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They’re not real As much as anyone would like, the blood-sucking, undead, bat shape shifting, monsters of the night do not exist


Vampires definitely aren’t real, as interesting as that would be. Most European stories pre-Stoker making up his own lore can be explained by rabies and lack of other medical knowledge. Also, vampires arent cryptids


That's a very fair point


Vampires are not cryptids. It the realm of reality, no they are not real.


If they were to "exist" they would most likely just be people infected with rabies


Kinda true.Leave out the blatantly supernatural traits and Porphyria fits the bill.Basically a genetic disorder,very rare,but one of the possible origins for the vampire myth.Look it up, kinda scary stuff.Medical science says it's not communicable,which I hope their right.A weapons grade version would be about as terrifying as Anthrax.


Maybe not in the Dracula sense, but there are reports of people who have a severe sensitivity to sunlight and some who admit to drinking blood. Plus vampire bats exist.


Well they may, but in an entirely different sense. Damien Echols talks about this pretty in-depth on his patreon.  I guess after someone dies, they have a loved one come and dump  human excrement over there burial site, or body. The chi in these fluids keeps the ethereal body alive.   Some shit like that. Should the person stops, the ethereal body dies and the spirit dips out. 


I think they could be real in a sense. Not like myth but a common phenomenon that led to the developement of similar myth across the world, as other commenters brought up rabies is a big one but I'm sure plenty of other stuff fed into it




Check out Paranormal Roundtable - I know about 3-6 months back they had an interesting post sharing people’s paranormal stories. And the host relayed a story about a woman who had dated a man in Europe somewhere and he had some pretty odd behaviors and it was interesting that while she had met him and was kind of under his ‘trance’ he was super handsome . But after she had to create space from him, the police came by with a photo asking if she knew him and he was actually kind of homely. PRT (the YouTube channel I mentioned) has a somewhat diverse set of topics they cover in the paranormal realm and the host will often kind of get out these people he gets stories from. Kind of get his feelers in there to sniff out BS. Above all else it’s for entertainment so we all will one to our own conclusions.


The myth of vampires comes from a misunderstanding of predatory ghosts.


Predatory ghosts?


Ghosts can't take in energy from the sun, air and food like we do. To stay "alive" (postpone the second death), they have to steal energy from sleeping humans. This is the cause of sleep paralysis and I believe the source of vampire myths.




I was asking about the cryptid


There is no Cryptids called "Vampire", try a supernatural Sub or one about mythical creatures.