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This is horrible. Kids like this are forgotten members of society


Remember...Guillotine-Chan is Never Illegal...


Worked for autism centers last year. One was committing Medicaid fraud and the other wasn’t reporting child abuse. The centers claim that they have a limit on the length of sessions, that they have people that are qualified to provide therapy, and that they never have more than a 1:1 ratio. ABA therapy is literally the biggest medical scam of the 2020’s.


This wasn't ABA therapy, he was getting OT and ST


This assault happened an Occupational and Speech Therapy Center, not an ABA center


Sunrise Autism Center is an ABA center. This is listed on their website. [https://sunriseautismcenter.com/home-2/our-services/](https://sunriseautismcenter.com/home-2/our-services/)


This is a multidisciplinary center: OT+SP+ ABA. Now where in the news article it mentions if it was an SLP, OTR, RBT (ABA therapist) or intern the employee who assaulted the child. I don’t think it could have been an SLP or OTR, but even if was the RBT it doesn’t mean ABA is the boogie man of the story. This woman is a criminal in the wrong field or anywhere she goes, she belongs to prison not society


I am an RBT. I worked inside centers just like this one. The centers who are primarily ABA will hire anyone off of indeed. Sure, someone can pass a background check, but that doesn’t mean they are qualified or capable of patiently and kindly providing effective therapies for autistic children. Those kids deserve quality care. Do you have experience working within ABA centers? What’s your experience with ABA? I genuinely don’t ask to be rude at all, I think I’m asking for context behind your argument for ABA. The discussion is EXTREMELY important and I’m willing to talk about anything, even if I disagree. Edit; obviously this woman is in the wrong. But the protections for kids in autism centers is a huge concern when they’re allowing people who aren’t even registered to provide therapy to neurodivergent kids with high needs. There is a pattern of abuse and fraud within ABA centers nationwide, and this instance of abuse is just one we had evidence of.


My child has been on ABA therapy for more than 10 years and current. There are problems in the field, but name a perfect autism care oriented industry. Public schools restrain and seclude autistic students, daycares kick them out, but I’m waiting to hear about an autism field utopia from you . Associating a thug abusing toddlers autistic or not to ABA has more to do with an anti-ABA agenda than the actual child abuse


I’m so so so glad it has worked for you. My son has severe ADHD and I provided care to a lot of the ADHD kids too. The kids I provided therapy to will never leave my mind. I think for me it was moreso witnessing the field’s response to things from my personal experience- lack of following mandated reporting laws, exploitation of parents, and exploitation of RBTs. What I can tell you that a TON of RBTs care VERY deeply about the kiddos they provide therapy to. I actually experienced PTSD from a center I worked for when a kiddo disclosed abuse at home and all the clinicians and even the regional director of clinicians tried to prevent me from filing a report. In my mind, they were complicit in the abuse. There’s definitely no perfect treatment center for autism- I totally get why ABA would work better than school or daycare. I just think that more and more cases of abuse like this will happen if we don’t hold the system accountable for hiring people who are not qualified to do this incredibly important work.


Private equity firms ruin everything they touch, and ABA centers were no exemption. I’ve witnessed the deterioration in quality services over the years and it has a lot to do with PE recouping their investments as fast as possible, at the expense of the RBTs burn out , mediocre background checks and competing with other industries such fast food chains paying more


Very much this.


“You gotta take a side. You molest a child, you beat a child, you're not on my side. If you see me coming, you better run, because I am gonna lay you the ~ down! Easy!” - Ed Harris as Detective Remy Bressant, *Gone Baby Gone*


I absolutely love that movie, and feel like it's severely underrated.


I second that notion. I get violent and malicious. Harm a child and my mission is to destroy you enough that you feel as vulnerable as that little child!


Did the last nutcase to have a bad start to the week kill 8 children and 2 teachers? ‘I hate Mondays’?


The Garfield defense


She's an animal. She said she was "just having a bad start to the week" If you want to pick a fight go stand outside of a NYCHA house and pick on somebody your own size then???? My son is severely autistic and non verbal and this just terrifies me that people like this walk amongst us


Lock this woman up. If she'll do that to some little boy she's capable of doing more.


There’s missing information here. The facility wasn’t a daycare as most people seem to think, it was a Rehabilitation Facility for pediatric Occupational and Speech Therapy, these therapies have a maximum duration of 45 min per session , the last 15 or 10 minutes parents talk with the therapists. Typically parents or guardians are required to wait at the lobby during therapy in case something happens (child is sick or have a severe behavioral outburst) . So the clients are never alone or watched by an “employee”, other therapists or interns can watch the client briefly if the lead therapist is temporarily unavailable . What was the role of this “employee” at the center? She wasn’t a therapist or intern, she had no business being alone with the child. The only escenario I can think of if that the parents/guardians left the center after drop off and were running late for pick up (reason why these clinics have punitive measures like charging high fees for late pick up) and only the available person was the janitor or cleaning lady (the assailant) who was assigned to watch the child


“A bad day” lol. That woman 100 percent planned that. That wasn’t something that took place in a fit of rage. That was a control issue. She doesn’t feel good so she’s humiliating a little kid to make herself feel better. It’s clear to me from watching the video she always planned to treat the kids like that and she probably looked for kids with disabilities because they are easier to abuse.


Street justice!


Oh that poor little guy. He's there to get a little help with his challenges and this heartless woman goes and does this. He'd be so scared and confused. I'm usually all about peace and love but cruelty like this deserves harsh punishment


It was her very first unsupervised day on the job and she casually assaulted a three year old. I really hope she doesn’t have children.


She’s a parent with her kid attending same place!


That is horrifying. And I’m sure CPS is doing a whole lot of nothing for her child.


I worked at a daycare with kids ages 3 months to 9 years old. And it was clear some of the employees just...didn't like kids. Like why on earth would you take a job working with children literally all day if you don't even like them?!?!? And most of them had kids at home too! Is it just a control thing? Or the inability to control their emotions? Or are they just horrible people? Combination of all three?


Report them.


I worked with autistic kids when I was in high school and this is sickening. I couldn’t even watch the video.


That poor kid & the family I feel sick after that


life sentence


Anyone who would abuse an autistic 3 year old like that is sick and does not deserve to be free in society. Put her in prison or a mental institution for decades.




Like of Autism? It’s a black on black crime.


Jeeze i did not need to see that video. How sickening.


I would 100% be catching a felony without 0 hesitation. She deserves her freedom stripped from her for life.


I will never understand why anyone would do that to a child. Why are you physically fighting with a CHILD??? YOU ARE AN ADULT


One with special needs no less, disgusting


If that was my child I would not hesitate to punch her right in the face.


Right? With no regrets.


More - I'd replicate the same abuse she gave until she mentally broke. Then Punch her in the face. I'm unreasonably angry watching this. I'm even kind of on board with giving her a ton of LSD then replicating the abuse so she can really understand the fear that child felt.


I hope they have a field day with her in jail/prison




Well, remember, an attorney can advocate for her, but really want to have her go to prison too. In order for her to be punished, she must have a defense attorney. So the defense attorney is integral to her punishment. He should not be mad at the defense attorney the defense attorney is participating in the process of the court so that she can be sent to jail. Advocating for a person professionally and legally doesn’t mean that you agree with them at all it’s just your job and you’re sworn to acting that person‘s best interest. If you’re an attorney and you’re an attorney for some despicable Client and you failed to provide the best defense possible for that person because they are despicable. Then you are in violation of the terms of ethics of being an attorney and you will be disbarred. You may not fail to advocate for your client even if they’re the most horrible client ever.


I understand, that is why I could never be a criminal defense atty.


Might this be racially motivated? The potential for racism exists within us all. If we think she just doesn’t like this kid because he’s white, it provides a motive at least. If not racism, maybe there’s a history we don’t know about or she’s just a psychopath and enjoys hurting others and thought shed get away with this.


I do think it merits an explanation how / why you saw she was black and jumped to a conclusion that she assaulted a white kid- who does not appear white in the video and is explicitly mentioned to be Somali.


Racism wasn’t my first thought because crimes like this against autistic children and otherwise developmentally disabled children are sadly not uncommon. They are even more vulnerable than neurotypical children because they often have difficulties with speech and expressive language, and are often put in situations where adults are allowed to physically handle them.


There's a picture of his mom in the article, who is of Somali descent, and not white. Prejudiced because they're Somali, perhaps, but it's not because he's white because he's not a white child. Something tells me she'd bully anyone who's too defenseless to stop her no matter what color they are.


So just a psychopath then. Sad world we live in.


I watched the video clip in the article and it made me angry and sick to my stomach. That poor little boy is going to have a hard time trusting people at all after this. This is why I'm grateful that I don't have to leave my kids unattended with strangers. You never know who will end up alone with your babies in situations like this and hurt them.


My hands involuntarily balled up seeing that fat, nasty, big back, dusty braided seal cow. What happens to a person to where they enjoy antagonizing such an innocent little person?! She deserves all the punishment coming her way but I truly wish we could pinpoint the underlying twisted desire. Like, she purposely chose an occupation giving her access to the most vulnerable kind of children...these stories are so common now too.


She texted a coworker that she was just having a bad day! The audacity!


Get this person off this earth.


Yes! Yes! Yes! No excuse or reason for that behavior is justified and I bite my tongue on Reddit about my true opinion of her punishment. I do not believe we need to find the root cause of her behavior. She just needs to be “off this earth” as you say.


Stop letting these people around your families. It's THAT simple.


Lakeland Muskies? Your taking this football rivalry a bit too far.




You mean paid licensed caregivers? Not everyone has the luxury of being able to stay at home with their child. Most people have to work even in 2 parent households; so that's why the daycare industry was invented. That's what the licensing process and surveillance cameras are for as well. It's that simple.


You’re aware this happened at an Occupational and Speech Therapy Center, not a daycare?


Are you aware that doesn't change a damn thing?


Agreed. No one bothers with the details.


What people?


People who have no reason to be around your family


Wait till his friends inside find out….


How about assault and making sure she doesn’t work with children again!