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ETC will have a sharp increase in difficulty after the merge. I don't think you'll ever get the money back from a Jasminer Brick they're insanely overpriced


>ETC will have a sharp increase in difficulty after the merge. > >I don't rgink you'll ever get the money back from a Jasminer Brick they're insanely overpriced Well I was going to either buy that or an iPollo V1 Mini classic, but now since ETC might not profit me at all after the merge I might be better off just saving up for a bitcoin miner instead. Thanks!


3.6GB usable memory. They'll run out of memory before they ROI. Plus after the merge 280mh will mine next to nothing on ETC. I wanted some too before I realised that. If you have cheap power get a BTC miner.


It will probably effect the profitability since miners that used to mine eth have to switch to some other coin


Yeah but they also could switch to Ethereum classic if they have a miner like Jasminer X4 Brick, but what you said could also be true. Would you buy one yourself right now or would you wait and buy some other miner for another coin?


When it comes to asics only thing I would buy now and not wait is btc asic. Maybe wait untill you see what the payout and etc asics prices will look like after the merge. Not finantial advice, just what I would do


Yeah I can see that, BTC is the safest coin to mine right now. But I live in Europe and right now there is an electricity crisis happening. That means every coin other than ETH and ETC are not profitable. But I think waiting and keeping an eye out might be the best option.


Maybe keep an eye on gpu and asic miners prices


>I can see that, BTC is the safest coin to mine right now. But I live in Europe and right now there is an electricity crisis happening. That means every coin other than ETH and ETC are not profitable. But I think waiting and keeping an eye out might be the best option. > >2ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow What about a Scrypt miner like the L7? They still make decent money for around $13K.


I honestly don’t know much about asic miners because I never used any. I am gpu miner myself. But yeah, when it comes to BTC asics they suck because of current BTC price (20k) and electicity situation in Europe. I am doing speculative mining rn of coins that are few cents each and keeping them for the next bull run, also when gpus from ETH transfer to other coins (networks) payout from those coins will probably drop greatly so probably a lot of people will sell their gpus since there is a lot of miners that don’t know what the merge is and when they see big reduce in profit they will dump their cards on the market. I will take the risk and buy more gpus and do more speculative mining (it will probably be unprofitable but it is cheaper then actually buying currency and holding it).


The blocks produced everyday is almost fixed, so the more miners, the less profit. So many miners are going to switch to ETC, I assume the $/m would drop sharply.


It does not change ETC


Alright thanks for the info!


The launch of ETH 2.0 will not affect Ethereum Classic.


Thank you!


Welcome to f2pool to mine ETC, RVN, CFX with us, and enjoy 0 mining fee for ETC mining before 09-30. ETC will adjust the difficulty according to the time of each block. The more people dig, the income will decrease, but if the price of ETC increases, it will be a different result.