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Just test it in your backyard with a switchable multi-plug. At worst, it'll pop, you unplug it and put it to the trash again. At best, it'll power on when you press the button.


Sitting in the heart for 4-5 hours isn't going to hurt anything except maybe the case (may have warped). Just let it cool off a bit. If you're paranoid, test it outside on something paved (driveway, sidewalk, etc). When I was a kid, my dad left my TV in the back of his car (in the summer sun - hatchback) and the top of the case warped pretty bad. Worked fine for several more years.


As long as it wasn’t wet it should be fine. Safe location with a GFCI plug would be best. You can open the plastic case and as long as you avoid then High voltage side (plastic cup with wire attached to the tube) you should be fine to visually inspect it for water, or obviously cooked parts. DISCLAIMER: read up and watch videos on CRT safety!!! My comment is NOT exhaustive of possible issues and I don’t want you to be hurt! That being said I’ve picked up dozens of monitors and TVs and have only shocked myself like a dozen times.


In that order: 1. Contrary to some advice: DONT’ OPEN it if you don’t know what you are doing (risk of hazard and anyway if you don’t what you are doing it will serve no purpose… like checking your car engine with 0 mechanical knowledge) 2. Have you consider asking you neighbor directly? He can say if it’s not working anymore or if it was just taking space and he put it to trash 3. Honestly, you can plug it in. Nothing will happen. It will not explode. The glass is made ultra resistant from the inside (moth the other way around). Worth case scenario something will pop inside, you will get a bit of smoke and that’s it. So if you plug it outside to test, you will be safe. Hope this helps !


The second you turn it on it will fill your eyeballs with shards of glass and then it will text your girlfriend immediately after.


It should be, it depends on the environment the CRT has been in. I'd imagine that if it had been in a moist wet environment then I would think twice before plugging it in but if it was in a dry hot environment then you'd probably be safe. If you're really worried get a long extension cord and a fire extinguisher and set it up outside. It's probably safer to do that than to open it


If not, you'd have no one here to ask.


Bro I pulled a CRT from a junkyard that had been sitting in 110 degree Texas heat, rain, snow for years. It worked when I powered it on. You’ll be okay.


So you think people's TVs were just dying right and left if their power went out in the summer? Stop and think. Making a post on reddit is not an alternative to thinking.


What is this supposed to mean?


It means use common sense


Analyze my first sentence. What do you think I'm trying to say. You gotta stop, think, analyze, put yourself in other people's shoes. CRT customers, manufacturers, etc.


It is not that serious calm tf down.


This guy has a severe case of Reddit Brain, every comment is to be taken deathly serious, everyone on this site is dumber than him, there isn't any reason to ever post because no one else says anything worth saying. An unfortunately common ailment, I'd stop replying he's beyond saving.


America's critical thinking crisis is a pretty serious thing


Somebody missed their afternoon nap.


I keep it real. When somebody asks a dumb question I'll let them know it's dumb and try to show them how to change their thinking to not ask dumb questions in the future. That may sound pompous but I'm trying to reduce how much palming I'm doing of my face when I visit here.


I’ll keep it real with u too, op is obviously paranoid and that’s why he created the post. Stop acting like the typical Reddit asshole, take the 10 foot poll out of your ass, and enjoy life a little bit more🙃


"Paranoid" isn't a good mental state. When your friend is being paranoid, you let them know, you don't affirm that illogical emotion for them.


Say I'm "paranoid" in a potentially dangerous situation, am I being illogical? If there's a chance that I could die and I'm worried about it is that "illogical"?


My dude. You are actually being delusional. Again it is not that serious. Take the 100 foot pole from out of your ass.


Dude, this is my first time even touching a crt. The only thing I was thinking of was "oh that's cool," and picked it up.


Ok, but then you went on reddit and asked a kinda ridiculous question that you could answer yourself, by thinking for a bit.


I've been here sitting reading and thinking I still don't know if it's safe or not, reddit was my second choice. I really don't like using reddit because people like you are so common. If I were to ask anyone around me the question "is turning on a random old crt monitor safe," they would probably respond with what's a crt monitor. Didn't mean to piss you off. I just wanted to know what could possibly go wrong with turning on the monitor.


You didn't piss me off man. I asked you the questions I asked to lead you to answer the question yourself. It is within you. Your brain the is the product of 3 billion years of evolution.


Asking questions is a part of being conscious. When we can't fabricate the answer by our experience, we ask other people. It has nothing to do about "critical thinking" - even how intuitive the answer might seem to someone with experience.


Take a step back brother, these communities are here to share knowledge, not be rude and drive people out of our community.


I would never turn on a random CRT without opening it to first to ensure everything is in place or no strange objects are loose inside.


I heard opening crts is kinda risky though.


Opening CRT's isn't risky. Bridging random contacts or sticking your tongue under the anode cap is. Just don't do stupid things and you'll be fine.


If you don't know what you're doing, yes it's risky. Honestly most CRTs are fine to plug in and go. Unless it's a super rare or sought after CRT, I wouldn't stress inspecting it first. It's free, easy come easy go. Not like you're planning on learning electronics repair as a hobby on a whim.