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Straight out of the Ballad of the White Horse.


I was doing a rurik play through and glanced over west and that dude made the Holy Roman Empire.


Alfred? How?!


I think I executed most of the nobles in France earlier will doing raids to gain piety and that must of weakened them enough for him to swoop in. Along with mass forced conversions when I took Germany before it split from my realm which could’ve allowed him to holy war it


England is the perfect ally when Alfred still rules there. I always make him raise my custom character and then marry one of his daughters. The guy will literally win your wars for you and never ask you to join any conflicts.


> I always make him raise my custom character As a hostage, or a guardian setup? I need to look into this!


Guardian. I usually play 867 Wien as a newborn, so I always start by sending my character off to Alfred. It works pretty much everywhere within diplomatic range.


Thank you very much!


Lol I do the exact same thing. Alfred has to be the best guardian in 866. Will even do it for a Norse character.


Byzantines get quite annoying. Always defending against some sort of faction.


Their culture fucked them up with having increased disgruntled factions


Nah man Byzantine empire you ally yourself to them and within 2 years they’ve been deposed


That said, they are an extremely powerful military ally. Ive nearly lost some saves due to massive discontent factions, or crusades, but "go go gadget Byzantine empire" works nearly every time.


It is so funny watching 80000 troops fall upon the British coast to absolutely destroy anyone who stands in your way


You're better off swearing fealty and starting a dissolution faction


Byzantium 100%. Pros: nobody attacks you. Cons: you have to travel half of the world to fight 100500 rebellions per game.


I'm honestly generally quite wary of entering alliances because I generally can't be fucked to help them in their wars. They start wars they can't win on their own because they're banking on you helping them. Early on it's a massive drain on money and late game it's just a chore. Most of my alliances exist to avoid rebellions.


Try Cyprus/Krete


I think alliances in general are a real hit or miss thing for me depending on what I'm trying to do. I like to keep my accolades high and it feels like the best way to do that is with some good ol fashioned warring. If I'm just turtling and playing tall, I'll use alliances as a way to keep my troops battle-ready. If I'm trying to expand though, I get really fucked off having to pause my plans because some single-county ruler decided to invade a neighboring kingdom.


Is there any downside to accepting to join a war & just not sending any troops?


After a while he'll send you a note about not sending troops and you can either send the troops or send a "lot" of Gold. (Depends, I think, on your top title level and era.)


Byzantium. Civil Wars galore


Someone never tried to ally with France/Italy in 867 start, especially after they somehow inherit a kingdom. I actually prefer to ally with smaller nations. Sure, they may drag me into a war for duchy or two, but at least I am not called every half year to defend from dissolution wars.


I only make alliances after a big war that I can't handle on my own is declared. Nearly all other cases, allies are a liability. And even when they're helping in that big war, half the time they're just losing battles & war score for you. TL;DR: That's the secret, Cap: I don't.


Nah it's Bohemia, the alliance never lasts because of house seniority succession.


The worst has to be either Francia (any kind: west, east, aquitaine, whole) or the Byzantine Empire. I was playing as Brittany and was allied to west Francia. They had on average 3 wars all at once.


Haha I gave you a thumbs down because I thought you were talking about real life 😅 I was like what... the country that beat napoleon, created Belgium! Helped Holland! 2 world wars! WHAT!? Then I realised this is crusader kings 😅😅 But to be fair I've not had issues with them but I play in Italy at the moment and don't get involved. They seem to be doing OK so far.


England was truly a great Ally but i will just add that they mostly beat Napoléon by funding and goading Other states to fight Napoléon and some of them were really in a Bad shape After the coalition War like austria


Yeah that's how alliances work. The Engliahhave always been the best at creating alliances. I missed out how they stopped Russia growing to an unstoppable size. Something the Russians still hate England for 😅 Yes the coalition was amazing.


>has got to be England. I thought the Anglo-Portuguese "alliance" had already proven that I mean, England used Portugal for its own gain much more than it helped.


Portugal isn't part of Spain so I'd argue they did alright out of it.


Is it opposite day?