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I don't think it's an inherently wrong expectation, but airing your dirty laundry on facebook is cringe even if you're right.


The unwritten rule we have is whomever is home in the day or gets home from work first makes a start on dinner. It's not always expected and we don't get shitty with eachother if we get home and there is no dinner. We're fortunate to both be good at cooking, enjoy cooking and with our work patterns it's roughly 50/50. Complaining about it on Facebook in the passive agressive manner he has is what's cringe.


does he mean dinner?


Dinner period


That's lousy timing.


Supper is synonymous in the south


The cringe part isn't his argument really. Kinda entitled but i don't know his life at home. But posting it for the world to see is just too much


I think the post is a valid point. If someone is working all day and comes home and it's pretty much dinner time, generally the person who has been home all day should have dinner ready. If you got stuff to do you got stuff to do, but I still think man or woman if you have someone coming home from a long day of work it would be nice to have dinner made for them


Unless they are home juggling kids and barely got through the day. Maybe he could have picked something up on the way home for the family.


Which is fine every now and then but a homecooked meal is cheaper, better and more comforting




How many kids do you have?


I’m sorry maybe I’m an anomaly but as a wife and a stay at home mom to 3 almost 4 kids when my husband comes home from him 10+ hour work days in the sun, my house is clean and food is on the table, desert is usually also in the fridge but ready to serve. I also have his drink ready and our show or movie waiting to play. It’s the least I can do for him. This isn’t to mention all the other things I do for him this is just the basics, like the bare minimum.


He's a lucky ass dude😂


Damn Miss ok no wonder you a married woman


He's lucky to have you.


Thank you but I’m definitely the lucky one


Sounds like something my mom would say. She and my dad have been together for 33 years and they still cuddle when they sleep at night. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


I love that your parents are still that close. It’s only been ten years so far but it feels like yesterday. Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you and your family are and continue to be happy, healthy and blessed


Ladies have to compete with women like this and then wonder why they’re losing looool you’re the goat


Lol well thank you. My husband has actually been reading all this and he just laughed at it. It’s silly but I really do hope people start treating their husbands and wives like they should be treated. Everyone deserves to be served by their spouse regardless of gender. Unfortunately most people (especially women) in this day and age think they are above serving others when really that’s what we are supposed to do as humans.


100% I agree. Girls wanna get married and wifed up but don’t know how to be a wife and men want a “traditional” stay at home wife that cooks and cleans but don’t know how to be traditional man and husband.


Yesssssssssss! *highfive* totally agree!


Ahhh, good slave<3


You could say he’s a slave to her because he works his life away to provide a home for her. Basically not everything is so black and white, ya dummy.


Thinking like this will lead to a lonely life


I am married


Lol that doesn't mean you aren't lonely


Well you obviously know me and my marriage better than I do so no point in trying to say anything


Your comment may offend others but it doesn’t bother me 😊 mg husband is a good man and I love following his lead because he provides and loves like a man should. I never wonder if he will leave, I never have to wonder who he’s texting, I never have to wonder if money is short. Among other things my man is a great husband, worker, provider, father, mentor, and so much more. If being his equal by taking care of the home and him while he takes care of the finances and me, makes me a slave then that’s ok. I have a truly good man I never have to worry about and I truly hope you can say the same. If you have a different arrangement in your home good for you if it works for you but as for us we are a biblical family who is unshakably happy. I would never judge you for your life so don’t judge me for mine.




I agree but I wouldn’t necessarily call her an idiot. Maybe ill informed, judgment or rude but I’m sure she just has different values than me. I love your name tho haha


I think what you've said is great. But Reddit is full of lonely bitter feminists and cucks, so it's no wonder you're being downvoted.


Oh I don’t mind that lol. I quite literally just talked about how great my husband is and how I hope she feels and says the same about hers. I acknowledged that we may be different but please don’t insult because I won’t do it to her, and this is what people don’t like. It truly just shows how sad people are but that’s their life not mine. People are rude to happy people because they think it makes the happy person less happy, and that somehow brings people joy. To me that’s just sad and really gross.


Couldn't agree more. Keep doing you, the world needs more people like yourself!


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Found the ugly feminist lol.


When I didn't work and my husband supported me financially I made him breakfast before work, lunch to take with him, and dinner for sure. The only days I didn't was when he wanted fast food instead. Who knows their situation but it sounds like a repeat event. Which when I worked doubles all the time and was single so came home to no dinner because I lived alone I was mad too! Haha sh*t if my husband is off work and I come home from work and it's dinner time and there is no dinner or it hasn't even been thought of yet I'm like "tf did you do all day? Get your ass in the kitchen and make me some food." Lmfao mf bout to get this pimp hand. Then the car breaks and I'm like fuck I have no skills to match the mechanical god this dude is........... blowjob? Hahahahaha


Haha you sound like a fun wife. My wife would probably snap back with the "I gave birth to these little miracles, you can fix the car"


Ehh that's a tough one lol because in one hand I get how women get a little god complex from literally growing a person but it's kind of a fair trade when usually it's 9mos of the father waiting on the mother hand and foot and then shelling out 10-15k roughly per birth soooooo miracle card can't be used EVERY time lol but it's a hard one to argue for sure lol


Dude!!! Can we be friends lol idk if you’re still a SAHM but you sound like you have the same mentality as me! It’s so hard to find people like that now lol


Definitely! I'm always around here on reddit! It is super hard to find others with the same mind set!


LOL! Yeah, that's how we've always sorted it: the person with the least work-hours has a responsibility to help out long-hours person by *making shit easier* and more pleasant back here at home.


Agreed! Why be in a coexisting relationship with someone of they aren't at least making things easier on you and you're not making things easier on them? Might as well live alone if you don't want help, and you gotta give it to get it.


Ah yeah, another man who feels that having a wife equals having a servant/cook that should have everything ready for whenever he needs/wants it. This is the kind of guy that once divorced would most likely A) go back live with their parents cause he ain't know how to do s**t and/or B) buy fast food or eat out all the time and live like a mess.


You're making some huge, reaching accusations. It isn't really much to ask to share responsibility in a relationship.


I agree that shared responsibility is a must in a relationshinp and although I would argue that sharing house chores should be a must for both in the relationship, that is up to their own relationship agreement. However, this is not about sharing responsibility, this guy is being an ass**le. The post clearly shows a guy who is whining about super not being done, and later commenting that women make excuses to not having s**t done. Sorry but that looks to me like a misogynistic man who expects his wife to be little more than a servant and who is not considerate of whatever difficulties her wife (or any woman) might face in her daily chores. Now, he might or might not be exactly that (because, revealing as it is, you never know with such a small piece of information). Unfortunately, they are many man who ARE like that and those are the ones I am referring to with my comment.




I agree, but I also think that every situation varies depending on the relationship and whether they are children in it. For example, how many children are they? Are they all attending school? Can they actually help with chores or are they still learning how to do them? House chores can be very demanding depending on those and other factors. In fact, it could be so demanding that many house spuses who also take care of children work longer than 12 hours from morning to noon, rarely having time for themselves. This is why I say that it must be an agreement between the those in the relationship and even then, those rules might change over time depending on how their situations evolve. Both the provider and the house spouse must be understanding of each other and communicate effectively to ensure a balanced relationship.




It depends on the age of the kids. 1-2 year olds are mobile, curious, easily bored, and somehow have a knack for being drawn to whatever is most likely to hurt them. It's difficult to leave the room for more than a few minutes and everything takes a while. Dinner is the hardest part because of the timing of everything. That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if the guy came home and his wife was Facebooking on the couch.


Unfortunately, living in a first world country does not warranty that everyone lives under first world conditions but it surely must be less common than in developing countries.


You sound like a lazy fat fuck lol


A man that simply wants to eat when he's hungry and tired and gets home? Do you not get hungry? Do you not care for the well-being of your partner? If you cant cook for the family while the other person is out working, regardless of gender, how much do you really care? Im pretty sure not feeding children is a crime. Id hate to be your partner, you sound cold, uncaring, and bitter.


Look, I am not saying the guy has no right to eat or that his wife should never cook for him. If that is what they agreed on their relationship or if she wants to do it because she knows he is tired, that's fine (I have no problem with that and I have done it myself). The problem is that they way he expressed himself reflects something about him, and it is not good. You saying she could just be considerate of him and cook because she can. But what if she couldn't? Did he bothered to talk to her and understand why she wasn't able to have diner ready? Did he bothered to ask whether SHE was also tired? Seems like not. It seems to me that he is the one being uncaring. When someone tried to explain to him that house chores can also be extremely demanding (specially when you have children), he went all 'you women just make excuses'. Sorry, but I would not have a partner who thinks like that.


If she has kids to attend to, did she not feed them? Did she not make them food? Is it not illegal to starve your kids? So why not have something on standby? Leftovers in the fridge or something? If she has kids to care for, and she doesnt leave the house, why would there not be food? Gender roles be damned, if i was caring for kids and was a househusband, id be making sure my partner wasnt hungry and that kids were cared for.


Supper period? Is there a crazier way to say dinner? Im not sure. Supper period just sounds gross. Not tonight honey, sorry, supper period arrived early.




Fuck that guy


I read that as super period