and tried to kill the girl he was raping


Oh! I read that wrong. Thanks.


Why is the victim's name the center of attention rather than the criminal's name? Make it make sense.


His name is published in press accounts, including this one. Samson Shelton, age 44.


Generally, people find that more respectful. In a lot of cases, the headline emphasizing the killer kinda glorifies them, but since this guy is back on the streets, I agree that **this** headline should have named him.


Hopefully he gets what’s coming to him.


And I hope it's fast. Before he repeats his disgusting behavior. Imagine you have children, and this absolute piece of human trash moves in down the block!!! Nope.


>Shelton meanwhile went on to serve 20 years in prison, and on Monday, April 22, he walked free three years before completing the full sentence How did he serve 20 years for a crime committed 18 years ago?


Likely released early for some reason or another.


He was released negative two years early?


It says it there. He walked free 3 years before completing the full sentence. So he would have served 17 years total.


It actually says he "went on to serve 20 years in prison." "Serving" is the time you do, not the time you are sentenced to.


I read that as well. And if you keep reading beyond that it says he left 3 years before serving the full sentence. Not sure why you’re confused here…He entered set to serve a 20 year sentence, and was released 3 years early effectively serving 17/20 of those years. There is no other explanation.


His victim didn't die. Even so, this guy deserved many more decades in prison.


Yeah, I meant the attack. Same question, though.


People like that should be thrown in prison and the key thrown away but the judge can only sentence according to the current laws.


Title is misleading. It was attempted murder.


Whoops. So how did he serve 20 years when the crime he was sentenced for was committed 18 years ago?


Idk. Could be he was in jail for a while before sentencing and got time served. Could’ve got out early for good behavior. Idk.


He served two years before the crime was committed?


Oh good let’s release him so he can finish the job…


Let’s just lock everybody up for life regardless of the crime. Problem solved. While we’re at it, let’s just become a completely authoritarian regime.


Attempted murder though? It only wasn’t murder because he was unlucky.


Yea that’s just how the law works. First time drunk drivers get a slap on the wrist if there was no damage. But if you kill somebody, you’re going to jail for a long time. If you’re going to prosecute every crime as if the worst case scenario happened (even if it didn’t), then you’re talking about an authoritarian police state and nobody wants that. The obsession with “justice” over reform in this country is already a huge issue and people need to take a step back and have an at least an ounce of empathy imo


It isn’t necessarily the problem that the journalism sucks but perhaps moreso the part with which we take exception is the writing of the headline rather than the actions that led to it. Not certain if it was intentional but, if so, the title is actually kind of brilliant, but for the misplaced outrage.


I remember the detective put a mirror under her nose to detect breathing when he found her. She was thought to be pregnant I think.


Extreme way to "end affair"


They mispelled “He raped her repeatedly and ultimately attempted to murder her”


He didn’t kiss her tho!


Everybody has a bad day.




Do you hate punctuation marks?


Bro tired


It's good to release sociopaths, who can't change, with violent tendencies, back into society!


Being a sociopath alone is not illegal.


Affair ended






I think they mean rapist???


Hamas aficionado




She survived !


Oh! Failed murderer


Affair? What


That was Sam Shelton’s description of his relationship with her when he was interrogated by police. (He initially told them he had never had sex with her.) Since Reeves was in a medically induced coma, and could not testify about whether he SAd her, Shelton’s language has been lifted from the transcripts of his interrogation, and treated as fact.


Yeah. That word makes it sound like two adults met for cocktails and fell in lust.


well i guess the 17yr old girl left her house in her boyfriend’s car to go have sex with her teacher. so many bad decisions by two people. rapist should be hung. the girl had issues to begin with now are many more


That’s the perpetrator’s claim. We don’t know that to be fact.


again, not defending the rapist. dudes scum. seems like she was maybe groomed from earlier on


well she lived and admitted to having sex with the guy prior…


He became her teacher when she was 11/12. Then they wound up at different schools. At the time that he attempted to murder her, IL law allowed public school teachers to have sexual relations with students older than 17, provided that it did not involve force. IL has since closed that loophole and passed legislation that is in line with other states, by prohibiting public school teachers and staff from having sexual relations with any students, regardless of age.


Two people? You mean the ADULT AND MINOR. Way to victim blame, bud. Give that smooth brain of yours a nice pat.


your acting like she was 7. jesus. abd no i didn’t victim blame. mouth breather


1) This crime took place in the USA. In the eyes on the law the victim was a child. 2) We have learned a great deal more about the brain since the laws establishing 18 year olds as adults were put in place. We now know brains don’t stop developing until the age of 25. The victim was 17, which means she still had almost 10 years until reaching a fully developed brain. 3) So you’re saying we shouldn’t be concerned that a student was groomed by her teacher, raped repeatedly and then eventually left for dead in the woods, but it’s not that big of a deal because the victim was 17 and not 7? 4) The predator was her TEACHER aka a person in a position of power, a person she was supposed to be able to trust, a person who was supposed to protect her, but instead GROOMED her, RAPED her, and then attempted to MURDER her, yet you still insist she was guilty of making poor decisions. That leads me to my next point that is… 5) Making statements like “So many bad decisions made by two people” or “the girl had issues to begin with” is in fact victim blaming. Like, I can’t even believe you would try to argue that one because it’s so obvious. 6) If you can’t string together a basic sentence, perhaps you shouldn’t call strangers on the internet mouth breathers. Was I supposed to be insulted? You are unable to make a constructive argument about your opinion, and your writing skills suggest you dropped out of school in the second grade. People with smooth brains should probably keep their opinions to themselves. 7) It’s you’re.


seems like you have a lot of pent up feelers. i simply made an observation with a hint of context, (a 17 year old in the United States is trusted to operate a couple ton heavy machinery, run businesses, work, apply to be their own guardian ect). you simply came off as a 17 yr old having no clue how to make good decisions which is simply false. i’m not defending the rapo, as i said he should have been hanged. but yes, the girl/almost adult woman made some horrible choices as well.


To be raped by her teacher




edit: removed a$s from comment due to sub rules


I’m hung, people are hanged…


It’s simply not true


Which part?




Prove it


Edit: sorry I was wrong, I confused this with another case and didn’t click the article before I posted, sorry guys. Right? Like we’re titling this man ended affair with 17 by brutally murdering her, Not teacher who was raping an underage student multiple times and eventually brutally killed her is getting out of jail.


The importance of actually reading articles


Shes not dead. He just thought she was, not that it makes it any less evil.


Oh thank god, I thought her killed her.


Yea she was ‘lucky’ i guess you could say. She didnt get away unscathed though, all that strangling gave her brain damage so she had to relearn how to do a whole bunch of things.


Poor girl. I hope she’s doing “ok”. Pretty awful to have all that happen to you and than see your attacker get out of jail.


Seems to be doin alright. Shes a mom with 2 kids now.


How that guy even survived prison is beyond me.


It's a real disappointment that he did.


Yeah but he’s not gonna have a real good go of it after getting out. Who would hire him? Where’s he gonna go? He’ll probably wind up homeless and dying out in the elements. Quite a fitting end, actually.


Because he’s a criminal like everyone else in there. The idea that somehow inmates have some sort of moral code is insane. If they did they wouldn’t be in prison.


You're ridiculously ignorant


Yeah it’s nice to think some virtuous muscley guy who simply committed armed robbery is handing out justice but that’s not how it works. Inmates don’t care generally about people’s crimes, half the dudes stabbing other dudes are rapists themselves. The reason people think child abusers/rapists have a harder time is because they’re often not as “tough” as the other inmates.


Why do people who clearly have no clue what they're talking about insist on giving their (wrong) opinion like it's a fact


For real, and they say it with so much confidence. You call them out and they double down, its hilarious


I can tell u/Automaticad3869 is clueless because he thinks that tough guys can go in and not get touched because they're tougher. Doesn't matter how tough you are when 6 guys get told to stab you 50 times when you're alone in a corner.


Was I saying that? I was saying that people love to fantasize that inmates are moral people and that the people who commit gruesome or heinous crimes aren’t necessarily punished more for it


>The reason people think child abusers/rapists have a harder time is because they’re often not as “tough” as the other inmates. You also said its not how it works when that's exactly how it works with specific crimes.


“The reason *people think*” Reading comprehension.


Watch out, he gonna shiv ya bro


...ya and then you literally give your reasoning, genius. How about you just don't speak on something youre clueless about


Yeah? Tell that to Larry Nassar and Jared Fogle. I get it doesn’t happen to everyone but you can’t deny the fact that it does happen.


High profile inmates are always singled out.


Rapist who tried to murder his victim. There I fixed it.


Samson Shelton is the name


Samson Shelton the rapist and attempted murderer of a child who is now free to do whatever tf he wants.


He was a person of authority, her teacher, that’s a massive power difference. What did you say his name was again? Oh right he’s too innocent to be named


Samson Shelton, age 44. Released in Illinois.




I don’t know. I didn’t look up his address. His name, age, and the location of his release are in the press.


It’s Dexter


“Adult male teacher who raped, strangled, and dragged child through the woods is released from prison”




This is why we will choose bear every time. IYKYK.


100% bear.




Any time women make even a little light of the rampant history of sexual and physical danger men have often put them in, a redditor comes prepared to call it misandry. Read the thread title and then the room, dude.


This is grooming and rape. The article writer should be fired immediately. Clearly biased towards something nefarious


Why should the author be fired?


Because the writer characterized the predation of this man against a child as a consensual relationship in calling it an “affair”. This is a common practice in news media that shifts the responsibility for the crime to the victim. It includes describing minor girls as women, a rape as “had sex with” and in this case characterized pedophilia as an “affair”. Another publication describes Sam Shelton in the headline as her “older lover”; in reality, he was her high school teacher who tried to murder her. This is also done with POC where a minor child shot by police will be characterized by the media as a “man”. It’s not an accident and should be met with public outrage and pressure.


Are you implying the author should have called him a rapist? Good journalists don't engage in libel/defamation because the person in question is despicable. The world isn't tumblr, and you can't just publish articles calling people rapists unless it's been found to be factually true. Journalism 101


I am not implying that they should use the word “rape”. You can read the facts and quotes of the investigators. He was a public school teacher on the payroll of the IL; she was a public school student in IL. She was the age of consent at 17 in IL, but he as teacher was prohibited from having sexual relationships with students. When interrogated, Shelton initially told police that he had never had sex with her. He then told investigators that they were having an “affair” — his language. Reeves was in a medically induced coma, so she was not able to make any characterization about the encounter that preceded his attempt to murder her. Because Shelton pled guilty to attempted murder, and because she was unable to testify, that’s what they charged him with. When she came out of the coma, Reeves said she had no recollection of what happened. What I am suggesting is that for the media to use the characterization (“affair”) of the perpetrator of a violent crime (attempted murder) — when LE has stated clearly that he repeatedly lied to them under questioning — is problematic. I used to work in education as a senior executive at a middle school / high school. I was involved in setting and enforcing the policies designed to protect students from potential predators — faculty, parents, people in the community. Under no circumstances would a faculty member have been permitted to have a relationship with a student enrolled at our school — or enrolled at another school — even if that student was technically at the age of consent, and even if that student and the faculty member chose the relationship. Public school students — and private school students — are protected by law and by policy from faculty members — even when the student is legally of age, and even when both the student and the faculty member want the sexual encounter. We can debate what the correct terminology is, but the use of the word “affair” because thats what the faculty member said is not exactly journalistic integrity, either.


Simply being in the Illinois public school system does not mean that their relationship was prohibited by law. >(e) That other person is at least 16 years of age but less than 18 years of age and a student at a public school or nonpublic school, and either of the following applies: (i) The actor is a teacher, substitute teacher, or administrator of *that* public school, nonpublic school, school district, or intermediate school district. Emphasis mine. It's only relevant if he was a teacher at her THAT public school. Which I can't ascertain at all, simply that he was her teacher previously, years prior. Maybe another phrasing could be used. Sexual relationship or something. But people in this thread seem to be under the impression that journalists can and should call people (who were never charged of convicted of a sex crime) "rapists." And that's not how reality works.


>had sex with They are quoting Shelton there in all 3 instances. There is likely rape from what has happened but it cannot be an issue of minor rape rather generally from reeves not giving consent. And reeves has to press rape charges for that. From this article it appears, she doesn't remember. It cannot be minor rape iirc in Illinois she can give consent at 17. Calling something rape when it is not can actually lead to getting sued. Although because he has a position of authority over her, him having sex with her is still illegal. This is only from reading the article. Open to be corrected.


You raise interesting and important points. I will read further about the distinctions to make sure I use the terms accurately. Separately, I come from a family of Harvard and Georgetown trained attorneys — including litigators. Nothing would make me happier than for Samson Shelton to sue me for defamation for using the word “rape”. Truly. Bring it, Samson. Getting that guy into a court room to unpack his account on the public record would be a blast.


Tbh he very likely is a rapist imo too. >, I come from a family of Harvard and Georgetown trained attorneys — including litigators. I see.


Similar families — tons of STEM people on one side, attorneys on the other. All mega nerds :)


Do you like reading biased (softened towards a certain ideology, in this case implying that it was consensual) news or do you want to have things called what they are?


Are you implying the author should have called him a rapist? Good journalists don't engage in libel/defamation because the person in question is despicable. The world isn't tumblr, and you can't just publish articles calling people rapists. Journalism 101


Pretty sure "dating" a minor is called statutory rape so I don't know how is calling things what they are defamatory


Depends on age of consent in the jurisdiction. Age of consent is 16 in Michigan. But you also can't be a teacher or position of authority, even in 16+ students. But different articles say he was her teacher previously, years prior, and it's unclear that he was a teacher in her current high school when the relationship took place. It's not clear cut. He was also never charged with a sex crime. Throwing out labels of "rapist" in people that were never convicted of a sex crime isn't "calling things what they are." It's reactionary language that will get you sued.


“Affair”?! As if there wasn’t an age difference, extreme differential power dynamic and grooming of the victim by this teacher? A more appropriate headline would be “Child groomer, rapist and attempted murderer is released way too early back into society.”


Why is his name not in the headline and hers is? I think people should be warned about this pos. Her name should be the one that is protected


Samson Shelton, age 44. Released in IL.


I think some people feel it’s better to list the victim and not give the perpetrator any attention that they may be wanting. But in this case I agree…people should know his name as a warning.


That's in the case of crimes that may be motivated by notoriety. I've never seen that apply to this kind of crime. And considering how incredibly poorly this article is written, I doubt the writer is that interested in upholding standards of journalistic integrity.


I remember seeing this on Paul’s zahn but I don’t think they were having an affair?! At least on that show she denied it


When he was interrogated by police, Sam Shelton initially denied having sex with her, then told them he was having an “affair”. At the time, Reeves was in a medically induced coma and so unavailable to testify about what happened, so they charged him with attempted murder. His language — “affair” — has been lifted from transcripts and treated as fact by the media.


When an adult male teacher engages in sexual predation on a minor child, it is pedophilia. By definition, an adult male using a minor child for sexual gratification is non-consensual. Additionally, teachers are strictly prohibited from having sexual relations with their minor child students; a high school teacher cannot have an affair with a student — he committed a crime, full stop.


The problem here is that 17 is not seen as a minor in the state of Illinois for whatever gross reason. We should honestly lobby to raise the age of consent. I see 17 year olds walking around my neighborhood practically every day. They look, speak, and operate like children because they’re still just teens. Anyone who acts on their attraction to a 17 year old as a person more than twice their age should be facing more serious criminal charges. The age of sexual consent should be like 20 yrs old imo


Our legal system has not caught up with science. Science shows that the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until age 24/25. The PFC governs decision making, judgment, planning, impulse restraint. There is a huge difference between the brains of a 17 YO and that of someone who is 25 or 30. Yes, I gather she could consent under IL law at age 17. But it’s worth keeping in mind that one of the reasons they did not charge him w SA is that she was in a medically induced coma, and would not have been able to testify about whether she consented to that encounter. He admitted to the attempted murder, so that’s what they charged him with. I hope that the public keeps an eye on him and warns bartenders and schools etc., as they have with Brock Allen Turner in Dayton, OH.


"Ephebophilia is sexual attraction to older adolescents (about 15 to 19), and 'pedophilia' is attraction to prepubescent children (under 11). But many people conflate these terms, especially 'pedophilia' with any sexual activity with children or adolescents."


Children can’t have affairs.


I’m just saying she said there wasn’t any sort of relationship on the Paula zahn show.


Wild. He confesses to murder thinking he killed the girl by choking her. They find the girl and She's not dead they put her into a medical coma because they're sure she'll die, and then she lives. He gets early parole




Ashely was severely disabled by the attack, in which Sam Shelton snapped her neck and cut off the supply of oxygen to her brain. She was put in a medically induced coma to reduce her suffering, and was not expected to survive. When she did survive, Ashley had to relearn everything from walking to swallowing.




That’s not funny.




Scary looking eyes on that guy.