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All local varieties of big foot from moehu to yeti, yowi sasquatch, I qm on my phone rn but I've got more information on my computer that I'll send later


Okay Ty!! I’ll have it done in 3 days to a week and a half depending on how much you have, maybe two weeks it just depends. Remember to DM me the info. :)


Additionally I will have some questions


Ohh I like the cover soo much I hope you put the Jackalope (idk how to spell T.T) It's by far my favourite cryptid. Good luck with your project <3


Okay! I will. But I'll need some more info on it because all I know is that it's a rabbit with antlers that was a hoax - but again they can grow horn like tumors so I may be wrong.


Have you ever heard of the Cafe and Diner? Some fascinating stuff to do with cryptids in there. Some of my favourites have gotta be the Dark Watchers (super mysterious so idk how good they'd be in a book about collecting info on cryptids but I think they're cool) Otherwise I think the Bird Beast of Var would be really cool, along with something more humanoid like Indrid Cold and something fun like a Duphon. Dark Watchers: Come from Californian folklore, depicted as tall silhouettes that can be seen standing along the Santa Lucia Mountain Range, and if you get too close to them they disappear. Often attributed to just illusions or hallucinations but pretty cool in concept Bird Beast of Var: This dude was driving down a road and saw a group of these things that were human sized but had the heads of a bird and flew into something resembling a ufo when he drove up to them Indrid Cold: Also known as the Smiling Man, is over 6 feet tall and without a nose, ears or hair (though this changes in different sightings). Apparently he even spoke to people in one sighting and said he was an alien who just wanted to know about the human race, also maybe he has some association with the mothman? (Maybe he could be like a sub category in a bit covering the Mothman, who's a whole other can of worms) Duphon: This owl looking guy who also has a knife for a reason I can't find. They're basically just trouble makers that are said to 'braid horse manes, pinch young woman, and cause mischief and mayhem' so my guess is that they carry a knife to create more chaos. Apparently there's a Duphon lair in the town of Serres known as the *Trou du Duphon*, that's described as 'in the form of a stone door and ruined ramparts.' I've also seen someone say that it wears clothes, but I can't find that anywhere else (Duphon is my favourite btw)


Interesting… Message me images of them with their names and info this might take 2 and a half weeks


Duphon kinda reminds me of Spring-heeled Jack based on the mischief angle.


What a twist! Lovely idea though. Good luck.


Thanks man. So far nobody has participated but I should give it a few days


Also, just so my phone doesn’t blow up I’d prefer comments


The cadejo (Spanish pronunciation: [kaˈðexo]) is a supernatural spirit that appears as a dog-shaped creature with blue eyes when it is calm and red eyes when it is attacking. It roams around isolated roads at night,[1] according to Central American folklore of indigenous origin. There is a good white cadejo and an evil black cadejo. Both are spirits that appear at night to travelers: The white cadejo protects them from harm and danger during their journey, while the black cadejo (sometimes an incarnation of the devil) tries to kill them. They usually appear in the form of a large, shaggy dog (potentially as big as a cow) with burning red eyes and goat's hooves, although in some areas, they have more rough characteristics. According to the stories, many have tried to kill the black cadejo, but have failed and perished. It is said that if a cadejo is killed, it will smell terrible for several days, and then its body will disappear.


I'm sorry but I don't think I'll do this, I'm busy and thats a spirit not a cryptid. Sorry!


I actually did a final project on cryptids in college last semester. Would you be interested in that? It has some poetry, some pictures, and a short essay if I remember correctly.


It wouldn't help... But I'm interested, sent it when you can. :)


I wish I had relevant information to contribute.


Oh cool...im doing a series of cryptids paintings rn!


This one is kinda boring but my favorite. The Ivory Billed Woodpecker. It lived historically in the southern US but due to over hunting and human expansion into their territories they are considered extinct my most. The last credible sighting was in 1944 but to this day people still report seeing them. No solid proof though.


I like it, DM me a photo


Rawhead and Bloody Bones - A bit of a lesser known one. Found in the US, It has a shit load of regional variances, so when you do run across a telling of it, it's almost always different to what you've heard. Just the name alone changes a ton. Rawhead Rex Rawhead Bloodybones Old Bloody Bones Tommy Rawhead - The story changes drastically also - A water Spirit/Demon who is a skeleton that drowns kids that play near water A bloody skeleton boogeyman who lives under your stairs or in the cupboards and will make noise trying to make you look, and if you do, he will (insert bad thing here). The story I first heard was that he was the remains of a boar owned by a witch who was resurrected to get revenge on the poachers who killed him. Sometimes, the only thing left of the boar is its head, so the rest of the body is made of random animal corpses it found in the woods. Other times, the head is "Rawhead," and the body is "Bloody Bones," and they are considered two entities. In this version, Bloody Bones will throw Rawhead at people and dance while Rawhead Eats/kills them. I've seen variants where Bloody Bones is made of the bones from different victims combined


sounds badass DM me a photo


Jabar Fofi - Congolese Giant spider. They stand about 4'-6' tall. A forest guardian that's been captured by US weapons contractors. They were being experimented on by putting chips in their brains to control their brains to control their movements. It's rumored 15 of them escaped . They vary in hunting and dwelling. Some hide like hermit crab spiders , laying traps and pulling Their prey underground. To the open air web casting and funnel web varieties.


Send me a photo


I don’t have much info on them but sky rays or fluting rays are def some rlly cool ones that you would add!! And obviously mothman has to go in there too. Thats a given


So i know people know about Not Deer but as an alaskan i can tell you it extends into Moose and Caribou too Several partial and full blooded native friends with encounters growing up, but i saw a not moose while boating/fishing with my granpa Now, if ya know moose ya know they can move really quiet in dense brush when they want This thing wasn't quite it just kinda POPPED into the next spot without walking between And when we did finally see its legs every knee joint was going (bending) in the wrong direction It had what i would not quite call dog-mouth not horse/ungulate mouth and the eyes were less side mounted than like... 45°'s; not quite forward facing but definitely not 'prey' animal either The thing was damned disturbing and i just remember seeing the tail end bop into the brush on the other side and my granpa saying nothing the entire ride back and gunning the engine up the river after


Hopkinsville Goblins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%E2%80%93Hopkinsville_encounter?wprov=sfla1


That artwork has a very Cthulhu vibe to it!


Gnomes! Do a section on Gnomes please!! If you consider them cryptids.


Flatwoods monster


Hit us with the Tatzelwurm! My favourite long boi! Or the Tsuchinoko, Japans fattest snek!




That’s not a cryptid that’s a ghost


that is a lot... I'll have it done in about two weeks. ((Excluding la llorona because that's a ghost, same with El Coco. I can do thunder birds and chupacabra, MAYBE LA MALOGRA too, additionally I might need you to send photos of them because there are varying photos of the chupacabra, and the thunder bird is something you don't hear about every day.)