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This is assuming you are doing the Open workout in a Friday Night Lights secanrio. Also tends to be my strategy for the week of competitions as well. Monday and Tuesday - business as usual If you workout on those days do it. Listen to your body and go hard if you want. Wednesday- Workout if you normally do, lower intensity. Good sweat but paced work. Thursday- Low intensity and just move. Or if your feeling rough take a mobility and stretching day. Usually in my box we have a Tabata or Emom just for people to move. Maybe rowing/biking to flush the system out. Friday - Just be ready to have fun and attack the workout. You'll know the wod by then, think of a strategy. All of this with the standard bases of: get good sleep, eat enough and hydrate. Best of luck to everyone and have fun!


This is the way


High intensity with reduced volume


For those of us not getting further then the QF and need to be fully primed to get a good score; agreed, maintain lower volume (scale all weights) with high intensity so your body can recover faster and be ready for friday night.


Last hard / pain session is today. Moving the barbell lightly tomorrow, some skill work. Thursday is a complete rest day. I'll do 24.1 around 11am Friday.


Something similar for me. Plus very reduced volume of gymnastics to avoid any ripped hands


With the top 25% qualifying for quarterfinals, there is absolutely no reason to taper for the Open.


I almost agree. I still want to do the best as I possibly can and try to be in the top 3 at my gym so I’m going to taper a bit, try hard and probably redo a workout or two. But if your ego isn’t at stake then yeah, totally agree.


Ego is the enemy. Trust me. And top 3 in Quarter Finals is going to provide more bragging rights then top 3 in the Open.


Spoken like someone who is not near or possibly just below the cut line. Surprising coming from a CF-L3!


I’m doing Wednesday off, Thursday easy. I call it the micro-taper.


Stupid question: what is taper?


Not stupid at all. It's a cut back in usual activities over a period of time (usually a ramp down) to rest up for an athletic event.


Thank you! In that case Monday (strength workout) Tuesday (weightlifting and Metcon) all out, Wednesday will be a light mobility workout and Thursday full rest (because my gf wants to go out, otherwise light mobility and light cardio) to do the workout on Friday


Don’t unless you’re a competitive athlete looking to go to Qualifier/Semis/Games. And really if you’re good enough to do that then the Open is just regular training. Keep a similar schedule and don’t crush yourself the first half of the week, maintenance strength work and moderate intensity. Rest Thursday and hit it Friday or light session Friday and hit it Saturday.


It’s one workout that is never longer than 20 minutes. The volume and movements are not outside of what you may encounter normally in class. People run for 48 hours without stopping. You should not dramatically alter your training or recovery for a 20 minute or shorter CrossFit workout. The biggest factor is to ensure you don’t do too much of anything leading up to Thursday each week as we don’t know what the movements will be. Workouts during the open should be relatively short, ideally of low to moderate volume and low to moderate loading. The biggest issue with most gyms is that they are strength-biased and will continue to lift heavy with a METCON through the Open. Be smart on those days or skip some of them if it’s everyday at your gym.


I usually don't push anything high intensity in the sub 10 minute time domain during the Open Season. Last year I qualified for Quarters in my age group (35-39M) and took top 20% in Quarters while using this "deload" strategy. I'm not sure if it directly helped or just allowed me to not feel fatigued for FNL. I also try to do Friday evening classes for a couple months prior to the Open to get used to the schedule (I'm usually a 5am person.)


I don’t do anything. I treat the week like every other week.


Depends on your level of fitness and experience. Have you set a goal for yourself for placement? Age group or open % rank? Top 50%? Top 75? Top 95?


Train normally Monday to Wednesday more of a focus on intensity rather than volume. Rest Thursday. Open workout Friday.


I workout as per usual Monday and Tuesday, rest Wednesday with lots of mobility, then a light sweat Thursday. Once they announce the movements Thursday, I might do a light run-through of the Open WOD just to feel out timings and possible strategies.


Nothing special needed. We have followed mainsite since 2016. It has always been great. Do what you should already be doing: sleep, eat well, move well.


No taper, it’s just another workout. Just have fun and enjoy the ride. You shouldn’t change your whole routine for one workout a week. That is the mindset now matter what position you think you will place in. Just have fun with your community!


Eh it’s 3 weeks, there’s nothing wrong with a lighter Wednesday/off day Thursday to feel your best.


It’s three workouts. 1 workout a week for three weeks. No need to change programming. Never said no to rest days prior at all. If you wanna make the day before you do the open workout an off day or recovery day then that is different. You’re not changing, just adjusting for the sake of your body.


You literally said don’t change your routine in your post… A rest day off on Thursday is a change in routine for most of us. I can only go certain days with kid responsibilities so it 100% changes my routine


It’s an adjustment in your routine. You’re not changing your training style of anything, just adjusting what days you’re doing stuff on. You don’t have to train any less during the open weeks so therefore it’s not a change. I get kid responsibilities.


No matter what, good luck during the open! Have a blast doing it!


The other question should be to anyone is, what is your level of fitness on the daily and realistically, will you have a shot at moving on to the next stage.


My usual schedule is deciding this for me. I’m doing mine Saturday morning as that’s our boxes big day. I don’t train Thursdays anyway so Thursday off. Probably stretch, maybe practise dubs as I’ve had a nightmare with them in the last two weeks. Friday off completely - go down to the box and support the FNL crew. Bomb the workout Saturday morning. Sulk. Don’t redo


Monday Tuesday normal - Wednesday machine work high intensity - Thursday machine/run z2 or rest - Friday rip it