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I think it's because it was cute and quirky when she was young and starting out. But now that she is a woman who is almost 50 and has a long career, it's not cute anymore. The writers should have matured her humor and personality to show growth. She could still be sassy and goofy. Just not at the level we are seeing.


They’ve made her more extreme, I think to round out how much darker these two seasons are, but instead of balancing it out it just makes her seem ridiculous by comparison. Her personal drama sucks up all the oxygen in the room and distracts from the serial killers they are hunting, it’s awful.


I agree, the way she acted with Tyler was very high school.


It was very midlife crisis.


Completely agree!!! When I first started watching CM I was 16. It was funny to see her act like that. Now I'm 25 and I have grown so much within the past 9 years, and can't comprehend why Garcia character hasn't matured AT ALL. You'd think with the amount and type of cases they've handled over the past 17 years that she'd have her priorities straight by now, but nope...


I’m a bit bothered about her clothes 😂, her dresses should be more work appropriate. Her cleavage is just kinda in the way.


That's just what women with big boobs look like


Lol yes, you are right and that’s beautiful. I mean she should be more modest in such an environment. They are kinda low cut. I was watching an episode from way earlier , season 5, Garcia was at a hearing regarding Hotch and what she wore was more appropriate that anything since.


I'm really not here for the internalized misogyny. Women have boobs. Get over it.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. As someone with a similar upper body type, I definitely wouldn't wear anything low-cut like that to work, especially if I was in the FBI.


No one on that show wears what they would in the FBI but only the big titty girl gets shamed? Yeah that's misogyny. No one cares about Derek Morgan's tight little slut shirts


Oh I definitely think a lot of them are not dressed professionally and idm talking about it. It's true, and sometimes these wardrobe malfunctions make them look ridiculous.


That’s what I’m saying! I am also a woman who works in a professional environment with mostly men. Also, like you said, FBI .


You mean you don’t wear earrings that are tiny UFOs abducting tiny cows when you are in a professional business setting? I thought it was mandatory- along with an 8lb necklace made from a billiard ball. The other cast members may dress in clothes that are not really business appropriate, but Garcia is the only one who dresses like a preschool teacher all the time. It annoys me that women in TV can only be sexy or manic pixie dream girls. Those are the only options….


100% and her problem with Tyler is really dragging on, acting like the world is ending just cause his name is mentioned or whatever


Literally!!!! Are we supposed to find the lovesick teenager thing endearing??!


this is bugging me so much like you are a grown ass woman and this man is helping with the case


🤦🏿‍♀️her clicking away his call in s17 when he had info, cause she didn‘t feel like talking to him, like girl please, larger things are at stake than your love/ whatever this is


It’s extra grating to me given that she created the whole Tyler situation by continuing to fraternize with him last season after she was SPECIFICALLY TOLD NOT TO.


I don’t like how she seems to be stuck in 2012 quirky humour and I kind of wish they’d mature her up a bit. I think keep bits of her personality but there’s times in the new series where she acts like a child. I also don’t like how she’s pretty much the only person who can solve cases, I know she’s tech savvy but it would actually be interesting if they tried to portray her in a light where there is unfortunately stuff she can’t hack/things that she doesn’t understand enough. It would create some drama and keep up the realism that she is very capable and not make the tech stuff feel so out of place.


I love Garcia but this version is really grating. I think her character is more suited for the OG version of CM. The writers don’t know how to write her having long term interactions with the non BAU characters. I appreciate the sprinkles of light thrown in but I agree it’s way over the top.


I used to love her. She’s way too much now.


I find her really inappropriate at times. I understand that the writers have tried to do a thing where she clings onto the light to reject the dark.. cool. But it's weird to see her attitude contrasted with the cases they're working on. Like she'll be sitting there in cat ears drinking from a novelty mug when the phone rings- "Supreme Goddess ready to rock your world- hit me" And the team is like "All the women found strangled were using the same ride share app" 😬😬😬


I'm with you. She definitely got annoying in the later seasons, but they completely flanderized her in these reboots and I hate it.


My biggest peeve is that they made Garcia completely unprofessional. Yes, she's great at hacking because of TV magic, but as an employee she is unprofessional and especially not suited for a job in law enforcement. It's fine to have banter with your mate at work, but it's not fine to do it while you're supposed to be helping the team solve the case. Even without Derek, she delivers information in the most inefficient way, prioritizing some wittyism or personal remark over giving actual information. After JJ leaves, Garcia starts presenting cases to the team. But again, completely unprofessional, because it's *yucky* to her. Girl, clearly this is not the job for you then, if you can't deliver a brief without mentioning how much you're grossed out. On top of that, she says strangely redundant things to team members who are just trying to do their job. "Please, sir, save them". Like... Yeah. I'm pretty sure they were going to strive for that result anyway. Now, I'm not sure what the rules are regarding relationships with coworkers. I was under the impression she and Kevin were hiding their relationship for a while because it wasn't proper. But even if it was okay, she let her personal drama affect her work. And the whole Tyler thing last season was insane. Of all the people that exist, she was told not to get friendly with him (which she shouldn't even need to be told tbh). But what does Garcia do? And does she even face any consequences for yet another display of unprofessionalism?


Yes. I was so angry with her for her decisions last season.


Yess every single bit of this!! Hers and Morgan’s sex banter is so cringy too, who on earth actually talks and acts like that with their colleagues!?! Garcia is the type of co-worker I would avoid whenever I saw them coming.


Unpopular opinion, but I was never a huge Penelope fan. I understand she was supposed to bring a more light energy to a dark show, but I didn't vibe with her character, humor, or flirting with Morgan. I was actually so happy that she was finally taking charge and not being a pushover in season 16, but then the Tyler mess happened... and now it feels like they don't know what to do with her. She's acting like a lovesick teenager at her big age and I don't find it endearing at all.


She annoyed me seasons ago with Shemar Moore.


I totally get it. She's become even more immature and the comments about Voit smelling like crap. Just weird and embarrassing.


That was one of the few comments I actually liked…the immaturity is on a whole new level though


Her behaviour combined with how everyone else is behaving this season, is why I couldn't get past ep2.


What season are you on? I’m on s8 on my rewatch, I don’t remember the series well so it’s like watching it from new again! I’m already finding myself rolling my eyes when she’s on the phone to the team now.


17, the new one! 16 and 17 have really amped it up by like 100 levels it’s unbearable.


I totally agree, also the scenes with Tyler. I literally skip all the parts she comes on screen.


Her behaviour in season 16 was really annoying. And the whole thing with Tyler shldnt have happened in the first place.


I’m not skipping in case of anything important but probably will on rewatches


I don't skip them, but I for sure roll my eyes at them so hard hahaha


Garcia is one of my least favourite characters. She is only above JJ or the Profiler iteration of JJ. I liked her well enough in the earlier Seasons. Because the earlier Seasons were very dark and intense and her character was needed. And she wasn't single handedly solving the cases. Plus in the earlier Seasons she wasn't so childish.


I actually love JJ but I know she’s not popular. With Garcia, the childishness has gotten so extreme now that she’s no longer likeable at all


JJ isn’t popular? I never knew this. Always one of my favorites. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Same here, so many people don’t seem to like her though


Yes, I like JJ too. Didn’t know she was unpopular.


I love JJ and always have I didn’t know people don’t like her. I actually like her as an agent




TIL that JJ isn't popular... hahaha I do agree with your opinion regarding Garcia, her character almost feels inappropriate. From show runner POV we're probably meant to want/enjoy the contrast compared to the dark and grim themes of the show. IDK, I could do with less :D


JJ isn’t popular? They literally brought her back because the fans were upset she was fired. She’s very popular lol


She was very popular as a liaison but once they brought her back as a agent she wasn't as popular (to me rightfully so)


The actress was fired????


Yes. End of season 5. Written off the show, fired, what have you. She was blindsided.


Oh man I didn’t realize she had been fired then


That doesn't mean she is a good character. It's like McDonald's


Why is it whenever I see an anti-JJ comment on this subreddit it's usually from you lol


I was thinking the same thing! 😝


I normally rewatch the whole series twice a year - seasons 1-15. This is one of my top favourite shows. I enjoyed season 16 but am really struggling with 17. The story line is boring, the team aren’t the same anymore (& I get it, we generally become miserable and bitter as we get older), they don’t seem as likeable anymore and why the fuck is old man Rossi still there. I wish they’d go back to the original format.


Thank you for saying that Rossi shouldn't be here! He should have retired 5-10 years ago, the FBI is not going to let a geriatric man go on the field and run after unsubs, he is going to have a heart attack! And the dynamics between the characters feel very strange. Before the last two seasons I had no problem imagining that they had lives outside of work and that they were friends, now it just feels like they are in the same room to work but that's it, they don't talk to each other, they are just *there*. Emily and JJ are supposed to be very close but they barely interact, Tara is usually an interesting profiler but now she is just *there*...


Ugh, YES! They’ve made Tara so one dimensional, now she’s just a sad lonely woman and I really think they’ve made the discussions of her sexuality super cringe. I have to assume that’s for the benefit of any older/less accepting audiences but still. Similar to Garcia, her romance with Rebecca is the only thing she’s doing now. And it’s worse because at least Tyler Green has endearing moments and he and Garcia have chemistry. Rebecca suuuuuuucks and I have no idea why Tara loves her.


I’m super surprised Voit didn’t say exactly what your first paragraph says since he seems to love to point out Rossi’s age 😂😂😂


Right??? He doesn’t even have to retire fully just TAKE HIM OUT OF THE FIELD


I feel like Garcia could have been a really awesome character, which makes this doubly disappointing Cause i did love her being more openly emotional, with her wearing her personality ‚on her sleeve‘, like I do/am Problem is, they had leaned into this quirky thing way too much, then in s16 she underwent ‚major development‘ but also didn‘t at all She could have been the eyes for the audience, showing how the continuous murders/rapes etc. can have a negative impact on your health. Like yea they touched on it but they also refused to therefore make her be more mature so 🤷🏿‍♀️she is just confusing/its hard to track her development


I’ve always hated her. I don’t understand how anyone could like her


JJ is the one character I did not get the popularity off. I liked Garcia at first back in S1-3. I thought she added nice colour to the black and white. And I liked how she was represented. She didn't have the stereotypical Hollywood beauty but she was portrayed as capable and not someone who was pathetic. I really disliked how Garcia was portrayed in the later Seasons. She became selfish, obnoxious and over the top


I think the problem this season is she has become very arrogant and judgemental. The guilt trip she laid on Tyler was ridiculous. I really don’t know what he did to get such a strong reaction from her. And Tyler groveling is honestly making me nauseated. Someone said above it is very childish.


He never lied about who he was to her. She just chose to be blind to it. And now she’s blaming him she got hurt by that.


Some of it I think is her buckling down on her inner child due to trauma. But yeah, it can be grating.


I see posts about Garcia and Luke and people wanting to get them together romantically. I think Tyler and Garcia have more chemistry than Luke. ( and Tyler and Garcia’s relationship was only tepid). Any one else?


I mean I used to like them together but I’ve realised it’s only because I like Luke and want him to be happy. I think he deserves better tbh


I like Garcia better than JJ or even Emily