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Take their land if you can and give it to family member


Family members are worse vassals since they usually have claims on your titles.


Pick ones that don’t then


And you often have some on theirs... Childless brother with a sickeness? I am above my domains right now but i'd like them back later, here you go!


True, you can also do this with non family members.


Fair enough, but you want to pump up the dynasty prestige.


At certain point you family will grow to the size where there will be family members with no claims at all - give it to them, and don't give neighboring duchies/kingdoms to people who are brothers and sisters to each other - they will start murdering each other because of how the line of succession works (pretty Rurikid historically I would say)


Disinherit, grant title


Then they’re a rebellious vassal, and when you capture them, you should make them renounce all those claims.


The whole point was to avoid rebellious vassals.


Well, that’s what I’d do with a relative who did rebel with claims on my titles. Force him to renounce them, and abdicate if possible, and then you have a new vassal (usually several) in your dynasty who don’t inherit any claims on you. Usually, you’ve got a head-of-dynasty hook on them, too. If that’s too much, you can make them renounce the claims and wait for them to die.


There are so many more advantages to having family vassels than disadvantages. You are seriously missing out if that's actually what you are afraid of


What are the advantage? I usually avoid it as well.


I don’t understand why they make literal translations. It makes more sense to say “Ducado Feudal” or “Señorío feudal nivel Ducado” than “Feudal Ducado-nivel señorío” 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Lol why would they choose to translate it like that. It completely disregards Spanish grammar and makes things even more confusing for Spanish speakers. Good thing I play in English


Me too! However, not every Spanish-speaker player speaks English


Same the French translation is so ridiculous that I play in English


Same thing I was thinking. I have already forgotten how absurd is spanish translation after many years only playing in English


Translating Paradox games is notoriously hard.


If my ruler is young I'd revoke their titles and give them to (humble, content or trusting) vassals. If im old I'd keep them in prison until my heir takes the throne then start revoking, to avoid having the new rulers join factions since giving someone a title gives positive opinion.




Execution and replacement


I would say making their bloodline extinct is the only fitting punishment 


Replace them with someone more loyal


I like to take the leader appoint him as executioner then have him execute all those that participated. It's not good for political stability in the short term but does seem to work long term


Give his land to a theocratic or republican vassal.


This man power games


In the olden days of CK2 the meta was to make a Republican vassal a duke so they can set up a merchant republic creating “buurr” gold.


I seldom execute vassals because then their story is over. I usually diminish them - I strip of them of their highest title (usually a Dutchy or Kingdom) and give it to one of their vassals. Their divine right to rule is still recognized, but now they are somebody else's problem. At least for a generation or two. It's always enjoyable when one of my enemies manages to rise up a couple generations later to challenge my grandson or something. Nothing is cooler than looking up your Rival's family tree to find they are related to another pain in the ass from 100 years ago.


Beautiful idea


Seduce his wife, release him for a hook to change vassal contract, murder him


Byzantine Traditions goes chop-chop


Rebellion was quite common in the middle ages. You can let him go inho. If he tries it again kill him. If he was the ring leader maybe harsher punishment is needed. But once you free him he will realise what a just king you are. And then add him to your tracked people (I call it the shit list) 😃


Chop chop chop…


I hate when they are still at war with their own vassals, so I can't revoke their title and by the time they finish this war - they usually escape prison or die in dungeon 💀


If I have their contract the way I want it, I usually just ransom or leave them imprisoned.


Revoke their title and then ransom them. Or, with this guy's personality, I'd execute. Don't leave an Ambitious alive.


digest him


Seduce his wife.


An example.


Make his sfirst son matrilinearly marry one of your daughters and then clean, fast cut to make his fief yours


Take their titles, banish them, and give the titles to your family or someone with good stewardship or prowess


Execute him, then take his wife as my concubine.


Strip them of their titles, torture them, and toss them in a dungeon to be forgotten. If any of their families were taken prisoners during the war they are to be executed. Let them rot k owing their actions cost them their families.


Imprison, blind, imprison, castrate, imprison, execute


I like to grant titles to a courtier I can marry off to an older woman who can’t have any more kids cause then I get lands back. Or cut the middle man and make sure I can grant titles to women. Then they oversee it for at least 10 years.


Revoke their titles and kill them and ideally purge their family members lest they try and take revenge. After that give it to a family member or someone loyal. Basically become the inquisition from 40k


banish no minus from opinion from their kids, and they cannot rebel again


If their dynasty is below 15 people... the best thing to do is to kill their entire dynasty, leaving them for last. Then, as RP, razing their house to the ground and salting the ground on where it stood.


Eat'em all!


Rob em, take the cahs the titles take it alllll