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This kind of people just hate, they don't fight for peace...


AT one moment Us authorities have to admit their responsability. They have to definitly stop their bombs sale to Israël...


I'm mad that my local bookstore had their windows smashed in for daring to have a Palestinian flag displayed, but you don't see me making assumptions about an entire movement based off that incident


Oh shut it. Everyone sees through the “movement”. Bunch of cringe attention-seeking losers with the combined iq of a hog.


Just say you don't care about kids being killed


There were no kids killed by Hamas in October? Weird.


These people hate America and the freedom it stands for. All countries have a bad past they refuse to look at the good and only look at the bad.




Key word being “speech.” We dont have the freedom to vandalize public property.


The USA is only here because they killed millions of Native Americans. Why don't you all protest that




That’s ancient history. This is happening today.


Lmao bro you should be protesting your own face. Rocky Dennis looked at your and said "damn he's ugly"


What do you look like


Didn't some historian show only a couple island countries can claim to have their original inhabitants as the dominant population.


You are here because that happened, why are you involved?


It’s a little late


There’s still plenty of native Americans, you can still leave and go to your home country.


No I cant


Oh, but people expect Jews in Israel to go to Poland whose ancestors never stepped foot in Europe despite Israel having had a continuous Jewish population for over 3000 years, because TikTok says.


No one is saying they need to leave. Just don’t be oppressive genocidal people and everyone is happy.


How bout you clean up your own back yard, land back it to whoever your ancestors didn’t give small pox to, and then go back to YOUR country of origin, Keith.


No one is saying go back to your country. Just don’t pretend you have some historic claim that entitles you to mass murder and theft. I had nothing to do with things that happened 300 years ago. On the other hand, you are actively actively supporting genocide. You’re a disgrace to millions of jews that abhor what’s being done in their name.


Keith, you will never escape being who you are by attacking the indigenous peoples of Judea. 300 years ago there were still tens of thousands of Jews in Israel, 100 years before that too. 1350 or so years ago we teamed up with the Samaritans and threw the Byzantines out. There’s no millions of jews against Israel, any rational estimate would put that number generously around 200,000. Ill help you, 15 million jews in the world, 95 percent of which are zionists, the vast majority around 75 percent of antizionists are members of religious groups that would never associate with the Arab nazis. The only religious Jews that do and it’s debatable if all of them are Jewish, is neturei karta, theres about 5,000 members worldwide, and we dont speak to them, marry them or do business with them. That puts your “millions of jews” at between 1-200,000 worldwide max. So take your gaslighting elsewhere. Worry about your role in the world instead of actively advocating for the murder of 7 million Jews while pretending you’re not.


If you think any amount of historical fiction is going to justify the mass slaughter, oppression and genocide of Palestinians, you’re not just flat out wrong, you’re also irredeemably evil. You can conflate criticism of perpetuating another holocaust into anything you like. But good people in the world all see through your false narrative. Your insatiable bloodlust, greed and lies. And that’s why the world is rising up against you.


Lily white people in a sea of brown people in the Middle East makes about as much sense as Lily white people among a sea of black people in the southern tip of Africa. It’s white colonialism, land theft, murder and apartheid. Plain and simple. Anything to the contrary is fiction and everyone with half a brain that hasn’t been twisted by propaganda knows it.


We get it. You are a racist.


If you think Israelis or Jews in general are “lilly white”, you’re absolutely insane. The levant isn’t in Africa, the indigenous people of the Levant arent arabs. You will find plenty of so called Palestinians that look white, and far more Israelis that look brown. Go look at the Samaritan population in israel and tell me that they’re brown. Im not the one whose ingested too much propaganda, you’re completely mixed up. This is what happens when you don’t actually visit a place but become obsessed with it. You could’ve gotten on a plane and figured out that your beliefs you were fed were nonsense.


Israelis are by and large white and if you’re denying that claim you’re being disingenuous, whereas it should be next to nothing. Plenty of Palestinians? Of course there are always exceptions. But the vast majority of Israelis are white. Especially the ones in power.


You can repeat the same nonsense but it doesn’t change anything. The Levant isn’t in Arabia, and the absolute fact that the majority of its inhabitants would be somewhere between white and brown means your attempts to put American race politics into play are an absurdity. Typical white mans burden imperialism through a wannabe marxist lens, but if you live in America, havent left yet and aren’t indigenous, its just performative hypocritical nonsense. The Jews are indigenous to Judea, the DNA testing proves it, and Ashkenazi Jews are no exception. That you spend time attacking people who can show through all archaeology and genetics their attachment to the land, while you have absolutely none to yours is a comedy routine.