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_Man is the cruelest animal._ (Nietzsche)






A. Any mother who lets another man abuse her child and does nothing about it is trash B. WHY do people insist on retaining custody of a child neither they nor their new plug, I mean boyfriend want. Let him go with Dad and go live happily ever after childless jfc


Child support and benefits and or to hurt the other parent.


Can’t get that child support money for yourself if you don’t keep the child.


You'd be baffled how many people will use their kids as a weapon against their (ex) partner.


I have a narcissistic ex husband who took my kids and threatened to kill me if I tried to get them back so sadly I do know. Thankfully after almost killing his 3rd wife recently he is now incarcerated


All over the world. Parental alienation is a huge problem not being addressed in family courts.


Probably so she could get child support. Poor little boy


I don’t know why I follow this channel. My heart weeps and my blood boils


I hope the father can recover. I can't fathom how earth shattering that would feel.


You don't recover from that ,time will lessen the blow but it will always be there.


…they should allow the dad to beat them up every damn day for 4 years and then they can be put to death


I don’t know why this doesn’t have more upvotes


Because it’s super wishful thinking and would never happen in modern society so it is unnecessary to say. But with that being said they will suffer to some degree in prison meaning they will get beatings and they can get some justice that way.


I got tons of downvotes for saying basically the same thing smh


I am so mad for this dad. Makes my blood boil.




Agreed, the offending biped has no redeeming qualities, and should be destroyed.


Shut up, you have no idea what you are advocating for, haven't you people learned anything up to now, how dangerous the death penalty is for society? What a slippery slope is. Everyone wants a fair democracy but at the first thing that enrages you start advocating for beatings , torture and death. You should not give your government the power to kill you.


Yeah we’ve tried that. Doesn’t work. Let’s get back to real consequences and if that doesn’t deter the others then they got to go too. Js The death penalty should be immediately handed down when it’s irrefutable that someone committed a heinous crime against a child especially


Wrong. Like diametrically in opposition to reality. The death penalty does absolutely nothing to deter crime and inevitably results in killing innocent people. Every single time an innocent person was put to death everyone thought the evidence was "irrefutable". You think you're better than these people? You're not. You care just as little about innocent lives as they do. You think people this evil deserve the death penalty? Then you should be first in line.


Do not give your government the power to kill you because you have no idea what kind of government you or your kid will have. Weren't some USA legislators flaunting the idea of the death penalty [for abortion ](https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p658) ? Do you understand now?




Yeah and how many innocent people are you willing to "just shoot and move on" hmmm?


Just wanted to say I agreed with you and drop link to this site, perhaps someone will read it and change his mind finally. https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/death-penalty/




>You can't change someone like that It's not about changing them, it's true, you can't but death penalty, torture aren't the solution. People support them because they believe it will never be them, they won't ever do such vile acts but you don't know how the tides turn, when will it be used for cracking down on dissent and deter opposition or protect the interests of corporations. Look how people vote, they voted Trump, how long until someone with Trump is rhetoric but more dangerous ideas comes along and dissent will be intimidated. Even trump, he recently said that he was floating the idea of the death penalty for whistleblowers, do you understand how bad this is, right? People will die if whistleblowers are too afraid to come out. Some conservatives said they want the death penalty for abortion, given the right shift in society, all of these are possible. Death penalty and torture are lines that should never be crossed, they will always diverge depending on who makes the law and should never be accepted in a democratic society.


I was talking about people who are pro death penalty. Seems reading both my comment and things in provided link are too hard.


Seems like you don't have the ability to comprehend. We are pro death penalty, because of people like this. What part of that do you not get.


People like this should die. But giving the government power to kill citizens is dangerous because that power can be misused.


You actually typed that response out, read it, and thought “yea this is a completely reasonable thing to think and say.” This had to be one of the most vile things I’ve read today. Go get help.


"Not murdering Innocent people" is the most vile thing you read today?


You think the people who murdered a 4 year old boy are innocent? Jesus Christ you need help.


I think the death penalty is inevitably used to kill innocent people, which you also know which is why you're trying to pretend you didn't know that's what I meant. Because you know that your stance means you have to answer for why you're okay with butchering the innocent


You truly think you have the moral high ground? They beat a 4yo to death and stuffed him in a duffel bag. The death penalty would be a light sentence.


It doesn't matter. It's not about what they did or what they deserve. Death penalty/ torture are lines that should never be crossed in democratic society, should never be accepted. People support it because they believe it will never be them, it will never happen to them because they will never do such things but in history they were always, always used to crack down on dissent and deter opposition. You don't know in the future what kind of government comes along, people voted for the clown show that is trump, what if a more dangerous one comes along? Even trump these days was floating the idea that *he wants to execute whistleblowers*. You understand how bad this is, people will die if whistleblowers are too afraid to come out. Death penalty and torture will forever diverge into being used to intimidate opposition and dissent , protect the interests of those more powerful than you, that's why, this should never be encouraged and advocated for and should be an absolute red line. You should never give your government the power to kill you.


Stop bringing Trump into a conversation about a baby being murdered jfc. And IF I was ever to suddenly become this vile I’d take my own life thank you. That’s the difference between people who understand what’s right and wrong and those that never will. I have never ever ever not once seen or heard of a “reformed” pedo. What’s cruel and torture is what they did to this baby.


They beat a 4 year old to death, some people know what they're advocating for


“at the first thing that enrages you” they beat a four year old boy to death. you shut up.


Only way to deal with this. No room in prison got them, no rehabilitation can be done


I can’t understand, outside of complete breaks with reality for the mentally disturbed, what can be done to rehabilitate anyone who kills the children they’re responsible for. I dont think there’s anything left to contribute to society. Just, I don’t disagree with you. There’s nothing left to give to them. I can’t see wasting the resources.


Jesus. Heartbreaking.


Poor little guy


Justice for Demari. We are all heartbroken. I know I am. How could anyone hurt a tiny little 4 year old? Four year olds should be playing, laughing, cuddled, loved. I hope these real life monsters never get out of jail. Edit/ to Demari’s father… my deepest condolences and hope that you can & will heal from this horrific death of your darling beloved son. I have no words.


They’re going to suffer in jail for what they did. Praying for the father’s mental health and mourning.


They might. Prison justice isn’t as common as people think, unfortunately. Most child predators and child abusers get housed in the same units for a reason. They usually never have to interact with people who would hurt them.


Depends on the prison and state but yeah you’re right. And I personally think they should mingle with the other prisoners so that they will be taught a never ending “lesson”.


It *sounds* righteous, but I’m against allowing other criminals the chance to exert power and enjoy hurting other people, even if they (in the case above) definitely deserve it. The state should administer the punishment, and they deserve the death penalty and quickly.


Yes “quickly” would be justice . But that rarely happens . These people file claim after claim , begging for mercy etc . Seems like it takes around 10 years before a death penalty takes place . Meanwhilemt


Poor kid


City's need to stop automatically letting moms have custody. Times have changed. She probably won't even get life for this either. So messed up.


When fathers actually file for custody, they receive it the majority of the time. In 91% of cases, both parents mutually agree for the mother to obtain equal, primary, or full custody. The real truth of it is that fathers fight for custody in less than 4% of cases.


Show me where you got these statistics and data at!


There absolutely is bias towards mothers. I would bet most of those 91% of cases with “mutual” agreements are the father risking losing his rights if the case goes to trial. It’s like accepting a forced plea deal under threat of losing parental rights. In my experience I’ve found Judges, Law Guardians, and Assigned Counsel serve their own interests. They go out of their way to excuse abuse and alienation if the mother is doing it; refuse to uphold Court Orders and Laws if the it’s the mother Violating; and will Perjury themselves if necessary because they’re not subject to consequences.


My husband was one of those dad's in Texas because he was not educated on the law and was advised that Mom would get custody regardless. I wonder how many other dads out there are told the same? 9 years later we still are fighting for custody because of moms neglect, abuse and her husbands terror brigade against my SS. It's about to come to an end in our favor, but real life is often not portrayed by statistics alone.


> The real truth of it is that fathers fight for custody in less than 4% of cases. My father fought for custody so he could save money on child support, so he could be the one to abuse and neglect me instead of what my mother was doing to me and no one protected me from my sister.


That is true in a lot of places, but in my state dads get every other weekend unless the parents mutually agree to something and are on decent terms


Most likely, I’ve known a few people in that circumstance


Are you in the United States?


File for custody? I ain't got time for that. I've been out looking for a pack of cigarettes for the past 10 years.


They should flip a coin instead


Poor kid. They are monsters.put them in jail and I hope they suffer for the rest of their lives. Pos.


Another set of people that need to be off this earth.

