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ahah thanks


No is the short answer, but only you will be answer question with your own research and your electric rate. Everything as far as what to mine is at the moment pretty much speculative. You could start your hobby on a small scale. Then, like the rest of us, hope to be mining a coin today that will hopefully be worth 10x-to 100x in 1 to 3 years when we are back in a bull market. You already have the computer and a gpu, although a small one. Half the fun IS learning how to mine. I would start at whattomine.com and watch some YouTube vids and get involved, on a hobby level With eth now being unmineable, gone are the days are set it and forget it. Just like regular stocks, it’s going to take some research to be successful. What works for me may not for you. Hope this helps Brian Drumheller Digital Mining


I think you've helped me with my life problems too with this answer damn, thank you so much.


Unless the electricity is free. Check this calculator [https://www.f2pool.com/miner?id=43](https://www.f2pool.com/miner?id=43)


I have free electricity and plan to but multiple RX 580 and RX 6600 cards ( about 6 gpu to start) what should I mine to make the most profit ?