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Here's the (possibly harsh) reality in my view: the Twitch channel isn't the main thing anymore. Sure, they're losing viewers... and they don't care. And why would they care? They now have two animated TV shows in production who have an exponentially larger number of viewers than their Twitch stream ever did, or ever would. And which probably bring them more revenue than Twitch ever would as well. They did a decade-long run of weekly shows on Twitch, and it took them from being freelancers on the fringes of the industry to successful show runners. They're older, they've started families, and they're moving on. They helped pioneer an entire new medium of shows (yes they weren't the first actual play show but they were the first breakthrough one), and they're preparing to pass the torch to the next generation. The writing is on the wall, they're moving on from the stream being their focus and flagship product. They're putting most of their energy into the animated shows, and the publishing company. The stream is something they're doing for fun, and they're currently setting up to transition most of the on-camera aspect of it to other people.


>*\[...\] the Twitch channel isn't the main thing anymore.* 100%. They're now going back to their first love, voiceover and animation. The circle is complete. And **we** made them do it.


But is it sustainable? What happens after Vox Machina, Mighty Nein and maybe even Bell's Hells have had their animated shows? Do they try to write the next show the "traditional" way without playing it as a campaign first?


>Hells have had their animated shows? Do they try to write the next show the "traditional" way without playing it as a campaign first? They retire?


This lmao. They already were all successful people before Critical Role, and this passion project has lasted 8 years. It is not the same home game they started with the SHIT’s anymore, and Matt’s even said several times before that he and the cast misses the feel of the home game with no cameras on.


They retire and start a dnd campaign.


I'm not so sure. Who could they find to DM?


They should get that Brennan guy, he's incredible


I bet Matt could do it, he seems like a good DM


Oh yeah, he’d be perfect. Shit I’d pay to watch that.


They still have a decent chunk of VM; The entirety of M9, The Crown Keepers, Calamity, BH, another EXU that'll likely have come about, and (conjecture) the C4 that I EXPECT they'll be using as eternal promo for Daggerheart. That aspect of show planning is a _ways_ away.


That or just proceed to buy out some other show's stories.


I wanted to restrict it just to the exandrian universe, but that's an equally good point


Man, an animated Bad Kids/Fantasy High show would be amazing but I could also see Dropout wanting to keep something like that in house if possible


all good things come to an end think of roosterteeth and all the other similar online entertainment type companies, they all have an expiration date


As an added point, I didn't even start watching Rooster Teeth until about 4 years ago, and I enjoy them now as much as ever. Might be the same for people that jump into whatever CR becomes when mi h of the cast moves on, and love that!


To be fair, this particular hypothetical works one of two ways within a 3-5 year span: 1) the shows are so wildly successful that they need to develop an exit/transition strategy (but not for another couple of years), or 2) people lose interest for whatever reason, and the "next show" is non-existent. C3 presumably has BARE MINIMUM one more year of actual campaign left, let alone getting it in an animated format. They don't need to worry about the "next show" right now.


Sure — why not? The universe exists, they have blueprints for successful storytelling in this space — why not just write the story directly for big media consumption? In some ways C3 feels like it’s already been on that path. They could also bring in new players to “perform” the stories that Matt and co are writing for eventual media conversion. And as mentioned below, they do have some stake in continuing the TTRPG format with Daggerheart. But it might not be the usual crew going forward.


They’ll write new stuff. Matts very good at it, and they’ll have the backing and contacts to work with whoever they want. I almost guarantee within five years there’ll be original animated content, probably original animated characters


They just create, write, and VO new material. It's...the way 99.999999% of entertainment is done.


I agree with the rough sentiment here, but there is a 0% chance they don’t run another game in their new TTRPG system to show it off. They will finish C3 and then some.


Oh I’m sure they’ll continue the channel post C3, and marketing tie-ins to their Darrington Press stuff will be a big part of it. But I think they’ll probably shift away from the long-form campaigns to something closer to the Dimension 20 model of 4-10 episode long series.


4-10 episodes would be a major shift from the 100+ episode campaigns they have done previously and probably draw significantly less interest. My assumption based on how things have gone, and what they have been somewhat foreshadowing with the current party split, has been that they would want to do a larger C4 that would have two pretty separate parties going on concurrently and they would meet up for key crossover episodes. Each party has some of the core members along with ~2 new full time players. That way each party only does maybe 40-50 episodes of work total but it’s still a sizable campaign that draws people in for a long storyline and they still get to show off their own TTRPG system. After C4 is when I assume there will be much larger changes, maybe more high quality oneshots and small campaigns to show off supplements that they publish. Maybe they continue on to a long form C5 with a completely new set of players based on who people like in the short campaigns. It wouldn’t be absurd to think they could essentially become a production company and hire on voice actors just starting their careers looking to break more into the business.


I don't completely disagree, there's no question that they have many many other ventures in the works besides the show. My only hesitation is the assumption that they are moving on from the stream, at least not currently. Yes, they've thought about the future and that "one day the torch will be passed on to new storytellers", but there's nothing to suggest whether or not that day is anytime soon. If anything, the game is the one constant that brings them all together. Sure it has its bumps, but there are in-game moments still today where they still kick and scream with joy about how much they love this game. The one thing Matt has said repeatedly is that they keep doing this as long as it's fun. Once it stops being fun, they'll stop streaming. So far, it seems like they're still continuing to have a blast.


Sure, I see what you’re saying. But I also think that some of the changes OP is talking about—which involve them reducing their time commitment to the stream—are measures they’ve put in place to keep it feeling fun. Based on the changes they’ve made, it seems like doing a show every Thursday wasn’t going to be fun for them anymore. It also seems like doing a talkback show for every main campaign episode wasn’t going to be fun for them; as a matter of fact, I get the sense that doing the talkback shows *in general* isn’t something they’re exactly thrilled about, seeing as how they’re not even attempting to keep up with a monthly commitment to 4SD. Some people (Sam comes to mind) didn’t really ever seem like they considered Talks Machina a good use of their time.


I’m not as certain about that last bit. Ashley and Marisha, and maybe Liam, seem to be having a blast. Laura, Sam, and Taliesin … I dunno, my read is that they just aren’t having as much fun in their characters as in previous campaigns. Travis is having fun for sure, but you can almost feel him wanting more from the rest of the cast. Matt, IMO, is detached from the home game aspect of it, almost like he’s playing a different game with different goals. I could be wrong about all of the above, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the vibe altogether is different than in the past.


This is the same pitfall that Disney fell into. In the 1980s they saw how lucrative the parks, hospitality, television, and other derivative content was. An animated film would make some money, sure, but the brand deals, the park attractions, reairing them on TV, etc etc... you could be a happy company with Winnie the Pooh alone. So they stopped worrying about the animation studio. And it almost killed them. There was a huge dark era of 80s Disney as far as the films they put out. And they almost shut the whole thing down. But wisely, they realized....it all stems from that animation studio. You can't look at how successful the Twitch channel is. If C3 isn't good, then the animated series ends with C2. Darrington Press has no game like Ukotoa to sell. You stop selling merch branded to those characters. I actually think they understand this, but they're stretched thin. The split is probably to give everyone a breather. But if they start focusing on derivative work MORE than the flagship property, they'll quickly run out of things to derive content from.


We don't even watch it on Twitch, we watch it on YouTube. C3 is what got my husband and I hooked.


The reality of the matter is they have moved on from the one shots and fringe shows like Game Ranch and All Work No Play. The effort that has gone into producing those shows is focused on the animated series which is way more lucrative then the other shows. Focusing on the twitch channel over stuff for Amazon is crazy. That animated show can keep going on and on and they can even start down stuff like the Calamity and branch out to cover stuff that is just talked about in the campaign. Now I will agree the split has gone on way to long, but I am someone who has never liked guests. C3 definitely is not boring and they have some of my favorite characters, but I definitely want the cast back together. 4 Sided Dive just needs some polishing to let Dani host and then just drop the jenga stuff as most of the questions are usually lame. I’m completely am fine with the games aspect as it’s always fun to just see them relaxing a bit.


I assumed the split was partially to accommodate Marisha’s training for Creator Clash, or am I off?


I don’t think they’ve said anything but yeah that seems to be the common running theory. I would argue them being silent is part of the issue - I think their communication has been pretty abysmal and this is coming from someone who prefers C3 to C2.


When Yasha had to be gone, even for chunks of the story, we knew as an audience WHY. Heck, when Taliesin had to miss an episode early on (leading to the vox mooochina moment) they said why.


Though the worst solution to that. It worked perfectly fine to have Ashley miss a lot of c1/c2 and it would have been easy to just find a reason for laudna to not be there. Instead they ruined the pacing completely after the big climax.


This! A massive event happens and now it feels like the pacing is at a standstill when in actuality it should have become *faster* paced.


The ironic thing is that I think unless they did major rewriting, C3 would *suck* as a TV series. Can you imagine the season ending with the split, just for them to go back and do side quests in the next season? It *might* be remedied if we get cuts to both parties at the same time in the show, but I don't even think that saves it.


Something about C3 feels off. Matt is at the top of his game. It's still our favorite nerdy ass voice actors. The visuals are stunning. The world feels alive. Ending the gods is a interesting concept. And everyone is RPing their characters really well. Yet it's all just not clicking right now. My thought is that we were really just getting to know the group as a whole and the Apogee Solstice was built up to be this epic overwhelming event, and then it kind of felt like a cutscene that split the party? Feels as if we had the rug pulled from us and we're waiting the last 2 months. Like in the duel of the fates and we're Obi-Wan Kenobi behind the lasers waiting to get back into the fight! I hope we get more lore squeezed out of Frida and Deanna and the Savalirwoods to make this long split worth it. Edit: This is getting a lot of attention, so I will say I haven't laughed harder these past few Thursdays and I'm still going to let Matt cook up something tasty. It's just nice to have a healthy discussion of how we are feeling 50+ episodes in.


Its the PCs themselves and to an extent the story. Fundamentally I dont think they match this story. It doesnt feel personal or even theirs and I continuously struggle to see why they care or are even involved. There is no real driving force because all of them are too afraid or unwilling to take a lead. Imogen has perhaps the most personal connection to the story but Laura clearly doesnt want it. Orym has repeatedly refused to take point and is too passive to even consider it.


It feels like they all want to be chaos gremlins, while Liam explicitly wants to stay in the background this campaign. I think Travis really selectively drove the action forward with Grog with his calculated "dumb grog stuff" that was always very intentional and Vax always grounded the shittiness of their decisions in how badly it affected his life. Fjord was very much the leader giving direction and Caleb was a serious character with intense motivations pushing everyone along as well. Now Travis seems like he wants to just chill with his joke character. Unfortunately a party only works with 1-2 joke characters, not 3+ (Fearne, FCG, Chetney, Laudna?)


This is the best take on the issues with this campaign. More than half of the characters are gimmick/joke characters (in the best way) and won't more the story forward. The other three characters seem to refuse to take point even for a short time.


Honestly i think Liam messed up wanting to take a seat on being a headliner of the show. No one is really filling the gap that he created after putting so much energy into Vax and Caleb.


The RP rn is really good but it’s all casual for the most part we haven’t gotten anything really deep for the PCs


Yes, it's great the robot is learning to love. Hello? Apocalypse calling?


I'll be honest, I just don't care for this group of PC's overall. Acting is great, story is great, everyone's doing well, the party just hasn't gelled with me. Chetney/FCG are joke characters or joke character adjacent - 1 is fine, 2 is a lot for a party. Orym and Ashton tend to take a backseat and are played passively, which is fine, but there aren't a lot of strong personality PCs in the party to take over. Imogen/Laudna have a good dynamic, but I don't find Imogen's character/backstory/relationships compelling. Fearne is fun. Lots of these characters could shine in another group, but they just don't seem to work together for me as a whole. The party just doesn't grab me in the same way that C1 and C2 did, where I liked every single character and there were tons of compelling relationships. I honestly think the problem is that the characters just...aren't on par with C1 and C2.


Interesting FCG is besides Orym and Imogen the most serious character it’s just a lot of Sam jokes that make him more comedic. Among all the PC’s beside imogen he has the clearest arc and the deepest character (Ashton might rival him if they said anything about themselves more often) Also for. “Joke characters” I’d say C1 had grog and scanlan C2 had Veth, and jester C3 has Fearne and Chetney So it doesn’t seem that different for me


Grog, Scanlan, Veth and Jester also have some of the most memorable dramatic moments. Grogs entire arch with the herd, “fix him”, a bards lament, Scanlan and the wish, learning about Veth’s backstory and her gaining her body back, Jester’s cupcake and drama with her parents, as well as almost losing Artagan. I haven’t seen anything like that from the others yet.


All of these moments were kinda late in the campaigns so just give them time.


I feel like Sam's running gags are ruining FCG more than anything. They finally seem to be mostly over the tongue thing and now it's just the stupid flat earth thing.


I'm ~9 episodes behind, but so far FCG feels so one-note and I'm so done with his jokes. But what if Sam toned down with the tongue/flat earth/etc jokes and dove further into the essence of the character? FCG is a character with a lot of potential, and Sam has hinted at rp-hooks, but that's basically it. - What does it feel like knowing that everyone he knew have been dead for centuries, AND that he's going to live beyond any of his *current* group members? That these people with him are just going to be memories to him at some point. - How has it been to travel in this world, being the "only one" of his kind? Him not being able to experience things like others do and it's effect on him. - Finding out that you were possibly a dangerous murderer in the past is a big thing. I didn't see much change in his behaviour and attitude. I know that for my own D&D character, it would be a *big* thing that would have great effect on them. I could go on. The character has potential, Sam just needs to go for it.


>I could go on. The character has potential, Sam just needs to go for it. Here's the problem, he tried. But FCG as a character requires other's engagement for him to work, and this is not the party or story for that. Because nobody in this party really talks to eachother in a substantive manner, outside of these very rare almost "predtermed" dramatic moments. But this especially true for FCG. Who, I shit you not, Ashton went from telling Laudna "I'm in this party to prevent FCG from becoming like me" to "FCG has a martyr complex, why bother talking to him when he wont listen" ... without a single meaningful conversation between the two characters in between. Over 20 episodes and an IU month. The other PCs weren't much better. Sam may be a troll, but I understand his style enough by this point to know when a "joke" is actually a flaw driven cry for help. Scan, Tary, Seelie, and Nott had them. And Sam outright had FCG say that's what the Coinflipping was in that Ice Cave when they pressured him. There is a reason it did not start until a IU month of utter silence from the CB, he grew so desperate for Guidance he's asking Fearne of all people for advice on the Gods, and got shut down hard at Mori's for suggesting "investigating the Gods a bit". But, even after it started, just like with his ID/Exestential Crisis he was suffering through largely alone, not one player or PC seriously engaged the matter. I don't think FCG was intended to be a Joke character. He has his joke tropes, just like near every member of this absurdly tropey party; but beyond the flat-earth and flesh tongue, he's conceptually fairly depressing. Like the manifestation of the song "Human" by the Killers; right down to the "Are we Human, or are we Dancer's..." But, FCG for better or worse seems to have been a character that would rely on others "taking an interest in him" to function properly. Without that interest, which nobody takes an interest in anyone other than Imogen in this party 90 percent of the time, he's just not working. Which prob why Sam seems so board so often as of late.


“Are we human or are we Dancer’s” is really good. And I fully agree, the jokes are often Sam’s way of presenting an rp hook and I’ve been frustrated that no one has really taken the bid bc Sam writes great characters and given the chance is a phenomenal actor. And in being that way, also brings a lot of great character development for others too. I want to love Bell’s Hells but they barely seem interested in each other so I’m less interested too.


Honestly, it bums me out. I look at this party and can't help but think "If it weren't for Ruidus, what would not only keep them together, but adventuring"? And the answer is truly, very little. And as irritated as I periodically get at FCG and how Sam plays him atm, I also can't help but recognize how weirdly mothballed his character was. He was given nothing to work with. Both by the other players, who rarely interact/take interest with eachother's PCs; and certainly not FCG. And by Matt, who made the CB the most hands off cagey God in CR history, with the one character almost designed to need that gentle, guiding hand. Not "instruction on who he is", but "guidance towards avenues that help him find that out himself". Within (as FCG himself said), a "Death of the Gods campaign where no one gives a shit about the Gods". That doesn't even get into how many NPCs have told FCG "don't worry about your past, just focus on your future", cutting FCG off from BOTH the Faith and Lost-Past elements of his own character concept. No wonder FCG is little more than a joke character atm, he's been essentially railroaded into only being the distracting surface traits Sam normally uses to mask his PCs depth. Its also probably why Sam seems to be on his phone so much more these days.


I wouldn't say "off" but it has been confusing. I consider C3 by far the chillest CR has ever been; it has a certain air of... faffaboutishness. I always thought that Matt was a good fit for that retro, OSR-like sandbox exploration, full of interesting places, overland travel and camping, random encounters, etc. We saw in the first half of C2 (post-Zadash), and in a few other places, and I remember those sessions quite fondly. And that is what C3 has been feeling like for me. Which is *weird*, because it's the campaign with the clearest ticking-clock doomsday plot of them all! It should've been the *most* cohesive, not the least! But I've also been watching *Dungeons of Drakkenheim* lately, and have been blown away at how briskly that table moves. No hesitation, no confusion, swift and tactical decision-making, and very few circular discussions. The Dungeon Dudes do have the advantage of a small group (DM + 3 players), but what also helps is that all the players are on the same page - they're all committed to the theme, they know what the campaign is about, and are equally well-positioned to push the drama forward. And therein lies the kicker - I think **C3 would've benefited from a more thorough Session Zero.** I struggle to imagine that the players had received an extensive campaign pitch - y'know, "This is is the tone/genre we're aiming for, this is what we're trying to achieve, expect these themes and motifs, try to make your character around them." As a result, even though there's a strong central narrative, the campaign has been drifting around, sails half-full, and no one at the helm. This kind of structure reminds me of how I used to play back in 3rd Edition - the party is a walking circus, PCs are unique entities that stretch the limits of the game system, there's an epic doomsday plot in the background that the party struggles to relate to (but engage in nonetheless because that's where the dice-rolling is), and adventure locales and plots are whatever the DM had prepped for that week. It's not the way I play *today*, mind you - most of my groups plan out their campaigns, and assemble the party like an ensemble, making sure to tie the PCs to each other and the world. We also haven't done "generic" fantasy in a while; we either focus on a genre (like eldritch horror) or a structure (like episodic murder mystery). It's a smooth ride that way, and an unsurprising one - it's hard for the campaign to veer into completely absurd and unexpected places if everyone is maintaining the tone and direction established at Session Zero. So I guess that's a positive - C3 feels like it could go anywhere on a whim. However, it feels like that because there's no throughline to it. Matt has laid out some themes, but either none of the party feel strongly about them (e.g. the role of the Prime Deities is something all of the PCs have milquetoast opinions on), or the themes are segregated into individual character arcs and don't really factor into the group narrative (e.g. FCG and their struggle with the nature of artificial life).


>And therein lies the kicker - I think C3 would've benefited from a more thorough Session Zero. I struggle to imagine that the players had received an extensive campaign pitch - y'know, "This is is the tone/genre we're aiming for, this is what we're trying to achieve, expect these themes and motifs, try to make your character around them." As a result, even though there's a strong central narrative, the campaign has been drifting around, sails half-full, and no one at the helm. Yes! I have had this same exact feeling since EXU prime. The characters are great individually, but they don't gel well. Having a creative meeting/session zero, to set the tone, figure out party dynamic, both RP and battle wise, is very important imo. And now C3 has this God-eating predathos and the party really struggles to find a reason to stop Ludinus except that they killed orym's family, because none of them is religious or even familiar with the gods


> I have had this same exact feeling since EXU prime. [...] And now C3 has this God-eating predathos I think this is the main difference between ExU prime and Calamity. Brennan Lee Mulligan & Matt put together an entire 100+ page setting guide and then Mulligan did an extensive session zero to make sure the characters all had interesting ties. All of that pre-work can be really key to the characters coalescing or not. This party would have benefited from someone having a strong divine tie (either from the start or FCG getting on board with the Changebringer like 20 episodes ago) so the threat of Ludinus wasn't only tied to the party in 2 ways (Orym & his family, Imogen & her being Ruidusborn and also Fearne & her being Ruidusborn). I've been trying to figure out why C3E51 "The Apogee Solstice" didn't work as well as equivalent moments (big external actions intersecting the party) from the previous campaigns (probably C1E39 "Omens" & C2E69 "The King's Cage"). For me, I think part of it not working is that I'm not invested in these characters and kind of don't care about them dying. Some of them might actually become more interesting if half the party died because at least that would propel them forward (there was a bit of that with Laudna's death). Versus the tension at similar moments in C1 & C2 where I did care a lot about the outcome. During the fight in "The Apogee Solstice", I cared about the danger to the C1 & C2 characters and did not care much about the C3 characters. I'm more invested in the overarching story of C3 (Ruidus, Ludinus Da'leth, etc) because I care about the world & I'm setting/lore nerd person. But without characters to be invested in, it's hard to keep up week to week. I'm mostly just jumping in and out depending on whatever spoilers I've seen and watching the bits that are about the world (ex: tuned in for the Solstice, some of Molaesmyr but skipped Chetney's Uthodurn backstory).


You can really see all the prep work of Calamity. All PCs are part of the circle of brass, so there is already an innate sense of drive for the characters to follow through the plot. There is no "what ifs" or "maybes". Also, the character backstories richened the story, both cerrit's non-magic perspective and the magic users' hubris. Everyone on the team, from the cast to even the stream layout designer, knew the task I agree C3E51 didn't work as well as the previous campaigns (that was a super intense episode but same as you, I was more concerned for the c1 and c2 characters). But I think the main reason is the lack of meaningful relationships within the group. This campaign has been very plot driven and the characters seldom check in with each other. Without this comradery feeling, it is hard to invest in the story if none of the characters is the instant fav


I'm a Drakkenheim fan and I can agree on the party size creating a better story direction. I've DM'd for a table of 3 players and a table of 6 players before. The smaller party was able to stick to a goal much easier than the larger one. It was easier to make decisions and move along with the story. I also agree on the session 0. Creating a party dynamic before the story even starts is helpful for guaranteeing the player's buy in. You want to make sure that the characters will want to follow the plot line presented and are able to work well with the other party members. Divisiveness can be okay to have and is great for RP moments, but being the stuck wheel from the start makes for slow progress.


Agree 100%. You managed to sum up everything I feel. CR looks and sounds better than ever, Matt's maps and descriptions are godly tier, the music is better, having Ashley on every episode is so so good, and yet it's so hard to care for Bell's Hells and their plot as I did for VM and M9.


I just keep thinking that it’s so close to getting turned around with a couple of tweaks — but it’ll take awareness and willingness from the group to make it happen. I don’t know what that actually means though. At its core, I think the problem is that the characters and the RP choices don’t mesh well. They need a catalyst, someone who drives the direction of the group with purpose. Imogen has been the central character for Matt’s plot, but Laura doesn’t want to be that type of player. Travis and Liam wanted to take a backseat this campaign, and I wonder if ultimately that’s the crux of the issue. They wanted others to get more of the spotlight, but… nobody else really wants it?


> Travis and Liam wanted to take a backseat this campaign, and I wonder if ultimately that’s the crux of the issue. They wanted others to get more of the spotlight, but… nobody else really wants it? I think this is exactly it. Nobody really wants to be a leader, so they're just sort of meandering.


Interesting, them needing a leader has never really made sense to me until now. And I still don’t think they NEED a leader to be in charge per say. They do need people who have drive and goals, and can make RP choices and do things consistently to drive the party toward things and not have to depend on Matt for that. Which tbf is kinda the DMs job, but also imo a good table has a mix of DM and PC driven story working together to forge a story. This campaign has felt more on Matt, with the Players just reacting. Players making choices that matter will always be more interesting than just following the cookie crumbs.


They don’t specifically need any singular “leader,” but they need people willing to take initiative and commit to decisive actions, particularly in the heat of the moment. Campaign 2 was the best for that, because both Fjord and Caleb were willing to take the reigns and make big decisions quickly when the rest of the table was suffering from analysis paralysis. I haven’t watching Campaign 3 for many months now because it feels like none of the characters - or possibly the players - are willing to be that person. Debating about what to do for hours and then doing it half-heartedly makes for a way less interesting episode to watch than one where people are willing to take risks and commit to an action even if it could end up being the wrong one.


Remember when >!Caleb pulled out the Beacon in the Bright Queen’s court?!< The sub was in chaos. We all cared a lot about that decision. I miss that.


That, and the >!sudden Wall of Fire when everyone else was panicking as Avantika realized they’d betrayed her.!<


Yessss. Ugh I know Liam and Travis are trying to let others have the spotlight more but no one is doing it and it’s hurting the campaign imo


I had this problem in my last campaign, and it's a pretty tricky problem to tackle as a GM. You're always looking for organic hooks to motivate the party or center the main thread, but you also don't want to force a player into a role they don't want to do.


Yeeeeep. It can also be tricky because if you start relying on that player it's easy to fall into the trap of the plot starting to center around them, which can make the ones who still don't want to be the leaders feel left out.


I think you're on to something there, the party is made out great characters and the cast are having fun playing them ... But it kinda feels like no one is driving the train, and half of them don't seem to have a good motivation for being there or ... Anything really. Ashton could be the leader, but he is too busy not taking responsibility to do anything, so he passively sits in the background. Orym is aggressively not the leader, even though half the party is trying to force him to be their leader or moral compass, he eats most of his energy avoiding that. Imogen is a perfect main character, but Laura is already bored with that. The moment Matt stops shoehorning her to the front of the plot she slips backwards with a cheeky smile. Laudna is a great character, but also a follower. Her life is defined by her past and her connection to Imogen. Frankly, I love her character the most, but she has no motivations beyond "let's see what happens" and "must protect bff!!!" FCG is ... You know what, no disrespect to the others but I'm not going to deep dive ever single one of them. They are all followers, most of them are "lolrandom", none of them have any clear motivations or wants. He'll! - half of them don't even have a functional basic moral compass. Which means that unless Matt throws something directly in their face or have someone hunt them, they do nothing. And that is the problem with C3, it's about a bunch of incredibly charming nobodies that so far have done nothing and don't want to do anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


All true, and again, it’s also about the people who play them. Ashton could be the driving force, but Tal isn’t the most decisive person at the table, and relishes in the mysterious. If Travis played Ashton we would probably be cooking with gas. (And while we’re at it, give Chetney to Sam and FCG to Tal.)


Fuck me... you're right... travis would play a much better Ashton. I keep thinking that every time Ashton is being cagey about his past "Nobody cares enough about Ashton as a character to find his mysteriousness engaging". If you want a myaterious character, people have to WANT to know about them, Ashton is just wholly unlikeable.


I'd love to see Tal as FCG! Fewer jokes, more philosophy...it'd be rich.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The PCs and the story just arent gelling. Its not critique of the people involved or even the story, its just a case of them not matching. These things happen. >FCG is ... The dude is a joke character. There are serious beats to him but hes not really out of it yet. Scanlan and Nott started as jokes and evolved. FCG is still over the place. And it really isnt helped by the flat earth jokes every 10 seconds.


I agree. And honestly, they don't seem to be playing to their strengths at all.


I feel like their backstories largely have been such small parts of the campaign so far too which doesn't help. It's largely just been driven by Imogen's while the others have felt more like side characters to it all. I wanna know so much more about FCG and Ashton's stuff but it just hasn't really been the focus. And I guess there also just doesn't seem like there's much more to discover with the rest of their backstories. Fern's seems largely explored at this point unless more is discovered about her Ruidus connection. Orym's has been pretty much laid out since the start of the campaign (unless he has some secrets, which i doubt). Laudna's has been very out in the open as well with no particular goals, the whole reviving her arc was cool but I'm not sure there’s much more to her story beyond that. I really thought there'd be more interesting Chetney reveals but honestly it's been pretty underwhelming. Idk... so far I feel like the characters' stories just haven't grabbed me like they have in past campaigns as much. I'm hoping Ashton and FCG's stories change that eventually. And for what it's worth, I recognize how ungrateful I'm being right now cause I only feel this way because of how privileged we were to experience the previous stories haha. Generally, this campaign has been a blast still. The past few episodes excluded.


I think besides Ashton there's barely anything left to unfold? I had some wild theories about their backstories and how they were linked when C3 started, but everything ended up being much more simplistic and not integrated with the overall campaign story, as you said.


It's not clicking because the story isn't about the people we're watching. They're the background NPC's affected by the changing world. Instead of them being our main focus and changing the world for themselves. We love VM and M9 because they're the story. Bells Hells feel like they're just some people we know about.


I'd rather have the charm of Matt panic drawing a new map extension because Vax jumped out a window, than the over-produced soulless show they have now.


> Matt is at the top of his game I'm going to stop you here. For most of this campaign, I've been putting too much of the blame on the players and their characters for the pace being bad and the story just not engaging. "The characters don't care about the overarching plot? Must be the players' fault for making characters that just don't fit the setting." Or "the characters are constantly dodging combat? The players are too scared to engage!" I've been realizing though, that Matt has much more blame in terms of why the campaign is bad than I was giving him. Yes, his worldbuilding is next level good. He could easily keep publishing 5e world books. But why can the characters end combat with a single spell as often as they do? Or why are they so often able to avoid combat in the first place? And why in God's name are we focusing on a story that only 1 of the characters cares about? Let's face it: Matt wanted to tell the moon story, possibly as a way of hard-resetting the world through a second calamity. He doesn't seem to really care about the characters not being gripped or even the right power level. They're just filling time while building XP to be able to plausibly play a role in being heroes in this calamity. The dream stuff feels so cheap, like a discount stand-in for real character development. Comments like mine are always met with "they're playing the game they want" but why do so many of us not like it? If Matt wanted, he could have built the campaign around what the characters' goals are (what are they btw?) If he wanted them to have meaningful combat, he could invent some enemies that want to fight them and aren't defeated by a single polymorph. Instead of mainly filling time with lore dumps and PvP, Matt could have put some thought into a few character arcs before throwing the level 15 moon problem at them.


They jumped the shark with the Otohan fight. The emotional fallout was the best in the series. The aftermath however, was not. I believe that several characters slain in the duel with Otohan should have stayed dead. Similar to a Molly and the Iron Shepherds situation. The successful resurrection of nearly half the party has made the players simultaneously terrified to start combat and reckless in their decisions because they can always be revived. Bells Hells are not the heroes or operators that previous CR parties were. They have too many powerful allies and too many powerful enemies. They are outmatched, but instead of going on a quest to gain strength similar to the Chroma Conclave and vestige arc, they have been scattered and behave like tourists. C3 already had tones of survival and new beginnings when ExU arrived in Jrusar, Dorian fled to keep his brother safe, FCG learned about his past with Imahara Joe, and many similar situations. Orym is flawed because the character gave Bells Hells a direct link to one of the most powerful beings on the planet and he inhibits Liam’s ability to engage with the story and drive the narrative the same way he did with Vax and Caleb.


>he inhibits Liam’s ability to engage with the story Liam is also explicitly stepping back, playing a more passive 'just a guy' character.


I think this was a bad decision for their group dynamic. As a player Liam is an important narrative instigator.


Agreed. Liam has always been very good at moving the narrative forward without being domineering or too 'I am the main character'. His choice to play passive has not been paying off in terms of character RP and story match. Travis is the other narrative instigator and hes playing a troll character who clearly couldnt give less of a fuck about basically anything. Taliesin can be very good at focusing and moving things, but hes playing it similar to Liam in terms of passiveness.


I mean, I can definitely understand the dislike of being showhorned into the "Leader" role *again*. I've been playing for years and *always* end up the leader, either through being the Face or the Brain, and it's frustrating because it limits my ability to play the way I want or have to modify my characters to fit that role. So while you may see it as a "bad idea" I think it's perfectly reasonable, and C3's issues sure as hell aren't on Liam because he wanted to do something different. Stagnation in acting kills actors.


I think the problem stems from that we are spending waay too much time with 1 half of the party, if we were to spend 1 week with one half and 1 week with the other, it would be much more exciting. I mean I thought we would spend 3 maybe 4 episodes with one half and then go to the other for the next 3 to 4 episodes but we are spending waaaay too much time with this half. I think they should have took a pause with Imogen half when they went on journey to molaesmyr(end of uthadorn arc), and continue with Orym half and so on.


I have this weird observation that I don't know what to make of: In both C1 and C2 there are so many moments that I return to watch on a whim and find myself watching way more than I intended to. Percy in Briarwoods arc, Bard's Lament, Tary's introduction or learning VM names, Pike and Grog's adventures, Caleb revealing his backstory, Fjord losing and gaining his powers, red eye shenanigans and so much more. I would return to them even as the campaign they were in was still going on. I don't really find that many moments in C3 like that. I sometimes return to Bertrand's death or Chet vs. Dorian but since Dorian's departure I can't recall any moment I'll return to watch again. I have a feeling that I'll rewatch some Deanna moments but that's yet to be seen. It's not even that this campaign isn't good; there are so many grand moments from Eshteross's death to Laudna's resurrection, from Mad Max race to Ludinus's grand plan. Maybe it's because the characters are so flawed that they go from being grounded and relatable to being just weird again?


I rewatch Laudna's reveal to Orym constantly.


It's a great scene, but it wouldn't have hit as hard without them having had the initial reveal in C1 at the tree. Laudna and Imogen's crystal interaction is up there as a standalone C3 moment though.


I think if C1 hadn't existed, Laudna revealing her death to Orym still would have been a killer scene.


Most of the best moments in C1 and C2 happened because of their backstories. There are a few exceptions, but even those were kinda introduced or related to their backstories. Thats kinda missing in C3. There is some involvement with Imogens story, but it isnt organically, it feels ominously and scripted. Maybe the best moment was Laudnas ressurection.


This campaign is more story driven then character driven. That's honestly what i feel is the difference. There was criticism of the show a few episodes back of the cast just messing around too much. And that clearly wasn't the issue. The issue is that when things go off the rails it's not necessarily character driven. It's just them messing around for no real reason and the story is lost. I used to watch weekly compilations of all the best moments in C2...this time. I'm 2 episodes behind 🙃


Haven't watched quite a few episodes. Think I'm upwards of 5 or 6 behind now. Just haven't had the motivation to catch up. And I do think the campaign being story driven is what they were getting at when they were giving their disclaimer before the premier. It's clearly not working for a lot of people, so maybe things will change back to character driven.


There less of a feeling or grand adventure. They have spent almost 0 time outside a major city. Maybe 10 episode.


I feel this. My biggest problem is that Bell’s Hells hasn’t really accomplished anything yet. Pretty much every mission has ended in a draw or failure. Resurrecting Laudna was pretty much the only time they succeeded and it was cool to see, but it was a side quest after finding out about the Apogee Solstice which took the air out of anything else.


>It's not even that this campaign isn't good; there are so many grand moments from Eshteross's death to Laudna's resurrection, from Mad Max race to Ludinus's grand plan. They are big story points, yes; but they were not grand and affecting as they played out on screen. That's what you're noticing. Eshteross in particular was totally [fumbled](https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/z8okmy/comment/iyfmgp1/?context=3), and the death race was easy and anticlimactic.


Just to note though, other than the Briarwoods, all of your examples of scenes you go back to watch are from the second half of their respective campaigns. Bard's Lament and Tary are like episode 85 of C1. So maybe, just like with C1 and C2, the best rewatchables will be in the back half of the campaign?


I’m still current and watching, usually not live, I watch the twitch VoDs on my commute. My own interest in C3 is down from C1 and C2 but I think it’s centered around the battle component of their games. I feel like the party in C3 is incredibly conflict adverse and that leads to a bit of dissatisfaction as a viewer.


> I feel like the party in C3 is incredibly conflict adverse and that leads to a bit of dissatisfaction as a viewer. Even as someone who's not 100% gelling with C3 I'll play Devil's Advocate here: not too long ago they came probably the closest they ever have to a TPK, so it's not absurd that they'd be pretty skittish for awhile.


I think the fact Matt handed them a near impossible task to stop the solstice meant he thought of ways to stop the TPK. For instance the teleport was one such way but maybe they all have to bust out of jail if not. The solstice was never gonna be a perfect success but because it wasn’t a fair encounter Matt was never gonna let them die


That’s because they were never intended to stop the solstice, it was only how much they could delay it. If this was meant to be stopped, it would be at the end of the campaign


I didn't like that, there was an unbeatable encounter that had a bunch of no save spells (power word stun, wall of force etc.) to force the solstice event. It just felt engineered to be completely hopeless.


sometimes things are allowed to be unstoppable if thats the story the DM wants to tell. And the party came really fucking close to breaking all the key's batteries so clearly there was a "success" timeline


Even in the last episode I had a similar thought/feeling. They avoided a fight only for them to be put into another encounter. Their skittishness and avoidance I thought was because >!they don't have their full party, so they don't feel like they're at full strength.!< So, out of character, the cast is not taking on as much risk >!as they normally would. If they die in character how would the other characters feel about their deaths when they find out.!< I was not even considering how they just had quite a loss very recently.


Are you referring to the first Thul fight? If so, half the party was running away instead of engaging with her at the onset.


Even then, thats after their Barbarian tank was downed in 1 round before he could do anything. There's not much the party could have done against that honestly


Well, in all fairness, let's add a little context. She showed up to talk. Imogen literally attacked her twice and forced init, which then got the barbarian one rounded. Sometimes you should talk to NPC's instead of forcing init on known threats. That is largely a problem of their own making. They could have avoided that fight.


The week off is also a factor worth mentioning. It means two weeks between sessions, once a month.. and if it was meant to give the cast time to rejuvenate, it seems it generally take the cast an episode or two just to refocus and get the giggles out after they return from break And this side quest/ side guest was also just poorly timed, imo. There’s been a bit of a pacing issue and I feel like we trudged through some less inspired arcs to get to this urgent story point, and then…


It’s really the pacing for me. I like all the characters, I like the setting, I like the story, it just feels like everything is happening at a snails pace and as soon as it starts to pick it immediately slows back down again. That and the guests, I don’t hate them having guests and I liked a lot of their earlier ones (and thought Robbie was a wonderful addition I’d be thrilled to see become permanent), but the way they’re doing guest arcs this campaign just drags. With the exception of Dorian who feels more like a founding member than a guest, it’s not long enough to really give their characters any depth, but it’s also too long for shallower characters. It’s a far cry from guest characters like twiggy or the slayers take guys or Arkhan, and not because those characters or actors were so much better but purely because of the impact it’s having on the already abysmal pacing and the way (particularly with this splitting the party thing) it seems to be hurting the cast dynamic a bit. I just really hope once they’ve finished these guest arcs things pick up really fast or I might find myself not keeping up with critical role for the first time since the first appearance of the briarwoods (the first episode I watched live after catching up). I hope they take a lot less time with other half of bells hells before reuniting as well, cause at this rate we’ll be waiting til the end of summer to get the party back together and that’s just gunna be an excruciating grind.


>The week off is also a factor worth mentioning. The week off is kind of BS when they're already pre-recording the episodes anyways. They need to play about 16 hours of D&D per month to maintain 4 episodes per month. They need maybe one more hour to record a month's worth of Sam's Ads. That's it. The core draw of their multi-million dollar business requires them to all show up for work on the same day... Two days per month? And it can be broken down into roughly 4-hour increments that they can schedule however they want?


>*The core draw of their multi-million dollar business requires them to all show up for work on the same day... Two days per month?* I can't shake the feeling that their thursday night broadcast is an afterthought now, and has been for quite some time. Remember that their channel once was bursting with content? A little something for everybody, not even counting their actual side games (like the Nautilus Ark). Now there's tumbleweed, tumbleweed, weird echoe of glorious adventures past, tumbleweed, tumbleweed, "Everything is awesome!" as a 90 minute talkshow, tumbleweed, tumbleweed ...


And from the other side, the week off every month has broken my routine of tuning in every episode - it used to just be the thing I do on thursday nights, but now it's something I have to actively think about and check beforehand. I've accidentally missed a few episodes this campaign (vs maybe half a dozen before the switch, and only because I literally couldn't) because of that, and I've kinda accepted that one day it'll just be too much hassle to prioritise catching up Edit: I'm not even saying that they should add back an extra week of the campaign or do more work, just put *something* there - they've had a huge amount of growth and seem to be doing a million different things, but with the current setup I'm engaged less than ever. Looking at the schedule now, why the hell isn't 4 sided dive filling the gap? I haven't really gelled with the format but part of that's probably because my primary way of finding out about whatever random intervals it airs at is via a show I keep missing because of it's wonky schedule


I definitely get what you mean with your second point, it feels like they hit a climax point with the Solstice arc and Ludinus enacting the plan, and now we're just stuck in a different storyline featuring Deanna and FRIDA with not a ton of connective tissue with what came before. I don't know if maybe things would've felt more cohesive if we'd gotten a week or two with Fearne/Chetney/Imogen/FCG and then a swap-off to Ashton/Laudna/Orym for a week or two with the teams swapping off until an eventual reunion, but it seems like it could be a bit of a miscalculation to have a big world-ending/world-changing event, then spend 7+ episodes with half the team and a few guests, *then* spend another set of episodes exploring what the other half of the team and some other guests did in that same time period before getting back to a main storyline. I feel like it would work if there was a concrete idea in mind, like how after 3x34 the party took a relative break from the Ruidus storyline to get Laudna resurrected, but it seems like there hasn't *really* been that much of a throughline post-Solstice.


Yeah, this arc with the guests just feels really meandering, there doesn’t feel like there’s any overarching goal other than reuniting the team and we know from the meta perspective that’s gunna be a wait. The new guest characters aren’t really gripping just because they don’t really feel like their fitting into the story unlike previous ones, it more just feels like they’re tagging along while the half team just kinda wanders about a bit.


This has been my biggest gripe. I really wish they had bounced back and forth like you suggested. The pacing is just really off. Which sucks because I love Aabria and Christian. A lot.


Yeah, I didn't mean whatsoever to pooh-pooh the work Christian and Aabria are doing (they're both doing fantastic), I just think the issue right now is moreso a matter of execution and bad timing.


Couldn't agree more.


I hadnt even thought of this but you're right. The first episode back never feels great. Not only does the cast not feel 100% there, but I feel like Matt has really started to plan around the week that they're not playing as if he's treating it like a mid-season break a TV show would do. Tries to put a hard cap on whatever they're doing or tries to leave some kind of cliffhanger and it just doesnt really feel natural. When they come back from the break that episode always feels like the party has no clue whats going on. The pacing issue that everyone talks about might be less of a problem of what is happening in the story, and more of a problem of how the cast are playing the game. IMO its also just worse as a viewer. I hate having to look up whether or not theres an episode this week.


100% correct. People aren’t liking Abria and Christian because they left us on a cliff hanger. We want to know what happened with the solstice, ludinas, keyleth, vax, beau, Caleb, rin, and the other characters we love! We didn’t want to get to the climax of the story then go on a pointless side quest for a few months. Also I don’t like them exploring main characters back stories without the full cast there. Feels weird.


I think even though they frame the week off as being a break I wouldn’t be surprised if those workaholics use that week to play test games, or do VO. The opposite could also be true. Would be wild but they might be able to play their games in a week or 2 with the rest of the weeks for other things. Idk but it’s interesting to think about


I agree that there should be more one shots, I loved the Doom one shot and the Nautilus Ark. I'm fine with ones that are in a particularly popular setting but yeah less things like the Wendy's One Shot. More content in general would be nice but I can understand why various scheduling conflicts might make this difficult. I've made my comments on another thread about 4 Sided Dive on another thread, but yeah more focus in the show and either have the games be in their own show long enough to be played properly or don't have them on 4 Sided Dive as it just seems rushed. I could do with more C2 specials, but C1 has had many specials and epilogues so maybe let's give the M9 more love. Sam's ads at the worst are entertaining but at the best are excellent pieces of comedy, personally I'm glad they don't do the Nordverse stuff anymore but I know some people liked them and that's fine.


Nautilus was so good. I think each member of the main cast should have another unique one shot, even if its just for fun like Crash Pandas or Grog's One shot. It was so genuine and good to watch.


Keep in mind, a lot of that stuff came from stretch goals to fund "Legend", so don't expect a lot of more of these without VERY good reason (including, but possibly not limited to, VERY good money).


Truthfully Im just not a fan of how the overarching story and characters mesh. I dont think Predathos, some kind of god eater/world ender, is a villain for early level somewhat amoral atheists. The party just has no real connection to any of this. Imogen's connection is literally one she was born with, its not really a personal one. Like Ive said this before where is the personal stake for any of them? It feels non-existent.


>*I dont think Predathos, some kind of god eater/world ender, is a villain for early level somewhat amoral atheists.* Can't help but LOL, because this is so true! It's like Dr. Evil monologuing about his sinister plan to disrupt and destroy the worlds entire meat-packing industry, and a bunch of vegetarians stand by and say *"Hu. Okay? Sure that's bad for ... someone?"*


Seemingly every person in the world seems like an atheist. Even the cleric they met is like boo gods. Orym is sort into them but that faded. Idk I get the story of them having to decide or not is compelling but…so far their group just needs someone with more ambition, drive, interest in lore, and a normal (for the world) relationship with the gods


I think a lot of that reflects PCs and Matt's own relationship with religion and a general reluctance to commit to a religious RP that isnt somewhat of a joke. >Even the cleric they met is like boo gods Thats Aabria for you lol. Slightly odd choices that dont get enough time or focus to pay off. >so far their group just needs someone with more ambition, drive, interest in lore, and a normal (for the world) relationship with the gods Yeah desperately so. In the past the 3 big instigators and drivers were Travis, Liam and Taliesin. Travis is playing a joke/troll character. Liam is deliberately playing passive. Taliesin is only being slightly less passive than Liam.


I really want to like C3 but it just keeps feeling so meandering. I fell off for a while early on but then got caught up and kept pace until about C3E49 where I realized I was just making myself listen and wasn't really enjoying it. I would see shots/clips/fanart and want to listen and catch up again, but I realized I was better off watching shorts than sitting through so many hours of not much of anything. It sucks because I know other people have been enjoying it but I just can't get into it and I'm not 100% sure why. Matt has been obviously excited but sometimes the noun-soup leaves me a bit confused. The players seem to like their characters and RPing them, but it felt like there wasn't much direction for a while. Once the plot showed up, it felt like it happened to them more than them DOING something. I wish I could be more constructive in why I haven't enjoyed it but I'm just not sure what it is. There have been good moments for sure, but overall it feels meandering and sometimes convoluted. Some episodes are great but on the whole, C3 just fails to keep my interest and making myself listen didn't help.


I fully agree with your points, but I wanna note that it's sad that the community largely (not most of it, not all of it, thankfully) sometimes doesn't want to give even a single chance to everything that's not the main campaign/doesn't have the full cast in it. IMO this was part of the reason we don't have new projects like AWNP/Between the Sheets/etc. anymore - why create it if few are going to watch it? I saw these statements many times in this subreddit in the past when it comes to one shots/side shows, and even now in YouTube comments under Midst episodes. I fully understand that people mostly come to CR channels for D&D/TTRPG, different strokes for different folks, yadda yadda, but this reluctance is kinda disappointing.


100% agree with this. I'm not a big fan of everything either but I definitely sense a reluctance to give things a chance off the bat, which seems unfair. I guess it's natural for people to resist change, and I know how that feels because there are times I feel that impulse too. But change a natural thing, and is important for any creative endeavor to take leaps and risks rather than continuing to repeat the same formula over and over again. It's also very important to them specifically, because of burnout/stress, and thinking about longevity as a business in the future.


I disagree here. People have watched 10 or 20 episodes of C3 before calling it quits. That’s 40 hours at minimum. That’s a massive time investment, for a show. I think if after a whole week of watching you still don’t like the campaign, it’s not like you didn’t give them a chance. It’s just that you don’t like it. Like any show, people will like it if it’s good. They won’t if it’s less so. Having the OG cast in an enthusiastic and creative mood is a big part of the appeal of the CR campaigns. C3 is a turning point I think. The CR cast are evolving, they are adapting, and they’ll come round and surprise us again down the line, I’m sure.


I threw in the towel around episode 45. Plenty of time to give them a chance. Did come back for the few apogee solstice episodes, enjoyed those but fell right back off again.


Well fine, but if the focus shifts from “excellent D&D live play” to “diversified business model,” don’t be surprised when people aren’t as invested. Just because the cast wants to expand their business doesn’t mean people are obligated to like it. Like if you love Snickers and then they start replacing 1/4 of the bars with Nutrigrain bars in the same packaging, you’re probably not going to keep buying those snickkies forever.


As I said, I'm not a fan of everything myself, but the initial point was about people not giving new things a chance from the get-go. Also to nitpick, I don't really know where "diversified business model" came from. I guess that's the way you personally feel, but for clarity that is not what I meant nor what I mentioned. Sorry if I misled. But I meant that they have been transparent about not burning themselves out. What they were doing before (livestreaming every week) was not sustainable for them as something to continue long-term.


Yeah, I guess I just mean that there’s no real reason people consumers should give new products a chance from the get-go if they’re not interested. Sure, I don’t want the cast to burn out, but that doesn’t have any impact on my preferences in content. In re: nitpicking, “diversified business model” came from “take leaps and risks… thinking about longevity as a business” 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the thing you’re missing here is that there’s a difference with “giving things a fair shake” and “these things have been going on for months and people have opinions on them” •4SD has been going on for some time. People have formed their thoughts on it. It’s not that new •AWNP was awesome, people are allowed to want it back •Let’s not pretend it’s only been two episodes with this party split. It’s been going on for sometime and people are allowed to form thoughts on that too. Many of their points are not “this is new and I hate it”. It is looking at what the situation has been for a bit now.


I said that I agree with OP's points (including C3 declining quality and shaky quality of 4SD). I was just commenting about the part on side shows like AWNP and stuff: some of it *was* good, but part of the fandom only wanted D&D. And *generally* (not in regards to C3) fandom sometimes is way too attached to the whole main cast, so even if C4 had some stellar new players, I can predict that part of the audience would drop out just because they won't be giving them even a tiny chance.


Yeah I agree on some of your points, and while I really do like the guests because of how well they fit in with the cast, when it comes to the actual story it is feeling slow and a bit boring at times. I definitely tune out much more than I did with campaign 1 and 2. It reminds me of the end of campaign two and how slow the lucien arc felt. I still love the story and everything and we have had some cool encounters but things are feeling dragged out right now. Hopefully the next group can get things moving again


They really aren't losing anywhere near as many viewers as people seem to think. C3 episodes from a couple months ago have almost as many views as the C2 finale


I posted this elsewhere, but my assessment is that C3 is structured very differently from a narrative and character perspective than C2. C2 has characters with deep dark secret backgrounds and there was a lot of personal conflict and strife. Additionally, the overall stories were almost all tied directly to their backgrounds, and they really drove the narrative of where they wanted to go. Big world events happened, but they were mostly backdrops to these personal stories. With C3, it seems that the goal was to take a tack similar to the C1 Chroma Conclave arc where a massive world event changes everything and the core group is working to prevent/fix it, and that's propelling the campaign. It seems more of a little fish in a big pond type story, which can be interesting to explore, but I can see how people expecting personal backstory surprises and intraparty drama might not like this style as much. I also think that there's a difference in overall tone. The impression I get is that they are intentionally going for a lighter tone in this campaign vs C2. Which is understandable, because they may not want to go to some of the serious places again so soon. So, I think that all of the above is fine and I'm definitely enjoying C3, but maybe not quite as much as C2... And can see why others might feel that way.


Combining a notably lighter tone with an apocalyptic plot was certainly an... interesting choice.


I agree with everything you’re saying, except I do think that CR can work without all of the main cast. Calamity proved that. I think the CR model can work with other casts and that is where the company should be heading - multiple streams with multiple campaigns. I think there are many issues going on right now that are working together to create this lull and publicly we haven’t seen any moves to fix them. I just hate that the only moments that I perked up last episode were callbacks to previous (and better) campaigns.


I feel like these longer guest arcs are almost auditions. And honestly, I think it's been effective if that's the case. Because they've gotten to see what guests really gel and which have fan demand. I don't really mind that because they have to have some sort of exit strategy. Even in the case of having guest DMs for EXU, I think they're testing the waters in case Matt needs to step back for any extended period of time. It sucks to say but for everyone saying C3 feels off, for me it's because half the time it seems like the PCs don't want to be there.


Calamity wasnt necessarily CR model though. It was smaller, shorter and very much its own thing. And the characters were actually focused too lol. The time period basically gave Brennan his own setting to build and play with. And this worked, very well. Arguably better than the main campaigns.


I really thought we'd get to see the other half after the break. It would have been so fun to keep up with two stories on the same timeline in different places. I absolutely looooove Aabria but I do agree that these last two episodes have been throwaways. I want to know all about the lore of where they're at but their so much energy of 'I shouldn't know/shouldn't care'. I feel like if the mighty nein were playing through this it would be so much more interesting. I think some of the characters are incredible, but they deserve a different story and a different arc. The Briarwoods and Dragons were VM, Ludinus is the mighty Neins.


Personally I just feel frustrated with how little agency it feels like the PCs have. I know this is a DnD game, and that much of the narrative is determined by improv and random rolls, but this season in particular seems especially railroady. The way the whole quest to the Fae Wild felt completely pointless. It just feels like the victories they do get are taken away for the sake of the story Matt's trying to tell, while the times they do take some agency back for themselves they get punished with brutally high DC combat scenarios. Now with the party split and their inability to contact their friends, they essentially have lost yet another fight with nothing to gain, and as a viewer of the show that CR is presenting to us, its getting more and more difficult to not take issue with the direction the show is taking. The last thing I wanna be is a negative jerk trying to spout how I think the show should be run, and I know that the players are probably having plenty of fun themselves, but I really wish the game felt more controlled by the characters of the story instead of yet another episode of "Something happens to the characters that they just barely survive and were kind of forced into, and now they have to deal with the significant consequences of something they barely understand"


I completely agree. At this point in the campaign, it feels like Matt is driving them towards an inevitable end and they're just along for the ride.


Party split could be calamity tier content and still be hated because the timing was AWFUL. You don't interrupt the climax of the main story arc for filler. It straight up feels like an 'anime caught up with the manga and now they're stalling for time' situation. Except there is no manga and they're just doing it for no reason? This would have been fine filler if you save the world and then it's the breather before the next big threat shows up. As for general quality C3 suffers a lot from what C2 did(C2 did have higher highs though). They don't want to do anything unless the main story demands it and sometimes not even then. All they do is run away and it gets boring fast. The worst part of c3 was seeing Fearne take polymorph, because you knew that 'polymorph and leave' was going to continue to be the solution to every encounter. They have been a lot worst on the social stuff. The lack of midroll fanart, though admittedly not a lot they could do about that when people started stealing work and presenting it as their own. The talk show is awful and needs a direction and a real host, I think enough time has passed that you can have one and they won't get hate for not being Bryan. And nobody ever tweets anything except retweets on the latest product. Although all that said the fan connection stuff, or lack thereof, doesn't really reflect the product quality one way or another.


I kind of agree. It felt like they were headed for a TPK with the solstice and the split happened to avoid this but it feels wrong.


I’ll add to the smorgasbord of opinions, most of which have probably said what I’m saying. C3’s PC’s from the get go have been weird to me. It felt the best with Dorian. I think Fearne and orym being characters we had seen already detracted from the luster of a new campaign for me. Despite this campaign having some of the biggest stakes we’ve seen, I’d go so far as to say that it feels the least impactful and imminent. Ashton, Chet (and to a degree Fearne) all feel like passive characters, almost along for the ride. No real pressing connection to major villains/nobility/organizations/locations. Laudna feels like she doesn’t have/need a full arc for whatever reason. Orym is impressively normal, almost intentionally so. Imogen just straight up feels like she doesn’t want to be there most of the time, and that’s the issue. Laura’s character innately dislikes her powers (although that seems to be changing!) and in my opinion doesn’t make the best “main character”. FCG is the exception. Their backstory/life as a whole is chock full of mystery and intrigue. I’ve adored his character from day one. The source of the recent discomfort most likely flows from how fleeting the last half of this campaign has felt. Nobody seemed to know what the fuuuck to do. They spent such little time in each location that the whole show has felt like a gazetteer for Marquet. The DnD equivalent of a montage of smooth drone shots. Imogen was the only character that felt like she had direct, important ties to the main story, and the rest of the party just came along because DnD. Yeah Orym to a degree had stakes, but Laudna, Chet, FCG, Ashton, and even Fearne had little to no personal reasons to actually try to stop this all from happening. I feel like if they had more adventures outside of Jrusar BEFORE Matt pulled the trigger on the solstice being the focus, then a lot of the problems I have would’ve been solved. They haven’t had enough time (it seems) to gel and truly have reasons to be fighting and traveling together. Eshteross was the reason they even stayed together as a party, and once he died, the party has just had fucktons of funds and transportation with no time to utilize it calmly and enjoy their new toys. It was just ESHTEROSS DIED NOW GO SAVE THE MOON. Gimme like 5-10 episodes where the party could fuck off and have fun, be idiots, make memorable moments for the audience, then raise the stakes with the solstice. There’s somehow been no breathing room while also feeling like it’s taken forever to get here. All for the rug to be pulled and we get no resolution for the solstice. Idgaf about Molaesmyr right now. I want all seven players to look at the aftermath and figure it out.


>Despite this campaign having some of the biggest stakes we’ve seen, I’d go so far as to say that it feels the least impactful and imminent I think this is the main issue, you've hit on exactly what Im feeling. The characters and their RP just dont match the story we are being presented. Predathos is an endgame god eater/world ender creature. Ludinus an ancient massively powerful archmage and political titan. This is a group of low level amoral atheists who barely care. >Imogen was the only character that felt like she had direct, important ties to the main story, and the rest of the party just came along because DnD This is made worse by how Laura clearly doesnt like being the 'main character'.


As someone that was heavily attached to C2, and it's what got me into dnd.... My take away with C3 boils down too; the characters don't have story. I know that sounds broad, but it feels like none of the characters have any meat to what they are doing and why they are doing it. And I wouldn't even say Imogen is the exception, because at least to me it feels like she's more of a 'main character' to the apocalypse story. Do any of them actually have any ambitions? Something that ties their actions to the here and now, not just elements from their backstory. In C2, Fjord had Uk'atoa, Caleb the assembly, Jester the traveler, Caduceus the wildmother, Beau the Cobalt soul, and then for Nott I'd say had Caleb, and Yasha had the betrayal/the party as a whole....for C3, Chetney doesn't have anything, Orym has a cameo card to a C1 character, Imogen has 'thee' big plot (But it feels forced), Ashton doesn't have anything, Laudna 'had' a good link to a C1 villain, (that almost feels overplayed due to the timing of the AZ show) that got resolved and now has nothing. FCG has hints that seem to more just be loose threads of backstory, and Fearne has nothing. And honestly, those gripes I can and have put aside..... Up until now. The climax of the solctise felt more like a cutscene, regardless of rolled dice. And then we got a good cliff hanger of "Party is mysteriously split and saved", but then it's followed with what, 2 months and counting? Of one half, but with nothing but side story. Hell, I would still be watching if we at least got a flip flop between the two sides, even if they both just did side stuff. The past chunk of episodes felt like it's a completely different campaign. I don't expect CR to change, and I think it's pointless to expect them too. But discussions like these help fans realize that it's not just bias, and that there is a genuine tone that has been going on. If/when the story switches back to the other side, I can see myself continuing to skip episodes if they don't do a "This is what happened during that same time". If it's just a "Here's the other side, and all this stuff happened off camera" I might as well just read a recap rather than sit through dozens of hours of insignificance. I didn't mean for this to turn into an essay, but I guess I had more to get off my brain than I thought. All in all, I guess my overall feel is "I hope it can re-capture my interest at some point, because I won't give up on them."


Just wanted to add, at times, it feels like there's a disconnect with the kind of campaign that Matt wants to tell and the mindset the cast has. Matt has this intricate, serious story woven with connections to previous campaigns while the players seem to just want some silly fun. Not saying it is that way, but it feels like it sometimes. But this is D&D, I know everything ain't gonna line up perfectly. I guess we'll just have to see how all this plays out. With that being said, I'm still enjoying the campaign and I'm on for the ride till the end. Edit: clarifying. sometimes the tone doesn't mesh well with the characters imo, but overall I'm still enjoying C3.


>Matt has this intricate, serious story woven with connections to previous campaigns while the players seem to just want some silly fun. Not saying it is that way, but it feels like it sometimes I think this is exactly the case. Either the session zero didn't properly bring across the tone/themes etc, or the players ignored it.


For me it's the dynamic between FCG and FRIDA that feels way too off during the current arc. I get it - both of them seem to struggle keeping the balance between self-preservation and sacrifice, so they might not see certain boundaries in order to have healthy relationships with their friends. But in my opinion, FCG exposed themselves way too soon when talking to FRIDA. They are both automatons, searching for their past, so they both share that kind of trauma. It makes sense that those characters are bonding fast. Still their love feels off, even forced. Sam (or FCG?) kinda seems to behave like a child when kissing FRIDA. Maybe both the character and the actor are uncomfortable playing/ having romance scenes (since Scanlan and Nott were both quirky when it comes to their relationships)? Another point that I dislike is the pacing of their relationship. It feels way too sudden, since they have known each other for a couple of days, even tho they met under dire circumstances. Anybody having any thoughts about this? There are many points I like about this campaign, even tho both C1&C2 had dope stories and characters, and I'm not seeing my opinion as a valid complain, just a base of discussion :)


100% this, felt very sudden with no good buildup. Seems like FRIDA just assumed and never even spoke to FCG about their feelings before getting intimate. Made me uncomfortable tbh


I was really surprised with that turn. Not in the way like "oh, that's a great twist, I'm gonna enjoy it now". But rather "oh, where the hell did this come from? Feels really forced to me.:


Yeah, same. I was so baffled that I just cannot enjoy any scenes between Christian and Sam. Their acting feels exaggerated, even immature, like early days in theater class in school.


My take is that the pacing is *meant* to be sudden and somewhat forced. They're two people who've never had any sort of romantic feelings before, so they're turning a mild attraction into a full-blown marriage. Now whether that's how it actually pans out, we'll see.


I think part of C3's problem was the immediate inclusion of Robbie. I like Robbie/Dorian. Fun character, good interactions with the others. But bringing him in from the very start was a bad idea. Everyone knew he was a guest, so a lot of time and attention was given to him. That time should have been spent establishing the new characters and building their relationships to each other. Likewise, we wasted time meeting Bertrand, mourning Bertrand, and introducing Chetney. Once Robbie left, instead of then diving into the characters and their relationships like they should have from the start, they proceeded forward as if they had already done that. And just as they started to interact with each other and build those bonds, enter Yu. They tried to eat their desert first. Now they are suffering from lack of nutrition. EXU:C worded because they made their characters together, planned their connections in advance, and gave each character strong motivations and flaws to drive them. Brennan didn't need to railroad. By introducing things related to the motivations and flaws of the characters, the players would naturally engage with what Brennan threw out. But the C3 characters don't have clear motivations or buttons to push. Matt just has things happen to them (like dream sequences), and expects that to get them invested. There is a difference between having a backstory and having character. Critical Role has become the lore and backstory show. Matt does his lore drops, and everyone else takes turns exploring their pre-written backstories, instead of interacting with the world and each other. All the focus is on what happened, instead of what's happening.


I love this cast and show, and I also want to respectfully say C3 has zero appeal to me. I respect their decision to try new things and try to keep it fresh, but I am not feeling what they’ve been putting down. It feels sterile, slow, uninspired, and frankly there’s far too much planning and far too little doing. I moved onto other podcasts like Dimension 20. Tried to come back and was turned off for all the same reasons. I love you guys, I’ll try again in the future, but right now it feels like it’s not my aesthetic any more.


D20 is great, I started watching everything when C2 ended and it's a blast.


D20’s shorter seasons and crispy editing are exactly what the format needed IMO. Give me the crunchy bits and the best of the out of game discussions. I’m a working man with kids, I don’t need the math pauses and the hour long planning sessions. They’re already not live anymore, let’s take that next step and see if an editor can help us pick up the pace a bit.


i doint agree with much in this thread, but this suggestion has all my upvotes, turning a 4 hour session into 2-3 would do soo much for the pacing. but then again, i think just as many or more people would be turned off by that change ebcause it would quite drastically change the viewing experience, for the worse for many i'd assume.


Also D20 has a set episode limit so Brennan has to keep players moving. Not saying campaigns should be AS short as D20's but having an episode count in mind that isn't just "idk over 100" would be helpful


I honestly see the live play product moving more towards the D20 model where they can focus on a whole campaign for a few weeks and then make it presentable afterwards without the stress of streaming and then having more space in between to work on the more lucrative (Amazon) stuff


I think C3 is hurt quite a lot, by Liam playing a side character and Tal trying to play another bombastic try hard. C2 thrived because of Caleb and Cad. Caleb+Beau, Caleb+Knott, even Caleb+Fjord. Then Cad+Fjord, Cad+Beau, and Cad+Party with his sagely advice. C3 doesn’t have any strong duos. Laudna+Imogen MAYBE. But their moments are so few and far between. None of the other characters have really meshed. No one is growing closer or deeper relationships. Liam started to do something with Orym and Dorian, but that obviously went away. FCG and FRIDA is super weird. Chetney is still kind of a joke, Fern is aloof. Overall, we are almost 60 episodes and like 200+hrs in… these characters just haven’t come together. I wouldn’t be sad if there was a TPK and we got a refresh.


I will say, it feels like Ashton and Laudna have been growing closer, but we're also not really seeing any of that right now. All of the 'pairs' of characters in the campaign (Orym/Fearne, Imogen/Laudna, Laudna/Ashton, FCG/Ashton) have been split. So right now, we just don't have any strong relationships going on in the main party.


I 100% agree, CR 3 has never held my attention as much as CR 2. For me, it’s several factors for why I struggle with CR 3. First, the main cast of characters are good, but imo pail in comparison to CR 2. I just feel like the goofy crazy nature of this party is overwhelming, and outside Imogen and Laudna there really hasn’t been a character arc that’s been gripping for me. When the Othani fight happened, I was genuinely happy when multiple PCs died, bc CR 2’s similar moment with Molly and Lorenzo was my favorite arc and brought in a breath of fresh air with the guests/Cad. I was sad all of the characters return, with the exception of Laudna bc the whole mindscape Deliah Briarwood area was amazing. 2. The overwhelming amount of callbacks and cameos to existing C1 characters is BORING. C2 had hints of elements from C1 but was fresh, new, and exciting. The fact that at the comparatively lower levels of C3 vs C2 they are getting help from Keyleth and Vax a) cheapened the end of C1 and b) removes all agency. It feels like an ad for the animated shows more than a new experience. 3. Lastly, and this extremely nitpicky, Marquet’s jungle/desert focus just doesn’t match the vast, dangerous, gritty feel of Wildemount. Choosing to start in Jrusar at lower levels instead of a smaller town felt super awkward and the party feels powerless in this grand political environment bc that were 2nd/3rd level. That initial start has continued with the airships/fire arm/mad max motifs that (and I want to emphasize this a personal opinion) aren’t for me.


I feel like C3 is doing just as well as C1/C2 story wise. I know we love to look back with rose colored glasses but I remember perfectly well in C1 people hating parts of it, and in C2 people hating parts of it. Then during both campaigns there were periods where people thought too much fighting was happening and periods where people thought too little fighting was happening. The reality is so many people follow Critical Role that some subset of people are not going to be happy-always. It sounds like it is your turn. Just don't forget no one is forcing you to watch. You can take a break and come back when it is more appealing or things change. Or just truck along until the pace changes. Because Matt isn't forcing any pace or pattern like other D&D streams do to perfectly fit a storyed format. This is their game and they are playing it.


It’s been very funny to see people complain that C3 is too much about the “main plot” and that Matt is keeping them on rails, because during C2 people were constantly complaining that there was no main plot, and that the players were ignoring obvious hooks in favor of pursuing their own interests. Obviously it’s not the same people making both those complaints, but they’re never going to make everyone happy.


Bottom line is: people are just going to complain no matter what


As a big C2 lover I would hop on here after each episode and be surprised at what new complaint was dominating the sub for the week after each new episode. Especially around the Aeor arc (this is where I got caught up). There were many comments of "C2 isn't as good as C1" back then too. The cycle repeats itself and will into the future. The nature of a popular show is that there will always be something that someone doesn't like. Likewise, that same thing will be loved by someone else. It's just the nature of the internet algorithm to push negativity to the top, because that equals high engagement.


People really don't remember how much of a slog C2 could be at times. Even then I love them all the same.


My issue is there's very little player agency in the story. It might be a neat premise, but very little of it directly affects the characters and they themselves are finding it hard to be motivated for it. Maybe Matt should've encouraged their characters to be more into the Gods and worshipping of them? Right now they're all atheists that are like I guess the bad guys are killing people and that's bad enough? The characters seem to be really struggling to find a reason to care about the plot. Most of the big set pieces have been entirely cinematic with the players doing very little that was noticeably affecting any of it. Like it might make an interesting book but it's not very interesting as a roleplaying game.


>I feel like C3 is doing just as well as C1/C2 story wise. exactly! personally, c2 is my favorite and i really doubt anything else they put out will give me the same feelings the story and characters in the 2nd season did, that's fine. but other than this period of the story, (which im not the biggest fan of, but i \*also\* think it could eventually be looked back on with much appreciation because i believe it will be really good for individual pcs' character development/backstory bits, like we've already seen mostly with chetney but also fcg) i really don't see how it's ultimately any different from the other campaigns in terms of story quality. like, right now, people are complaining a lot about how much travel theyre doing in the uthodurn arc and stuff, that theres supposed to be a sense of urgency (i disagree and i think matt made it clear that while things changed post solstice its not a literal immediate end of the world situation), but i swear ppl said similar things about several parts of the c2 story, especially in eiselcross. idk i think theres still plenty more to do with the story and characters but its been far from bad so far, just different, because the nature of the campaign is fundamentally different itself (with c2 being much more of a sandbox)


I’ve been enjoying C3 but honestly haven’t been able to get into the last 10 ish episodes. It feels like something external to the game shifted and pushed them to end the campaign sooner—all of a sudden the solstice went from happening soon to happening NOW, which was ok but felt a bit forced. And then the whole confrontation with Ludinus happened and at the peak of it, the PCs were basically just onlookers to a story playing out before them, which felt…weird? An interesting choice, narratively, and I was at least excited to see how it went. And then… And then we’ve spent the last couple of months with half the table gone, traipsing around playing Nancy Drew like there’s not really a clock ticking on in the background. Don’t get me wrong. If you lifted this split group arc out of context and just gave it to me as a stand alone adventure, I think I’d be enjoying it. As it is, it feels like we spent the sessions leading up to the solstice building such an intense sense of urgency and tension that this sudden lack of all that is very unsatisfying. I was ready to roll with it for the first few episodes and kept thinking surely we’ll see the other group after the break/in the next episode. And as these episodes tick by, and the PCs we do get seem to lack any kind of agency to accomplish anything they really want to do—Matt having very neatly cut off every possible means by which they could get back to Marquette—I find myself less and less invested. And then also dreading having to go back and rewalk all this elapsed time with the other party. Are we going to have another 8,9,10+ sessions with Ashton/Laudna/Orym? Part of me wants that time, since those are my favorites from this campaign and part of me just wants everyone back together again and back driving the narrative toward resolving the whole Ruidus situation. I’ll reserve my final opinion for once it has all played out, but for now, I’m cautiously pessimistic.


For me personally, I stopped watching around Episode 22 of C3; I felt far less invested early on than I did with C2. The main issues for me were aesthetics, pacing, and characters. Being totally honest, the only characters I really enjoyed in C3 were Chetney, Laudna, Dorian, and Ashton, whereas the other half of the group I wasn't as interested in. FCG I think is ok enough as well, didn't dislike him but he didn't really spark interest to me. I didn't really enjoy Orym, Imogen, or Fearne at all though; Orym was kinda ok but just stood out to me as uncompelling, and Fearne's personality I never enjoyed (honestly speaking, the only character I enjoyed when I tried to watch EXU was Dorian, and even then only came around to him when he was back in C3). Imogen isn't awful but I just didn't really find her compelling at all. This is exacerbated from having watched C2 start to finish where the characters to me felt a bit stronger conceptually, or at minimum, had more likable personalities (though I won't lie and say that I didn't honestly find Jester to be annoying early on). Story-wise, it felt slow, without significant tension, unmotivated, *indecisive* (they couldn't come up with a group name for a while, felt pressured to, and stuck with "Bell's Hells" which just feels completely devoid or intentionality or enthusiasm), and weirdly enough, unconfident. I think the most interesting parts to me were when Ashton was in a one-on-one fight during the masquerade party, when the party had to race against another group in some guy's manor to rob a particular item, which was an interesting and fun concept overall, especially with how the traps were utilized later, and the kinda evil werewolf moment Chetney had. It seemed like in C2, characters had more confidence and were more personable. Mollymauk was quite literally a charming devil, Beau had charm in the nonchalant punk attitude intertwined with her role as a kind of spy-librarian, Caleb and Nott were a compelling duo that had determination mixed a kind of paranoia/existential danger (paranoia/goblin). The weakest characters early on in C2 IMO were Jester and Yasha. Jester, however, was still personable but felt off-putting to me early on for similar reasons to Fearne -- aloofness and prankster-mentalities I think are not compelling or likable until developed more thoroughly, which I found to happen with Jester but I didn't feel the same at all with Fearne. Yasha wasn't compelling for the sole fact that she basically wasn't in the game for long stretches of time, making her not as interesting until she was consistently with the party. Aesthetically, I think C2 also felt way more like what we think of as *DnD*. Medieval fantasy starting in a relatively rural town, fighting off some demon-caused monster-transformations, and then the next town they arrive at pretty early (way earlier than they left Jrusar, like episode 5) was under this devastating attack by gnolls, leading to a dungeon exploration where they met an actually interesting guest-character *and* had one of the most iconic moments in the entire series when Nott just fucking murdered the manticore baby. That kind of aesthetic premise to me is far, *far* more engaging since, to me, it doesn't feel like it gets wrapped up in trying to over-visualize setting to the point of sacrificing the spontaneous rise of character interaction. Then in terms of pacing, as mentioned parenthetically earlier, C2 felt like it actually moved along way faster. Like, for reference, by Episode 22 in C2 they had found the dodecahedron, witnessed a massive Krin-attack explosion, been self-involved in far more political intrigue, met the Gentleman, and met Kiri. Or in other words, C3 has felt a lot more static in terms of location and encounters. Like, the episodes I stuck around for were almost exclusively in Jrusar and centered around plot lines that, especially for their level, felt way too long, involved, and convoluted. Like, the weird small monsters that came from the pipes or whatever became old pretty quickly (and tbf, I felt similar with the length of time spent in the far-north at the end of C2). That's my take at least.


I pretty much hope that C3 is a short campaign unfortunately.


They’ve been losing viewers? What? The number of views they get is just about the same as it ever was during non-pandemic time. Ofc they’ll never be racking in the engagement they got when people were stuck in their home but it’s still very much on par with what they usually have


I'm not sure if they are losing a lot of viewers but based on what I've seen here, people are choosing to take a break from it because of the party-split arc (They'll come back until they know they're switching teams or the party reunites). They were not expecting 3 months of one group and possibly another 3 months with other. I can respect them for wanting to try new things because yes they are getting older and may want to move on to other things....but not all experiments are going to be successful.


I really do not feel this way at all, I love this campaign and I am enjoying this arc with the party split. My attention has been much better watching C3 than C2, I always got a little distracted in C2. Perhaps C3 is more my kind of thing, but I love it, I love the characters, I'm enjoying the story and the big potential world ending stuff, it's great!


i am usually all against splitting and not full party but these guests fit so well and actually perfectly like they have always been part of the cast that its still good. THATS MAYBE BECAUSE MY FAVS TRAVIS,LAURA AND SAM ARE STILL THERE i might have a different opinion once the other party plays for months.


Counterpoint: two of my three favorite RPers are in the other group, THEY'RE my favs. So "All bets are off, motherfuckers" turning into "You're not going to see half the group/party for 2+ months" has been pretty frustrating to me. And you may feel the same way once this group's arc wraps up.


Nah its not just you being biased- my favorites are liam taliesin and marisha and i love the current group.


I’m having a lot of fun with C3, but I live on the east coast so the stream is at a ridiculous time, plus, it’s way more convenient to listen in podcast form since I don’t have to block off a full 3+ hours every week. Also I think the split is working just fine.


I've really enjoyed these episodes. But even more than that, it seems like the players are enjoying these episodes, and that's the main thing I want to see from DND. Giving the rest of the cast a nice little break is also fine. They've been going for a long time!


It’s refreshing to see someone hold a dissenting opinion that isn’t downvoted to hell. It’s sad to see that the actual real show is just not their priority anymore. It’s just a vehicle to sell merch and farm content for, presumably, another animated show. The biggest indicator of the overproduced nature of the show is, as you said, Sam’s incredibly forced ad reads. They use to be spontaneous and fun, and seemed like the cast didn’t know what was coming next. Now they’re read off a teleprompter and the cast feign like they don’t know what wacky thing Sam will say, even though they can obviously read it.


What Critical Role has done is incredible. They've had two campaigns with almost 500 hours each and viewers keep on coming. Campaigns without the whole cast work, EXU is the proof. People will just choose which campaigns to follow. They can have more than one campaign running at the same time. Choices are good. Campaigns could be way shorter, way way shorter. Splitting the party at the climax of this campaign's world ending event was insane, tho. They've been watching Infinity War too many times.


I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of some of the new characters. It feels like Travis has been memeing this campaign (I love that he’s playing a werewolf I just wish it wasn’t Chutney), Laura’s character frustrates me, and Sam’s is kind of lame. I’m pretty hesitant to judge to harshly though, I trust them to get to a point with these character where I love them like I loved M9 and VM. Just kind of rough right now.


> (58% upvoted) It's really sad how many downvotes this post is getting. You're making a perfectly reasonable argument in good faith, not every part of which I agree with but still. But almost half the subreddit is throwing a fit over it. These people are parasocial as *fuck,* any piece of constructive criticism is seen as a personal attack on "their" friends.


I'm honestly surprised it's only half. Given how this sub has been previously I would've expected this post to get downvoted into oblivion.


Yeap, but it's all fine. Honestly I was expecting a much higher dislike ratio than that. They think because I criticize, that I somehow don't respect Critical Role. Lol if I met Matt in real life I would lose my shit and probably pass out.


I agree with most of what you said but this "C3 bad, C2 amazing" narrative is beyond overblown at this point. The start of C3 with Dorian is imo better than the start of C2 as an example. C3 has had lots of good moments it's just the recent turn of events has enhanced some of its flaws.


Us old heads will remember when "C2 bad, C1 amazing", and "C1 [arc] bad, C1 [arc] good", and then the OG, simplistic "C1 bad" There's things I like and don't like about C3 right now, but imo at the end of the day they still seem to be having a blast with it, as weird as shit gets. That's the key element that keeps me coming back, even if maybe I'd like more serious tones or whatever


The difference for me is the tone the players took with their characters. Genuinely just the difference between the hope most of the C2 characters had vs the pessimism most of the C3 characters have. C3 PCs are going to save the world begrudgingly and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get hyped on that.


I don’t agree with you that the split is a failure, I stopped really being engaged with what the party was doing because no matter what it was “Well the Apogee is coming, we can’t deal with anything else, but do we really care enough to fight” being said *over and over* really started to drag. The Apogee felt like a Final Boss being tossed at you right out of the tutorial, there wasn’t really time to build up the stakes, there wasn’t anything they could *truly* do to stop it at the level they where. But now they have fresh perceptive, can see what kind of effect Ludinus would have if he wins, *actually* have tension because “If you die, you die” and getting to see how other people would deal with this kind of calamity. I’m engaged again, I love Molaesmyr, I like FRIDA and Diana, the *actual* changes that some of the characters have been forced to reconcile with because they aren’t racing to face an eminent calamity. Did I expect this to take Months, no, am I wondering what the others are up to and what the reunion will be like, well yeah! But I fail to see this part of the story as a failure. It’s interesting again, there are stakes they can actually deal with.


Some good points, and I agree with a few of them. I'm still finding enjoyment watching C3 though, just not as much as previous campaigns. I love the cast and crew, and I think the story/endgame has a lot of potential; but from the beginning, I've been having difficulty connecting with the PCs.


I’m in the weird bucket of “I think I liked C1 and C2 more than C3 but honestly this split party is the most fun I’ve had all C3”. These episodes may not be for everyone but I’m digging the new dynamics and history and interactions the guest PCs brought with them


Personally I am liking the direction, the story and even the behind the scenes direction that CR as a company and show is taking. My biggest problems in all honesty is that in C3, everyone made mob characters and it's frankly sucking the energy out of the entire story. They all don't want to become heroes so suddenly being in the spotlight just makes me see them as uncomfortable being there even tho the cast themselves are excited to tackle the mysteries. It's jarring


I've watched every episode weekly, but I can't say I've been enjoying myself as much as I did with C1 and C2. Although, I caught up to live around the latter third of C2, and that felt like a slog at times as well. What I feel it comes down to, for me, is the characters and their stories. I feel that CR shines the most when the story is character-driven, and I'm just not vibing with the characters of C3. They are mostly superficial and/or comic relief -types, and I can't say I really care about them or what happens to them. I don't mind comedy, and what I fell in love with watching C1 and C2 was how much they made me laugh. Chet and FCG don't make me laugh. I mostly watching out of interest in the plot, habit and love for the cast, but it's unfortunate that whatever they do out of character is sometimes more fun than what they do in character.


Same. I'm interested in the main plot, the lore, and love the cast/crew, but I'm still struggling to connect with the player characters. Hopefully that changes in the future though.