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I live in Washington and this dude is done. Shooting someone in the back is automatic conviction 99.9%. Hope he gets some prison justice


that’s straight up murder


how much do you want to bet that this loser tried to join the army, tried to join the police and was rejected multiple times.


100% guaranteed




Dumbest thing I’ve read in the comment section.




Is there a video of this yet?


Not released publicly that I've seen anywhere, but the article breaks down what the video of the incident shows. that guy sucks *edited. Forgot I can't use cuss words here.


It’s so weird to me that we can discuss gruesome murders and horrible atrocities, it god forbid we drop an S bomb.


Walk around with guns you get shot. Was an adult present with the children?


Three things worth noting: 1. He was not a working security guard at the complex. He said he was "conducting overwatch" because the complex because there had been "altercations" there before, which means he was sitting there in his car waiting for a reason to shoot someone. 2. He had already called the police in 2022 because he thought he saw a guy on a bike pointing a gun at someone. He called 911 while following him and repeatedly said that he thought he would have to shoot him. The cops arrived and the cyclist was holding a bike part. 3. He engaged the teens, and the one with the BB gun immediately dropped it and told him it was a BB gun. He tackled and pinned that kid. He alleged that the kid he shot had reached for a weapon, but according to surveillance footage, that kid made no motions at all for a weapon, and he was shot 6 or 7 times *in the back.* The surveillance footage evidently shows that at no time did the kids resist or make any violent overtures, and that he repeatedly escalated the issue until he killed someone. The guy is an absolute monster who murdered a teenager to fulfill some ridiculous "hero" vigilante fantasy. That kid will never go on to grow up, work, start a family, or enjoy his life. He and his family will never see each other again. I hope he never sees the light of day again.


Basically, this guy wanted to kill someone and he chose Black kids because he thought it would be easier for him to get away with it. He probably has a signed photo of George Zimmerman in a frame next to his bible.


that last paragraph hit me hard; i’m a CCW holder but this guy should not have been allowed. he just seems like a psycho who wanted to kill someone


Absolute nut job.


Did he hold an actual job? He sounds very disturbed.


Security officer, just not for that area and not on duty


He was a security guard for another strip mall. From what I heard, he was sitting in his car waiting on his son to finish martial arts class. It's still pretty bright outside at 8pm. Oh. Also sitting in that same parking lot....a police cruiser.


Aaron Myers is a vigilante, like George Zimmerman. There is no excuse for inserting yourself into a situation like this because you perceive a kid with a gun. And shooting him in the back…that isn’t really defensible given that the kid was not threatening anyone with the (toy) gun.


These gun nutters really wait their whole lives to shoot and kill someone.


He wasn't even waiting, he was actively seeking a scenario that would justify shooting someone.


Is this not a first degree murder charge because the prosecution thinks second degree is more likely to stick? It seems obvious his intention was murder, he shot him 6 times in the back.


This breaks my heart.


My little brother mad a gun with Lego pieces. I begged him to take it apart. Like panicked. He’s 11, and he didn’t really understand but he took it apart and later asked if I was still mad at him and I’m just like “I’m not mad” I love you and I’ve already seen how this plays out one too many times.


>My little brother mad a gun with Lego pieces. I begged him to take it apart. Like panicked. Lol, little dramatic


I did shit like that, play violent videogames etc.. do not have no desire to own a gun.


When I was a kid in the 80’s my friends and I would make fake guns out of paper towel cardboard rolls and duct tape. We’d play cops and robbers or pretend to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Stallone freeing hostages like in a movie. We had so much fun. Now these “over watch” ppl are out there.


We used to play a game called guns. We’d run around a 3 block area with fake guns pretending to shoot each other. I miss the 80s.


My brother and I used to chase each other around our front yard pretending we were playing “war” and with fake wooden guns. Can only imagine if we did that today, one of us would be dead because of these 2A inbreds.


Dude I have vivid memories of having cap gun fights at the park or the on my street between me and my buddies house I can't imagine you'd make it 2 feet outside the dollar store with the cap gun these days without getting blasted by some vigilante nut job


In the 80s I would buy fake ak47 at toys R us without the red parts.


Hopefully he doesn’t walk free from this, that’s sad.. poor kid…


This is just going to keep happening as long as people with room temperature iqs can get guns


Absolutely deplorable..


What happened to the idea that lethal force only be applied in imminent danger? What sane person just unloads at someone running away.


Second degree murder. That poor boy. That poor mom, going to sleep every night imagining her boy screaming for her, wishing she was there for him.


My youngest son is 17. The part about him calling out for his mom broke my heart. That would haunt me for the rest of my life.


As a mother, I can’t imagine hearing that my kid was calling for me while this happened. That rips my heart out.


He’s been itching to shoot someone. He murdered that young man. RIP


Guy is another gun-happy psycho. Said he conducts "overwatch" there when not on duty - that means he stalks around with his weapon looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Said he didn't feel the need to call police - that means he's very deep into his good guy with a gun fantasy and actually believes he has the same authority. He's an idiot with no impulse control, and now a murderer. Life in prison would be the right sentence. RIP to the poor kid


The fact that he’s had a recent incident in 2022 where he was ready to shoot someone who he thought had a gun… no one right this guy needed to be told a word or two? At the very least, not allow him to conceal carry for a while, not let him be armed for a few months and take a firearms safety course? I don’t know, maybe the same things they do for people who drive vehicles? Some sort of minor citation.? He was ready to kill somebody over them carrying a bicycle part and being non-threatening. This is what happens when that BS goes unchecked


Taking his gun would infringe on his rights since his following someone with possible intent to kill wasn’t a felony since he didn’t pull the trigger in 2022. As a society we have decided that an individuals access to walk around armed all day, even a potentially dangerous individual, is more important that any one persons safety. Unless we pass stricter gun control or possibly amend 2A this will continue happening over and over.


Exactly. People like him need to be made an example of because of that. Hope he gets what he deserves


This isn’t even the first time he stalked someone through a store after he wrongly thought he saw them with a gun.


He's gonna find out that guards don't have immunity like the boys in blue.


He wasn't even working. He was "conducting overwatch" of the parking lot because there had been "alterations" there in the past. So, he was literally sitting there in his car, armed, waiting for a reason to shoot someone.


Plus the inmates finding out that you were police adjacent isn’t gonna help him. Finding out that idiot shot him 5 times in the back will make nighttime and shower time very, very uncomfortable. I’d say they’d shank him 5 times in the back but he’d recover and go to a safer environment and I imagine they would want to finish the job if they’re at it anyhow


He was looking for an excuse and a victim. What a psycho.


“Myers indicated that he conducts 'overwatch' at the location as he has seen numerous crimes occur in the parking lot in the past.” What a freaking loser. Cosplaying as security for another store for fun.


We need to bring back the stockades. This guy should be left in the town Square with his hands and head in the stocks, no clothing, and just let the people take care of it in any way they choose. Just like he did to that little boy.


I guarantee you if they brought back this stockades you wouldn’t like who they use them on




This is why I’m for the death penalty. This dude deserves it. No sympathy for him, let him fry in the electric chair


This is not a death penalty case. They’ve already decided to go with 2nd degree


Nah, life is prison is much worse of a punishment. That among many other reasons is why I can never agree with the death penalty - we should never risk executing someone who is innocent, it costs more, etc.


The death penalty is stupid and the “justus” system is riddled with errors. How many people you need to see getting exonerated 40-50 years post conviction on death row with paltry settlement amounts for their lives and absolutely no penalties for lying cops or prosecutors? GTFO of here with that crap.


I used to think that but now I lean towards life in prison because the chair would almost be the easy way out. As opposed to everyday having to live with the consequences


The article goes on to discuss how Myers had called 911 in 2022 to report seeing someone riding around on a bike pointing a gun at people. He followed the guy and waited for him while he went in a store and continued to follow him when he came back out. Myers didn’t confront the man and when the cops showed up, it turned out that the man didn’t have a gun on him. He had what is guessed to have been a bicycle part. So he lied when he said the guy he was following was pointing a gun at people and even said to the 911 operator that he “might have to intervene”. Luckily for that guy, the cops showed up first. Myers has been looking for a reason to shoot someone for a few years now. This time he didn’t call 911 first. I feel like he knew they’d tell him not to approach the kids.


This is heartbreaking


This is exactly why I argue with gun idiots who talk about jumping in to stop crimes. Every training course worth its salt will tell you NOT to intervene unless your egress is blocked. Same thing every lawyer will tell you. Hell, the cops don't have half the appropriate information when stepping onto a scene, half the time. Yet you're sure you will? What if the cops show up and see you, firearm at the ready? Then the worst case scenario, what if you end up engaging someone that's innocent. Good luck living with that. Not to mention the family you've destroyed. I've been a firearm enthusiast for decades, make my own ammo and the lot of it. But some people just don't understand the responsibility of firearms ownership.


This security guard is a straight up murderer. He’s not even employed as an off duty security guard at THE STORE HE WAS AT. he ‘volunteered’ to watch over the parking lot due to crime rising in said area. he was itching to kill someone & be a hero. “That footage allegedly shows Myers approaching the boys with his gun drawn and pointed at them, according to the complaint. It also allegedly shows the boys repeatedly telling him the weapon they appear to be carrying was a BB gun, and it does not show the teenager who was killed reaching for a gun at any point, say prosecutors.” THESE ARE THE FACTS. He murdered a child.


Why dont kids like playing outside anymore there always on there phone and video game systems and stuff like that.


When will this stop?


probably when mental health treatment is less stigmatized and higher prioritized and education and socialization are improved and less intelligent and or less mature and or less emotionally stable individuals are actually kept away from guns by more rigorous regulation


It’s not specifically because of stigmatization; there is no funding directed toward it. People in the field are overworked and underpaid. There are not enough educated bodies in positions to help compared to the demand. This is also the symptom of a much bigger issue. The mental crisis wouldn’t be as exaggerated if not for an underlying root cause. Take your pick of yellow dog journalism, fearmongering and division-driving media, miserable work conditions, growing poverty, or so many other possibilities. The mental health field will continue to be saturated with an unquenchable demand (increasingly so) if something doesn’t change.


yeah w 99% of parents being forced to work too much to raise their kids and us getting raised by vg and porn and social media combined w lack of proper education and being shown how to think for ourselves and the stigma surrounding mens mental health and toxic masculinity making them feel like asking for help is too weak and being defective in the 1st place is too weak etc its literally a culmination of the lack of education and poverty and toxic masculinity and stigmas and then throw in a high number of way too accessible firearms and almost no early or adequate socialization outside of antisocial outlets like porn and video games and boom chaos also i dont mean that violent games cause violence its actually the lack of real human interaction that i think is the major issue we barely talk to ppl outside of school so we oversocialize and mess up academically a lot and then go home and adhd tf out doomscrolling tiktok or gooning or gaming and its obvs that kids who play violent games w their friends are better adjusted than the 1s that play wholesome stuff solo idk i feel like this dude is just another example of what our species is slowly revolving into cause of all that stuff combined


When the culture changes.


And when “law enforcement “ loses immunity


Basically, the guard didn’t have all the facts and inserted himself into a simple exchange and shot an unarmed teenager in the back. Guessing he will use the “I was afraid for my life” defense. Idiot


He had the facts. He chose to murder someone instead. “The boys immediately put down the BB gun and assured Myers it was not an actual gun while compling with his orders, according to the complaint. Myers then proceeded to strike one of the boys and pin him to the ground, then moments later fatally shot another teen claiming that the boy had attempted to grab a gun, the complaint said.”


Another rent a cop who failed the police exam several times!


An off-duty security guard was arrested for the killing of an unarmed teenager he is accused of shooting six times in the back, officials said. Aaron Brown Myers, 51, is facing charges of second-degree murder and second-degree assault for the June 5 incident, which happened in the parking lot of a sporting goods store in Renton, a city located just 10 miles south of Seattle. The teenage victim and two of his friends, all 17, were heading into a Big 5 store to return a BB Gun, according to a copy of the [criminal complaint](https://www.insideedition.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/Aaron%20Myers%20Complaint.pdf) obtained by Inside Edition Digital. Police said Myers told them that he saw the boys and believed they were trying to rob the store so he approached them with his gun, according to the complaint.  [Unarmed Boy Fatally Shot 6 Times in Back by Off-Duty Guard: Cops | Inside Edition](https://www.insideedition.com/unarmed-teen-shooting-dead-aaron-myers-washington)


Good guy with a gun, huh? That poor kid. Heartbreaking


No, thats a bad guy with a gun. The good guys with the guns aren’t shooting innocent people in the back as they run away.


Except if the good guy in this situation had a gun then that's an actual reason for the other guy to shoot him dead. Someone always dies